Broad bean

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Broad bean( Vicia faba L.), Vicia I, Leguminosae Biennial herb Botany. Broad bean Plant height It is 30-180 cm. The main root system is developed, the root system is conical, and the stem is herbaceous stem, which is quadrangular in shape and grows upright, with two kinds of green and purple; The cotyledons are not unearthed, and the apical leaflets degenerate into spines; The flower is a short raceme, born between the axils of leaves, with white, purple, purple and red flowers. The outer layer of the pod is covered with fine hairs, and the inner layer of the fruit wall is covered with spongy hairs. The seed is flat, and the seed coat is milky white, brown and cyan. [15]
Broad bean is one of the oldest edible legumes cultivated by human beings. It is generally believed that it originated from the Mediterranean coast of Europe, southwest Asia and northern Africa. According to Taiping Yulan, it was introduced into China during Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions in the Western Han Dynasty, and is now distributed and produced all over the world. [15] Broad beans are cold resistant but not heat resistant. They like humid environment and avoid drought. [16] Generally, it can be cultivated in the open field, and can be sown on demand, drilled or scattered. [15]
Broad beans are soft and crisp, which can be used to make sauce, soy sauce, vermicelli and other products, and can be used as feed and honey plants. [17] Because it contains high nitrogen fixation, it can be used as fertilizer to reduce pests and diseases. [18] Broad beans contain calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, cholelithine and other important ingredients that regulate brain and nervous tissue, which can promote the growth and development of human bones, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and delay arteriosclerosis. [16] According to the "Living with the Family Diet", people who are allergic to broad beans should use it with caution. If they eat a little more, they will suffer from a broad bean disease similar to jaundice, leading to acute hemolytic anemia, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and other symptoms, which should be treated in time. [15]
Chinese name
Broad bean
Latin name
Vicia faba L. [5] [14]
South bean Lentil Buddha bean Luohandou a bean similar to the broad bean Flinty bean soybean
Broad bean
Distribution area
Sichuan, Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Qinghai and other provinces
Named by and date
L. ,1753
Foreign name

Planting history

Broad bean is one of the oldest edible legumes cultivated by human beings. It is generally believed that it originated from the Mediterranean coast of Europe, southwest Asia and northern Africa. According to Taiping Yulan, it was introduced into China during Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions in the Western Han Dynasty, and is now distributed and produced all over the world. [15]
Broad bean has a long history of cultivation and was domesticated in the eastern Mediterranean region. Its archaeological evidence can be traced back to the 10th century. Even though broad bean is a widely planted crop, its origin is complicated. Some people think that the broad bean scripture mediterranean sea Passed by coastal countries and China Mesopotamia Spread to Anatolia And then spread to Europe. [3]
Broad beans began to be introduced into China in the first century AD, with a planting history of more than 2000 years. The earliest record of broad bean is that the word "Hu Dou" appeared in Guangya during the Three Kingdoms Period. Broadbean was also unearthed in Qianshanyang Neolithic Site, Wuxing County, Zhejiang Province [1] Li Shizhen Said: "The bean is like an old silkworm in shape, so it is called broad bean". Broad beans are planted in most provinces of China, mainly in spring in the north of the Yangtze River, and in autumn and winter in the south of the Yangtze River. [1] Broad bean cultivation in China is mainly distributed in the southwest, Yangtze River basin and northwest regions, with an area of about 14 million mu. At the same time, there are more than 4 million mu of fresh broad beans in Yunnan and eastern coastal areas. [4]
Broad beans are grown in about 45 countries in the world [1] According to FAO statistics, the world's broad bean planting area in 2014 was 212.1 × 10 four Hectares, with an output of 4.035 million tons. The main countries are China, Ethiopia and Morocco, accounting for 33.07%, 20.89% and 9.00% of the world's broad beans respectively. China's broad bean production ranks first in the world, with a planting area of 70.2 × 10 four Hectares, accounting for 33.7% of the world. The output is 1.429 million tons, and the main provinces and regions include Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Gansu and Qinghai. With the progress of society, people's quality of life and health level are constantly improving, and the market demand for broad beans is also diversified. [3]

