
Less differentiated mature tissue
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Parenchyma Cells With thin Primary wall It is a relatively undifferentiated type Mature organization [1]
Parenchyma Trophic tissue , is a group of Protoplast Cells with thin primary wall( Parenchyma cell )The organization formed.
The shape of parenchyma cells is almost equal in diameter polyhedron (See the overview figure), but it can also be differentiated into star awn, branch and arm shape.
Parenchymatous morphological structure and physiological function Less specialization, but with greater development Plasticity Therefore, in the process of plant development, parenchyma can further develop into more specialized tissue.
The parenchyma tissue usually occupies the most part in the plant body. It is contained in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, and is responsible for absorption, assimilation, storage, ventilation, transmission and other nutritional functions, so it is also called the nutritional tissue or basic tissue. [2]
Chinese name
Basic Organization
Latin name
A kind of mature organization

brief introduction

The parenchyma cells have potential cell division ability, and there are many developed cell gaps between the cells. Under the stimulation of certain external factors, the cells can reverse differentiate and recover Meristematic ability , change to meristem (Meristem) to promote the Wound healing , regeneration, formation Adventitious root or Adventitious bud Under the condition of in vitro culture, isolated parenchyma cell clusters, even single cells, can grow into a complete plant
The parenchyma is mainly related to the vegetative activities of plants and has important functions such as assimilation, storage, ventilation and absorption physiological function , is carried out by plants photosynthesis (Photosynthesis)、 Respiration (Respiration), storage nutrients and various metabolite The base of synthesis and transformation of“ Trophic tissue ”It is called.


Thin wall tissue is widely distributed in plants, accounting for the majority of plant objects, and mainly exists in the ground or fundamental, such as the cortex and pith of stem and root( pith ), mesophyll All or most of the parts of the flower, the pulp of many fruits and the endosperm of seeds are composed of parenchyma.


1. The cells are living cells with large volume;
2. Usually spherical polyhedron And other shapes, arranged loosely;
3. Thin cell wall, cytoplasm Thin, vacuole Larger, less differentiated, with potential Meristematic ability


Low degree of differentiation, with potential Meristematic ability In some cases, it can be transformed into biological tissue or further developed into other tissues, so the recovery of trauma Adventitious root , adventitious bud generation, cutting propagation and grafting survival tissue culture And so on.


According to the different physiological functions of parenchyma, it can be divided into the following seven types:

basic parenchyma

The basic parenchyma is mostly distributed in the root, stem and other organs, such as cortex and pith, which play the role of filling parenchyma.
The cells of basic parenchyma are colorless, Cross section It is spherical or polygonal, with no obvious difference in length and width, almost equal in diameter, and has living cells Protoplast It is a vegetative living cell.
In plants, the basic parenchyma plays the role of filling, so it is also called filling parenchyma.

Assimilating parenchyma

Assimilating parenchyma, named for its close relationship with photosynthesis, mostly exists in light sensitive parts of plant surface. It is characterized by the presence of chloroplast , which can carry out photosynthesis, so it is also called green parenchyma( chlorenchyma )。 For example, between the upper and lower epidermis of plant leaves mesophyll Contains chloroplasts, especially near Upper epidermis Of palisade tissue There are more chloroplasts in cells.
leaf The green body also exists in the cortex or the inner part of the stem or even the pith. There are also some assimilative parenchyma in young parts of plants, such as green stems, branches and the outside of fruits. In some plants with degenerated leaves (such as Ephedra In the stem, there are several layers of chloroplast containing parenchyma cells under the surface to replace the assimilated parenchyma cells of the leaves, which often appear obvious vacuolization and form a high degree of chamber structure, thus facilitating the process of gas exchange

