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Guild system

Industrial and commercial organizations in the old urban commodity economy
Industrial and commercial organizations in the old urban commodity economy. There are handicraft guilds Commercial guild stay commodity economy When there is a certain development, in order to adjust the relationship between the same industry, solve the contradiction between the same industry, protect the interests of the same industry, coordinate the relationship with the government, the same industry or related industries unite to form a guild. This guild has a dual nature of region and industry. Guild arises from Sui and Tang Dynasties Tang dynasty Most industrial and commercial organizations are called "Xing", which originates from the hawking stalls on the streets. Often, the same kind of shops are opened on one street, so they are called "Xing", such as "Brocade Shop", "Golden Bank", etc. here we are Song dynasty The guild organization was further developed.
Chinese name
Guild system
Foreign name
Guild System
Industrial and commercial organizations in the old urban commodity economy
Late Qing Dynasty
one kind Monopoly power




A guild in a feudal European city. A feudal group established by handicraftsmen or businessmen in the same industry to safeguard the interests of the industry. The guild has strict and detailed regulations to ensure equal rights and obligations of its members internally and monopolize externally. The commonly referred guild mainly refers to handicraft industry Guild.
The guilds of Western Europe came into being during the urban commune uprising in the 12th and 13th centuries. In the 13th century, there were about 100 guilds in Paris. By the middle of the 14th century, the number of guilds had increased to about 350. At that time, the most common and developed guilds in Western Europe were in medium-sized cities with a population of more than 10000, and in small cities with a population of only 12000 foreign trade In developed port cities, guilds are not common.


There were dozens of guilds in Bianjing of the Northern Song Dynasty and Lin'an of the Southern Song Dynasty, with hundreds of people entering.
After the Ming and Qing dynasties, guilds further developed into guilds and offices. The organization is also more rigorous, and there are rules of trade, industry, and guild, forming a Monopoly power The end of the Qing Dynasty was declining.

Basic type


handicraft industry

In the Middle Ages, the market was narrow and local. In order to eliminate the competition between urban craftsmen and rural handicraft products, and also to resist the oppression and blackmail of feudal lords, urban craftsmen gradually united to strengthen their strength and status. They followed the tradition of rural communes and organized guilds according to different industries.
Members of a guild include all craftsmen in the same industry in the city. The craftsman is a small producer, with his own workshop and production tools, two or three helpers and apprentices each. After three to five years, the apprentice becomes a helper; After two to three years, the helper can become a craftsman, start business independently, and become a guild member. In this way, the feudal guild hierarchy of craftsman, helper and apprentice was formed. The craftsman himself takes part in labor, but exploits apprentices and helpers to varying degrees. The members of the guild elect a number of people to form a leading body, and these people become the upper members of the guild.


The merchant guild in Western Europe is a place monopolized by city merchants for collective self-defence business And established organizations. In the Middle Ages, the European continent and the sea were rife with bandits, the social order was not stable, and business was risky. The business travel was often robbed by bandits or detained by feudal lords. It was necessary for merchants to unite to support each other and implement armed business protection. They either partnered, or set up business associations, and even developed into city alliances. In the name of a group, they also asked the king for the privilege of monopoly trade, so that members would not compete Impact. Businessmen are not allowed to do business in this city unless they join the guild. The merchant guild often has a grand club, which is powerful enough to control the city. Within the merchant guild, members must abide by the rules of the trade and conduct business at the specified time, place and price. The merchant guild appeared in the 9th century, and by the 12th century, Britain and Italy had developed considerably.
In the late Middle Ages, European merchants and merchant guilds relied on their money to influence and control them through different ways handicraft industry Production. The most common way is that businessmen provide raw materials to handicraftsmen to exchange for finished or semi-finished products and pay them processing fees; The other way is that businessmen rent the necessary equipment to handicraftsmen for production. In order to make profits, businessmen tried every means to prevent the union of handicraftsmen. When handicraft industry After the guild was generally established and gradually strengthened, businessmen either intervened in the guild through the municipal authorities, or turned to control the scattered rural cottage industry. With Western Europe Commercial capital With the continuous expansion of, the merchant guild gradually lost its role and tended to disintegrate. Western European commerce and Commercial capital The development of Capitalist mode of production The birth of. [1]

