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platelet Reduction refers to the platelet count in blood<100 × 109/L. Thrombocytopenia is found in many blood diseases Rheumatic immune disease , radiation and chemotherapy injury and drugs relevance Thrombocytopenia. According to the degree of thrombocytopenia, there may be different clinical manifestations: mild cases may have Skin bleeding spot Ecchymosis , gingival bleeding Epistaxis , severe cases may be manifested as organ bleeding: such as haematemesis Black stool hematuria and cerebral hemorrhage Etc.
TCM disease name
Foreign name
Visiting department
blood specialty
Common causes
Blood system diseases, drug factors, autoimmune diseases, etc
common symptom
Mild cases may have skin bleeding spots, ecchymosis, gingival bleeding, epistaxis, etc


one Thrombopoiesis reduce
(1) Heredity For example, Fanconi anemia, congenital malformation Megakaryocyte Thrombocytopenia And May Hegglin anomaly.
(2) Acquirability Aplastic anemia, bone marrow infiltration( Malignant tumor Bone marrow metastasis leukemia Myelofibrosis Tuberculosis ), Chemotherapy drugs , radiation, megakaryocyte regeneration disorder, viral infection measles Epidemic parotitis )Drugs (such as alcohol) that affect platelet production, vitamin B twelve , folic acid deficiency.
2. Caused by non immune factors platelet Increased damage
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura , Pregnancy, Infection, Hemangioma -Thrombocytopenia syndrome, Snakebite Acute respiratory distress syndrome , severe burns, etc.
3. Increased platelet destruction caused by immune factors
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura HIV infection , periodic thrombocytopenia, drug induced thrombocytopenia( heparin quinine Quinidine Antipyretic analgesics penicillin Cephalosporins Li Fuping Furosemide carbamazepine Sodium valproate Sulfonylurea Hypoglycemic drugs and Phenytoin sodium ), thrombocytopenia after blood transfusion.
4. Abnormal platelet distribution
Hypersplenism . Cool down.
5. Platelet loss
Bleeding, external perfusion Hemodialysis
6. Others

clinical manifestation

1. Skin bleeding
Gingival bleeding is common in normal people and dental diseases. Therefore, repeated gum bleeding or difficulty in hemostasis after bleeding often indicates thrombocytopenia Hemorrhagic disease
4. Epistaxis
Normal people can also have epistaxis occasionally, but epistaxis combined with other bleeding symptoms often indicates hemorrhagic disease.
5. Joint bleeding, muscle and deep tissue hematoma
Simple thrombocytopenia causes joint Muscle hemorrhage Rare.
It can be manifested as hematemesis, bloody stool, black stool, etc.
seven Urinary tract hemorrhage
It can be expressed as Microscopic hematuria or Gross hematuria
eight Menorrhagia
Less common, but it is common in patients with thrombocytopenia and other bleeding diseases Cause of death
12. Wounds Bleeding time Extension.


Including removal Etiological treatment , and infusion platelet Support treatment.