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Industry report

Analytical method
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industry presentation The content is business information and competitive intelligence, which has a strong timeliness. Generally, it is based on some latest statistical data and research data from national government agencies and professional market survey organizations, according to the professional research model and specific analysis methods of cooperative agencies, and through the analysis and research of industry professionals, it makes research analysis and prediction of the current industry and market.
Chinese name
Industry report
Foreign name
industrial report
presentation content
Business information, competitive intelligence
Writing department
Enterprise internal market
Applicable objects of the report
Financial and insurance institutions, investment institutions


The industry analysis report is generally prepared by the internal market department or professional Market research company Writing, market research companies have unique professional advantages in data collection, data classification, opinion refining, and report writing, and more powerful enterprises in the industry are as follows: Caodian Market Research Company (CCMR), with a professional report writing team and a complete database.


1. If you are now operating and managing an enterprise in this industry, you do not have time to systematically sort out the whole industry context because of your busy work. An industry report will make you clearer about the context of the whole market, which will become a powerful basis for you to make major market decisions.
2. If you want to invest in this industry, reading a high-quality industry report is the fastest and best way for you to quickly understand an industry, make your investment decisions more scientific, and avoid huge losses caused by investment mistakes.


standard Industry research report It mainly includes seven parts, including industry introduction, industry status, market characteristics, enterprise characteristics, development environment, competition pattern and development trend. (Different reports have different emphasis, which depends on the specific report directory.)

Applicable objects

The report is widely applicable to government Industrial planning Financial and insurance institutions, investment institutions Consulting company , industry associations, companies, enterprise information centers, strategic planning departments, personal research and other customers.

data sources

The general data channels of an industry report mainly include: National Bureau of Statistics The General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Commerce, various industry associations, research institutions, and market front-line collection.



Conventional industry research

Conventional industry market research It is between industrial research and market research, and it is within the scope of enterprise strategy research to blend the essence of both. Generally speaking, the core contents of industry (market) analysis report research include the following three aspects:
First, study the survival background, industrial policy, industrial layout Industrial life cycle The position of the industry in the overall macro industrial structure, as well as their respective development direction and growth background;
The second is to study the characteristics, competition situation, difficulty of market entry and exit, and growth of the market in various industries;
The third is to study the competitive strategies and market behavior patterns of various industries in different conditions and growth stages, and provide some operational suggestions for enterprises.
According to the current global consulting industry system, the top service is strategic consulting (national projects), the advanced service is consulting (enterprise giant projects), and the ordinary service is market research reports (popular research materials). A standard market research report includes: industry overview, industry pattern, competition analysis, history, status quo and trend analysis. (Data accounts for 30% - 45% of the value, analysis and research accounts for about 50% of the value, and other content accounts for less than 10% of the value)
Therefore, the significance of industry research is not to teach how to carry out specific marketing operations, but to provide enterprises with a number of directional ideas and selection basis, so as to avoid "directional" errors.

Industry monitoring research

Industry monitoring It refers to the long-term quantitative and qualitative analysis and research on a large amount of industry data information by using scientific calculation methods and indicator evaluation systems in an industry field. Through the monitoring and research of the internal and external environment, upstream and downstream supply and demand, operating conditions, and financial conditions of the industry, reflect the industry's life cycle, profitability, and predict the opportunities and risks of the industry's development prospects.

