Planetary system

It refers to a star centered celestial system
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synonym Planetary system Planetary system
Planetary system refers to the celestial system centered on stars. It includes planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and cosmic dust. For example, the sun and its planetary system (including the Earth) are collectively called the solar system.
There is a widespread fallacy that the planetary system refers to a planetary centered celestial system. For example, the Earth Moon system. But it is just an unfounded statement, and has not received any support from the academic field.
Chinese name
Planetary system
Foreign name
planetary system
Planetary system
Celestial assemblage
An object orbiting its parent star
A collection of various celestial bodies orbiting a star

Origin and evolution

Planetary system
Planetary systems similar to the solar system are generally believed to be formed at the same time as stars. Other early theories assume that when two stars "rub shoulders" and pass by, due to the gravitational attraction between them, parts of the stars are dragged out, and these materials gradually converge to form planets. However, judging from our knowledge, the stars that are so close to each other almost miss each other Impossible Of. Today, it is generally accepted that planetary systems are generated by nebulae.
But there are other planetary systems quite different from "us": for example, we have passed some pulsars electromagnetic radiation A slight change in the period infers that they have planetary systems, Pulsar yes Supernova As a result of violent explosion, it is impossible for an ordinary planet to withstand such a strong shock wave - in this case, the planet is either vaporized or Stellar mass It drops sharply and runs away from gravity.
There are theories that the nearest companion star Supernova explosion Almost completely evaporated, and its remains became Pulsar The planet of. Or around pulsars Accretion disk (accession disk) Planets were formed in some way.


solar system ——The sun and its subsidiary planetary system, which is the earliest known planetary system.
PSR B1257+12 ——The first exoplanet system Pulsar planet System, the first multiline extragalactic planetary system, the first discovery Pulsar Multi planetary system.
Upsilon Andromedae - the earliest discovery Main sequence star Multiline extragalactic planetary system, discovered in April 1999.
PSR B1620-26 ——First discovered Aggregate star Planetary systems.
55 Cancri - the largest known exoplanet system (4 planets, up to August 2004. There is a companion star 40 light-years away).
Gliese 876 ——First discovered Red dwarf Planetary systems are also the first to find orbits resonance Phenomenon of planetary system.
HD 69830 ——Three have been found Neptune A planet with the same mass and a Asteroid belt The orbits are all within 1AU.
2M1207 ——The first exoplanet photographed, the first to be discovered Brown dwarf Planetary systems.
Cha 110913, the first discovered substellar planetary system, is also believed to be Interstellar planet
2MASS J2126-8140 ——The largest "stellar planetary system" is composed of a star and a giant planet. It takes about one million years for a planet to orbit a star. [1]
TRAPPIST-1 ——This Stellar system There are seven planets.
Kepler-90 galaxy ——Its eight planets are very close to the stars, like a "mini version" of the solar system.

Planetary system

Astronomers reported in the American Astrophysical Journal that, solar system There are 8 planets, and the newly discovered planetary system with the star KOI-351 as the core has 7 planets circling the parent star. Astronomers point out that multi planet systems are technically difficult to find and confirm. Astronomers found a total of 771 stars surrounded by planets, of which only 170 stars were confirmed to have more than one planet, and only a few planetary systems with at least five planets. [2]