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Industry integration

Terminology in the field of food production
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Industry integration is the discourse system of food production industry management term To understand industry integration, you need to understand the industry first. industry yes industry The second level classification of "food distribution" often forms various types of industries in the industrial layout, such as "food production industry", "food inspection industry", "food circulation industry", "food sales industry" and other industries.
Chinese name
Industry integration
Business discourse system of food production industry term
Secondary classification
Food production industry



stay industry There will be Industrial upgrading Industrial integration Among them, industrial upgrading is the fundamental breakthrough and innovation of the industry itself in technology, management and system, and is called "creative destruction". The industrial integration is the effective allocation and restructuring of the external and internal structure and scale of the industry to maximize benefits and optimize functions. For example, in the food industry chain, now the country has introduced Agricultural industrialization Some measures are to integrate the whole Agriculture , realize the integration of agricultural industrialization, and truly realize integration of manufacturing andmarketing , reduce agriculture Operational risk Increase agricultural added value.
In addition, industry integration is also reflected in the effective combination between different industries, but it is gradual. If you operate carelessly, it will result in 1+1<1. For example, after the success of Diaopai in making washing powder, when entering the toothpaste industry to integrate the excellent "Diaopai" brand, people will feel that there is a smell of washing powder in the toothpaste. Therefore, industry integration should be conducted with sufficient caution across industries, which is also an organic part of the entrepreneurial strategy.

