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Mussel dragon

The clam shell is made of dragon, tiger, deer and spider patterns, and the dragon and tiger are cicadas with head and tail opposite from north to south
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The clam dragon is a dragon, tiger, deer and spider pattern made of clam shells. The dragon and tiger are cicadas with head and tail opposite from north to south. The deer lies on the back of the tiger. The spider is located on the head of the tiger. There is a refined stone axe between the deer and the spider. The third group, 25 meters to the south, is an ash pit from northeast to southwest, with patterns of people riding dragons and people riding tigers. This is consistent with the legend that "the Yellow Emperor ascended to heaven by riding a dragon" and "Zhuan Xu ascended to the four seas by riding a dragon". In addition, birds, clam stacks and sporadic clam shells are scattered among them, like stars in the sun, moon and Milky Way. The man rides a dragon and a tiger and gallops in the air, which is very vivid and has a high aesthetic value In addition, around the three groups of mussel masonry patterns, the foundation of the Yangshao period and a large number of tombs, utensils and Round carved stone figure Debris, rich in content.
Chinese name
Mussel dragon
Foreign name
The clam shell is made of dragon, tiger, deer and spider patterns, and the dragon and tiger are cicadas with head and tail opposite from north to south
Totem background
The legend of dragon has a long history. It is a totem worshipped by ancient people and composed of a variety of animal characteristics. For thousands of years, people have regarded it as a symbol of power and dignity, carved on Beam column , molded on the wall, embroidered imperial robe It has become the unity of truth, goodness and beauty, so it has many titles, such as "the true dragon and the emperor", "the dragon and the son", and "the son is expected to become a dragon", which reflects the ideals, aspirations and pursuit of the Chinese people. In 1987, the dragon and tiger patterns unearthed on the Xishuipo of Puyang County were the earliest among the dragon patterns found in the national archaeology. According to scientific measurement, they were 6460 ± 135 years ago, so they were praised by experts as“ No.1 Dragon in China ”。 This important discovery has caused a sensation in the national press and historians. 1988《 China Pictorial 》It has been published in 19 languages in 120 countries. People's Daily, a major domestic newspaper《 Guangming Daily 》、《 China Heritage News 》Cultural Relics《 Huaxia Archaeology 》And so on.