
A family of Rosales
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Rosaceae rosales Next section, Dicotyledons , herb shrub or Small arbor , spiny or unarmed, sometimes climbing; Flowers bisexual. The result is Drupe or Aggregate fruit , or majority achene Hidden in fleshy or dry receptacle, thin capsule.
Rosaceae is a representative family in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There are 3 subfamilies, 88 – 100 genera, about 3000 species in the world, and more than 1000 species in 51 genera in China. [4] Rosaceae plants are widely distributed all over the world, with more in the northern temperate zone and less in the southern hemisphere. China is the distribution center of Rosaceae plants. [5]
Rosaceae is not strange to us in life Apple Pear rose chinese rose They all belong to Rosaceae. Rosaceae species can be classified as edible (including providing starch and oligosaccharide ), garden greening, medicinal and fruit germplasm resources. [4]
Chinese name
Latin name
Rosaceae Juss.
Rosa Superorder
Distribution area
Distributed all over the world, with more in the north temperate zone
Protection level
Included in Appendix I, Appendix II and Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
qiáng wēi kē

morphological character

Herbs, shrubs or trees, deciduous or evergreen, with or without thorns. Winter buds often have several scales, sometimes only two. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple or compound, with obvious stipules, rarely without stipules. [2]
Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual. Usually neat, perigynous or epistatic; The upper end of the floral axis develops into a saucer shaped, bell shaped, cup shaped, altar shaped or cylindrical receptacle (a calyx tube), on which sepals, petals and stamens are attached; Sepals and petals are the same number, usually 4-5, imbricate arrangement, sparsely apetalous, sepals sometimes with epicalyx; Stamens 5-numerous, sparse 1 or 2, filaments free, sparse connate; Carpels 1 to many, free or connate, sometimes connected with receptacle, each carpel has 1 to several upright or pendulous anatropous ovules; Style and carpel are the same number, sometimes united, terminal, lateral or basal. [2]
The fruit is a follicle, achene, pear or drupe, and a thin capsule; Seeds usually do not contain endosperm, and very rarely have a small amount of endosperm; Cotyledons are fleshy, with a prominent back and sparse opposite folds or swept shape. [2]

Growth environment



The species diversity of all Rosaceae species in China is higher in the Hengduan Mountains in the southwest and the mountains surrounding the Sichuan Basin, but lower in the northwest arid region, the eastern part of the North China Plain and the Northeast Plain. [4]


Drought or cold may limit the distribution of plants in areas with poor hydrothermal conditions by limiting plant photosynthesis. In addition, drought will also affect the seed setting rate of Rosaceae plants (Moralesetal., 2013), while cold will reduce the water transport efficiency of plants (Cavender Aresetal., 2005), and will also limit the distribution of Rosaceae plants to more arid and cold regions. However, in regions with strong seasonal climate, the climate fluctuates greatly and is prone to extreme weather, which challenges the survival of plants. [4]

Distribution range

There are about 124 genera and more than 3300 species of undergraduate courses, which are distributed all over the world, North temperate zone More. There are about 51 genera and more than 1000 species in China, and 17 genera and 42 species (including cultivated species) in Shenzhen, which are produced all over the country. [1] [9 ]
The "four hot spots" shared by all resource plants are mainly distributed in the north, east and west of Sichuan Basin, especially in the Qinling Mountains, Daba Mountains and Wushan Mountains. The "three types of hot spots" are mainly concentrated in Hengduan Mountain Area and the edge of the "four types of hot spots". [4]

