Administrative village

China's grass-roots mass autonomous units
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Administrative village is the basis《 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Organization of Villagers' Committee 》The management scope of the established villagers' committee for villagers' autonomy is China's grass-roots mass self-government units. [1]
The number of administrative villages refers to the number of villagers' committees. May include one or more Natural Village , or one Big natural village It is divided into several administrative villages. [1]
Chinese name
Administrative village
Foreign name
administrative village
Governance mode
Villager autonomy
Grassroots mass autonomous units in China
Superior jurisdiction

brief introduction

Administrative village
Several neighboring villages can form a large administrative village, which consists of a set of leadership ranks (Party branch, village committee) management, and its subordinate natural villages set up parallel different administrative groups (villagers' groups), each with a team leader. The natural village is under the management and leadership of the village committee of the administrative village and the village party branch. [1]


The Party implements that Party members enter the congresses and administrative bodies at all levels and act as representatives and executive To realize the leadership of the country.


Administrative village
Compared with the administrative village, the natural village is a village that is naturally formed by families, households, clans or other reasons. Administrative village is a rural grass-roots management unit established by the state in accordance with the law, and its organizational form is villager The committee is a rural villagers' autonomous organization. There is also a natural village (large in scale) divided into several administrative villages for the convenience of management. There is also a natural village that is an administrative village. [1]

management system

The administrative village is managed by villagers self-management The power lies in the villagers' committee. [1]
There are residents ' committee The work of neighborhood committees is basically service-oriented, because their administrative rights are basically in the charge of neighborhood offices. The villagers' committee is the highest at the village level Authority , and the concept of administrative rights is vague, so it can be said that the management of rural areas and farmers has not been incorporated into the state administrative institutions. After all, it can be said that farmers are the object of solidarity. Of course, the good point is that farmers can be autonomous and belong to autonomous organizations.
Both the village committee and the sub district office should accept the guidance of the higher-level administrative authority, such as the township (town) government, and the higher-level authority is the county (district), More The first level is the city (region), and the next level is the province (autonomous region) State administrative organs the state council. This is State power Is the embodiment of Executive organ [1]
In addition to the village committee (which can be said to have a dual nature, namely, it is the power organ of the village and the executive organ under the guidance of the superior administrative organ) and the sub district office (belonging to Municipal district All administrative organs (towns, townships, counties, districts, cities, provinces, autonomous regions) have People's Congress , responsible for supervising the implementation of the powers of administrative agencies. [1]


Deeply implement communication in China's communication industry Village to village project The total investment of the whole industry was 10.1 billion yuan, which was completely overfulfilled Annual objectives The task has been highly praised by the local party committee and government and all sectors of society. [1]
In 2012, around the national informatization strategy and Integration of industrialization and industrialization The communication industry vigorously promotes the construction of rural information and communication infrastructure and Rural informatization Process. 19300 administrative village broadband were added throughout the year, and the proportion of administrative village broadband increased from 84% at the beginning of the year to 87.9%; [1]
More than 10000 natural villages have been added for telephone calls, and the proportion of telephone calls from more than 20 natural villages has increased from 94.7% at the beginning of the year to 95.2%; New Towns for Rural Areas information service More than 2000 stations, more than 29000 village information service points, township level online Information base More than 9900 and 67000 village level online information columns. [1]
In 2012, under the overall deployment of the broadband popularization and acceleration project, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education and the China Disabled Persons' Federation jointly launched and organized the implementation of the "broadband popularization and acceleration project for schools in poor areas" and "public welfare institutions broadband access Popularization Plan "for 100 primary and secondary schools in rural poverty-stricken areas and 100 disabled people Special education schools Open broadband and speed up to more than 4M, and provide free Internet access for three years. [1]
In China, there are two kinds of villages: natural villages and administrative villages. The administrative village is the most basic regional unit Administrative divisions in China At the most basic level of the system, there are villager committees or village offices and other power organizations. [1]
The grass-roots management unit of rural society is an administrative village according to the law. Administrative villages are set up by the state to realize its will, and are both rural Grass roots management Units are also the regional support of rural mass autonomous organizations. [1]
The government work report in 2023 points out that all administrative villages have broadband access. [2]