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Behavior mode

The structure, content and regular behavior series of people's daily activities with motivation, goals and characteristics
Behavior mode( behavior Model) is the structure, content and regular behavior series of people's daily activities with motivation, goals and characteristics. It is the stereotyping of behavior content and method Values of life The "externalization" of human beings shows the characteristics and logic of human actions. From the perspective of time, a certain behavior pattern is the program structure of activity time allocation. From the perspective of space, it is the distribution of the location and scope of activities. Which type of person's behavior mode belongs to is influenced by the outside world environment condition And the role of people themselves, as well as the constraints of life values. [1]
In March 2014, Ministry of Environmental Protection The study found that the Chinese population's behavior pattern of environmental exposure has the following characteristics: First, there are great differences with foreign residents Environmental health risk assessment Chinese residents should be given priority in Exposure parameters Avoid the deviation caused by the use of exposure parameters of foreign residents. Second, regional, urban and rural, gender and Age difference Obviously. Third, modern and traditional environment Health risks coexist. Fourth, the proportion of people who have awareness of environmental exposure protection and take protective actions is low. [2]
Chinese name
Behavior mode
Foreign name
behavior model
Theoretical abstraction, basic framework or standard
Authorization legal norm

Definition of words


Daily behavior

Behavior mode
① Can act like this → authorization legal norm (encouraging norms, permissive norms);
② Should behave like this → imperative legal norm (The "order" law sets positive and behavioral obligations);
③ Should not act like this → Prohibitive legal norms (The "prohibition" law sets negative Inaction Obligations).

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The behavior mode is game Components one of. Any game has a specific behavior mode, which runs through the whole game, and players must follow this mode. If a game does not have a specific behavior mode, then the participants of the game will not be able to play. No matter how complex or simple the process of the game is, it must have a specific behavior mode.

Mode Type

The specific type of person's behavior mode is subject to the outside world environment condition And the role of people themselves, and Values of life Restricted. [1]
The behavior pattern of environmental exposure includes four aspects: first, physiological characteristics of human body, such as height, weight, breathing capacity, etc; Second, people are exposed to air, water, etc Environmental media Time, frequency, route and mode of pollutants in; Third Habitat environment in Distribution of pollution sources situation; The fourth is the prevention of human exposure. [2]

Research results

In March 2014, Ministry of Environmental Protection The relevant person in charge announced to the media the research on the behavior pattern of environmental exposure of Chinese people, which is the first nationwide and large-scale research in this field in China.
The impact of environmental pollution on health is not only related to Environmental pollutants The concentration of is related to toxicity, and is also closely related to human environmental exposure behavior mode. Understanding the characteristics of Chinese population's environmental exposure behavior mode will improve the Environmental health risk assessment accuracy And guide all sectors of society to pay attention to and prevent the environment Health risks It is of great significance. The Ministry of Environmental Protection is scheduled to organize a study on the behavior patterns of environmental exposure of Chinese population during the "12th Five Year Plan" period, and completed the study on the population aged 18 and above from 2011 to 2012, and prepared the Research Report on the Behavior Patterns of Environmental Exposure of Chinese Population (Adult Volume) and the Exposure Parameters Manual of Chinese Population (Adult Volume).
The study found that Chinese residents' behavior patterns of environmental exposure have the following characteristics: First, there are great differences between Chinese residents and foreign residents, and Chinese residents should be given priority in environmental health risk assessment Exposure parameters Avoid the deviation caused by the use of exposure parameters of foreign residents. Taking water exposure as an example, the average amount of white water consumed by Chinese residents per person per day per unit weight is 31 ml, the daily bathing time per person is 7 minutes, and that of American residents is 13 ml and 17 minutes respectively. In water pollutant concentration Under the same circumstances, the health risk of Chinese residents exposed to oral drinking water is 2.4 times that of the United States Skin exposure The health risk of water is 40% of that of the United States. Second, regional, urban and rural, gender and Age difference Obviously. Take the difference between urban and rural areas as an example, China city dweller The average outdoor activity time per day is 3 hours, per kilogram of body weight per day Respiratory capacity 250 liters, Rural residents 4.3 hours and 260 liters respectively. stay atmospheric pollutant At the same concentration, the health risk of Chinese urban residents exposed to air pollution is 70% of that of rural residents. Third, modern and traditional environmental health risks coexist, and traditional risks still dominate. Due to the planning and Industrial layout The reason is that there are petrochemical, coking, thermal power generation and other key pollution discharge enterprises within 1 km around 110 million residential buildings in China, and there are traffic arteries within 50 m around 140 million residential buildings, which should be established as soon as possible High risk areas Environmental health risk monitoring sentinel risk assessment Early warning. suffer Economic development level Restricted, 590 million residents in China use it directly indoors solid fuel For cooking, 470 million residents directly use solid fuel for heating indoors, while 280 million residents do not safe drinking water , we should accelerate the realization of clean and high-quality domestic energy consumption, and accelerate drinking water Safety modification Fourth, the proportion of people who have awareness of environmental exposure protection and take protective actions is low. Strengthening environmental health publicity and education is of great significance for improving the public's awareness of environmental health risks and protection ability.
The study was conducted in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (excluding Hong Kong Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Area) randomly selected 18 years old and above Permanent residents 91527, sample population gender age structure There is no statistical difference with the sixth national population census in 2010, with a good national Representativeness In order to ensure quality, the study developed a unified Quality control plan , three levels of national, provincial and county/district have been established Quality Control Network, strict quality control of key links, questionnaire Of Response rate 95%, questionnaire Efficiency 99.6%, 3% questionnaires were sampled and retested, and the consistency rate of retest results was 99%. [2]