morphological character

Annual herb, 30-100 (120) cm high. The taproot is short and thick, with many fibrous roots, pink nodules, and dense. stem Strong, upright, 0.7-1 cm in diameter, with four edges, hollow, hairless. Even pinnate compound leaf The tendrils at the top of leaf axis are shortened into short sharp ends; Stipulea capitate or nearly triangular ovate, 1-2.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, slightly serrate, with dark purple dense glandular spots; The leaflets are usually 1-3 pairs, alternate, and the upper leaflets can reach 4-5 pairs, with fewer bases. The leaflets are elliptic, oblong or obovate, and sparsely rounded, 4-6 (- 10) cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide. The apex is blunt, with a short pointed head, the base is cuneate, entire, and both sides are hairless. raceme Axillary, pedicel nearly absent; Calyx campanulate, calyx teeth lanceolate, lower calyx teeth longer; There are 2-4 (- 6) flowers in clusters in the leaf axils, with white corolla, purple veins and black halos, 2-3.5 cm long, Petal Middle constriction, base tapering, Pterygoid flap Shorter than the flag petal, longer than Keel flap Stamens are 2-body (9+1), ovary is linear and sessile, ovules 2-4 (- 6), style is densely covered with white soft hairs, and there is a bunch of beard on the distal surface of the top. The pods are plump, 5-10 cm long and 2-3 cm wide; The epidermis is green and fluffy, with white sponge and diaphragm inside. The epidermis turns black after maturity. Seeds 2-4 (- 6), oblong, nearly oblong, concave in the middle, testa leathery, greenish green, grayish green to brownish brown, dilute purple or black; The hilum is linear, black, and located at one end of the seed. florescence April to May, Fruiting period May June. 2n=12。 [5]

Growth environment

Broad bean
Broad beans are born in warm wetlands, and can withstand - 4 ° C low temperature, but are afraid of summer heat. [5] It likes cool and sunny environment, and likes loose and well drained loam. The optimum temperature for growth is 15~26 ℃. [19 ]

Distribution range

It is cultivated all over China, mainly in the south of the Yangtze River. It is native to the Mediterranean coast of Europe, southwest Asia and North Africa. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Qinghai and other provinces. Broad beans produced in Ningbo, Zhangjiakou, Qinghai and Gansu are the four most valuable broad beans in China. [2]

Cultivation technology

Generally, it can be cultivated in the open field, and can be sown on demand, drilled or scattered. [15] Broad bean production in China can be divided into autumn sowing areas and spring sowing areas. Broad beans are sown in autumn in southwest China and Yangtze River basin, and harvested in spring and summer next year; Broad beans are sown in spring and harvested in autumn in the same year in spring sowing areas such as northwest China. As a good preceding crop of rice, wheat and corn, broad bean plays an important role in crop rotation or intercropping, especially in paddy soil fertilization and pest control. [4]

