Blue whale

[lán jīng]
Marine mammals of the genus Minke whale, Minke whale family
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Blue whale (scientific name: Balaenoptera musculus )It is a marine mammal of Minke Whale Family and Minke Whale. There are 4 subspecies The blue whale is believed to be the largest animal that has ever lived on the earth, with a length of 33 meters and a weight of 181 tons. The body of the blue whale is long and thin, and its back is bluish gray, but sometimes it looks lighter in the water. The fins of the blue whale are 3-4 meters long. The upper part is gray, and the narrow edge is white. The lower part is completely white. Head and Caudal fin It is generally gray. But the back and sometimes the fins are usually mottled.
And others Baleen whales Similarly, blue whales are mainly small Crustacea (e.g Krill )Feeding on small fish, sometimes including squid Usually, blue whales need to forage in the sea area more than 100 meters deep in the daytime, and can only forage on the water surface at night. Blue whales begin mating in late autumn and continue to mate until the end of winter. Female whales usually give birth once every 2-3 years after 10-12 months Pregnancy Later, they usually give birth to young whales at the beginning of winter. Four oceans All are distributed.
Chinese name
Blue whale
Latin name
Balaenoptera musculus
Mammalia [1]
Minke Whales
Rorqual [1]
Blue whale
4 subspecies [15]
Named by and date
Linnaeus, 1758
Protection level
Endangered (EN) IUCN Standard, Grade I of List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China [8]
Synonymous scientific name
Balaena musculus Linnaeus, 1758
Foreign name
English Blue Whale
French Baleine bleue
Spanish Ballena Azul
German Blauwal

History of Ethnology



The species name musculus of blue whale comes from Latin, meaning "strong", but it can also be translated as "little mouse". Linnai completed the naming of this species in his groundbreaking work Systema Nature in 1758. He may know this, and then humorously used this ironic pun. Blue whales are called Sulphur bottom in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. Because diatoms attach to the skin of blue whales, making their underside orange brown or light yellow, they are also called Sulphur bottom whales. Other common names include Sibbald's Rorqual, Great Blue Whale, Great Northern Rorqual, but these names have been gradually forgotten in recent decades. [10]


The blue whale is one of the species in the baleen whale family. Members of this family also include Humpback whales Saijing Bryan whale Fin whale And Minke whale Rorqual It is considered as early as the oligocene epoch In the medium term Minke Whales And other families. However, it is unknown when the members of the baleen whale family will separate from each other and evolve. Blue whales are usually classified as Balaenoptera Although some scholars have classified it into another monotypic genus, Blue Whale( Sibbaldus )Medium, but this classification method It has not been accepted by other scholars. DNA Sequence analysis shows that the blue whale is more closely related to other species in its genus humpback and gray whale If further tests can confirm this relationship, it will be necessary to reclassify baleen whales.
Blue whale is Minke whale It belongs to one of seven species. however DNA sequence The analysis shows that the blue whale is closer to humpback whales and gray whale About the Blue Whale/ Fin whale There are at least 11 documents about the adult offspring of hybrids. There are also known hybrids between the blue whale and the great winged whale. Aronson and Gerberg (1983) believed that blue whales and Fin whale The difference is similar to that between humans and gorillas. It is generally believed that the minwhale family dates back to the oligocene epoch In the medium term Baleen whales Other families of the suborder are separated. But I don't know when the members of these families separated from each other.
Some authorities of the animal species tree related to blue whales divide the species into three subspecies: B. m. musculus , including populations in the North Atlantic and North Pacific; B . m. intermedia , including populations in the Southern Ocean; B. m. brevicauda (also known as dwarf blue whale), including populations in the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Earlier authorities listed the Indian Ocean population as a subspecies B. m. indica But unlike the other three subspecies, the name of the last subspecies does not appear on the red list of endangered species. The two classification methods are still questioned by some scientists; Genetic analysis shows that there are only two subspecies. [10]
 Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale Blue whale
Blue whale