Research on industry customization

Research on market scale and development prospect
The solution for market scale and development prospect research is to provide customers with reliable market and market segmentation model data and trend judgment, and assist customers to judge the target market scale and development prospect through a large number of first-hand research and basic data information of data monitoring covering major industries, and through independent research and development of multiple market scale and development prospect estimation models, Provide reliable and continuous data support for market development and market share estimation.
Research on Market Segmentation and Customer Behavior
Regular collection of information on relevant industries has established a strong database of Chinese industrial enterprises. This information and analysis can help customers to make potential judgments and behavior segmentation on target industries and customer groups, help customers to determine accurate product and customer positioning, accurately position potential customers, and develop accurate marketing strategies and sales plans.
Research on Channel Mode
Channel research refers to the research on the channel form of sales, dealers and product distribution status, including the channel structure, channel characteristics, channel width and length, channel management mode and channel dynamic development of industries and enterprises. The results of channel research can guide enterprises to evaluate and select the most suitable channel form for overall channel design, so as to manage sales channels, dealers and product distribution.
Brand research
The purpose of brand research is to enable enterprises to understand their own brand status and brand posture. Brand research is completed through brand survey and a series of index tests, including brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand positioning and brand association. Specific indicators also include brand image, brand purchase rate, brand penetration, brand image identity, brand loss and brand satisfaction. The survey and test results can provide an important reference basis for enterprises to carry out brand diagnosis, brand construction and brand planning.
Product research
Product research includes product market research and new product testing research:
1. Product market research
Product market research belongs to the category of comprehensive research, which includes: product market macro development environment analysis, macro market development status, market competition situation, channel characteristics research, market segmentation characteristics, related industries and impacts, technology status and development direction, market potential analysis, SWOT analysis and case analysis. These survey items are essential and important reference for enterprises in the process of developing new products, and are also one of the elements for enterprises to formulate marketing strategies.
2. New product testing research
In order to reduce the risk of new products coming into the market, it is necessary to carry out a series of test studies on product attributes and market attributes. It includes product prototype test, concept test, packaging test, creativity test, price test, POP and advertising test, price and sales forecast, etc. These test results can lay a solid foundation for the market introduction of new products
Industry customization research module


