Behavioral Science Theory

Theoretical academic language
zero Useful+1
Behavioral science theory is a research that began to form in the 1930s Human behavior As a new discipline and a comprehensive science, it has developed into one of the main schools of management research abroad. It is an important branch of management science Psychological activities To master the laws of people's behavior and find new ways to treat employees Labor efficiency The way. Behavioral Science Management Theory Before it came into being, what prevailed in the West was Classical Management Theory [1]
behavioral science Comprehensive applied psychology, sociology social psychology Anthropology, economics, political science, history, law, education psychiatry and management theory And methods to study human behavior Marginal discipline It studies the laws of the generation, development and mutual transformation of human behavior in order to predict and control human behavior.
Chinese name
Behavioral Science Theory
Management Theory
start time
Disciplines involved
Psychology, sociology, social psychology, etc
Predictor's behavior and controller's behavior

Production and development

Before the emergence of behavioral science management theory, what was prevalent in the West was Classical Management Theory The classical management theory came into being at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, mainly to systematically study enterprises Production process And administration Organizational management The former, represented by Taylor, focuses on workshop production and how to improve labour productivity problem [2] The latter is called Fayol weber As a representative, it focuses on the overall Operation management , and it is highlighted that Administrative level organization System theory
Behavioral Science Management Theory To a considerable extent, it overcomes the classical management theory The disadvantages of. As a management theory, behavioral science began in the late 1920s and early 1930s Hawthorne experiment However, the real development was in the 1950s. The research of behavioral science can basically be divided into two periods. Earlier Interpersonal theory (or Crowd relations Theory) as the main content, from Mayo's Hawthorne test At first, in 1949 Chicago, USA symposium The concept of behavioral science was first put forward last year. In 1953, the United States Ford Foundation At the conference attended by scientists from various universities, it was officially named as behavioral science, which is a scientific research Period. The theory of behavioral science management began with Mayo's Hawthorne experiment in the mid 1920s and early 1930s. The results of this study show that workers' Work motivation And behavior is not just about money, income, etc Material interests Driven by, they are not "economic people" but "social people" Social Needs. Mayo founded Interpersonal relationship theory The premise of behavioral science is also called interpersonal relationship science. In the United States in 1949 Chicago At an interdisciplinary meeting, the name of behavioral science was first proposed. In 1953, this comprehensive discipline was officially named "behavioral science".
The age of behavioral science is roughly the same as that of Taylor et al scientific management identical [2] , but it was formally formed and even named in the United States in 1949 University of Chicago Once convened by philosopher psychiatrist psychologist and sociologist Attend the meeting. In its early development, this theory was called "interpersonal relationship" theory, and later it was called "behavioral science".
There are different views on behavioral science at home and abroad. Some people abroad think that it is just a kind of scientific fiction, not the truth of science. It is confused in theory, inconsistent in concept, and questionable in method. There are three opinions in China: the first is that behavioral science is a modern science Any country and class can study it and apply it; The second is that behavioral science is reconciliation class contradictions The product of capitalism Order service must be completely denied; The third is that human behavior is objective existence It is absolutely necessary to study human behavior as a science. It is also allowed to put forward assumptions in the study. There are reasonable and unreasonable aspects in behavioral science. We should absorb its reasonable elements according to our national conditions.

Modern arguments

Current Behavioral Science Management Theory It mainly includes the following four issues:
1、 Humanity hypothesis yes Behavioral Science Management Theory The starting point of. In each period, managers Manage Objects There are six basic types of cognition of "tool man": tool man hypothesis; Economic man hypothesis Social man hypothesis Self actualization human hypothesis Complex person hypothesis; Decision maker assumptions.
2、 Incentive theory Is the core content of behavioral science. Specifically Hierarchy of needs theory Behavior modification theory , process analysis theory.
3、 Group behavior Theory is an important pillar of behavioral science management theory. Mastering group psychology is an important part of studying group behavior.
4、 Leadership behavior theory It is an important part of the behavioral science management theory, including the quality of leaders leadership behavior Type of leader Leadership style And so on.

Representative theory

Behavioral science theories with great influence include:
1、 Maslow Human needs Theory of Levels
4. Black Morton's Management grid theory

Theoretical characteristics

1. Put Human factor As the primary factor of management, it emphasizes human centered management and attaches importance to the satisfaction of various needs of employees.
2. Comprehensive use of the results of multiple disciplines, using qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the relationship between human behavior causal relationship And ways to improve behavior.
3. Organizational entirety And overall development Formal organization and Informal organizations , managers, and Managed As a whole.
4. Pay attention to information circulation and feedback within the organization, replace command and supervision with communication, and pay attention to participatory management and staff's Self management
5. Pay attention to internal management and neglect market demand Social situation , scientific and technological development, economic changes, trade union organizations and other external factors.
6. Emphasize people's feelings and social factors , ignoring the functions and rationality of formal organizations economic factors Role in management.

