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Spiders, of Arthropoda The body of the spider is divided into head, chest and abdomen, and the two parts are connected by a slender abdominal handle; There's a couple of former ministers Pincers The end of the chelating limb is the venomous tooth of the toxic gland duct; There are four pairs of feet on both sides of the chest, with hard claws on the toes; A spider has a single eye, but it also has eight eyes, six eyes and four eyes. [16] Wang Anshi《 Verbalism 》Record: Set up a web on one side, and kill it after touching it, so it is called "spider". [17 ]
Spiders are distributed all over China, mostly inhabiting eaves, corners and trees, forming wheel like webs. [18 ] The life style of spiders can be divided into two categories, namely, the hunting type and the settling type. The hunting type includes the spiders that hunt everywhere, hunt, live nowhere, do not spin webs, dig holes, and build nests, including Lepidopteraceae, Ursidae, and most of the Tarantulaceae Etc. Some settled spiders spin webs, some dig holes, and some build nests. As a fixed residence, spiders seem to be polite. Individuals who live independently keep a certain distance from each other and do not invade each other. [19 ] Spiders have a variety of food habits, mainly feed on flies and other insects, and are resistant to hunger and satiety. They have strong fecundity and long life span. [20 ]
Spiders are the natural enemies of many agricultural and forestry pests and play an important role in biological control. [21 ] Spiders have extremely high medical and economic value. Spiders are traditional Chinese medicinal materials The oral liquid produced by spiders has obvious curative effect on neurological diseases. Spiders can be used as medicine to detoxify and detumescence. It is mainly used to treat furuncles, sores, insect bites, infantile convulsions Impotence Premature ejaculation It can also make many Chinese patent medicines, which have good effects on some difficult diseases. [22 ]
2024 June, China A new species of Mina invading spider was found in Mina, Tibet (Shinobius cona Wang et al. 2024). [23]
Chinese name
Latin name
Networm Flat spider Arachnid Hydra octopoda Hiko Bose
Foreign name
Animal kingdom
Distribution area
Different types are distributed differently, and most of them are connected

History of Zoology

According to Wang Anshi's Word Description, a web is set on one side, and objects are touched and then killed, so it is called "spider". [17 ]
2024 June, ZooKeys, a well-known international journal of zootaxonomy, published an article about Trechaleidae, a Chinese arachnid family, and reported China A new species of Mina invading spider was found in Mina, Tibet (Shinobius cona Wang et al. 2024). [23]

morphological character

Heteropoda venatoria
The length of different kinds of spiders varies from 0.05 mm to 60 mm. The body is divided into chest and abdomen. Some species have breastplates on the back of the head and chest (some have no breastplates), and 8 on the front of the head and chest Monocular (There are also six, four, two, and zero), arranged in two to four rows. There is a large chest plate on the ventral surface, and there is a lower lip between the two frontal lobes in front of the chest plate. The abdomen is not segmented, and the ventral handle evolves from the first abdominal segment (the seventh body segment). The abdomen is mostly round or oval, and some have various protuberances with peculiar shapes. The ventral spinner consists of Appendage Evolved, there are 8 primitive species with slightly forward position; 6 for most species Spinner , located in front of the anus at the back end of the body; Some species also have four spinners, on which there are many spinning tubes with various silk glands inside, from which silk is spun. Sensory organs include eyes, various sensory hairs, auditory hairs, piano shaped organs and tarsal organs. [1]
The body of a spider is obviously divided into head, chest and abdomen by chitin exoskeleton outside the body. The two parts are often connected by the thin handle turned from the first abdominal segment of the abdomen, and there is no tail segment or tail whip. Spiders have no compound eyes and 6 pairs of appendages on the head and chest. The first and second pairs belong to the head appendages, of which the first pair is Pincers Most of them are 2 segments. The expansion of the base is mostly a chelate segment, and the tip of the end is a chelate tooth. The tooth is tubular, and there are poison gland The venom it secretes is derived from this. Second pair Appendage It is called foot whisker, which is shaped like a foot, but only has 6 segments. The base segment forms a jaw like projection near the mouth, which can help feeding. The female spider's end segment has no major changes, while the male spider's end segment of foot whisker is specialized as a reproductive auxiliary organ, with sperm storage and transmission structures, called a palpator. The third to sixth pairs of appendages are foots, which are composed of 7 segments, with claws at the end and a tuft of bristles under the claws, so they are suitable for crawling on smooth objects. [1]
Spiders belong to arthropods. There is a pair of chelating limbs in front of the head, and the end of the chelating limb is the fangs of the toxic gland duct; There are four pairs of feet on both sides of the chest, with hard claws on the toes; Spiders have single eyes, but also have eight eyes, six eyes and four eyes. [16]
Spider mouthparts It is composed of the jaw leaf, upper lip and lower lip of the pincers and the stem nodes of the limbs. It has the functions of poisoning, catching, crushing food and sucking liquid. [1]
Some spiders have hair clusters composed of sticky hairs under their tarsal claws. The hair clusters have the ability to make spiders crawl on vertical smooth objects. The web forming spider has several claw like thorns near the top of the tarsal node, called accessory claws. [1]
The abdomen of most spiders is not segmented. Yes No Exogynogenesis (called reproductive operculum) is an important feature for identifying female species. There are special Spinner The three pairs of spinners are called front, middle and rear spinners according to their location. At the top of the spinner is a membrane tube covered with wool. Different spiders have different numbers of tubes. Different shaped tubes spin different spider silk. The sieve of the tube is also a spinning organ, like 9600 tubes on the sieve of the thread cap spider of the Longtou family, It can be seen that the spun silk is extremely fine. There are 8 kinds of silk glands coming out of the body through the spinning tube. The size and number of silk glands increase with the growth of spiders and their molting. Spider silk It is a kind of bone protein, which is very thin, tough and elastic, and becomes hard when exposed to air. [1]
Hermaphrodite The male body is smaller than the female body, and the tarsal section of the male body has developed into a palpable organ. The female body has an external female organ after the last molting. [1]
There are 3 pairs of foot steps, which are divided into the base joint, the swivel joint, the leg joint, the knee joint, the shin joint, the posterior tarsal joint, the tarsal joint and the tarsal joint (with claws on the upper part). The feet are covered with bristles, and have several sensory organs, such as slender cup hairs (to sense air flow and vibration). After the foot is cut, it can be regenerated in the next molting. 8 or less in one eye. Some foot muscles and palatine muscles are attached to the intrathoracic bone of the head and chest. The head and chest are connected with the abdomen by a slender abdominal handle. Due to the existence of the belly handle, the belly of the spinner can swing freely during spinning. The nervous system is completely concentrated in the head and chest, with a brain (suprapharyngeal ganglion) on the pharynx and a lower esophagus ganglion The fissure sensory organs are scattered around the body or near the foot joints to stimulate the sense of motion or hearing. [1]
The abdomen is not segmented, with digestive system heart , reproductive organs and Silk gland When eating, spit out the digestive fluid, digest in vitro, and then inhale the liquefied food. Both Bookish lung And trachea, but the orthopalate only has the book lung, and the zygopalatine only has the trachea. All except the Mythidae poison gland , on Pincers Inside or under the dorsal armor, the poison gland tube is opened near the end of the chelator teeth through the chelator limb, and the poison gland may originate from an auxiliary digestive gland. The venom secretion of many kinds of spiders is all digestive enzymes. Some kinds of secretions can subdue the prey and even fight against predators (including vertebrates). [1]