China's Nuclear Power Industry Operation and Development Investment Prospects Report
2009-2012 China's Nuclear Power Industry Operation and Development Investment Prospects Report
Completion time: March 2009 No.: ST0921
Electronic version (PDF): 8000 yuan Book version: 8600 yuan
Chapter I Introduction and Analysis of Nuclear Power and Related Concepts
Section I Introduction to Nuclear Power
1、 Characteristics of nuclear power
2、 Advantages of nuclear power over traditional power
3、 Safety of nuclear power
Section II Analysis of Nuclear Power and Its Development Process
1、 Characteristics of nuclear power
2、 Safety of nuclear power
3、 Development history of nuclear power
Section III Conceptual Analysis of Nuclear Reactor and Nuclear Power Plant
1、 Different classifications of nuclear reactors
2、 Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant Types
3、 Advantages of nuclear power plants
4、 Structure and safety of nuclear power plant
5、 Benefits of large-scale nuclear power plants
6、 Development of nuclear power plants
Section IV Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis
1、 Composition and process of nuclear industry system
2、 Nuclear fuel cycle and its composition
Chapter II World Nuclear Power Industry
Section I Overview of the world nuclear power industry
1、 Analysis of development environment of world nuclear power industry
2、 Energy shortage wakes up the world nuclear power market
3、 Analysis of world nuclear power plant construction situation up to the beginning of 2008
4、 International Comparison and Experience Reference of Nuclear Power Industry Organization Mode
5、 Development prospect and cost trend analysis of foreign nuclear power industry
Section 2 United States
1、 Analysis of the Status Quo of the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry
2、 American Electric Power Company Renews Nuclear Power Investment Enthusiasm
3、 The United States plans to develop nuclear power industry faster
4、 Analysis of the Main Causes of the Nuclear Power Revival in the United States
Section 3 France
1、 Overview of French nuclear power industry
2、 Nuclear power has consolidated France's position as a major power
3、 Reasons for the rapid development of nuclear power in France
4、 Outline of french nuclear power planning
Section 4 Japan
1、 Review of Nuclear Power Development in Japan
2、 Japan's nuclear power accounts for a large proportion of total power generation
3、 Japanese Enterprises Become the Dominant of the Global Nuclear Power Market
4、 Serious potential safety hazards of nuclear power facilities in Japan
5、 Japan's nuclear power will rise to 30% in 2030
Section 5 Russia
1、 Russia plans nuclear power for the first 50 years of the 21st century
2、 Future challenges and planning of Russian nuclear power
3、 The total number of Russian nuclear power units will increase by 2010
4、 Russia will significantly increase the proportion of nuclear power in 2020
Section 6 Other Countries
1、 EU
2、 Germany
3、 Korea
4、 India
5、 South Africa
Chapter III Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Industry Development in 2007
Section I Analysis of the Policy Environment for the Development of China's Nuclear Power Industry in 2007
1、 China will respond to the energy crisis with nuclear power
2、 China's top management shows a positive attitude towards nuclear power
3、 Nuclear power is considered for the first time in China's power planning
4、 Development of China's nuclear power industry from moderation to promotion
5、 Nuclear power plan in China's 11th Five Year Plan
Section II Overview of China's nuclear power industry development in 2007
1、 Development history of China's nuclear power industry
2、 Necessity of developing nuclear power in China
3、 China's nuclear power development heats up to promote the progress of new projects
4、 Nuclear power becomes the main power structure in China's coastal areas
Section III New Trends of China's Nuclear Power Development in 2007
1、 Development trends of China's nuclear power enterprises
2、 EDF promotes "French nuclear industry model" in China
3、 The construction of nuclear power plants is developing towards inland provinces
4、 New nuclear power touches two blind spots
5、 Five Steps for China's Nuclear Industry to Connect with the World
Chapter IV Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Industry Technology R&D in 2007-2008
Section I Analysis of the Development Status of China's Nuclear Power Technology
1、 Status quo and achievements of nuclear power technology in China
2、 China conducts research and development of new generation nuclear power technology
3、 Discussion on technical route of nuclear power development in China
Section II Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Technology and International Exchange
1、 Siemens hopes to provide nuclear power technology for China
2、 China Introduces US Nuclear Power AP1000 Technology
3、 Germany opposes exporting nuclear power technology to China
4、 Canada Suggests Diversification of China's Nuclear Power Technology
5、 Japan sells nuclear power technology to China
Section III Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Technology R&D in China
