Cai Guoxi

Officials of the Ming Dynasty
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Cai Guoxi, with the word Chuntai (or Mengxi), was born in Yongnian (now Handan City, Hebei Province) in Guangping Prefecture, the capital, an official, a political figure and a famous Neo Confucianism scholar in the Ming Dynasty. He has successively served as the head of the Ministry of Household, the prefect of Suzhou, the deputy envoy of Su Songbing, the school inspector of Shanxi, and the soldier of Guyuan. In Suzhou, he handled the illegal affairs of Xu Fan, the son of the cabinet bachelor Xu Jie, which had a great impact. He has written Collected Quotations, Easy Interpretation, Salt Law Discussion, and Shou Ling Yi Fan. Wang Shizhen, a famous Taoist soldier at that time, respected Guoxi and built a memorial archway for him to be honest and upright.
True name
Cai Guoxi
Chuntai, Mengxi
During the Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty,
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Dongjiabao, Yongnian County, Guangping Prefecture, Beijing
date of birth
Date of death
Main works
"Quotations from Collected Works", "Yi Jie", "Yan Fa Yi Yi Fan", "Shou Ling Yi Fan"
Key achievements
Build Wuzhong Academy and Shuofang Academy.

Character's Life

Cai Guoxi, with the word Chuntai (or Mengxi), was born in Dongjiapu, Yongnian County, Guangping Prefecture (where Guangping Prefecture is located now in Guangfu Town, the old city of Yongnian County, and Dongjiapu now belongs to Congtai District) in the north. In the 37th year of Jiajing's reign, the imperial examination was carried out, and in the 38th year of Jiajing's reign, the imperial examination was carried out.
When I was young, I wrote the words "extraordinary" beside my seat, often used to sharpen myself. Devoted to the Confucian philosophy of "life" (that is, the philosophy of mind represented by Wang Shouren in the Ming Dynasty), he learned skills from Luo Rufang, Geng Dingxiang and other Neo Confucianism masters in the capital. At first, he was awarded as the head of the Ministry of Household, who supervised the construction of Shuofang Academy and wrote "Ti Ren" in the main hall of the Academy.
Later, Nanzhili was awarded the prefecture magistrate of Suzhou to practice frugality. In the following 27 chapters of the Forbidden Treaty, dozens of ancient and modern sages and sages were collected for the purpose of governing the government. For engagement funeral, it is forbidden for people to arrogate and burn corpses. We set up a memorial mound at each of the six gates, and built the Zhongwu Academy, which was filled with scholars and said, "Seeking benevolence, where we gather gentlemen to give lectures tirelessly, there are many tourists who have learned from it.". At that time, people were trapped in taxes and corvee, while white grain and north-south transportation and corvee were particularly heavy. Guoxi set it as the method of preparing funds and providing food for the people to reform the disadvantages of the old service. White grain will set the tax amount, and the south-north transportation will discuss the auxiliary service law. He is like the general secretary of prefectures and counties. The rich golden flower commission officials understand him and do not bother the people. Reduce the amount of materials in Beijing, relieve households, water men, factory men, door soaps, and Ge Li workers, and carry out a lot of good governance. In the fifth day of the year, the pilgrimage will be performed, and a special feast will be given.
His achievements in governing Wu were the best in the world. It is better to leave home than to lend for self sufficiency. Daming soldiers prepare the prince to build a workshop in his residence, which is called Dunlianli. The purpose of his study is to "do one's best" and to "fight against oneself". His works include "Quotations", "Yijie" and "Salt Law Discussion", which have been published in the world. A son becomes a descendant, and a person is honored. He served as the magistrate of Jiangpu County, and was poor as his father. He was afraid of having no heirs.

Character evaluation

There is no doubt that Guoxi is a famous scholar official. At that time, the person who criticized him was Hai Zhongjie and just pacified Wu when he dealt with Xu's case. The person who was in charge was Hai Ya, but Cai did not follow his lead. Hai Gong, an upright official from ancient to modern times, does he also hope people's will—— Yongnian County Chronicles, Characters and Neo Confucianism edited by Zhu Shiwei and Wang Ling in the Qing Dynasty
Is it possible to see the Nippon note when you upgrade it to the Ru Mu in order to follow the Lu family, but not to the Ru Mu in order to follow Zhu Zi? It is untrue to follow the name, respect Confucianism without knowing why to respect it, and only become the flaunt of its portal.
——General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu Volume 61 · History Department 17 · Biographical Category
There are only dangerous words and Juanmen's main road, so there are people who give them straight and wrong. Straight section, the teacher's place is small; Wei Zhijie, an unspeakable master, is willing to explain his secret for him. I have followed my previous ambition and have been writing for a long time.
——Ming Guan Zhidao "Guanzi Tianruozhai Collection - Volume IV - Tribute to Cai Xuexian and the Ancestor of Chuntai"

personal works

"Quotations from Collected Works", "Yi Jie", "Yan Fa Yi Yi Fan", "Shou Ling Yi Fan"