Habitat environment

Spiders are distributed all over China, mostly inhabiting eaves, corners and trees, forming wheel like webs. [18 ]

Life habits


Feeding habits

Spiders have a mixed diet, mainly flies and other insects [20 ] Other spiders and polyps feed on them. Some spiders also feed on small animals, Bear hunger and satiety [20 ] The jumping spider has good eyesight and can dive close to capture prey within 30cm and pounce. Crab spiders wait for prey on flowers with similar body color. Burrowing Ground spider The cave is lined with silk. The hole has a trap that opens at night to catch insects passing through the hole. Atrax When weaving funnel net, insects fall into the net and cause vibration; The spider itself lives in the silk tube, and the end is narrow and passes into the plant clumps or stone crevices. [8]
Most orb spiders weave the largest web with the least silk. The web is like an air filter, trapping insects that do not see filaments and do not fly well. Although the net is complex, it can be woven in 1 hour, and is usually finished before dawn. If the net is destroyed during predation, a new net will be woven. When weaving a round web, the spider gives out a trace and floats in the wind. If the free end of the silk fails to stick to something, the spider will pull the silk back and eat it. If the silk is firmly stuck to something (such as a branch), the spider will pass through the silk bridge and reinforce it with silk. The spider fixed a thread in the middle of the bridge, dropped itself on a piece of silk and hung down to the ground or another branch to stick the silk. The spider returns to the center and pulls the radiation silk from the center of the web to the surrounding. Then, the spider climbs back to the center of the web and pulls the temporary spiral silk from the inside out with dry silk. The space between each circle of spiral silk is large. Then the spider climbs to the outermost part and places sticky and compact insect catching spiral silk from the outer web center. While knotting, eat the previously knotted dry spiral wire without viscosity. When the web is completed, some spiders pull a silk (signal silk) from the center of the web and climb into the leaves at the corner of the web to hide.
If an insect is thrown into the net, it can be heard and fed through the vibration of the signal wire. Some spiders stay in the center of the web with their heads down, waiting for their prey. When there is prey, they first wind it with silk, then bite it and take it back to the center of the web or the shelter to eat or store. butterfly Moths Large, easy to escape, so bite first and then bind with silk. Some spiders share the web. For example, the Agelena consociata in Gabon builds a large web, and hundreds of spiders hunt together. Spiders may play an important role in controlling the population of some insects. The neurotoxins of several poisonous spiders are toxic to humans. The process of web weaving has aroused scientific interest, and has been used to study drugs that affect the nervous system (the web spun by spiders is different from the usual).
They can be roughly divided into web weaving spiders and wandering spiders in their way of life and predation.
The most important feature of the web forming spider is its web forming behavior. Spiders pass Silk sac The protuberance at the tip secretes mucus, which can coagulate into very thin silk when encountering air. The web made of silk is highly viscous and is the main means of prey for spiders. For insects that stick to the web, spiders will first inject a special liquid jujube digestive enzyme into their prey. This digestive enzyme can make insects faint, twitch and die, and make the body liquefied. After liquefaction, spiders feed by sucking.
Wandering spiders do not spin webs, but travel around or camouflage on the spot to catch prey, such as tall legged spiders, commonly known in Taiwan as (Chongna) (Chong'en).
Some spiders can use the web to make a balloon and float to other places with the wind.