1、 China wants to build an internationally advanced Fast reactor nuclear power plant
2、 Advanced technology provides guarantee for Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
3、 Progress in manufacturing technology of large capacity nuclear turbine
4、 Breakthrough in Key Technologies for Nuclear Power Plant Construction in China
5、 China's first commercial nuclear power plant with high-temperature gas cooled reactor passed the review
6、 At the beginning of 2008, China made the conical cylinder of the third generation nuclear power evaporator
7、 The first building in China in July 2008 Inland nuclear power plant Construction will be officially started
Section IV Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Technology Autonomy and Future Development
1、 China accelerates the process of nuclear power technology autonomy
2、 Harbin Electric Power Co., Ltd. Helps China's Nuclear Power by Independent Technology
3、 The future technology of China's nuclear power is divided into three steps
4、 Grasp the key new technologies of nuclear power construction during the 11th Five Year Plan
Chapter V Analysis on Investment Pattern of China's Nuclear Power Industry in 2007
Section I Analysis of Domestic Nuclear Power Investment Status in 2007
1、 60 billion investment in Liaoning Nuclear Power was launched in Dalian
2、 The investment of Rushan Nuclear Power Project in Shandong Province is progressing smoothly
3、 Electric giant Guangzhou invested in building nuclear power equipment base
4、 China spends a huge amount of money on nuclear power industry construction
5、 Discussion on Investment and Financing Approaches of Nuclear Power in China
Section II Dynamic analysis of investment in nuclear power field of domestic enterprises in 2007
1、 CGN Lufeng Project Investment Enters a Substantial Stage
2、 First Heavy Industries invested heavily to rebuild the nuclear power circuit equipment base
3、 Jilin Nuclear Power Development Project Invested by CPI
4、 China Power Investment Corporation has fully entered the field of nuclear power investment
Section III Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Investment Control in 2007
1、 Overview of nuclear power investment control
2、 Content analysis of nuclear power investment control
3、 Investment Control Procedures for Each Stage of Nuclear Power Construction Project
Chapter VI Problems and Countermeasures of China's Nuclear Power Industry in 2007
Section I Situation Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Industry in 2007
1、 Nuclear power becomes the new direction of power industry development
2、 China's nuclear power strategy begins to move towards positive
3、 China's nuclear power industry enters the golden age
4、 China's nuclear power industry has entered a period of rapid development
5、 Nuclear power boom brings rapid growth of industrial chain
6、 The "fusion" process of China's nuclear power industry
Section II Problems of China's Nuclear Power Industry Autonomy in 2007
1、 The nuclear industry has entered a new stage of nuclear power autonomy
2、 China's nuclear power industry is marching towards the goal of autonomy
3、 CGN Group Explores the Road of Nuclear Power Autonomy in China
4、 China's nuclear power accelerates the process of independent development
5、 The Importance of Nuclear Power Technology Autonomy in China
Section III Problems Faced by the Development of China's Nuclear Power Industry
1、 Existing problems in China's nuclear power industry
2、 China's nuclear power industry is short of talents
3、 Embarrassment of multi management in nuclear power industry
4、 Obstacles to integration of nuclear power industry chain
5、 Five bottlenecks in China's nuclear power industry
6、 Thoughts on the Existing Problems of China's Nuclear Power Industry
Section IV Countermeasures and Suggestions
1、 Basic ideas for promoting the sustainable development of nuclear power in China
2、 To avoid nuclear power from repeating the mistakes of the automobile industry
3、 Utilizing China's uranium resources to promote the development of nuclear power
4、 Nuclear power industry should try to develop by leaps and bounds
5、 Suggestions on Promoting the Sustainable Development of National Nuclear Power Industry
6、 Several Countermeasures for Accelerating the Development of China's Nuclear Power Industry
7、 Several aspects of China's nuclear power industry
8、 Analysis on the Approach of Localization Development of Nuclear Power Industry
Chapter VII Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Industry Market in 2007
Section I Analysis on the Development Status of China's Nuclear Power Market in 2007
1、 Global nuclear power acceleration brings new market opportunities
2、 Asian nuclear power industry market is very active
3、 Qinshan Nuclear Power Service Enters the International Market
4、 The price of domestic nuclear power is approaching the level of market competition
5、 China's nuclear power market capacity is nearly 60 billion US dollars
Section II Analysis of the Impact of Open Power Market on Nuclear Power Development in 2007
1、 Promote comprehensive and fundamental reform of nuclear power
2、 Great changes have taken place in the development environment of nuclear power