main points

main points
When conducting industry integration, enterprises must pay attention to industry selection, because not every industry is suitable for implementing industry integration strategy. Enterprises should comprehensively consider the integration stage, industry selection Value chain Comparative analysis Enterprise Strategy The purpose and other elements should be carefully selected. Only in this way can the possibility of successful integration be higher.
Generally speaking, industries suitable for integration generally have Market capacity Large, Scale economy effect perhaps Economies of scope Obvious effect, with industry Generic Technology , and Business operation High degree of homogeneity of the model. Of course, before consolidation, Industry concentration The smaller it is, the greater the benefits it may bring through integration.
Relatively speaking, domestic Industrial concentration Lower industries face integration demand These industries are mainly concentrated in manufacturing industry Including household appliances, steel, machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc. Because of these Industrial concentration Low, poor scale efficiency, existing integration The internal power of. And the above industries are generally competitive or Completely competitive industry , Yes Marketization The field with the highest degree and the earliest connection with the international market is also State-owned capital The industry to be withdrawn is in urgent need of improvement through industry integration Industry concentration Non ferrous metal industry Industrial concentration Lower, resources Relatively dispersed, also existing integration Requirements.
about foreign capital To intervene in industries with certain restrictions integration May be slower. Such as traffic transport Wholesale and retail Trade finance And telecommunications. But with the expansion of open fields, these fields will become international industrial capital in the future integration Centralized area of.
Establish industry integration Direction of action
Resource integration It is a strategic behavior of the enterprise, which is based on a clear development vision and adopted to achieve strategic goals Strategic action Within the industry Resource integration For example, enterprises based on Value chain There are two action directions for one or more links of Vertical integration , one is Horizontal integration Of course, there are also so-called hybrids integration
Vertical integration Industry Value chain Of raw material - finished product -Sales channel resources The integration of upstream and downstream is often referred to as the integration mode. such Vertical integration , and can be subdivided into two modes: one is upward integration and expansion from distribution to manufacturing; The other is downward integration, that is, from manufacturing to distribution.
Enterprise adopts vertical mode motivation , which is to reduce intermediate costs and obtain Monopoly profit In today's highly specialized society, this model has become less and less. On the one hand, due to the pressure of the government's anti-monopoly, on the other hand, the intermediate cost savings have not been enough to make up for the internal enterprise caused by the long front coordinate Increased costs. So, this vertical integration , usually in a limited number of Value chain The integration of links and the complete strategy of "opening up the value chain" are not practical.
Horizontal integration Is based on the industry Value chain One of the links is stronger and larger. stay Social division of labor In today's increasingly intensified society, Horizontal integration Of case They are emerging one after another, which is Business model innovation Of value Where. The horizontal mode can also be divided into two types, one is highly specialized Horizontal integration , such as Intel Corporation By gathering senior talents from all over the world to focus on the design of computer chips, we have become a leader in the industry, thus obtaining high Monopoly profit The other is to build a technical or physical platform for customer Providing a package of services, which mostly occurs in producers and consumer The value link between. In this way, in order to reduce the transaction cost , especially the search cost, Horizontal integration They have a reason for existence.
capital operation Industry integration General tools of
The carrier of successful industry integration is generally technology (such as IBM )、 brand McDonald's )、 market American Steel Company )、 capital China Resources Beer). But no matter which carrier it is based on integration Capital operation is a universal means. according to capital The firmness of the ties can be simply divided into M&A Absorption and merger joint venture Until Strategic alliance
stay Industrial capital And finacial capital Industrial capital is the foundation and financial capital is the necessary condition in the relationship between. Enterprises that successfully integrate the industry, regardless of whether they rely on core technology , brand, capital or Management ability , neither Coca Cola China Resources still association The ultimate driving force is still capital. If industrial capital develops to a certain extent and is not combined with financial capital, then industrial capital will not do much. At present, the development history of most leading enterprises in China tells us a story about the development of industrial capital with the help of financial capital.
industry integration Specialization and diversification of
As integration For enterprises, there are two purposes for industry integration: Specialized operation And Diversified operation We can't simply comment on the pros and cons of specialization and diversification, which are both relative. Specialized Product specialization , such as Lotus MSG Industrial specialization, such as UFIDA Software Diversification has industrial diversification, such as Lenovo Group IT industry It involves computers, system integration, board production, science and technology parks agent Sales of six diversified products; Diversification among industries, such as Stone Group, which covers lighting equipment, computers, medicine, food, building materials real estate , semiconductor finance And other eight diversified industries. Enterprises have gone from specialization to diversification, such as the "March 9th" from pharmaceutical industry to diversification, Founder From the specialization of typesetting system to diversification; There are also changes from diversification to specialization, such as Vanke From diversification to estate NOKIA From diversification to telecommunications, etc.
Specialization or diversification of enterprise management is the first strategic issue to be considered in the process of enterprise development. However, before making the strategic choice of specialization or diversification, enterprises should first answer the strategic basis of why they should be specialized and why they should be diversified. In short, the fundamental purpose of specialization is scale economy Economies of scale The fundamental motivation of diversification is to seek New economic growth point , reduce enterprise business risk And expand the overall scale of the enterprise.
industry integration How to implement effective Administration
integration The purpose of is to improve resources Comprehensive utilization efficiency. How to integrate two or more organizational structure And management system, according to the common strategic vision Acting in line with the goals is the key to the success of industry integration.
stay integration In the strategy, cultural integration Occupy the core position. Coopers&Lybrand (1992) studied 100 failed M&A company 85% CEO admit, managerial style and Corporate culture The main reason for failure is the difference between.
In China, the scholar Zhang Yongjian (1999) analyzed Haier And other companies, pointing out the culture integration In the enterprise assets reorganization Occupies a very important position in. The important magic weapon of Haier Group's merger is to focus on Haier Culture Mode to intangible assets take measures to revitalize a factory or a company and make it profitable Tangible assets Saving loss making enterprises. The former Qingdao Hongxing Electrical Appliance Factory was merged Asset liability ratio As high as 143.65%, after Haier merged Qingdao Hongxing Electrical Appliance Factory, it was not technology Finance People are the people of Haier Enterprise Culture Center. They imported a whole set of corporate culture of Haier Group into the merged enterprises. Due to the reorganization of cultural concepts and cultural models, the original Hongxing Electrical Appliance Factory has undergone significant changes, creating a remarkable Haier activation“ Shock fish ”Miracles.
secondly, human resources It is also an implementation integration The key to strategy. Peter Drucker Among the five elements of successful M&A, the company Senior management Whether the appointment and removal of M&A is appropriate is the key factor for the success of M&A. Since the 1990s, with the development of science and technology and the expansion of the company's scale, technicians and managers have become more and more important in the company. In order to retain outstanding talents, many companies have proposed attractive Equity incentive plan However, after the company is merged, if plan Adverse changes are easily caused Brain drain In China, most of the merged enterprises are state-owned enterprise , how to use personnel integration To realize the value added of the company after merger and acquisition is a problem that needs serious consideration to realize the integration strategy.
In addition, every time integration In the event, the size and organizational structure of the company have a huge impact on the implementation of the integration strategy. The huge differences in management styles caused by different scales will have a significant impact on the M&A activities between the two. In terms of organizational structure, take the three major foreign oil companies for example, Royal Dutch Shell The company belongs to centralization Organizational structure, Conoco belong to Matrix Organization Structure , and BP It belongs to reticular organizational structure. If mergers and acquisitions occur between these companies, it will inevitably lead to conflicts and shocks between organizational structures.