Storage parenchyma

Storage parenchyma is a special kind of accumulated plants Afterinclusion , such as Starch granule , protein particles Pseudocrystal , fat globules, oil drops and others Organic matter An organization of etc. Mainly distributed in roots rhizome , seeds and fruits. Sweet potato Of root tuber , potato tuber peas and beans Cotyledons and Cereals The storage parenchyma is particularly developed in the endosperm of grains. The above after contents generally exist in the storage parenchyma cells in a dissolved state Cytosol Some of them are distributed in the cytoplasm in liquid or solid state, and a few of them can also contain cell wall Thickening exists, such as Nux vomica , coffee and Persimmon Isoseeded Endosperm cell The thickened cell wall is formed by hemicellulose Formed. The storage parts and components of the aftercontents vary with the physiological types of plants, beet Of Fleshy root Scallion corm Dissolved in squamous cell fluid amide , protein and sugar; Potato tuber And many others Rhizome Amide and protein were dissolved in the cell fluid of parenchyma tissue, while starch was contained in the cytoplasm of parenchyma tissue; Others such as kidney bean There are proteins and starch in the parenchyma cells or cytoplasm of pea cotyledons.
The material accumulation in the storage parenchyma changes with the changes of plant physiological activities. The starch deposition in the stems and roots of woody plants changes with the seasons. However, in the storage organs such as tubers, bulbs and rhizomes, when the storage materials are transferred to the growing organs, their Protoplast Just die.
Stored Afterinclusion Starch is widely distributed in cortex, medulla Conducting tissue , fleshy leaves( bulb Scale) Rhizome , fruit cotyledon And the parenchyma cells of the seed endosperm. In addition to organic matter, parenchyma cells also store inorganic minerals, such as calcium oxalate calcium carbonate silicon dioxide And various kinds of knots crystal Some Parenchyma cell The protoplasts are still preserved after the production of crystals, and some of them die after the development of crystals.
Stored Nutrients It is mainly used as the energy source for the further development or reproduction of plants themselves, which can be used in seed root tuber And the development of tuberous plants. Often, after the seedlings are produced, the substances stored in these organs are also transformed and decomposed.

Water storing parenchyma

Water storage parenchyma is a kind of parenchyma with abundant water in cells. The cells are large and have a large size rich in water or viscous juice vacuole Thus forcing the cytoplasm nucleus Only a thin layer clings to the cell wall. Sticky juice expands when encountering water and has the ability to increase cell absorption and water retention. Water storage parenchyma cells can also exist in Protoplast Neutralize the cell wall. many Xeric Of Succulent plant , such as cactus aloe agave , Sedum Sedum, Echinacea, etc chlorophyll The water storage parenchyma cells filled with water are also like Palisade Cells lengthen like that. The fleshy plants with this kind of water storage parenchyma can adapt to the arid environment of desert, rocky beach and other water scarce areas.
In general, there is no separate water storage parenchyma in the underground storage organs of plants, but in parenchyma cells containing starch and other nutrients, water content It can also be very high. For example, the tubers of potatoes are stored with water for germination in the air and for the tubers to start growing. High water content is not only the characteristic of underground storage organs, but also Aerial stem And most of the characteristics of air born buds.


Aerial parenchyma is a kind of parenchyma with well-developed intercellular spaces to ensure air circulation. mesophyll In Sponge tissue And aquatic plant (e.g calamus rush The aerenchyma in the cortex of roots and stems is the most typical. The volume of air in the intercellular space of mesophyll aerenchyma is 7.7~71.3% of the mesophyll volume. aquatic angiosperm The parenchyma is especially developed, forming a interconnected ventilation system in the body. The oxygen produced by photosynthesis of leaf camp can enter the root through the ventilation system. Because the cell gap is full of air, it can also enhance the buoyancy and Supportability This type of aerenchyma Structure and function It is the result of long-term adaptation and evolution of plants.
In ventilated parenchyma, there are two ways to form intercellular space:
① Schizoblastic gap - the direct junction of adjacent cell walls is formed by splitting or separating to different degrees from each other. cell division Face and stem or petiole The longitudinal axis of is parallel to and perpendicular to the surface of the initial gap, so these gaps are often surrounded by many cells. Cortex of root and stem and mesophyll Sponge tissue The parenchymatous cell spaces in all belong to this category. In aquatic plants and Monocotyledon , such as calamus rush Elodea The intercellular space is particularly developed in the stems and leaves.
② Lysogenic intercellular space - mainly due to the destruction and autolysis of cells forming intercellular space in succession during the growth process, resulting in large cavities. It is commonly seen in the saclike or Tubular tissue , such as corn, horsetail and Cyperaceae In the roots of plants.