3、 Competition increases nuclear power risk and uncertainty
4、 National market policy will affect the future of nuclear power
Section III Countermeasures and Suggestions for the Development of China's Nuclear Power Market in 2007
1、 Market should be used to promote independent nuclear power technology
2、 Opening the nuclear power market must take into account national interests
3、 Nuclear power market should open the door to competition
Chapter VIII Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Construction and Development in China in 2007
Section I Guangdong
1、 Guangdong plans to build three more nuclear power stations
2、 Guangdong has more advantages in nuclear power than coal power
3、 Guangdong Nuclear Power Construction Blooms Everywhere
4、 Guangdong Yangjiang Project enhances domestic nuclear power strength
5、 Information management mode of Guangdong nuclear power
Section 2 Zhejiang
1、 Zhejiang will become the first nuclear power base in China
2、 Half of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant supplies Zhejiang
3、 Zhejiang uses local nuclear power regulations to protect the environment
4、 The preliminary preparations for Zhejiang Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant were successfully completed
5、 Nuclear power is the driving force for tax increase in Sanmen County, Zhejiang Province
Section 3 Shanghai
1、 Power on increases investment in nuclear power equipment production
2、 RMB 100 million investment for upgrading Shanghai's nuclear power industry
3、 Shanghai Nuclear Power Equipment Research and Development World Class Level
4、 Shanghai's nuclear power industry will have a big breakthrough in 2020
Section 4 Jiangsu
1、 Jiangsu Province Opens a Green Channel for Tianwan Nuclear Power
2、 Jiangsu Nuclear Power Network Channel Completed and Put into Operation
3、 Jiangsu Nuclear Power Trust Plan is listed in Nanjing
Section 5 Anhui
1、 Anhui plans to build nuclear power plants
2、 Cause Analysis of Anhui Nuclear Power Plant to be Built
3、 The way out for Anhui nuclear power to be included in the national power planning
4、 Anhui strives to use nuclear power in 2015
Chapter IX Data Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Industry
Section I Analysis of overall data of China's nuclear power industry from 2007 to July 2008
1、 Data analysis of China's nuclear power industry from January to December 2007
2、 Data analysis of all enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Section II Data Analysis of Different Ownership Enterprises in China's Nuclear Power Industry from 2007 to July 2008
1、 Data analysis of different ownership enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to December 2007
2、 Data analysis of different ownership enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Section III Data Analysis of Enterprises of Different Sizes in China's Nuclear Power Industry from 2007 to July 2008
1、 Data analysis of enterprises of different scales in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to December 2007
2、 Data analysis of enterprises of different scales in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Section IV Analysis of National Nuclear Power Output Data from 2007 to July 2008
1、 Analysis of nuclear power output in China and key provinces and cities from January to December 2007
2、 Analysis of nuclear power production in China and key provinces and cities from January to September 2008
Chapter X Analysis of Nuclear Power Raw Materials
Section I Uranium Overview
1、 Properties of uranium element
2、 Uranium isotope
3、 Application of uranium metal
4、 Uranium mining process
5、 Purification of enriched uranium fuel
Section II Status of Uranium Resources
1、 Reserve distribution of world uranium resources
2、 Distribution of uranium deposits in china
3、 Uranium reserves and types in China
4、 Development and utilization of uranium resources in china
5、 China's uranium resources supply is guaranteed
Section III Developments of International Uranium Resources
1、 Nuclear energy development has become a global development hotspot, leading to the soaring price of uranium
2、 Analysis of global nuclear uranium demand
3、 Ranking list of the top three uranium production in the world in 2007
4、 Analysis of International Uranium Price Trend from January to September 2008
5、 Uranium shortage will appear in the world in 2015
Section IV Market Dynamics of China's Nuclear Fuel Industry
1、 China's nuclear fuel market cycle system
2、 Domestic nuclear fuel elements reach the international first-class level
3、 The fuel of China's nuclear power bases mostly comes from Sichuan
4、 China wants to become a long-term buyer of Canadian nuclear fuel
5、 China starts to purchase nuclear fuel from Australia
Section V Analysis of the Future Development Trend of China's Nuclear Fuel Industry from 2008 to 2010
Chapter XI Analysis of Some Enterprises in Nuclear Power Industry
Section I Overview of Some Foreign Enterprises
I Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Westinghouse Electric Corporation)
2、 Framatome
III General Electric Company (General Electric Commpany)
4、 ABB AseaBrown Boveri Ltd
Section II Overview of Some Enterprises in China
3、 China Power Investment Group
