administrative management

A management activity
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Administration management [1] It is an activity that uses the state power to manage social affairs and its own internal management. It can also refer to the administrative affairs management of all enterprises and institutions. Administrative management system is a kind of organization system. It is an important subsystem of the social system.
The broadest definition of administration refers to everything social organization Group's governance, management and implementation of relevant affairs social activities It also refers to the implementation of national political goals, including legislation, administration, justice, etc. In a narrow sense, it refers to the relationship between the state administration and the society public affairs Management, also known as public administration
With the development of society, the objects of administrative management are increasingly broad, including economic construction, cultural education, municipal construction, social order Public Health , environmental protection, etc. Modern administration applies system engineering ideas and methods to reduce the expenditure and waste of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time, and improve the efficiency and efficiency of administration.
Chinese name
administrative management
Foreign name
administration management
Development period
Traditional management, scientific management, system management
various aspects
An activity that uses state power to manage social affairs and internal management


1. All administrative activities are directly or indirectly related to State power Relating to and based on state power.
2. Administration is an organizational activity to implement government affairs according to national laws. Actively participate in and influence national legislation and Political decision-making Policy making is an important way of administrative activities.
3. Administration not only manages social public affairs, but also implements class The political function of rule.
4. Administrative management should pay attention to the efficiency and efficiency of management. Through planning, organization, command, control, coordination, supervision and reform, it optimally realizes the predetermined national tasks and achieves the due social effects.
5. Administrative management is a specific field of human practice in transforming society, which has its own objective laws of development.
6. Administration is a kind of work ability necessary for work, and also a necessary course in business administration.

Management development

administrative management
Since the emergence of the country, there has been administration, but it was not until the end of the 19th century that it began to form a discipline. It has gone through the following three stages of development:

Traditional management

From the end of the 19th century to the 1920s. German scholar L.von Stein first put forward the idea of "politics administration dichotomy". Later in 1887, the American scholar I W. Based on this view, Wilson proposed that administration should be separated from politics and published an article on the study of administration.
In 1900, F J. Goodnow It further perfects and systematically expounds the view of "politics administration dichotomy".
In 1926, the American scholar L D. White made a systematic exposition of the main contents of the study of administration and began to form a system of administration. The early administration science aimed to study the administrative efficiency of the government and save money. Its contents included: advocating the separation of politics and administration, realizing the systematization of the organization, the routinization of working methods, the planning of government affairs, and the standardization of work requirements, so as to achieve a clear definition of rights and responsibilities and the pursuit of effectiveness.

scientific management

In the 1920s and 1950s, due to scientific management and behavioral science With the continuous introduction of such theories and methods, the content of administrative management is constantly updated. Many administrative scientists have followed F W. Taylor's scientific management theory adopts the method of dividing goals into several levels of small goals and establishing a reasonable organization for achieving each goal.
The adoption of scientific procedures and working methods will enable all administrative work to be carried out in a planned and step-by-step manner, just like the flow process of industrial production. The rise of behavioral science promotes the transformation of administrative management from Sociology , psychology and anthropology, and pay attention to the positive factors that stimulate people.

system management

Since the 1950s, there have been many new developments in administration. Many administrative management scholars use the information theory, cybernetics, operational research and other theories and methods that have emerged since the 1940s to study administrative management. At the same time, because administrative management involves more and more areas, more and more factors need to be considered, and administrative management needs to be studied as a system.



National economic management

This is the management of social and economic life carried out by the state administrative organs. Including industry, agriculture Transportation , finance, commerce and trade, environmental protection and management of public utilities.

Cultural and educational management

Including the management of education, science and technology, culture, health, sports and other undertakings.

military administration

It includes the management of conscription, the construction of armed forces, military scientific research, national defense engineering construction, etc.

Judicial management

Including the management of public security, traffic, fire control, border defense, etc., and Solicitors Notary affairs, prison administration of reform through labor, etc.

civil administration

Social welfare and charity promotion, social assistance, preferential treatment and resettlement, etc.

foreign affairs

Including diplomatic activities, foreign economic and trade, foreign cultural exchanges international tourism Management of activities, etc.


From the perspective of the administrative process, it mainly has four basic functions.


Including making plans, giving instructions, making resolutions, making arrangements, etc.


Put the determined plan and policy decision Put it into practice. Organizational activities also include the establishment, adjustment and effective use of institutions, and the selection, deployment, training and assessment of personnel.