Axial parenchyma

axial parenchyma)
Spindle shaped Primitive cell Meristematic, a vertical string of brick shaped parenchyma cells. It is characterized by Single pit , short in shape.
The parenchyma in xylem is called Wood parenchyma Wood parenchyma in coniferous forest The content is small or lacking. It accounts for about 1.5% of the total volume, but it is compared with the timbers of Podocarpine, Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae. It is relatively developed and is an important recognition feature of this kind of wood. The content of other coniferous materials is little or no.
The parenchyma cells of coniferous wood are square or rectangular in cross section. The wall is thin, and the cell cavity contains dark resin, so it is also called Resinous cell The cross section is brown and black, easy to identify. On the longitudinal section, it often forms a string, which can be several centimeters long, and the cells at both ends are relatively sharp.
The difference between parenchyma cells and tracheids: thin wall, single pit, short, and horizontal end wall (because single pit is often bulbous, it is valuable to identify wood).
Because the thin-walled cell cavity contains resin Aromatic oil , such as fir Sabina chinensis , cypress, leachable fir Cypress oil It can make the wood have special fragrance. And make wood Durability Greatly improved.

absorption parenchyma

Absorbing parenchyma can absorb and transmit water in plants inorganic salt And parenchyma with organic nutrition function. root tip The epidermis of Root hair region Many of Epidermal cell The outer wall of root hair , which is more conducive to the absorption of substances. Gramineae Embryonic Shield Endospermal epithelial cells , absorbing organic nutrients Absorptive tissue , on seed germination The nutrition of endosperm can be absorbed for embryo Growth and development Needs.
In addition to the above seven types, in the 1960s, with the help of electron microscope A kind of specialized parenchyma cell, called Transfer cell The cell wall protrudes into the cell cavity, forming many finger like or antler like irregular projections plasma membrane Of Surface area Increase and be rich Plasmodesmata , which is conducive to the transportation and transmission of materials. Most of these cells are distributed in plants, where solutes are concentrated in large quantities Short distance transportation Frequent parts, such as the end of leaf vein Conducting tissue Around, becoming mesophyll And the transport of materials between transport organizations. stay genitals In Guanzhong, transfer cells often have many different forms.

Secretory structure

Others like flowers Nectary Conifers Botany Resin channel ambient epithelial cells There are often thick Protoplast , rich ribosome and Golgi apparatus Although they also belong to parenchyma, they are classified as another type of structure because they produce special secretions—— Secretory structure [4]