Chapter XII Analysis on Construction and Development of China's Key Nuclear Power Plants in 2007
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
Section II Qinshan Nuclear Power Station
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
Section III Ling'ao Nuclear Power Station
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
Section V Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
Section VI Sanmen Nuclear Power Station
1、 Analysis of power station establishment process
2、 Statistical analysis of annual power generation of the power station
3、 Analysis on the role of power station establishment
Chapter XIII Analysis of China's Power Industry Development in 2007
Section I 2007 China's electric power industry Development status analysis
1、 Contribution of electric power industry to national economy and social development
2、 Power planning guarantee promotes the development of power industry
3、 The domestic power industry has entered a period of rapid development
Section II Analysis of China's electricity market development in 2007
1、 Capacity analysis of China's electricity market
2、 Analysis of supply and demand in China's electricity market
3、 Overview of supply and demand of electricity market in 2007
4、 China's electricity trading volume grew rapidly in 2007
5、 China Power Demand side management Huge potential
Section III 2007 China's electric power industry Problems and countermeasures
1、 Analysis of Problems Existing in Domestic Electric Power Industry
2、 Problems to be solved in power industry structure
3、 Problems and countermeasures of structural adjustment of China's electric power industry
4、 China's measures to build an efficient power industry
5、 Suggestions on power industry problems
Chapter XIV Analysis on the Development Status of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Industry in 2007
Section I Analysis on the Development Status of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Industry in 2007
1、 Domestic nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry wants to break through technological constraints
2、 China's nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry enters a new period of development
3、 China accelerates the localization of nuclear power equipment
4、 The localization of nuclear power equipment in China will be huge
5、 China's nuclear power technology progress needs to strengthen foreign cooperation
Section II Localization Process of Nuclear Power Equipment in China in 2007
1、 Supervision on quality control of nuclear power equipment localization
2、 Experience of Localization of Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing
3、 Suggestions on Localization Process of Nuclear Power Equipment
4、 The localization of nuclear power equipment is progressing steadily
Section III Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Market in 2007
1、 Analysis of supply and demand situation of nuclear power equipment market in 2007
2、 Various factors make the nuclear power equipment market gradually warm up
3、 Analysis on the Competitive Structure of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Market
4、 The prospect of domestic nuclear power equipment market is broad and contains hundreds of billions of business opportunities
Section IV Analysis of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Market Competition Pattern in 2007
1、 Five domestic suppliers compete in the nuclear power equipment market
2、 Shanghai Gas and Harbin Power Share 6.4 Billion Orders for Nuclear Power Equipment
3、 Chinese and foreign nuclear power equipment suppliers compete in the Chinese market
Section V Dynamic Analysis on the Development of Domestic Nuclear Power Equipment Enterprises in 2007
1、 Dongfang Boiler obtained a large order for nuclear power equipment
2、 Haqi once again takes the lead in the field of nuclear power equipment in China
3、 Shanghai Electric increases investment in nuclear power equipment
4、 Successful foreign bidding for nuclear power equipment of First Heavy Industries
Section VI Analysis on Competition and Cooperation of Nuclear Power Equipment at Home and Abroad in 2007
1、 Russia participates in the bidding of China's nuclear power projects
2、 South Korean Power Equipment Manufacturers Entered China's Nuclear Power
3、 Nine countries cooperate to develop the next generation of nuclear power equipment
IV Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Proposed British and American nuclear power equipment enterprises
Section VII Prospects and Suggestions for the Development of China's Nuclear Power Equipment Industry in 2008-2010
1、 2008-2020 Nuclear Power Equipment Localization Target Planning
2、 Analysis and suggestions on localization of nuclear power equipment
3、 Improve comprehensive competitiveness
4、 Down to earth
5、 Autonomous development
Chapter 15 Analysis on Investment Prospects of China's Nuclear Power Industry from 2008 to 2010
Section I Analysis on Development Opportunities of China's Nuclear Power Industry in 2008-2010
1、 International crude oil price rises
II the 11th Five-Year Plan And power planning
3、 Adjustment of energy structure
4、 Adjustment of power industry structure