Subordinate classification

According to the structure of fruits and flowers, the family is divided into the following four subfamilies
(1) Spiraeaceae SpiraeoideaeAgardh
Shrubs, rare herbs, simple leaf Leaves sparsely compound, entire or serrate, often without stipules or sparsely stipules; Carpels 1-5-12, free or basal connate; Ovary superior, with 2 to many pendulous ovules; When the fruit is mature, it is mostly a cracked thin capsule. Chromosome cardinal number Most are 8 or 9. [1]
This subfamily has 8 genera in China: Spiraea Sibiraea Maxim Pseudocohosh (Cimicifuga) Sorbaria Campanula Spiraea Eupatorium (Aralia) Rhododendron
(2) Apple subfamily MaloideaeWeber
Shrubs or trees, simple leaf Or compound leaves, often stipules; Carpels 1-2 or 2-5, mostly connected with the inner wall of cup-shaped receptacle; ovary inferior , semi inferior, extremely rare superior, 1-2 or 2-5 chambers, each with 2 rare, 1 to most erect ovules; When the fruit is mature, it is fleshy pear or berry shaped, and small stone shaped. Chromosome base=17. [1]
(3) Rosaceae RosoideaeFocke
plum blossom
Shrub or herb, compound leaf, sparse simple leaf , often with stipules; Carpels often numerous, free, each with 1~2 pendulous or erect ovules; Superior ovary; When the fruit is mature, it is an achene, which is inserted in or on the enlarged fleshy receptacle. Chromosome cardinal number=7,8,9. [1]
This subfamily has 20 genera in China: Rosa potaninia Euphorbia Spenceria Trimen Eclipta Sanguisorba Malus Galleria Mosquito (Synlobium) Rubus Andromeda (Polyphyllum) Curtis (Salicornia) Anura Limonopsis Strawberry duchesnea Potentilla (Malus) Rubus L (Pentagraria) Georosa And newly discovered in North China Taihang
(4) prunoideae PrunoideaeFocke
prunoideae : trees or shrubs, simple leaf , stipules; Carpel 1, extremely sparse 2-5, ovary superior, 1 chamber containing 2 pendulous ovules; The fruit is a drupe, fleshy at maturity, mostly undivided or rarely split, and the chromosome base=8. [1]
This subfamily has 9 genera in China: Platycarya Hippophae Maddenia (Pseudocerasus) Prunus Peach Apricot Cherry Padus Etc.
Search Table
1. The fruit is a dehiscent follicle with a sparse capsule; Carpels 1-5 (- 12); Stipules present or absent. Spiraeaceae
The fruit does not crack, but has stipules. (2)
Ovary inferior, semi inferior, sparsely superior; Carpels (1) 2-5, mostly connected with the inner wall of cup-shaped receptacle; Pear or berry shaped, thin drupe shaped. Apple subfamily
The ovary is superior and a few inferior. (3)
The carpels are often numerous; achene; Calyx persistence; It often has compound leaves and very rare simple leaves. Rosaceae
3 carpels usually 1, a few 2 or 5; Drupe; Calyx often falls off; simple leaf. prunoideae [1]

Reproductive methods

Asexual reproduction
Plant tissue culture is a method of asexual reproduction, which means that under aseptic conditions, plant organs, tissues, embryos, cells and protoplasts in vitro are cultured under certain conditions on the artificially prepared medium, so that their latent buds can germinate or callus can be induced to form, and finally complete plants can be obtained. The use of plant tissue culture technology can produce a large number of fine clones, which is conducive to the breeding of fruit tree seedlings; It can also overcome the barrier of distant incompatibility through cell fusion, which is conducive to the cultivation of new varieties of fruit trees; In addition, haploid, diploid, homozygous diploid and other polyploids can also be obtained, which is conducive to shortening breeding time. [6]

Key values


economic value

Many kinds of undergraduate fruits are of economic value. Most of the fruits in temperate zone belong to undergraduate fruits, such as apples, sand fruits, crabapples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, plums, cherries, loquats, quinces, hawthorns, strawberries and raspberries. They are famous fruits. Almond kernels and almonds are famous dry fruits, each with many excellent varieties, and are widely cultivated around the world. [4]
China is the world's largest apple producer, with an annual output of more than 40 million tons, tens of millions of employees in the apple industry, and an annual output value of more than 300 billion yuan in related industries, which is of great significance for serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and poverty alleviation. This shows that the economic value of Rosaceae is far beyond the level of assessment, and the protection value of wild Rosaceae plants as the germplasm resources of cultivated species is also increasingly prominent. [4]
Many kinds of fruits are rich in vitamins, sugar and organic acids, and can be used as raw materials for processing dried fruits, preserved fruits, jam, fruit wine, fruit cake, fruit juice, fruit peel and other fruits. Peach kernels, almonds and flat kernel wood kernels can be used to extract oil. Sanguisorba officinalis, Longya grass, Potentilla discolor, Prunus heterophylla, Rosa laevigata and papaya can be used as medicines. Tannin can be extracted from the roots of various raspberries, wild roses and Sanguisorba officinalis. Rose Rosa odorata Fragrant volatile oil can be extracted from flowers such as flowers. The wood of arbor species is hard and has various uses. For example, pear wood can be used as an excellent carving board, and peach wood, cherry wood, loquat wood, and heather are suitable for the handle of agricultural tools. [4]