Related concepts

Wood ray A tissue formed by the continuous aggregation of many ray cells in the xylem.
When observed under the microscope, the wood rays are mostly Cells Each individual cell is called ray cell. Most of the wood rays are Parenchyma cell form. This kind of single parenchyma cells that constitute wood rays is called ray parenchyma cells. But there are also Sclerenchyma cell This thick wall cell is called Ray tracheid It is the transverse sclerenchyma of wood. It exists in Pinus Picea Larix Cedar Cathaya pseudotsuga Etc. In addition, in some tree species (with horizontal Resin channel )In the middle, there are fat secreting cells in the wood ray.
1. Types of wood rays
According to its Chord section The upper form can be divided into two types.
① Single row wood ray: ray composed of only one row (or occasionally two rows) of wood ray cells. as Fir fir wood Cypress Etc.
fusiform ray : Many rows of wood rays or in the center of the wood rays, the wood rays are spindly due to the existence of transverse resin channels. It is commonly found in trees with transverse resin, such as pine Spruce larch Cathaya argyrophylla Yellow cedar And other genera.
2. Composition of wood rays
Coniferous timber The wood ray is mainly composed of ray parenchyma cells. But occasionally, the ray tracheids mentioned above are mixed in the rays of some coniferous trees.
① Ray Tracheid : The transverse tracheid in the wood ray perpendicular to the wood grain is Pinaceae Characteristics of wood. The cell wall has marginal pits. But few, not many. About axial 1/30 of tracheid. Aspect ratio It is 5-10. There is no resin in the cavity. It usually appears in the upper and lower edges of ray and parenchyma cells, in 1-2 cases, and occasionally mixed between ray parenchyma cells. The inner wall of the ray tube cell has serrated thickening in some species. as Masson pine Chinese pine Etc. Some inner walls are smooth, such as Korean pine Pinus armandii white bark pine Etc. In the pine genus, the ones with dentate thickening belong to hard pine, and those without dentate thickening belong to soft pine.
The presence and extent of dentate thickening is one of the characteristics of wood identification. The inner wall of ray tracheid is zigzag thickened to Latewood The most developed. Radial section Upper most Easy to observe In addition, there may also be Thread thickening Such as some spruces and yellow cedars.
② X-ray parenchyma cell: it is the main body of wood ray, and it is the transverse growth parenchyma, which is rectangular; Rectangle or slightly irregular. Striae between ray parenchyma cells and ray tracheids Hole pair by Semi rimmed pit yes.
A、 Horizontal wall and end wall: The thickness of the horizontal wall of ray parenchyma cells is one of the bases for identifying wood. (If the horizontal wall of the ray parenchyma cell is thinner than the adjacent tracheid wall, it is considered that the cell wall Thin).
The horizontal wall thickness is Araucaria lanceolata Podocarpus Characteristics of genera and a few genera of Cupressaceae. It is thinner than the horizontal wall; Whether there is one on the horizontal wall Pit , is more important (for Wood identification For). There are marked pits on the horizontal wall of ray parenchyma cells of some woods in Pinaceae, and it is easiest to observe in the late wood part. Such as spruce, larch, yellow cedar hemlock spruce , fir cedar Keteleeria fortunei and Lysimachia roxburghii Etc. but Taxodiaceae Araucaceae Taxaceae Cephalotaxaceae Podocarpine There were no obvious pits on the horizontal wall of the cypress family. There are two families of Podocarpus and Araucaria which have no pit on the horizontal wall. Nodular thickening of the end wall (beaded) is also one of the characteristics of wood identification. The soft pine species and Juniperus Calocedrus And some other tree species, all with node thickening.
In addition, the junction of the horizontal wall and the end wall of the parenchyma cells was irradiated. have Dent , such as chinese yew It refers to the indentation on the radial section of the four septa of the ray parenchyma cells. Except for Araucaceae, most of them have.
B、 Types of cross field holes:
Cross field The plane where the wood ray parenchyma cells intersect the axial tracheids on the radial section, generally refers to Early wood part. The pits in this plane area are called cross field pits. It is the most important Identification characteristics one of. The shape and number of pits in the area are of great significance for wood recognition and classification. Now they are generally divided into five types:
① Panes: Single pit , large and pane shaped. There are 1-3 in each cross field. It is characteristic of many pine species. Such as masson pine, camphor tree, pine Pinus yunnanensis Etc. It also exists in the wood of some genera of Podocarpine and Taxodiaceae. But not very typical.
② Picea type: narrow but slightly extended or connotative Pit orifice , small in shape. Spruce, larch, yellow cedar and Torreya grandis It is a typical and obvious characteristic of wood. In the wood of Araucaceae, Podocariaceae, Taxodium and Cedar of Taxodiaceae; Sometimes it appears at the same time as its main type of holes.
③ Cypress type: contained in the pit mouth, slightly wider than the spruce type. Its long axis varies with position. From vertical to horizontal. The number of holes is generally 1-4. by Cupressaceae Characteristics of. But cedar Tsuga and Keteleeria Can also be found in wood. Like Araucaceae, it usually has a large number and irregular arrangement.
④ Fir type: Oval To a circular internal pit. The groove opening is wider than the cypress type. Long axis and Pit margin agreement. It is the characteristic of most woods of Taxodiaceae. But in Abies It is also often found in the woods of Podocarpine and Cedar. However, it is often clustered with its main type of pits.
⑤ Loose type: smaller than window pane, with single pit or narrow edge. No definite shape. When it has a narrow edge, it is similar to the fir type, but the two ends of the pit mouth are sharp, and the size of the pit is different. It is common in pine wood. Such as Pinus bungeana. On the chord section, the ray cells are mostly round, oval or nearly round, and the two ends of the ray are longer than the middle. It is longer in high wood ray than in low wood ray.
Height of wood ray: measured by the number of cells on the chord section or the whole height in mm. Coniferous wood Generally, the wood ray is not high. The average is 10-15 cells high, and the highest in China is metasequoia , up to 60, and the lower ones such as Cryptomeria fortunei , only a few [3]