Section II Risk analysis of China's nuclear power industry development from 2008 to 2010
1、 Policy risk
2、 Technical risk
3、 Cost risk
4、 Fund raising
5、 Talent risk
6、 Management system
7、 Problems in equipment localization
8、 Development of nuclear power commercialization
Section III Prospects of China's nuclear power investment in 2008-2010
1、 NDRC plans new situation of nuclear power investment in the future
2、 China's nuclear power investment will drive the world's nuclear power development
3、 China Nuclear Power Investment Fund Plan
Chapter XVI Analysis on the Development Prospects of China's Nuclear Power Industry from 2008 to 2010
Section I Analysis of the Future Prospects of China's Nuclear Power Industry from 2008 to 2010
1、 Prospects for China's nuclear power industry during the 11th Five Year Plan
2、 Future development trend of nuclear power in China
3、 The future potential of China's nuclear power development is huge
4、 Planning Assumption of Three Step Development of Nuclear Power in China
5、 Prediction of China's nuclear power installed capacity from 2008 to 2006
Section II Prospects of China's nuclear power market from 2008 to 2010
1、 China will become the largest nuclear power market in 2020
2、 Forecast of China's nuclear power market capacity from 2020 to 2050
3、 Direction of structural adjustment of China's nuclear power market
Section III Prospects for the Development Trend of Nuclear Power Technology in China from 2008 to 2010
1、 The Dynamic Direction of International Nuclear Power Technology Development
2、 Eight Trends of Nuclear Power Technology Development in the World
3、 Development Trend of the Third Generation Nuclear Power Units in the World
4、 Development process of the world's fourth generation nuclear power system
5、 Future prospects of international controllable thermonuclear fusion reactor
6、 Analysis on the development trend of nuclear power technology in China
Appendix II Safety Regulations for Civil Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
Appendix III Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution
Appendix IV Safety Regulations for Site Selection of Nuclear Power Plant
Appendix V Safety Regulations for Nuclear Power Plant Operation
Appendix VI Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Control of Nuclear Materials
Appendix VII Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants
Appendix VIII. Radiological Health Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Plants
Appendix IX Management Measures for Environmental Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Capital Construction
List of some charts
Chart, comparison of relative economy between nuclear power plant and coal-fired power plant
Chart, efficiency comparison of different types of steam power plants
Chart, the proportion of nuclear power in ten countries with the highest proportion of nuclear power in the world
Chart, classification of nuclear reactors from different angles
Charts, various types of reactor type nuclear power units in the world
Chart, details of the second coal electricity linkage price adjustment
Chart, part High energy consuming industry Differential electricity price standard
Chart, state-owned power assets restructuring structure in the "separation of power plants and power grids"
Figure, Schematic Diagram of Power Shortage Areas in China
Chart, power system market model structure chart
Chart DSM Measures screening process and steps of
Chart, Organization Chart of U.S. Nuclear Power Industry
Chart, organization and capital structure of French nuclear industry after restructuring
Chart, comparison of nuclear power industrial organizations
Chart, total world population, total energy consumption, total electric energy consumption Annual average growth rate
Chart, the cost of fossil fuel power generation before and after the implementation of the U.S. greenhouse gas policy
Chart, the impact of EU emissions trading on marginal generation costs and electricity prices in the UK
Chart, World Nuclear Energy Association's prediction of global nuclear power installed capacity
Chart, comparison of nuclear power plant construction time
Chart, Comparison of Nuclear Power Enterprise Structure Systems in Major Western Nuclear Power Countries
Chart, comparison table of in-service nuclear power units in countries (or regions) around the world
Chart, Number and Forecast of Nuclear Power Reactors in Japan from 1986 to 2030
Chart, Nuclear power plants under operation, construction and planned construction in mainland China
Chart, impact indicators of different power generation types on the environment
Chart, List of Investment in Some Domestic Nuclear Power Plants Built and Under Construction
Chart, comparison of nuclear power price with average on grid price and benchmark price of coal power in local grid area
Chart, List of Cost Components of Relevant Nuclear Power Projects in China
Chart, discount net profit parameter value
Chart, nuclear power production cost
Chart, data analysis of China's nuclear power industry from January to December 2007
Chart, data analysis of all enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Chart, data analysis of different ownership enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to December 2007