Theoretical differences

Behavioral Science Management Theory And System management theory The comparison between the two and their main defects and solutions:
Comparing the two theories, the behavioral science management theory focuses on people. It focuses on the impact of people's interest, attitude, emotional enthusiasm, etc. on work and efficiency, and analyzes and improves participants' Subjective condition So as to drive the change of objective factors and improve them on the whole management system increase work efficiency , in which the research on leader's behavior is particularly emphasized. Management behavior is human behavior, so it can be said that behavior science management theory is carried out from the perspective of the main body of management. apply to education management On the other hand, managers pay more attention to the dominant position of teachers and staff in their work, and emphasize the Subjective initiative And attach importance to stimulating teachers' work enthusiasm enterprise , sense of achievement, improve teachers' interpersonal relationship , Enhanced Organizational cohesion and Group consciousness
and System management theory The school system is regarded as an organic part of the whole society. The school is closely linked with the society. Political, economic, cultural, customs and other factors can affect the basic order and normal operation of the school. At the same time, the school itself is also a whole, "study the impact from the whole Quality of education And order, and study the different effects produced by different combinations. "Therefore, from this perspective, the system management theory regards school as Management object To study. Similarly, system management theory also attaches importance to the Special status , whether Barnard Caster's theory Contingency theory , or Simon Of Bounded rationality model , fully emphasized the importance of "managers" and their decisions to the management process.
The two theories have put forward their own views and suggestions on education management from different aspects, but they are both unilateral discussions. I believe that management behavior is a two-way interactive concept, rather than a one-way linear behavior. As in the West“ Receptive aesthetics ”Similarly ("Reception Aesthetics" believes that a work is really valuable only after it is read by readers), management behavior is a complete process only when it causes a certain reflection of the object. There is also a saying in China that "one slap can't make a sound". In the school system, administrators or teachers only account for a small proportion, but more students. Therefore, only the enthusiasm of managers is emphasized, ignoring the students' Initiative The view of the former is one-sided, and both should be taken into consideration. At the same time, System management theory In the decision-making of some super Rational factor Problems that play an important role also have limitations, so we attach importance to Group psychology Group psychology is the most direct and true reflection of any management behavior.
Group psychology is the existence of group members to a group Material living conditions , social relations, common interests and group activities. There are two important factors influencing group psychology: unstable elements, such as emotion, anger, public opinion, etc; The other is relatively stable ingredients such as habits, customs, traditions, etc. The general characteristics of group psychology include: group goal population structure Group norms , group awareness Group behavior Group cohesion In six aspects, the dominant role of group psychology on their behavior is mainly reflected in Group dynamics On. Group dynamics are maintained and developed by a group psychological phenomenon Function of. When it comes to university management, only by correctly guiding group psychology and giving full play to group dynamics can a university be fully stimulated group morale , enhance group cohesion, reduce internal conflicts, strengthen cooperation with managers and Tacit understanding , effectively improve Management efficiency

Theoretical influence

yes Management thought Impact of
1. Prominent Human factor And the study of people.
Behavioral science reflects human society The progressive requirements of development. Behavioral science implements the people-oriented idea, takes human resources as the primary resource, attaches great importance to the development and utilization of human resources, and advocates humanitarianism By improving working conditions, improving the quality of workers' work and life, training workers' production skills, mobilizing people's enthusiasm, and then improving Labor efficiency These thoughts are conducive to promoting production development and social progress.
2. It has absorbed and learned from the achievements of relevant disciplines to form a perfect Discipline system
Behavioral science has actively absorbed the knowledge of psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines scientific knowledge , applying social surveys, observation tests, typical experiments, case studies, etc scientific method This paper studies the behavior of people, especially the behavior of workers in production, and puts forward some theories and methods to mobilize people's enthusiasm, which have been applied in enterprises and achieved considerable results. many Management scientist sociologist And psychologists have conducted research on human behavior from various perspectives, such as behavior characteristics, behavior environment, behavior process, and behavior causes, and formed a series of theories, making behavioral science a modern western science management theory An important school of.
3. Proposed Informal organizations Role of.
This kind of informal organization plays two roles for workers: protecting workers from losses caused by the negligence of internal members, such as excessive production resulting in improvement Production quota , or caused by too little production Administration And aggravate the burden of companions; Protect workers from non Formal organization Losses caused by the intervention of other management personnel, such as reducing Wage rate Or increase production quota. Mayo and others believe that informal organizations exist regardless of recognition. It is interdependent with formal organizations, and will affect the enterprise's production efficiency Therefore, managers should face up to the existence of such informal organizations and use them to serve the activities and objectives of formal organizations.
4. A series of specific requirements are proposed to improve the management level.
Behavioral science theory is an important milestone in the development of management thought. The key problem solved by behavioral science theory is to call on people to master a comprehensive managerial skills These skills are critical to dealing with crowd issues. These skills include:
(1) Understanding Human behavior Of Diagnostic skills
(2) Consultation, encouragement, guidance and information exchange for workers Interpersonal skills Founded by Mayo et al Interpersonal theory It lays a foundation for the development of behavioral science. The social people they proposed Informal organizations The concept of Behavioral scientist Accepted. Their achievements have made great changes in managers' treatment of subordinates Management thought Has made great contributions to the development of.
Of course, interpersonal skills are not enough to deal with the problems found by Hawthorne Factory. Some terms and concepts of behavioral science are not precise and consistent enough, and a rigorous scientific system recognized by all has not been formed. They overemphasized the role of people and probably ignored economic and technological considerations. Due to the development of social economy and science and technology, relying solely on some theories and methods proposed by Mayo and others in the early stage can no longer meet the needs of management practice and discipline development. It can be seen that behavioral science theory is important to the development of management thought Facilitation At the same time, there are also some shortcomings. It is these deficiencies that guide Management thought The development of the new subject.
Impact on enterprise management
1. Emphasize the importance of human factor in enterprise management.
2. It advocates studying management from the perspective of sociology and psychology.
3. Attach importance to social environment The influence of people's relationship on labor efficiency.
4. It believes that behavior is the expression of people's thoughts, feelings and desires in action, and the role of management is to make people produce a Behavioral motivation Motivation should be stimulated from the nature of human behavior.


The success of behavioral science theory has changed managers' ideas and Behavior Behavioral science has changed the management centered on "things" into the management centered on "people"“ Rules and regulations ”The research on human behavior has evolved from the original autocratic management to democratic management.