Autumn sowing

Autumn sowing
Land preparation and fertilization: The previous crop is a broad bean field in dry land. After the previous crop is harvested, whether to carry out rotary tillage or no tillage direct seeding depends on the soil moisture. The sowing season of autumn broad beans is dry with little rain. If the soil moisture content after the previous harvest is more than 40%, direct seeding will be carried out. On the contrary, it is necessary to carry out rotary tillage (avoiding plowing) on the plot, and apply a certain amount of farmyard manure (not less than 1 ton/mu) or compound fertilizer (10:10:10) as the base fertilizer before plowing, and then plow to ensure that the depth of rotary tillage is not less than 10 cm. After rotary tillage, the plot can be arranged according to 3-5 meters of box surface and 0.3 meters of ditch width. [4]
The previous stubble is the broad bean field of rice. After the rice is harvested, it is sown by grabbing moisture, and it is sown by direct seeding or ridging. No tillage direct seeding cultivation of broad bean after rice harvest means that broad bean is planted on the box surface according to the box width of 3-4 meters without plowing (rotary tillage) after rice harvest. The row spacing required for broad bean planting is marked with compound fertilizer (10:10:10) before the box is opened. The width and depth of the ditch depend on the plot. In dry areas in winter and spring, the ditch width of 0.3 meters and the ditch depth of 0.3 meters are appropriate, If the terrain is relatively flat and there is a little rainfall in autumn, the depth of the ditch should be increased appropriately. The ditch should be 0.5m wide and 0.4m deep. After the broad bean is sown, a certain amount of farm manure should be sprayed on the box surface before the ditch is dug. The excavated soil is broken and spread on the box surface. Ridge planting in rice fields is mainly carried out in areas with relatively flat terrain such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There is much water in the fields after rice harvest. Ridge the fields according to the width of 80-100 cm, the ridge height is 20-25 cm, and 40-50 cm wide ditches are left between the ridges. [4]
Suitable sowing time: The production of dry seed broad beans should avoid sowing in early autumn. Generally, the sowing should be completed from the beginning of October to the beginning of November to avoid the damage of low temperature and frost during the flowering period of broad beans. In addition, the best sowing date of broad beans planted by the "no tillage and direct seeding cultivation technology after rice harvest of broad beans" is 15-20 days after rice harvest. The specific sowing date needs to be selected according to the water content of the field. The best sowing date is not when the field is flooded or dried up and small cracks appear. Broadbeans can be sown after ridging in rice fields. [4]
Broad bean
Reasonable close planting: The production of dry seeds in autumn sown faba bean production areas in the Yangtze River basin is dominated by medium seeds (70-120g dry seeds per hundred grains). The sowing amount is calculated by planting 15000 plants per mu in fields with medium fertility. If the soil moisture content of faba beans keeps 50% - 60% during the whole growth period, high-density planting (30000 plants/mu) can be adopted to obtain high yield. In terms of sowing method, the dry land can adopt pond hole sowing (2 seeds/hole) or strip sowing, and the "no tillage direct sowing after rice" will adopt rice stubble as the direction for sowing, 1 seed/hole. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui and other regions are dominated by large grain seeds (1000 grain 100 grain weight>120g), which are mainly used for fresh production, with the seeding amount per mu controlled below 5000 plants. [4]
Field management:
Reasonable irrigation and drainage The fields adopting the "no tillage and direct seeding cultivation technology after rice planting of broad bean" should be sown in time for moisture, and the fields with more water content should be drained in time to ensure the emergence of seedlings is the key to obtain high yield of broad bean. Irrigation shall be arranged according to the soil moisture during the flowering and pod period of broad beans to avoid a large number of falling flowers and pods during the flowering and pod period, and to ensure that the broad beans are fully grouted to obtain the highest 100 seed weight possible. [4]
Fertilizer application For top dressing, 5-8 kg urea per mu shall be applied at the seedling stage of broad bean in poor land to promote seedling growth, and early branching is beneficial to flowering and podding. At the initial flowering stage and pod setting stage, 15 kg of compound fertilizer (10:10:10) and 10 kg of urea were used for watering once each. For the broad bean field where fresh pods are collected, 0.3% can be used according to the growth and seedling frame condition after collecting green pods 1-2 times Potassium dihydrogen phosphate +0.3% urea +0.2% Boron fertilizer The solution is sprayed on the leaf surface. [4]
Weed control It is best to weed before sprouting. Select appropriate herbicides to "weed before sprouting" within 3 days after broad bean sowing. Do not use sterile herbicides before sowing. Herbicides should be used strictly according to the instructions. Chemical weeding shall be avoided as far as possible after the emergence of broad beans. Generally, artificial weeding shall be carried out between the budding stage and the flowering stage of broad beans. [4]
Harvest in time For the production of dry seeds, when the leaves of broad bean plants become yellow and dry, and the plant stalks become yellow and green, they are cut by a windrower and dried in the field. When the whole plant is dry, threshers are used for threshing and cleaning and sealed fumigation to prevent Bean weevil Harm. [4]