life style

Spiders' lifestyle can be divided into two categories. That is, hunting and settlement. The hunting type is a spider that hunts and hunts everywhere, has no fixed place, does not spin a web, does not dig holes, and does not build nests. Scaly tarantulae, bear like arachnids and most of the tarantulae. Settling down type: some build nets, some dig holes, and some build nests as fixed residences. as Wall coin , stone like spider, etc. Spiders seem to be polite. Individuals who live independently keep a certain distance from each other and do not invade each other. [19 ]
Compared with general insects, spiders are long-lived. Most spiders complete a life cycle, which usually lasts from 8 months to 2 years. Male spiders are short-lived and die soon after mating. Others, such as water spider and cunning spider, can live for 18 months, lycosa singoriensis Can live for 2 years, Crab spider It can live for more than 2 years, and the life of bird catching spiders can be as long as 20-30 years.
All spiders live by using silk Silk gland It is secreted by cells. It is a viscous liquid in the gland cavity. After being exported through the spinning tube, it quickly coagulates into filaments when encountering air. The proportion of filaments is 1.28, which is strong and elastic.
The spider in the web hole is in the web during the day and at night, waiting for opportunities to hunt or go out for food. The male spider digs a shallow hole under the soil block, the burrowing tarantula digs a vertical deep hole in the ground, and the dancing spider also weaves a loose cover at the entrance of the cave. The trap is composed of a plurality of silk layers. The hole of Pang Spider is up to 1m deep. The spider is small and highly toxic. Once it bites the rabbit, it will die within four minutes.
When the young spider starts to spin a web, if the spider silk can not attach to any object, there is just an upward airflow, it will rise in the air and fly in the air along the wind, such as Araneidae Tarantulaceae pisauridae Arachnidae They all have the ability of "flying". (Spider flying: if a spider called a balloon is interested in balloons made by humans, it will despise artificial balloons. This spider will weave a silk thread on a windless summer day. It will stretch straight into the air under the warmth of the sun. Like a bird flying, it will find a place with updraft before spinning, or spin silk first and then use the surrounding heat molecules to form updraft. I don't know, but anyway, the silk thread will rise and rise again, Until the spider knows that it can hold up its body, then release it, and soar for miles in the air within a few hours. Its heavy body is lifted and supported by a silk thread less than 1% of its weight. The standardization conditions at the moment are a combination of all the incredible subtle adjustments, including the adjustment of sunlight, wind, length and the length of the woven silk thread.
After careful calculation, an expert found that the strength of spider silk was 5 times that of steel wire of the same volume. After the spider has formed a web, it will lie in the middle of the web, "waiting for the hare" - waiting for the flying insects to throw themselves into the net. A small leaf and a thin withered stem fell on the spider web. The spider trembled and then stopped moving; However, a careless flying insect hit the web, and the spider "cheerfully" climbed over, ejected sticky silk to bind the prey, anesthetized it with poisonous teeth, and sucked the prey after it was organized into liquid. How do spiders know that there will be delicious food to the mouth? Its legs have vibration sensors in the shape of cracks. The withered stem leaves will not move when they touch the web, so the spider just shakes when it touches the web. If it is a flying insect that hits the web, it will struggle for a while, which will send a vibration signal to the spider. Strangely, the spider's reaction to the same flying insect hitting the web is quite different: if it is a fly, it will immediately come to bind it; If it is a bee, the spider will not move. Are spiders afraid of bee stings? no, it isn't. Scientists have found that spiders are most sensitive to vibration at the frequency of 40-500 Hz. The frequency of flies flapping their wings is just within this range, while the frequency of bees flapping their wings exceeds 1000 times per second, so they will not attract spiders' attention. It has been found that cobwebs are very important to spiders' life. Spider webs are not only traps and restaurants for this kind of animals to catch prey, but also their communication lines, walkways, marriage beds and childcare rooms. Why can't spiders get stuck by sticky silk when they go back and forth on the spider web? Usually, spiders use dry silk as a runway. When they need to walk on sticky silk, their eight legs will secrete an oil as a lubricant, so they can move freely on the web.

Spiders build nests

Tall spider
Spiders are even more impressive in showing their motherhood than in hunting for food. Its nest is a silk bag in which its eggs are laid. Its nest is more mysterious than that of birds. It is shaped like an inverted balloon, about the same size as a pigeon egg. Its bottom is wide, its top is narrow, and its top is flat, surrounded by a circle of clam shaped edges. As a whole, this is an egg shaped object supported by several wires.
The top of the nest is concave, like a silk covered bowl. The rest of the nest is covered with a layer of thick and delicate white satin, dotted with some ribbons and some brown or black patterns. You can immediately guess the function of this layer of white satin. It is waterproof and cannot be soaked by rain or dew.
In order to prevent the eggs inside from freezing, it is not enough to keep the nest away from the ground or hide it in the litter. There must also be some special heating equipment. Cut the rain proof satin wrapped outside with scissors. A layer of red silk was found below. This layer of silk is not like the usual fiber, but a very fluffy bunch. This material is softer than the velvet of swans and warmer than the stove in winter. It is the bed of future spiders. The little spiders will not be attacked by the cold air in this comfortable bed.
In the center of the nest is a bag like a hammer. The bottom of the bag is round, the top is square, and there is a soft cover on it. This bag is made of very soft satin and contains spider eggs. The spider's egg is a tiny orange particle that gathers together to form a pea sized ball. These are the treasures of spiders. The female spiders must protect them from the cold air.
When it makes a bag, it slowly circles around the circle and releases a piece of silk at the same time. Its back leg pulls out the silk and folds it on the silk of the previous circle. Then it adds it circle by circle and weaves it into a small bag. The bag is connected with the nest with silk thread, so that the mouth of the bag can be opened. The size of the bag is just enough to hold all the eggs without leaving a little space, and I don't know how the mother spider can master so accurately.
After laying eggs, the spider's silk sac will start to work again. But this work is different from before. It first puts down its body to touch a certain point, then lifts up its body, and then puts down its body to touch another point. It is now here, now there, now up, now down, without rules. At the same time, its back foot is pulling the released silk. The result of this kind of work is not to weave a beautiful silk, but to create a disorderly and intricate net.
Then it shoots out a reddish brown silk, which is very soft. It presses the silk tightly with its hind legs and wraps it outside the nest.
Then it changes the material again, and sends out white silk to wrap the outside of the nest, so that the outside of the nest has a layer of white coat. Moreover, the nest is like a small balloon at this time. The upper end is small, and the lower end is large. Then it releases silk of different colors, red, brown, gray, black... It dazzles you. It uses this gorgeous silk thread to decorate its nest. The whole work was not completed until this step was completed.
What a magic yarn factory the spider is running! Relying on this simple and eternal factory, it can alternately do rope rubbing, spinning, cloth weaving, ribbon weaving and other work, and all the machines in it are just its back legs and silk bags. How does it change the "type of work" at will? How does it draw out the silk of the color it wants at will? It can only see these results, but it doesn't know the secret.
When the work of building a nest is finished, the spider walks away slowly without looking back. It will never come back, not because it is cruel, but because it really doesn't need to worry anymore. Time and sunshine will help it hatch its eggs, and it has no energy to worry about any more. When making a nest for its children, it has used up all its silk, and has no more silk to feed on. Besides, it has no appetite of its own. Aging and fatigue made it die peacefully after a few days in the world. This is the end of the spider's life in that box, and also the inevitable destination of all spiders in the bushes.