Through policies, decrees and various specific measures, we constantly improve and adjust the relationships among organizations, personnel and activities. Make each work clearly divided, closely coordinated and in step to jointly achieve the predetermined goals.


That is, the function of supervision and inspection. It can be controlled through the analysis of statistical data and real-time information, such as personnel, organization, finance, etc.

administrative organization

Administrative organization is the subject of administrative activities and the material undertaker of administrative activities. All activities in the administrative process are based on administrative organizations.
Effective administrative leadership, reasonable personnel administration, feasible administrative decision-making, effective administrative supervision, smooth administrative communication, and harmonious administrative coordination all depend on scientific and reasonable administrative organizations.
Therefore, administrative organization has always been one of the most basic issues of administration, and has always been valued by governments and administrative research institutes. This chapter first discusses the definition, characteristics, elements and other basic concepts of administrative organization, and introduces Administrative Organization Theory The basic point of view; Secondly, it discusses the objectives and functions of administrative organizations, as well as the specific structure and principles of administrative organizations; Thirdly, it discusses the system types of administrative organizations and informal organizations. The whole chapter gradually transforms from the abstract description of administrative organizations to concrete discussions.


The science of administration studies the administrative organization in a narrow sense. The narrow sense of administrative organization refers to the government organization entity that is established according to certain legal procedures to exercise the state administrative power and manage social public affairs.
Static administrative organization structure.
Dynamic administrative organization process.
The consciousness of administrative organization.

essential factor

1. Material elements
(1) Personnel
(2) Funding
(3) Material conditions
2. Spiritual elements
(1) Organizational objectives
(2) Power and responsibility structure
(3) Interpersonal relations


1. Class nature
2. Social
3. Service
4. Authority
5. Legality
6. Systematicity


The goal is the direction and the final result. Consistency, sociality, clarity and hierarchy.
General objectives, sub objectives and personal objectives
Organization rationalization, assessment basis, organization coordination Cooperation awareness
Social recognition, organizational ability, solidarity, member awareness [1]

Knowledge level

Rich professional knowledge in administrative office management and related fields. Understand the workflow and business of other departments, master the overall situation and information of the organization, and have relevant knowledge of strategic management, human resources management, financial management, production management, etc. As an enterprise's "investigator", "propagandist", "waiter" who helps the enterprise work, and "informant" who provides information, it requires administrative personnel to have professional knowledge, understand the work process and business of other departments, master the overall situation and information of the organization, and have strategic management, human resources management, financial management Production management and other related knowledge.

business management

Enterprise administration is a concept that comes from the combination of enterprise management and administrative management. It refers to a series of measures and programs that rely on enterprise administrative organizations and manage enterprises according to administrative channels. So how can we do a good job in enterprise administration.
1. Establish an incentive mechanism that combines correct guidance, accurate evaluation and appropriate rewards. The optimization of enterprise administration depends to a large extent on the active and effective cooperation and implementation of enterprise managers. Therefore, the management of people is the core work of modern enterprise administration, and the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism is an important guarantee for the effective implementation of the management of people, which requires: to guide the correct response behavior with appropriate goals, to use accurate performance evaluation as the scientific basis for incentives, and to complete the virtuous circle of incentive mechanisms with targeted incentives for different objects. Only when the effective combination of guidance, evaluation and reward is realized, the incentive mechanism will achieve the expected effect in enterprise administration.
2. Implement and improve the executive head responsibility system. It is the basis of scientific administration to implement the responsibility system of the chief executive (factory director or manager) and establish a command system headed by him. This requires that, first of all, the responsibility and authority of the executive head must be clarified to ensure that he or she has sufficient administrative power and necessary authority; Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that the enterprise management measures of the executive heads have reliable administrative implementation channels. Again, the executive heads must have a high-level advisory body to ensure that their enterprise management measures will not have a negative impact due to poor consideration or personal misjudgment.
3. Reasonably select and design the administrative organization. Enterprise administration is carried out by relying on administrative institutions and administrative channels. Therefore, the selection and design of organizational structures that meet the internal and external characteristics of the enterprise is an important prerequisite to ensure the rapid flow and implementation of administrative orders, instructions, etc., and is a necessary condition to achieve administrative management goals. In enterprise management, administrative management should avoid numerous institutions, overstaffing, poor communication between channels and various links. Therefore, rational design and selection of administrative organizations are inseparable from scientific administration.
4. Select excellent administrative talents. In modern enterprise management, administrative personnel should have the general quality, ability and knowledge structure that adapt to the times. General qualities include: good personality and psychological characteristics, strong innovative quality and healthy physical quality. The capability structure includes the ability to make decisions based on information processing ability, organizational consulting ability, analytical and comprehensive ability, and the ability to choose the best and make decisions, as well as the ability to implement decisions based on the ability to select implementation methods, know how to employ people, coordinate the overall situation, and respond to emergencies without chaos. Knowledge structure includes general knowledge, enterprise management knowledge and technical knowledge. It can be said that excellent administrative talents are one of the magic weapons of modern enterprise administration.