Spring sowing

Broad bean planting
Land preparation and fertilization: Spring sowing is mainly promoted by ridging and film covering. In order to improve the effect of drought resistance, water storage and moisture conservation, it is best to use film mulching in autumn or top slush film mulching. In years with light drought, it is also possible to grab moisture and film mulching before sowing in spring. For fields covered with plastic film in autumn and with plastic film on the top, water seepage holes should be opened in time. Small holes with a diameter of less than 0.5 cm should be opened on the plastic film every 50 cm along the ridges and ditches to facilitate rainwater infiltration in time. The specification of ridging is 40 cm wide small ridge and 70 cm wide large ridge. The ridge height is 10-15 cm, and then the ridge surface is covered with 120 cm wide mulch film. The two mulch films are connected on the large ridge, and the joint is pressed with soil to form a soil belt on the ridge and ridge covered with mulch film every 3 meters horizontally, so as to compact the mulch film and form a full mulch film on the ridge and ridge. [4]
Land preparation, fertilization and underground pest control shall be carried out simultaneously. For the plot with low soil fertility, 15 kg compound fertilizer (10:10:10) is applied per mu, and then plastic film is covered. For the plot with frequent underground pests, phoxim granules and compound fertilizer are mixed and applied before plastic film covering. [4]
Suitable sowing time: Sow early in time, usually in the middle and late March to the first ten days of April, to ensure that the seedlings are neat, even and strong. [4]
Reasonable close planting: For plots with medium fertility or above, it is appropriate to protect about 15000 seedlings per mu. The average row spacing is 55cm, and the average hole spacing is 20cm for manual spot sowing. The planting is carried out along the furrows between the big and small ridges. 2-3 seeds are planted in each hole, and 2-3 seedlings are left in the hole. Two, three, two and three seedlings can be left in each hole. [4]
Field management:
Seedling management Immediately cover the sowing hole with lime soil or fine sandy soil after spot sowing of broad beans planted with film mulching to facilitate the compaction of the film and prevent hardening. In case of hardening, timely break and release the seedlings. In addition, special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of root nodules and other pests at the seedling stage. The key is to ensure the emergence rate of broad beans. At the same time, 2.0-2.5kg urea should be applied to weak seedlings in combination with intertillation and weeding per mu at the seedling stage. During fertilization, it is advisable to avoid direct contact between urea and broad bean roots and maintain 3cm. [4]
Florescence management During the flowering period, strengthen the prevention and control of red spot, bean weevil, aphid and other diseases and pests, and spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves in 1-2 times. Irrigation shall be arranged according to the soil moisture during the flowering and pod period of broad beans to avoid a large number of falling flowers and pods during the flowering and pod period, and to ensure that the broad beans are fully grouted to obtain the highest 100 seed weight possible. [4]
Harvest in time Harvest 80% of plants in the field when the lower 3-4 layers of pods turn black and the upper pods turn yellow green. [4]

Cultivation management

Cultivation management
Broad beans grow nutritively from emergence to the beginning of spring, mainly by growing roots, leaves and branches. Therefore, we should strengthen cultivation and management to lay the foundation for high yield and harvest. Three specific measures shall be taken: [13]
1. The broad bean is a straight root crop. If the drainage is poor and the groundwater level is high, the root development will be affected. Therefore, deep ditches should be opened to drain the surface water and lower the groundwater level, which is the key measure for the high yield of broad bean; [13]
2. Loosen the soil, root it up, intertillage and weed it to enhance the permeability of the soil, improve the soil temperature, make the roots deeply rooted, increase the effective branches, and improve the lodging resistance; [13]
3. Broad bean can fix nitrogen by itself. Generally, it does not need to apply nitrogen fertilizer topdressing. It can add plant ash to improve the cold resistance of plants. However, for plots with poor soil, weak growth and yellow seedling color, it can also apply a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer topdressing to promote growth and ensure harvest. [13]