Ornamental value

Rosaceae has a long history of ornamental cultivation. As an important traditional ornamental plant, it is often used in gardens. The application period of rosaceae plants in Chinese ancient gardens can be divided into four periods: before Sui and Tang dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties, Ming and Qing dynasties [32]. In ancient gardens, the selection and application of plants were deeply influenced by cultural implications. People often use Rosaceae plants as the ornamental theme in gardens. The application forms of Rosaceae plants in ancient gardens mainly include flower beds, isolated plants, cluster plants, and group plants. [5]
With the progress of the times, people have gradually realized the importance of plant landscape and began to pay attention to ecological benefits. Rosaceae plants have been used in gardens more widely and in more diverse ways. In terms of configuration methods, they not only inherit the ancient configuration methods, but also absorb foreign layout techniques. The configuration of Rosaceae plants mainly includes natural planting and regular planting. The natural planting uses the traditional Chinese gardening techniques. The configuration needs to combine the terrain, rocks, architectural pieces and other elements, including isolated planting, pair planting, cluster planting, group planting, forest planting and hedge planting; Regular planting includes symmetrical planting, row planting, alternate planting and layered planting. The plants in the special rose garden are arranged neatly and uniformly, which is convenient for centralized viewing, comparison, research and management. [5]
Undergraduate plants are more used for ornamental purposes, such as various spiraea, spiraea, sorbaria, rose, Chinese rose, begonia, plum, cherry, peach, Sorbus, begonia and azalea, or with beautiful and lovely branches and flowers, or with bright and colorful fruits, which occupy an important position in gardens around the world. [1]

Medicinal value

Common important medicinal plants include RosalaevigataMichx., Rosachinensis Jacq., Rubus corchorifolius L.f., Potentilla chinensis Ser., Crataegus pinatifidavar. majorN.E.Brown, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam., peach (Amygdalus persica L.), etc. [7]
Rosaceae plants mainly contain cyanosides, flavonoids, triterpenoids and polysaccharide chemicals, which have great pharmacological effects on anti-tumor, antioxidant, cough and expectorant, blood lipid and blood sugar. [7]

Protection status

Protection level
Included in Appendix I, Appendix II and Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora [3]

Plant culture

The "humanistic" spirit of rose plants is a kind of association that extends from the form or ecological habits of plants to the spirit, character and personification. To appreciate flowers is not only to appreciate the beautiful appearance of flowers, but also to appreciate the personality spirit contained in them. It is one of the characteristics of Chinese garden plant landscape to express one's ambition with flowers and trees and write one's heart with flowers and trees. The most typical representative is Mei, which symbolizes the Chinese people's indomitable, tenacious, self-improvement spiritual quality and noble character, and symbolizes the spirit of our descendants of the dragon, which is clear, not complicated, and not afraid of frost. For example, "three friends in cold weather" (pine, bamboo, plum) is used to describe people's noble character of fearing hardship and standing proudly in frost and snow, and "four gentlemen" (plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum) is used to express the quality of elegance and indifference. In Japan, there is also this personified association. Its typical representative is its national flower Prunus errata. Cherry blossom is a symbol of love and hope, but also a symbol of the brilliant and short Japanese Bushido spirit. It contains the consciousness of "sorrow for things and beauty", which embodies the special aesthetic concept of the Japanese nation. [5]