Administration is an interdisciplinary science with rich research contents. The basic categories and principles of its research have been developed with the deepening of administrative management practice
Schematic diagram of administrative strategic decision-making process
People reveal. Therefore, the research content of administrative management science is changing. Different schools and textbooks have different or similar systems. But generally speaking, The content of administrative management research generally includes:
1. General theory of administration.
Main research and understanding: Administration is a comprehensive and applied science, and administrative environment and functions are the basis and foundation of administrative activities.
2. The subject of administration.
Main research and understanding: administrative organizations and institutions, administrative leaders and staff performing official duties.
3. The process of administration.
Main research and understanding: administrative management is a process consisting of multiple links and organic departments and operating effectively. They mainly include administrative decision-making, administrative implementation Administrative coordination Administrative information and supervision.
4. Guarantee of administrative management.
Main research and understanding: the administrative management process must be based on a series of safeguard measures to achieve the expected results. It mainly includes: financial administration, administrative rule of law, administrative methods, and administrative ethics.
5. Purpose of administration. Main research and understanding: improving administrative efficiency is the starting point and destination of administrative management, and administrative reform is the only way to improve administrative efficiency.



Main courses

Fundamentals of Management, Politics, Administration, Introduction to Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Municipal Science, History of Western Administrative Theory, Administrative Law, Public Policy Analysis, Public Relations, Human Resources Development and Management, Microeconomics, Public Budget, Contemporary Chinese Political System, Western Political Systems, E-government Practice, Government Performance Management Administrative Organization, Social Survey and Statistics, Introduction to the National Civil Service System, Administrative Documents and Writing, Computer Application, Accounting, Project Management, Management Information System, Statistics, etc.

Training objectives

This major mainly cultivates modern citizens who have comprehensive moral, intellectual and physical development, master the basic theory and professional knowledge of modern public management, have modern public spirit, and have the courage to assume public responsibility; Must be familiar with the operation of Chinese government institutions and the characteristics of public sector management practices, and have strong oral expression, writing, organization and management, business planning, work research and social interaction capabilities; Professionals who are healthy and have good psychological quality and can be competent for general administrative work of state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions or engaged in administrative teaching and research. [2]

Professional Overview

Administration is a kind of management activity of social affairs by using state power. It can also refer to the administrative affairs management of all enterprises and institutions. Administrative management system is a kind of organization system. It is an important subsystem of the social system. With the development of society, the objects of administrative management are increasingly extensive, including economic construction, cultural education, municipal construction, social order, public health, environmental protection and other aspects. Modern administration applies system engineering ideas and methods to reduce the expenditure and waste of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time, and improve the efficiency and efficiency of administration.

Training objectives

have Administration Management political science Law economics It is a compound and application-oriented senior professional who can engage in management work in public management fields such as party and government organs, public institutions and social organizations.

Professional characteristics

1. All administrative activities are directly or indirectly related to and based on state power.
2. Administrative management is an organizational activity to promote government affairs according to national laws. In the process of implementation, it actively participates in and influences national legislation and political decision-making. Policy making is an important way of administrative management.
3. Administration not only manages social public affairs, but also performs the political function of class rule.
4. Administrative management should pay attention to the efficiency and efficiency of management. Through planning, organization, command, control, coordination, supervision and reform, it optimally realizes the predetermined national tasks and achieves the due social effects.
5. Administrative management is a specific field of practical activities of human beings to transform society, which has its own objective laws of development.

Professional self examination

Conditions: Citizens of the People's Republic of China , as well as compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas Chinese, regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, educational background, health status, residence and other restrictions, can apply for the examination according to their own actual conditions, but the candidates must have a nationally recognized college degree when applying for undergraduate graduation.