Disease and insect control

Broad bean red spot Cercospora leaf spot rust wilt These diseases and pests are common in the process of broad bean planting, which will have a serious impact on the yield and quality of broad beans. Therefore, in the process of broad bean planting, growers should understand and master the characteristics of these diseases and pests and their prevention and control measures, so as to effectively reduce the losses caused by diseases and pests to broad bean planting and increase the economic income of growers. [6]
  • Red spot disease
Morbidity characteristics:
Red spot disease
Red spot is the most common disease and insect pest in the process of broad bean planting. It is a fungal disease, which will mainly harm the broad bean leaves. When the disease is serious, the stem, young pods, flowers and other parts of the broad bean will also appear disease spots. Once broad beans suffer from this disease, the yield of broad beans will be reduced by more than 30% in the light, and the leaves and stems of broad beans will be withered and dead in the heavy. At the beginning of the disease, red spots will appear on the broad bean leaves. With the severity of the disease, the spots will gradually expand into oval or round red spots, and the edges of the spots will be brown, red spots will also appear on the petioles and stems, and there are cracks inside. At the late stage of the disease, all parts of the broad bean plant will become black and full of gray mold. Peeling the broad bean stem, you will see black sclerotia attached to the inner wall, and these sclerotia will overwinter on the diseased broad bean. [6]
Prevention measures:
Agricultural control: planting disease resistant varieties and reasonable rotation. This requires growers to adopt high border and deep furrow cultivation, so that rainwater can be discharged in time after rain, thus reducing the field humidity. In the process of planting, proper close planting should be carried out, and ventilation and light transmission should be paid attention to.
Physical control: disinfection of seeds and soil. 1% lime water shall be added before sowing New high lipid membrane Soak the seeds in 800 times solution for 24 hours. At the same time, it is also necessary to spray 500 times liquid of 50% sodium disulfonate wet powder and 800 times liquid of new high fat film on the soil. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, use formula fertilization technology, avoid biased application of nitrogen fertilizer in broad beans, and properly increase the application of plant ash or other phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which can enhance the disease resistance of broad beans. During the growth period of broad beans, Huawang 3 should be sprayed to prevent the main shoots from growing too vigorously and promote flower bud differentiation. Before the broad bean blooms, it should be sprayed with Caiguo Zhuangdiling, which can achieve the effect of strong flowers and strong pedicels, and can also effectively enhance the pollination quality of broad beans, promote the development of fruits, and improve the yield and quality of broad beans.
Chemical control: the first control is generally in the flowering period of broad beans, and the second control is carried out after 5-7 days. Use 50% paraquat wettable powder, 25% hectare emulsifiable concentrate or 50% suquelin wettable powder for prevention and treatment. Add about 10g of medicament into each barrel of sprayer to spray the whole plant evenly. [6]
  • Cercospora leaf spot
Morbidity characteristics:
Broad bean
It is one of the most common diseases and insect pests in the process of broad bean planting, and it is also a fungal disease. This kind of disease and pest will mainly damage the stem, leaves, seeds, pods and other parts of broad beans. Once broad beans are infected with the disease, red spots will appear on their leaves, while the center of the spot will appear light gray, and the edge will appear red or brown. In addition, concentric ring lines will appear on the surface of the leaves, and the center of the disease spot will fall off, causing perforation. However, under drought conditions, the center of the disease spot will appear white. The pathogen will overwinter in the soil in the form of mycelium along with the disease residue of broad bean, or attach to the seed in the form of conidia. Conidia belong to primary or re invasive inoculum, which can spread infection and cure disease through rain splash. 20-26 ℃ is most suitable for the growth of this pathogen. Therefore, it is very easy to get sick in warm, rainy and humid weather, or in low border and humid soil. [6]
Cercospora leaf spot
Prevention measures:
Agricultural control: select disease-free pods for seed retention. The seeds need to be disinfected before sowing, and then soaked in 56 ℃ warm water for 5 minutes. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the cultivation technology, adopt high border and deep furrow cultivation, and pay attention to ditch cleaning and drainage. In addition, it is also necessary to properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and spray foliar nutrients.
Chemical control: 15-20g of 10% Shigao water dispersible granule or 5g of 80% Dasheng wettable powder can be added to each barrel of manual sprayer at the beginning of the disease to spray the whole plant evenly. Then the second prevention and treatment shall be carried out after 5-7 days. [6]
  • rust
Morbidity characteristics:
Rust is also one of the most common diseases and pests in broad bean cultivation. This kind of disease and pest will mainly harm the broad bean's leaf and stem. Once broad beans are infected with the disease, at the initial stage of the disease, light yellow spots will appear on their leaves, and then they will gradually become rusty brown. With the continuous expansion of the spots, the leaves will also rise. After the leaves break, there will be rust like uredospores, and repeated infection will occur. At the later stage of the disease, there will be large dark winter spores on the leaves of broad beans. When the leaves break, they will also give out black powder. The symptoms on the broad bean stem are similar to those on the leaves. When the disease is serious, the broad bean plant will wither early. Rust is different from other diseases and insect pests. The earlier it occurs, the greater the impact on the yield of broad beans. [6]
Prevention measures:
Agricultural prevention and control: select the right time for sowing and reasonably close planting, which can effectively prevent and control broad bean rust.
Chemical control: 0.5% Bordeaux liquid The dosage of 1100-1500kg liquid medicine per hectare shall be sprayed evenly, and the method shall be adopted to spray 2-3 times continuously, and the spraying interval shall be 7-10 days, which can achieve good control effect. [6]
  • wilt
Morbidity characteristics:
Fusarium wilt is the most common disease and insect pest in broad bean cultivation, and this disease and insect pest will run through the whole growth period of broad bean, especially from bud to flower stage. Once broad beans suffer from this disease and insect pest, the main symptoms are light yellow leaves, short diseased plants, drooping stems and leaves at the top, black roots, short main roots, falling leaves, and easy pulling up of plants. [6]
Prevention measures:
Agricultural control: scientific selection of seeds and treatment of seeds. Generally, the seeds will be soaked in 56 ℃ warm water for 5 minutes, and then sowed immediately. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the cultivation technology, implement the paddy and drought rotation for more than two years, and do a good job in irrigation. [6]