Anecdotes and allusions

Cai Guoxi was admitted to the imperial examination when Gao Gong was in office in his early years, which was called a teacher at that time. He was just catching up with Xu Jie when he took office in Suzhou, just because his son Xu Fan was involved in the illegal things. Hai Rui was appointed as the governor of Ying Tian at that time, and his handling of this matter was very intense, which was known as "Hai Rui's dismissal from office". Most of the Xu family's snobbery was in Suzhou House, so in dealing with Xu Fan, Cai Guoxi was the actual executor. Li Yanshi from Songjiang revealed the truth. Cai Guoxi was originally a student of Xu rank, and in order to please Gao Gong, he worshipped his will, This is a tough job. Li Yanshi said, "When Fang Xinzheng (Gao Gong) came in, he said to the scholars, 'Hua Ting (Xu Jie) has an old kindness to me, but it's not enough to complain that I lost him.' He used the handle for a long time, and his passion was slightly revealed. The corporal of the sect was very popular. Cai Guoxi in Guangping was also a corporal of the Hua Ting Sect, and he used his lectures to serve Hua Ting. So, please go to Wu Junyi and stab Huating's head illegally. Wen sent his three sons to defend the border. The three sons are Taichang and Shangbao. The descendants of Huating took their clothes and sobbed. Huating said, 'Can we escape to death and live in peace?' That is to say, we jumped to the West Lake of Hangzhou to avoid it. Pinghu Luwutai is also the gate person of Huating. All of them are called entrance. Because they used to solve for Huating, they hoped to be moved by the feelings of the gate, but they could not get it. " Cai Guoxi planned this matter. Lu Guangzu, a Pinghu native, asked Cai Guoxi to be lenient for the sake of "family friendship" and was refused. [1]
The Xu Jie incident finally took a turn for the better. Gao Gong, under the pressure of public opinion, put the case on hold for the time being. For the reason, please see Zhang Dai's record: "The (Xu) order wrote (Gao) Gong from the middle of the trap. His words were sad, his heart was moved, and his righteousness was also tactful. Cai Guoxi had a prison, guarding his eldest son, Fan, his second son, Kun, Min, his youngest son, Ying, and his family, more than ten people were stationed in the garrison, and there were 60000 mu of land in the official area. When the imperial historian heard of the court, the arch was too heavy, so he ordered to change the court. (Cai) Guoxi turned pale at the news and said, 'He sold me, so that I could be grateful for my grievances.' From Cai Guoxi's words, "He sold me", it is enough to confirm Gao Gong's behind the scenes activities. Therefore, Li Yanshi said: "Hua Ting (Xu Jie) is slandered and goes everywhere", and "Xin Zheng (Gao Gong) can't help repaying virtue with resentment". Gao Gong repays virtue by complaining, and his method is vicious. As Wang Shizhen said, "slander the media and play the game, and everything will happen in an instant". "While the henchmen and officials go out of their way to keep orders for the county and even call on the crafty to create a prison. The Taichangjun brothers (referring to Xu Jie's son) almost cannot help but" correct justice "of Gao Gong did not come, and Gao Gong was defeated by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao. [2] As a result, Cai Guoxi was once caught in the whirlpool of party struggle, with mixed reputation for a time.
Cai Guoxi once lived on loans after returning home from his official career. He was a famous Taoist soldier at that time Wang Shizhen He respected Guoxi and built a memorial archway of "Dunlianli" for him.
Shortly after Cai Guoxi's death, his student Guan Zhidao traveled thousands of miles from Jiangsu Province to attend the funeral of his teacher, and attached an article "Memorial to Cai Xuexian's Ancestor in Chuntai" (see the fourth volume of "Guan Zhiruozhai Collection"), in which we can see the nostalgia and sympathy for the teacher's fists.
Built by Cai Guoxi as the head of the Ministry of Household Shuofang Academy It also remains in Yinchuan, Ningxia, which is a famous cultural scenic spot in northwest China.

Family members

Father, Cai Tingguang, Professor of Shen Wangfu; The son Cai Yunzhi, the magistrate of Jiangpu, has no heir.