Reproductive mode


Natural reproduction

Human face spider
Before mating, the male weaves a fine web from Genital foramen Produce a drop of liquid containing sperm to the sperm net, and then inhale the sperm into the limb contact apparatus. Some have courtship actions during mating, such as Tarantula And jumping spiders waving their whiskers. The male of the European spider robs the female with flies wrapped in silk and mates with her when she feeds; If no flies are found, use small stones instead. Most male spiders insert their left palps into the left hole on the female spider's reproductive plate, and their right limbs into the right hole during mating. After the sperm enters the genital plate, it moves into the spermatheca connected with the fallopian tube, and the egg is fertilized when it is discharged from the fallopian tube to the genital aperture. Some male spiders refill the connector with semen after mating and mate again with the same female spider. After mating, some male spiders apply a secretion (reproductive plug) on the reproductive plate of female spiders to prevent female spiders from mating again. Some male spiders are eaten by female spiders after mating, but this is not common. The black widow male spider died a few days after mating, and was occasionally eaten by the female spider because he was too weak after mating.
Why are male spiders willing to sacrifice themselves? Canadian scientist Andre cracked the secret in an article published in the American journal Science. She marked the male spiders with paint to see how they found the female spider's web, but found that most of the male spiders left the world before finding the other half.
Like other kinds of male spiders, they do not eat or drink when they are mature. They can only live on the energy stored before, and can not withstand the torture of long-distance travel. The skinny male barebacked spider is also very powerful when staying in his own web. Once it is far away from the safe harbor, the ants will not be able to defeat it.
In the end, only 20% of male spiders can successfully reach the web of female spiders - Andrea believes that it is precisely because the opportunity is hard to come by that male spiders are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of reproduction.
When the male bareback spider inserts the spermatic organ into the female spider, he will stand upside down with his front leg as the fulcrum and let his body hang on the mouth of the female spider. When it injected semen, the female spider, 200 times larger than its body, began to chew its tail.
What's more, the male spider has a chance to escape. It has two mating organs, one of which can survive after insemination. But within 20 minutes, male spiders usually return to the female spider's web for a second mating. This time, female spiders will never show mercy.
Then why did the male spider take the suicidal dedication? Leave the green hills here, and don't worry about firewood Huh?
Since female spiders store their sperm in a special organ, Andre removed the organ and wanted to interfere with the mating time of the spiders through experiments.
With the help of a microscope, Andrea counted the number of sperm received by the female spider after mating with a slice, and found that the mating time was closely related to the number of sperm transported - the male spider that mated with the female spider twice transported more than 1000 more sperm than the male spider that mated only once. It turns out that for the sake of more than 1000 sperm and the continuity of the whole race, male spiders are willing to sacrifice their own lives - this is the most cost-effective choice for weak male spiders, because it cannot guarantee that they will find another female spider alive to mate.
Andrea finally understood the secret behind the spider's desperate love.
Some female spiders mate only once, and some can mate with multiple males successively. After mating, the female spiders lay an egg bag containing several to 1000 eggs, or several egg bags, which contain fewer eggs each time. Some species die after the last egg bag is laid or baby spiders are cared for. Female spiders of this kind usually live for 1 to 2 years. The life span of direct chelates is 20 years.
Some primitive species' egg bags are composed of several layers of silk, spherical or disk shaped, attached to the stone, and some female spiders guard the egg bags. Tarantulas carry their egg bags on their pincers or spindles. After hatching, the young tarantula crawled onto the back of the mother spider and left about 10 days later. Some mother spiders will take their young spiders to bask in the sun, while some female spiders will feed their young spiders. There is a spider in Europe. The mother spider dies when the baby spider starts to feed and becomes the food of the baby spider. The young spider looks like a spider and matures with several molts. Female spiders molt 6-12 times and male spiders molt 2-8 times. Some have molted 1~2 times before hatching. Orthochela needs 3 to 4 years to mature. Most of them overwinter with juvenile spiders. Development and molting are controlled by hormones. Many young spiders can climb up the leaf tips or tree tops, lift their abdomens, and release several strands of silk to spread by the wind.
The female spider spins to form an egg bag, which contains fertilized eggs. The egg bag is attached to the web (web spider), or laid under the stone or on the leaf surface. Some female spiders guard their egg bags, while others carry them with them. The hatching spiders still stay in the egg bag for several days, and peel off the skin in the bag for 1-2 times. The young spiders peeled for 4-10 times before maturity. Spider silk plays an important role in the life of spiders. To spin a web is an instinct of many spiders. There are many types of networks and different networking methods. Many kinds of spiders, especially young ones, can use silk to fly.
Spiders lay eggs. The eggs are usually wrapped in silk egg bags. The female body protects and carries the egg bags in different ways, or places them on the web, under rocks, on branches, or holds the egg bags by mouth, chest, etc. It is an incomplete metamorphosis. During the embryonic period, the abdomen is still segmented and lives with or without netting. There are round nets, dish nets, funnel nets, triangle nets, irregular nets, etc. There is a folk song "Little Zhuge Liang, sitting alone in the military tent, setting up a gossip array, and catching flying generals", which depicts the phenomenon of spider web catching insects vividly.
Spiders are not only heteromorphic, males are smaller than females, but also heterochromatic, such as Arachnidae The body color of the male is bright, and the female is dark. The male of the Crab Arachnid family has red stripes on the back, and the female is all green.
Male spiders mature earlier than female spiders, and male spiders appear in a shorter time. Generally, female spiders are mostly collected. Spiders have a unique way of mating. For example, after mating, males who can escape without being killed by female spiders can mate again.
Before laying eggs, female spiders use silk to make "puerpera". It lays eggs on it, and then covers it with silk. The egg bag is woven into a fixed form. A female spider generally only produces one egg bag, but some also produce multiple egg bags, such as the garden spider produces 5-6 eggs, the red spot venomous spider produces 13 eggs, and the number of eggs laid by a female spider can range from several to hundreds, such as the red spot venomous spider produces 60-720 eggs, Araneidae Some of the species can produce 1000.
The young spiders hatched from the egg shell still stay in the egg bag and leave the egg bag after molting once in the egg bag. Because tarantulas not only hunt with their egg bags, but also have the habit of carrying their young when they hatch, they are called nanny spiders. Some female spiders die immediately after they are woven into egg bags, some die after their young spiders leave the egg bags and continue to live for a period of time, and some are bitten alive by their own hatched spiders for food.
Before maturity, spiders must undergo multiple molting as they grow. The number of molting times and interval time are very different. Generally speaking, small spiders molt 4-5 times in their lifetime; Medium spiders 7~8 times; Large spiders have shed their skins about 11 to 13 times, such as the male of the red spot spider for 5 times and the female for 7 times.