Key values


Edible value

Broad bean
Broad bean is one of the earliest legume crops cultivated by human beings. Broad bean is cultivated in more than 40 countries in the world, concentrated in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean coast. China has more than 40 cultivated varieties. In the 1950s, its output ranked first in the world, with an annual output of more than 3 billion kilograms. It is used as grain flour to make cakes and snacks. When tender, it can be used as fresh vegetable or feed. The seed contains 22.35% protein and 43% starch. [5]
Broad bean is not only an important agricultural product to earn foreign exchange for export, but also has many uses in the farming system - the rotation of beans and other crops is conducive to increasing the nitrogen content in the soil, which is an economic income increasing crop. [3]

Medicinal value

Broad beans contain calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, cholelithine and other important ingredients that regulate brain and nervous tissue, which can promote the growth and development of human bones, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and delay arteriosclerosis. [16] According to the "Living with the Family Diet", people who are allergic to broad beans should use it with caution. If they eat a little more, they will suffer from a broad bean disease similar to jaundice, leading to acute hemolytic anemia, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and other symptoms, which should be treated in time. [15]

Ornamental value

The broad bean flower is beautiful and can be used for ornamental purposes. It is mostly used for forest edge and roadside bush planting. [19 ]

Popular science value

It can be used in farms, ecological parks, etc. for popular science education. It is one of the earliest legumes cultivated by human beings. [19 ]

