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Angiographic agent

Water soluble low osmotic non-ionic contrast agent
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Angiography is to inject contrast agent into vein and use the imaging principle of contrast agent
Chinese name
Angiographic agent
Iopromide 370
Water soluble low osmotic non-ionic contrast agent
Angiography It is to inject contrast agent into vein and use the principle of imaging with contrast agent
Iopromide It is a commonly used contrast agent
Iodopropramide is a low osmotic pressure non-ionic injection, which is widely used in cardiovascular angiography because of its stable nature and convenient use, lower toxicity than ionic iodine contrast agent, and good systemic tolerance. [2]
But for the right Iodine contrast agent For patients with allergies or poor renal function, it is impossible to use iodine contrast agent for angiography: Iodopropramide 370 and Iopamidol 370, two hypotonic contrast agents, are used in patients with renal insufficiency, resulting in a relatively high incidence of contrast agent nephropathy, but there are differences between the two groups, and this difference is most obvious in the first to third days after surgery, The incidence of contrast nephropathy in the iodoproramide group was significantly higher than that in the iodoproramide group (P<0.05), and on the 7th day after surgery, the cumulative rate of contrast nephropathy in the iodoproramide group was 43.3%, while that in the iodoproramide group was 35.0%, with no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). [3]
CO2 gas As an angiographic agent, it started in the 1980s, but due to the fact that the technology of angiographic equipment can not keep up with carbon dioxide Due to immature gas delivery device and other factors, carbon dioxide gas could not be pushed away in clinical angiography.
The gas used for angiography is medical pure carbon dioxide, and only a very thin intravenous infusion needle is needed for angiography [1] Through the specially designed carbon dioxide injection device, a certain amount of gas is injected into the blood vessel. The carbon dioxide can temporarily separate the blood in the blood vessel for rapid imaging. After the completion of the angiography, the carbon dioxide gas will quickly interact with hemoglobin It is combined and discharged from the body through respiratory exchange in the lungs. Since carbon dioxide is non-toxic, non allergenic, soluble and other advantages, carbon dioxide angiography is suitable for all patients, and is economical and minimally invasive. except Cardio cerebrovascular In addition, carbon dioxide gas can be used for angiography of vessels in other parts.