Artificial breeding

  • Artificial feed
There are many kinds of spiders, which have a mixed diet, grasshopper Crickets, butterflies, flies, Tenebrio molitor and other insects are the best fodder for spiders. If spiders are bred for further development, large-scale breeding and comprehensive processing, it is better to set up a small insect farm to raise flies in cages or Tenebrio molitor in boxes to meet the supply of spider feed. It is not easy to develop an effective human feed. This article introduces a kind of red claw spider Tarantula Artificial feed of crab spider For 6 weeks, no adverse effects were found. Spiders like to eat fresh meat, mosquito It has a great control effect. [10]
Spiders have a strong sense of territory and should be raised separately. They only eat one or two meals a month, and can fast for up to two months. The food is mainly crickets grasshopper The insect can be raised to adulthood (about seven years) without changing the cage by putting a wet sponge in the cage to supplement its water. [10]
Not all spiders are poisonous (among them, the spiders of the Goridae family are non-toxic)! And the toxicity is different. Usually, the pet spider on the market is relatively weak in toxicity, and will not attack people if it is not deliberately provocative. Even if you are bitten, your life will not be in danger. It has strong adaptability and does not need careful care. Spiders are the easiest pets to keep. [10]
Funnel spider
Because spiders are ferocious, all of them are meat eaters, and have the habit of killing each other, it is easy to successfully raise them alone, but difficult to raise them in groups. Because spiders have a variety of food habits, hunger resistance and strong vitality, they can succeed as long as the three basic conditions of food, water and shelter are guaranteed. The tarantula pseudoannulata with a body length of about 1cm is reared and observed in a steam lamp hood, and feeds on it every day Planthopper Leafhopper fly 7-12 heads. The tarantula pseudoannulata can endure starvation for 34~112 days when the water supply is not available. The spider has strong hunger tolerance, which is related to its large food intake. Generally, the higher the temperature, the worse the hunger resistance. [10]
  • Monosomic feeding
Hunting spider: Since it does not spin a web, the feeding containers used can be smaller, such as glass bottles, tubes, lampshades, and petri dishes. [10]
For the feeding of single spider in the glass tube for catching mosquito, the mouth of the tube is a cork plug with a small glass tube. The lower end of the small glass tube is stuffed with a small cotton ball, which can be filled with water through the top of the small glass tube, or 10% honey liquid (for feeding young spiders) to supply water. The other end of the glass tube for catching mosquito is a round bottom protruding into the tube. There is a small hole in the middle of the bottom, stuffed with cotton, to prevent spiders from escaping. This hole can also be used for input Planthopper Leafhopper aphid fly Such as live insects, or artificial feed such as egg yolk, for food supply. [10]
Lamp shade feeding: suitable for medium-sized non web spiders. The upper part of the lampshade shall be tied with gauze, and a small hole shall be made on the gauze. Install a glass tube for water supply and food. The upper part of the lampshade is located on a white porcelain basin larger than the lampshade, in which fertile soil can be spread and plants suitable for the spider's living conditions can be planted. It can be raised into spiders and young spiders. [10]
Wooden box feeding: suitable for web weaving spiders, such as Arachnid Tetragnatha The height of the wooden box should be about 1m. The wooden board is only required to be smooth on the outside and rough on the inside, which is convenient for spiders to crawl. A valve is set at the bottom of both sides of the box, which is convenient for operation in the box. The top and four sides of the box are surrounded by nylon screens for ventilation and light transmission. The box can be arranged to simulate the natural living conditions, so as to facilitate the opening of nets, roosting and predation. A petri dish containing water (stored with cotton balls without drowning spiders) can be put in the box, and another dish containing artificial feed can be put in the box. [10]
  • Group feeding
  • A large wooden box can be designed to increase the number of spider species and spiders. The arrangement of the box should simulate the natural ecological conditions of spiders. Another kind of feeding box uses iron window gauze as the cage wall, which can be directly covered with straw, and a funnel shaped insect collector is installed on the top of the cage. It uses lights to lure insects. The method of group feeding is difficult to achieve ideal results and is still in the process of exploration. [10]

Subspecies differentiation

According to the literature, there are 42055 spider species belonging to 3821 genera in the world (2010), and about 3800 spider species belonging to 67 families are recorded in China. There are 14 orders in Arachnida, and 5 orders have extinct populations, and 7 orders have been found in China. [2] By 2024 June, At present, there are more than 6300 species of spiders in 73 families in China. The family level exceeds half of the total number of spiders in the world (73/135), and the number of species exceeds one tenth of the total number of spiders in the world (6300/52156), Trechaleidae, the 74th family of spiders in China. [23]
There are 42751 species (subspecies) of spiders belonging to 3859 genera and 110 families in the world, and there are more than 3800 species of spiders belonging to 67 families in China. There are many excellent varieties of spiders available for artificial breeding. In order to help new spiderers understand the characteristics and origins of different spiders, several kinds of spiders are introduced for reference. [2]
Tarantula: The whole body is brown, the individual is very large, generally about 7cm long, and some of them can reach 10cm long. They have the ability to build their own nests. Most of them live in caves around dry fields or in places with weeds. They lie in caves during the day and go out to hunt at night. They have strong reproductive capacity and a large amount of poison. Each female spider lays 300 to 500 eggs every year. Every 200 bird spiders can extract 1g of poison once. They are produced in Guangxi, China Yunnan, Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries. [2]
Lycosa sinensis The whole body is densely covered with black, white and yellow fine hairs, the head, chest and back are brown, and there is a yellow brown longitudinal spot in the center. It is wide in the front and narrow in the back, with obvious middle fossa and body length of 3-4 cm. It is a burrowing spider, mostly digging holes and nesting in the fields of cotton, wheat, soybeans and other crops in the plain area. It is produced in Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan and other provinces. [2]
Bangluo New Woman Spider: The spider has a body length of 3~5cm, black brown on the back of its head and chest, black on its pincers, yellow on its contacts, a yellow short stick shaped spot on the front half of its center, and a yellow grid shaped spot on the back half. It often moves in orchards, rice, corn and other farmland crops and among forests. In particular, it is most widely distributed in forest areas. It often knots complex triple golden webs on plants or tree techniques, ties web spiders, and is good at catching various flying insects. Each female spider reproduces 800-900 young spiders annually. Every 400~500 spiders can produce 1 gram of poison. The spider is found in various regions of southern China. [2]
heteropoda venatoria The spider has a short, wide and flat body. It can run horizontally with its feet stretched from left to right. It is one of the common indoor spiders. It is good at walking and easy to escape. It lays eggs in May to June. Each female spider can reproduce 500 to 600 young spiders. 600 spiders produce 1g of toxin at a time. The spider is native to Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other provinces. [2]
Grooved hard skin ground spider: The body of the spider is 3~4cm long. The female spider is yellow brown with a forked arrangement on the head, chest and back, and the pincers are long columns. The chest plate is grayish black, with 8 small gray white round spots around it. The spider is a cave dwelling type. Its nest is tubular, and there is radial spider silk around the hole. Each female spider reproduces 800~900 small spiders every year, and each 800~1000 spiders can produce 1 gram of poison. The spider is mainly distributed in Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces. [2]

Main varieties

On April 28, 2021, Lin Yejie, a spider taxonomy researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, announced four new spider species on Weibo. namely: Li Shizhen Longtou Spider Eresus lishizheni、 Bangqiao Flying Cloud Spider Episinus bonjovi、 Jiang Wenyun spotted spider E. ABCDand Luoqi Meidi Spider Meotipa luoqiae。 Among them, Li Shizhen is the first new species of Longtou spider discovered by Chinese people. [12]
In August 2022, Zhang Zhisheng, a professor from the School of Life Sciences of Southwest University, and his team found two new species of the genus Glomus, which like cave life, in Chongqing Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve. They were named Wuxi and Yintiaoling respectively. [13]
In October, the spider biology research team of Jinggangshan University in Jiangxi Province discovered the new record genus of Chinese spiders - Iban spider. This species is a new species, named after Jiangxi Province's nickname "Gan" - "Gan Iban spider". This is the first time in the world that Iban spider has been found on Borneo Island in Southeast Asia. [14]
In December 2022, the spider biology research team of Jinggangshan University found new spider species in the survey of spider resources in central and southern Jiangxi, and the number of spider species in the world increased to 13. [15]

Subordinate classification

Some species of the Longtou family
Araneae It is divided into two suborders: ① There is one family of Sinotextile, with more than 20 species in total; ② Postspinna (about 107 families, nearly 40000 species). [2]
Among them, the post spinning suborder is also divided into A: Protoarachnoidea (about 14 families, more than 1500 species); B: New Arachnoidea (about 93 families, more than 38000 species). [2]
Spiders are the natural enemies of many agricultural and forestry pests and play an important role in biological control. Spiders can be used as medicine, mainly for prolapse of anus, sores, bromhidrosis, etc. [3] A few spiders are like black widows( Latrodectus tredecimguttatus And red spotted spider) are harmful to humans and animals. Tarantulaceae The burrowing tarantulas are distributed in Europe and Asia, and are common in Xinjiang, China. Their venom can kill people and animals; Some spider toxins contain hemolytic enzymes, which can cause local necrosis and ulceration of wound tissue and expand around. [2]
By the middle of the 19th century, spider research had developed rapidly. As of December 31, 2011, there are 42751 species (subspecies) of spiders belonging to 3859 genera, 110 families in the world. The distribution of spiders is extremely uneven due to different global geographical and ecological conditions. These spiders can be roughly divided into hunting spiders, web spiders and cave Three kinds of spiders. The first kind will look for food everywhere, and the second kind will wait for the hare after networking. Most of them are kept as pets in the third category: cave spiders. They like to hide in the sand pile or hole and form a net at the hole. The net itself has no viscosity and is purely used to sense the size of prey and prey.

Key values

Medicinal value
Spiders can be used as medicine, which has the functions of detoxification and detumescence. It is mainly used to treat furuncles, sores, insect bites, infantile convulsions, impotence and premature ejaculation. It can also make many Chinese patent medicines, which have good effects on some difficult diseases. Spider is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, and the oral liquid produced by spider has obvious curative effect on neurological diseases. [22 ]
economic value
Spiders are the natural enemies of many agricultural and forestry pests and play an important role in biological control. [21 ]
ecological value
Because spider pairs include habitat structure [4] , habitat type [5] , wind, humidity and temperature [6] Such environmental factors are highly sensitive to changes, and can be used as indicator groups for monitoring changes in habitat and biodiversity. The changes in species composition and quantity have become important indicators for environmental monitoring, which can well reflect the process of environmental change and its impact on biodiversity. [7]
Research value
Spider silk is expected to be used in manufacturing High strength material Experts from the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences are actively studying the use of spider silk to produce high-strength materials. There is a cluster of spinners behind the spider's abdomen, which pass through the silk glands in the body. The protein mucus secreted by the gland can be condensed into extremely solid spider silk in the air. According to the Moscow Communist Youth League, experts from the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences found that the hardness of this material is 9 times higher than that of steel with the same thickness, and its elasticity is 2 times higher than that of other composite materials with the most elasticity when conducting experiments on materials with a certain thickness woven from spider silk. Experts believe that after further processing of the above spider silk materials, they can be used to manufacture light bulletproof vests, parachutes, protective materials for weapons and equipment, wheel casings, plastic surgery appliances, high-strength fishing nets and other products. [9]
Poisoning processing
For spiders that have been reared and matured, they can be poisoned every 8 to 10 days. Every summer and autumn, we capture and collect spider venom, which is to electrically stimulate the muscles of the spider's venom gland tube to make it vomit toxic liquid. The collected venom can be processed into commercial spider toxin for sale. Spider trunks are prepared in the proportion of 10 live birds, 1 salt, 0.5 additives and 40 water. First, dissolve the additives and salt in water, put the spider in the water at 18 ℃~25 ℃, soak for 5~12 hours, make the spider spit out all the dirt in the abdomen, and then take out the water soaked in the spider, remove the sediment, put the water soaked in the spider in the pot, boil it to remove the foam, put the spider in the pot, boil it for 2~3 hours, and when the water quickly dries, stir fry it with a shovel until the spider ridge is pulled out, the whole body is stiff, the color is bright, and when the water in the pot is basically consumed, The spider can be taken out and dried in a ventilated and dry place, which is the finished product of spider drying. After being sealed and packaged, it can be sold to the relevant purchasing department to obtain economic benefits as soon as possible. [10]

Species hazards

In the process of feeding, operating and collecting poison, it is sometimes unavoidable to be bitten by poisonous spiders. The venom toxicity of cave dwelling spiders varies with species, sex, individual size, maturity and season. Generally, female spiders are more toxic than male spiders, while mature spiders are more toxic than young spiders. In terms of season, the toxicity of newly emerged spiders and female spiders during hatching is the strongest. Spiders attack with a pair of pincers at the front of their head and chest. The venom is injected into the skin through the pincers at the tip of the pincers on the pincers. At this time, two pinholes can be seen at the bite site. In severe cases, local redness and swelling gradually expand. Severe pain soon occurs at the distal end of the wound, often unbearable. Some people sweat after being bitten, accompanied by systemic symptoms such as dizziness, lethargy Sleepiness and weakness, drooping eyelids or vomiting and abdominal pain, and more serious cases of dyspnea, slow pulse, arrhythmia and blurred vision. [11]
There is no exact statistics on the number of truly poisonous spiders. The world's most toxic spiders are the Mediterranean black widow spider of the orbididae family, the brown flat tarantula of the arachnidae family, the Australian funnel spider of the verrucae family Ctenopodal spider Black bellied ctenophora Bird catching arachnid Australian bird catching spiders. According to statistics, there were 1726 cases of Lathroclectutus chelation injury in the United States between 1959 and 1973, with 55 deaths. The bite wounds of the line spiders and bird catching spiders are large and deep, while those of the tarantulas and arachnids are light. The toxicity of Phoneutria spider is very strong. 20 grams of white mice were used for the test. 0.006 mg of toxin was injected intravenously. Death occurred within 2 to 5 hours. The toxicity of female spiders is much stronger than that of male spiders. Male spiders will not give people a lethal amount of toxin. Spiders are very toxic. In Brazil, the eastern Mediterranean, Yugoslavia and other countries, spiders are feared. [10]
Spiders with strong toxicity in China are as follows:
Bird catching spider found in Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other places.
Red claw spider distributed in Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and Northeast China.
Distributed in Xinjiang, northern Shaanxi, Hebei, Changchun and other places lycosa singoriensis
A long tailed spider commonly found in the mountains of central and southern Taiwan.
Relevant reports in Fujian Black Widow Spider, etc. Among them, there are two spiders whose toxicity has been studied by Chinese scholars. [10]

Prevention and control methods

In case of being bitten by spiders, the most convenient and effective way is to burn the wound with matches or cigarette ends to destroy its toxin at high temperature. But this method must be carried out within 1~2 minutes after being bitten before the toxin spreads. In addition, there are several rescue methods as follows:
Smash ginger and apply it to the wound, or use potassium permanganate The symptoms can be alleviated and disappeared by applying the solution to the wound. [11]
Wipe the wound and inflamed part with cooked tobacco, and in serious cases, use a few grams of cooked tobacco or another 10g of realgar, 15g of indigo naturalis, 0.2g of plum flakes to grind and gargle with warm water. [11]
Take 250g of Gentiana macrophylla with decoction as tea frequently. [11]
10 ml of 10% procaine hydrochloride (novocaine) can be injected intravenously, 10~20 ml of 10%~25% magnesium sulfate and 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate can also be injected. [11]
Patients with severe symptoms or shock. 0.5~1 mg adrenaline can be injected intravenously or subcutaneously. [11]
Take Ji Desheng Snake Medicine, and use it according to the instructions. [11]

Other contents

  • spider web
Vitelline spider
Just as Spider Man entered major cinemas, a new kind of spider was discovered. This spider has a "unique skill" that can weave extremely regular webs. So far, four spiders with the ability to measure and create symmetrical webs have been found. Last month, the fifth spider was found in Peru, which further aroused people's interest. [10]
A scientist has studied spiders for more than 20 years. He said: "This is a very interesting thing, because it seems that there is no reason for it to see any advantage of the symmetrical web, but it is an evolution of spiders." He also said that this cannot be an accident in evolution, which just makes these spiders have the ability to measure, There must be a reason for this evolution, but it is not known yet. [10]
Among more than 37000 spider species, all spiders can spin silk, but only half of them can use silk to weave webs. The rest only use silk to wrap food or eggs, or weave a small temporary shelter, or weave a safety belt when jumping like Spiderman. [10]
Spider silk comes from the spinner, usually at the back of the abdomen. Linda Ruier, assistant professor of the School of Insects at Cornell University in New York, said: "Silk exists in the form of liquid in the abdomen, but turns into solid silk after coming out. Researchers have been studying how this happens. Spider silk is much stronger than steel of the same width. Spider silk can bear 5 times the weight of the same steel without breaking. It can stretch to 200 times its length. [10]
Each spider has its own type of web weaving, which is both natural and easy for experts to recognize. A scientist said: "To any web on the earth, you can tell the kind of spider that weaves this web, just like an artist can distinguish Michelangelo's and Van Gogh's works at a glance. [10]
However, just as each painting is unique, each web is also woven by each spider according to the specific space. Professor of Biology, Vassar College, New York, said: "Spiders will modify the design of the web according to the wind and the surrounding vegetation. [10]
The scientist said: "The best symmetric webs known now are woven by those orb spiders. There are about 5000 kinds of orb web weaving spiders." The orb web is composed of radial circles, with the middle protruding into a spiral shape to trap food. He said: "Spiders can not create symmetrical webs to capture more food than asymmetric webs, so why do they bother to weave such regular webs? [10]
It turns out that the legs and heels of spiders secrete a special oily liquid. It is the lubricating effect of this liquid that allows spiders to come and go freely, like walking on the ground. There are several spinners at the end of the spider's abdomen, which can spin different kinds of spider silk. Some spider silk has no viscosity (dry silk), and some has viscosity (sticky silk). When a spider weaves a web, it first weaves a support with non sticky spider silk, as well as spoke silk radiating outward from the center, and then weaves a circle of spiral screws with sticky spider silk. As long as the spider does not touch the screw, it will not be stuck. In other words, spiders move on the non sticky spider silk, so they will not be stuck. [10]
The scientist explained that as the spider grows older, its nervous system will gradually age, and its web will not be so good. This research on spider web can also explain some changes in human behavior with age. [10]
Researchers have found that ordinary spiders lose their ability to spin webs in the twilight of life. This research result comes from Meilin Anotto, a doctoral student at the University of Nancy in France. She said that a short life of 12 months is an excellent experimental object for studying the aging process. She presented her research results at the meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology held in Glasgow on July 2, 2011. [10]