economic value

Broad beans have a wide range of uses, including edible, fertilizer, feed, mainly edible. Fresh broad beans can be directly cooked or processed into broad bean products. Broad bean products refer to the products made from broad beans as the main raw material through a series of specific processing or refining. They generally also have the corresponding rich nutritional value of broad beans. The nutritional composition of some broad bean products is even more comprehensive than that of broad beans themselves. Traditional broad bean products generally include non fermented bean products and fermented bean products. There are various kinds of non fermented bean products, such as spiced beans, bean jelly, flour crust, bean paste, etc. Fermented bean products generally include bean paste, bean sauce, soy sauce, sweet sauce and other condiments, such as Sichuan Pixian watercress [1]
  • food
Food processing is the main form of broad bean processing, and the traditional method is to remove Tannin , phytoprothrombin Trypsin inhibitor , β - glycosides and other anti nutritional ingredients, and the inedible parts such as seed coat, improve the edible quality of broad beans, improve the convenience, and expand the production scale. Through industrial technology, broad beans can be made into flavor food, such as adding anise, salt, monosodium glutamate, anise and other different matching seasonings to cook, and adding safe and stable protective liquid, a variety of brine broad beans can be made; Broad beans are puffed and then added with salt to make a crispy and delicious snack puffed food. Broad bean starch can be separated through soaking, pulping, sedimentation and other technological processes. The leftovers after starch separation can also be comprehensively utilized. For example, calcium and magnesium phytate can be extracted from the slurry, and a variety of proteins can be extracted. Amino acids can be extracted from proteins through acid hydrolysis. The slurry can also be used to cultivate beneficial algae and microorganisms on a large scale. In addition, bean dregs can be used for brewing soy sauce and liquor. [2]
  • feed
Broad beans can also be used as raw materials for animal husbandry. In freshwater aquaculture, the broad bean glycoside is extracted from broad bean by experimental method, and then the broad bean extract is mixed with fish meal, soybean meal, cotton meal, rapeseed meal, soybean oil, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, choline chloride and other raw materials into a feed for feeding grass carp, which has a positive impact on grass carp growth, muscle composition and serum biochemical indicators, It can improve the growth rate and survival rate of grass carp. The experimental research shows that the growth of grass carp is obviously better than that of grass carp fed with common feed when the feed containing broad bean or broad bean extract is used, which fully explains the application value of broad bean in feed. [7]

Food Precautions

Broad beans cannot be eaten raw. People with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. [8] Broad bean allergy, hereditary red blood cell deficiency and broad bean disease patients are not suitable for eating. [7] Eating too much may cause abdominal distension, and indigestion can be controlled at a handful every day. [9]

Recommended dishes

Broad bean and rice egg soup
Broad bean and rice egg soup
Raw materials: broad beans, eggs
How to do it: first peel 1 jin of broad beans, take out one after another, then divide the broad bean rice into two pieces, and break up two eggs. Put oil in the pan, stir fry garlic in the pan, add water to boil, add broad bean rice, boil and continue to boil for 1 to 2 minutes, turn the heat to the minimum, slowly pour in egg liquid, boil and season with salt before eating. [8]
Seaweed, White Gourd and Bean Paste Soup
Seaweed, White Gourd and Bean Paste Soup
60 grams of soaked kelp, 250 grams of winter melon, 5 grams of peeled broad bean paste, and appropriate seasoning. [10]
To do this, first wash and cut kelp into slices and put them into a pot together with broad bean paste, fry them with sesame oil, then add 200 ml of water, cover and boil them. When the broad beans are about to mature, put the wax gourd into the pot together with salt, and then cook the wax gourd. [10]
Fennel bean
Fennel bean
Ingredients: 250g fresh broad beans, 1 pinch of cumin, Octagon 1 piece, Sichuan Pepper 1 g, Dry pepper 2 pieces (cut into small sections), chinese cinnamon 1 small segment, a little salt, and an appropriate amount of water; [11]
Method: Wash the broad beans, put the above materials into a pot, heat the water to a slight boil, turn the low heat to boil for 8 minutes, and then leave the fire. Soak the broad beans in the soup for about 30 minutes to make them tasty and ready to eat. [11]
Efficacy: appetizing and invigorating the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that broad beans are mild in nature, sweet in taste, and have the effects of benefiting the stomach, removing dampness, detumescence, hemostasis and detoxification. After cooking with fennel and other materials, the appetite will be improved. [11]

Extended Reading

In 2022, Dujiangyan City, together with Sichuan Agricultural University and Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has explored eight models to improve the "plot ratio" of cultivated land, and launched new "CP" featured planting such as "kiwi+potato/bean" [12]

Food nutrition

Food name Broad bean
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 338 kcal
protein 21.6 g
Fat 1 g
carbohydrate 61.5 g
Insoluble dietary fiber 1.7 g
sodium 86 mg
magnesium 57 mg
phosphorus 418 mg
potassium 1117 mg
calcium 31 mg
manganese 1.09 mg
iron 8.2 mg
copper 0.99 mg
zinc 3.42 mg
selenium 1.3 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.09 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.13 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.9 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 2 mg
vitamin E 1.6 mg