Chart, data analysis of different ownership enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Chart, data analysis of different scale enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to December 2007
Chart, data analysis of different scale enterprises in China's nuclear power generation industry from January to September 2008
Chart, Analysis of Nuclear Power Production in China and Key Provinces and Cities from January to December 2007
Chart, analysis of nuclear power production in China and key provinces and cities from January to September 2008
Chart, discounted net profit of 1000MW nuclear power unit
Chart, nuclear power loan repayment period fund gap
Chart, discounted net profit of 1000MW coal-fired unit
Chart, fund gap of 30GW nuclear power installed capacity
Chart, load factors of nuclear power generating units in operation in China in recent five years
Chart, Sensitivity Analysis of Nuclear Power Generation Cost and U3O8 Purchase Price
Chart, Degree of Independence of Nuclear Power Plant Construction in China
Chart, unit construction investment and construction period of nuclear power projects started in the Ninth Five Year Plan of China
Chart, total dynamic investment and construction period of domestic coal-fired units
Chart, total dynamic investment and construction period of imported coal-fired units
Chart, most stable isotope properties of uranium
Chart, distribution of uranium resource reserves in different continents of the world
Chart, the proportion of uranium resources in the world by continent
Chart, ranking of uranium reserves in western countries
Chart, evaluation opinions on construction of 8 types of nuclear power units before 2010
Chart, basic differences between the old and new mechanisms of China's power system
Chart, power generation proportion of water, fire and nuclear power in China
Chart, share structure and industrial structure of CGN
Chart, List of Property Rights Structure of China's Existing Nuclear Power Enterprises
Chart, total world nuclear power capacity and forecast from 1998 to 2010
Chart, 2010-2020 World Nuclear Power Equipment Capacity and Power Generation Forecast
Chart, nuclear power capacity and forecast of the world from 1999 to 2020
Chart, uranium demand and forecast of countries and regions in the world from 2010 to 2020
Chart, Forecast of China's Nuclear Power Installed Capacity Growth Process from 2010 to 2060
Case 2: Venture Capital Report of Financial Services Industry in the First Half of 2012
Venture Capital Report of Financial Services Industry in the First Half of 2012 (I):
28 enterprises - epitome of innovators in the financial field
Part I 28 enterprises - epitome of innovators in the financial field
In the first half of 2012, the Capital Lab recorded 28 investment events in the financial services industry, involving 20 American enterprises; There are 25 disclosed amounts, totaling about $255 million.
From the perspective of segmentation, there are 16 payment service enterprises, accounting for more than half of all funded enterprises; The investment received was about 180 million US dollars, accounting for 72% of the total investment. In addition, 6 enterprises each provide investment/wealth management services and financing services. These enterprises are just a microcosm of innovators in the financial field. Together with more troublemakers, they are full of creativity and ambition, and are promoting unprecedented changes in the financial industry. Recently, the real estate market continued to be active in 2013. The investment in real estate development in the first 11 months has exceeded the total amount of last year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 19.5%. The previous intensive real estate regulation policies have also been digested by the market, and the active rigid demand has pushed the housing market up in both quantity and price. In order to cool down the market, first tier and second tier cities successively issued local regulatory policies at the end of the year, including strict purchase restrictions and increasing the down payment ratio of second tier housing. It is expected that the regulation on the housing market will continue in the short term. The report predicts that the development of China's newspaper industry will show eight trends in the next 10 years: the intensive level of newspaper publishing will be greatly improved; The fourth growth cycle of the newspaper industry is coming; The central party newspaper and provincial party newspaper will establish the leading position of high-end mainstream newspapers; The development mode of city newspaper will be transformed significantly; Professional newspapers in the industry will generally establish a resource centric view; "Digital newspaper industry" will change the form of traditional newspaper industry; Professional journalists and professional newspaper managers will accelerate the formation of groups; The overseas newspaper market will become a new development space.
In combination with specific financing projects, it can be found that the above three areas show the following characteristics: