
Super villain under Marvel Comics
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Hive is an American Marvel Comics Super villain , debuted at《 Secret Warriors 》(Secret Warriors) Issue 2 (May 2009), written by Jonathan Hickman. Hydra [1] The experimental product of is a collection of parasites, which can have the memory of the host.
stay Marvel Movie Universe 's TV series《 Secret agent of Shendun Bureau 》In, Honeycomb is adapted as Cree (KREE), belonging to Inhumans
Chinese name
Foreign name
Former secret agent of the Divine Shield Bureau, member of the Hydra Grant Ward
Will Daniel, member of NASA
He was a male before being transformed by the Cree
Debut works
Secret Warriors #2
Divine Shield Agent Season 3

Character experience

There is not much about Marvel's honeycomb in the cartoon. According to the description of Kraken, a member of the Hydra Organization, the honeycomb, as a collection of swarms of parasites, was originally hosted by a Hydra agent who was terminally ill.
The sea monster took the agent to the underwater laboratory named Ravenous and gave it to Baron Straker (Baron Von Strucker) and told Baron Straker that the agent was in poor health, so the integration process would not be too troublesome. The next step is the process of the birth of the hive. The parasite rushes into the agent's body, which is very painful.
The experiment was successful. The final honeycomb was a mixture of human and parasites. The parasites devoured the host's memory and strength, forming a new sense of unity and serving the Hydra.
In the cartoon, Honeycomb mainly acts in teams with Viper, Gorgon and Kraken. They attacked Shendun Bureau (SHIELD) and ambushed those who came to rescue Nick Fury (Nick Fury)。
Later, the Hydra fell out with another organization, Leviathan, and the two sides began a long and bloody fight. Agkistrodon halys was killed by a Hydra spy. After the Hydra members found the body of Agkistrodon halys, the honeycomb as a teammate was shocked. Then the parasites in the hive attached to the body of Agkistrodon halys, temporarily creating a new hive and saving the snake.
Agkistrodon halys was renamed Madame Hydra. Together with the beehive, she broke away from the control of Straker Baron and Hydra and finally joined Norman Osborne (Norman Osborn). Osborne operated on Mrs. Hydra to separate the hive. The final debut of Honeycomb was Secret Warriors # 24 in 2011. [2]

Role capability


Cartoon ability

Although the body shape of the honeycomb is bipedal, it is not a fixed form. There are many parasites on it. These parasites can attack the target at super high speed, making them effective projective weapons. In addition, the honeycomb also has the ability to survive under water and on land.
Honeycomb can absorb the memory of human host and improve the strength, endurance and skills of the host, but it will be limited by the physical properties of the host. For example, if the host itself has no flight ability, the honeycomb cannot create flight superpowers for the host. If the host has any disease or gene defect before, these diseases and defects will still exist after the honeycomb parasitism and will have a certain impact on it. [1]

Film and television ability

The parasite can be projected from the hand (or from the mouth) to chew the target, and complete regeneration by chewing the target. The parasite can also be projected from the whole body to swallow all the surrounding life.
It can project parasites to persuade all aliens (except those who whip and help "immunize") to do things for the hive itself. The persuaded aliens will immediately learn how to control their own power (this is mainly used to persuade the newly transformed aliens to not control and use their own power).
Super strong physique, can fight with Kerry people hand to hand.
It can use parasites all over the body to resist attacks. The hive uses parasites outside the body to avoid the power of mental paralysis of petrified eyes.
It can leave the original host at any time, enter the new host, and obtain the host's memory. It can only parasitize human bodies, and the honeycomb does not parasitize other people. He said that he never parasitizes the same kind.
The amount of information received is huge. When Honeycomb just returned to the earth, Malik first gave him one TV, then two TV, then four TV, and finally ten TV to Honeycomb. Each TV played different videos, but Honeycomb still watched without blinking. In a conversation with Malik, I read a book while talking, and every page for a few seconds, which shows that Honeycomb has a strong ability to receive information.
He has a strong defense arm, which is due to his eating of many people, arclight Daisy's shock waves were blocked by the hive with her arms.
In addition, Honeycomb also has leadership and command abilities that are different from ordinary people.

Film and television image

In the third season of ABC TV series Secret Agent of Divine Shield, Honeycomb is the main villain, also known as Alveus Originally a Maya Warrior (played by Jason Glover), who was captured by the Kerry reapers, became the first person to suffer from their Teregan mutation experiment. The super soldiers created by this experiment are called aliens. The Teregan mutation transformed him into the composition of a cellular parasite, which can permanently survive by occupying other people's bodies, and also gain their memory in this process, and he can show a head with tentacles. The honeycomb can send out parasites to devour human beings as nourishment, or use parasitism to influence other aliens and dominate their will to control. In fact, this is designed by the Cree people to make him their leader. The ancient aliens were afraid of him, so they exiled him to a distant planet called Maveth with Kerry technology. His admirers set up a secret society to prepare for the return of hives (eventually the society gradually developed into Hydra ), while providing new victims/hosts, including Lord Mancini (played by Daniel J. Wolfe), Nathaniel Malik (played by Joel Courtney And NASA astronaut Will Daniels (by Dillon Casey As a result, he appeared as an astronaut when he was discovered by the people of the Divine Shield Bureau. Thanks to the efforts of Hydra, the honeycomb is used Grant Ward (by Brett Dalton (Actor)'s body returns to Earth. Honeycomb later seized the control of Hydra, and then reproduced the Teregan mutation experiment Missile warhead Spreading viruses around the world, we want to transform human beings into primitive alien soldiers with honeycomb influence. His plan was defeated by the Divine Shield Bureau, and Linken Campbell made them join the trap Kun fighter Into space, the warhead exploded and killed them both. In the fifth season, when the Kerry signal exploded near three huge stones, a honeycomb in the form of fear appeared among many fear forms Phil Coulson and Death Warrior Destroy. [3]