System introduction

The guiding principle of the constitution guild is to eliminate competition, to provide equal opportunities for all members by all means internally, and to gain a monopoly position in the industry externally. To this end, the guild has formulated a very detailed constitution, which stipulates and restricts almost all acts of members. In order to achieve equal rights and interests among craftsmen and prevent the difference between the rich and the poor due to the imbalance of asset growth, guild rules often stipulate: ① control the supply of raw materials, that is, the guild will purchase raw materials and distribute them to craftsmen; ② Specify the number of helpers and apprentices; ③ It is not allowed to use any tools and methods beyond the usual practice for labor; ④ Strictly control the quantity and quality of each member's products; ⑤ Members are prohibited from selling at reduced prices, and competition in selling prices is prevented. In order to maintain its monopoly position, the guild adopts the following measures: ① make the craftsmen in the industry who start business in the city must join the guild; ② It is necessary to hold the jurisdiction of the industry in terms of technology in the hands of the guild; ③ Try to sell products or control the price of products to avoid the control of merchants; ④ We should strive to participate in the municipal administration to protect our own interests.
In the later period of the Western European guilds, some new rules and regulations emerged, making it more and more difficult to obtain the status of craftsman. For example, if the system of assessing "masterpiece" for a helper is stipulated, if the helper wants to become a craftsman, he must first make a highly skilled product in front of the president to show that he has sufficient skills. This regulation reduces the opportunity for assistants to become craftsmen, reduces competition, and ensures the skill level of workers in the industry commodity Quality of. Since the 15th century, strict economic conditions have been attached, stipulating that a helper must have a minimum of fixed assets (workshops, houses and production equipment) and working capital, which will take at least several years to accumulate. In the later period of the guild, there were also some regulations, such as free labor for craftsmen for a period of time after the apprenticeship expired. In addition, the guild often further fixed the number of its members and could not increase them at will to limit the helpers to become craftsmen.
When the situation of the helpers became increasingly difficult and they could not become craftsmen or join the existing guilds, they formed their own organizations, which was the guild that appeared in Britain in the 14th and 15th centuries. Similar organizations exist in other Western European countries, but such guilds have not been developed.
The establishment of the guild system has its positive significance and progressive role in the initial stage, protecting the city handicraft industry The existence and development of.
The internal and external contradictions and the disintegration of the guild contain many internal and external contradictions from the beginning of its establishment: including the contradictions between craftsmen in the guild, between craftsmen, helpers, apprentices, between guilds and guilds, especially between guilds with similar or connected products; And guilds and feudal lords, urban nobles, merchants, and rural areas handicraft industry Contradictions between them, etc. When these contradictions develop to a certain extent, the guild system will protect the city handicraft industry The development of production technology has become an obstacle to development. The guild handicraft industry is a small production, which can only stick to the rules under the strict restrictions of the articles of association. It is produced by traditional methods when the division of labor in the production process is prohibited. Therefore, labour productivity Difficult to improve.
guild handicraft industry The division of labor in the production process itself cannot be carried out within the workshop, so driven by the market demand, it gradually turned to split the various components of the production process into several independent handicrafts. For example, the original iron industry manufacturing various ironware was divided into knife making, shearing, nail making, horseshoe making, etc. handicraft industry The individual nature of production is just suitable for this specialized As a result, the types of guilds are increasing. Although the specialization of this guild is for the future Workshop handicraft The internal division of labor created conditions, but the various restrictive provisions of the guild blocked the channel of transformation to capitalism.
With the expansion of the market, the guild handicraft industry The production of the guild is increasingly unable to meet the needs of the market, which leads to the gradual disintegration of the guild system. At first, wealthy craftsmen secretly followed the rules and got rid of the shackles of the guild. The dominant role of merchants in guild craftsmen has gradually strengthened with the expansion of the market. In the past, resolutely resist Merchant capital The invading guild system was finally subjected to business The impact force of. Members of city guilds gradually Polarization A small part of them are rich craftsmen or capitalists who also work and do business, while a large part of them gradually become urban proletarians. At the same time, in the countryside, the casual labor system gradually prevails, and the merchant employers (i.e Package buyer )Gradually dominate the rural cottage industry Individual economy Become dispersed Workshop handicraft Rural handicraftsmen have partly become wage laborers who sell labor. In order to reduce costs and improve efficiency, urban craftsmen who are also engaged in business gradually merge the specialized departments that were subdivided in the past and are jointly controlled by one capital owner. This combination and the above casual labor system are handicraft industry The production of the workshop has prepared the conditions. Since the 15th century, capitalism Workshop handicraft It gradually developed to replace guild handicrafts. By the 16th century, the British guild system had basically disappeared. The guild system of the mainland countries survived for a long time. After the disintegration of the French guild system, it was once restored and became a royal guild. The German guild system was gradually eliminated in the 19th century.