morphological character

The blue whale is not only the largest whale Class, also the largest animal in existence, is the largest mammal so far. It is generally 22-33 meters long and weighs 150000-180000 kilograms, that is, its weight is equivalent to more than 25 African elephant , or the total weight of 2000-3000 people. Fortunately, due to the effect of ocean buoyancy, it does not need to be like Terrestrial animal It's hard to support your weight. In addition, a large body helps maintain a constant body temperature.
The whole body of the blue whale is pale blue or mouse grey, with pale fine stripes on the back and white spots on the chest, Fold groove In more than 20, the abdomen is also full of wrinkles, up to the navel, and with ochre yellow spots. The female is Genital foramen There are cleavage on both sides, with slender nipples inside. The head is relatively small and flat, with 2 Jet hole , located on the top of the head, with wide snout, large mouth, no teeth in the mouth, wide upper jaw, protruding upward in an arc, with black Whisker plate Up to 300-400 pieces on each side, 90-110 cm long and 50-60 cm wide. There is a lot of wax accumulated in the eardrum every year, and its age can be judged according to the thickness of the wax. There is also a white callus in its upper jaw. It used to be the place where hair grew. Later, the hair degenerated, leaving a warty Vegetative organism Has become a breeding ground for parasites. Because this callus is different from each individual, like wearing a different shape of "hat", we can distinguish different individuals accordingly. Dorsal fin It is very short, its length is less than 1.5% of its body length, and its fins and limbs are not too long, about 4 meters long, with four toes. There is no wavy notch on the rear edge, and its tail is wide and flat. The whole body is streamlined and looks like a razor, so it is also called“ Razor whale ”。 [2-4]
The body of the blue whale is so huge that a tongue weighs 2000 kg, a skull 3000 kg, a liver 1000 kg, a heart 500 kg, a blood circulation of 8000 kg, and a male's testicle 45 kg. If its intestines are straightened, it will be 200-300 meters; The blood vessels are thick enough to hold a child, the visceral wall is more than 60 cm thick, and the penis of the male animal is 3 meters long. Its power is also amazing, and its power is about 1500-1700 horsepower, which is worthy of being a giant and a giant in the animal world. [2-3]
An adult blue whale can grow to about 30 times the weight of an African elephant. The average length of the blue whale is about 25 meters, and the highest record is about 33.5 meters. Female whales are larger than male whales, South Blue Whale greater than North Blue Whale Viewed from above, the kiss is wide and flat. Blue whale Dorsal fin Small, about 0.4m high, 1/4 behind the body. Fins are small, accounting for 15% of body length. The caudal fin is 1/3 to 1/4 of its body length in width, and its trailing edge is straight. There are 55-88 sting ditches, the longest reaching the navel. Each side Whisker plate 270-395 pieces. The back of the body is dark grey blue, the belly is slightly pale, and the mouth and whiskers are black. [2-3]
The blue whale is different from other kinds of whales. Other kinds of whales are short and strong, while the blue whale has a long vertebral body, which looks like it has been elongated. The head is flat and U-shaped, with obvious ridge like protrusions from the upper lip to the back pores, and the front of the mouth Whalebone The plates are dense, and about 300 whalebone plates (about 1 meter long) are suspended Maxilla , about half a meter deep into the mouth. 60-90 groove (called pleats) parallel to the body along the throat. These folds are used to expel seawater after swallowing in large quantities.
The dorsal fin of the blue whale is small and can only be seen briefly during diving. The shape of dorsal fin varies from individual to individual; Some have just one visible bulge, while other fins are very striking, sickle shaped. The dorsal fin is located about three quarters of the body length. When it is necessary to surface for breathing, the blue whale will raise its shoulder and stoma area above the water surface to a greater extent than other large whales (such as Fin whale And pomfret whales) are much larger. This is often a useful clue for identifying marine species. When breathing, if the wind is calm, a spectacular vertical water column (up to 12 meters, usually 9 meters) can be seen thousands of meters away. The lung capacity of the blue whale is 5000 liters. [2-3]
The fins of the blue whale are 3-4 meters long. The upper part is gray, and the narrow edge is white. The lower part is completely white. Head and Caudal fin It is generally gray. But the back and sometimes the fins are usually mottled. The degree of variegation varies significantly from individual to individual. Some may be gray all over, while others are dark blue. Gray and dark blue are mixed together to a considerable extent (grey blue).
When blue whales interact with other whales, their sprint speed can reach 50 km/h (30 mph), but the usual swimming speed is 20 km/h (12 mph). When eating, the speed drops to 5 km/h (3 mph). Blue whales in the North Atlantic and North Pacific will lift their tail fins when diving, while most other blue whales will not.
The head of the blue whale is very big, and it can stand 50 people on its tongue. Its heart is as big as a car. Babies can crawl through its arteries. The newborn blue whale is heavier than an adult elephant. In the first seven months of its life, young whales drink 400 liters (about 100 U.S. gallons) of breast milk every day. The growth rate of young whales is very fast, and their weight increases by 90 kg every 24 hours. [2]

Habitat environment

The intersection of warm sea water and cold sea water is an excellent habitat for blue whales. The cold sea water is usually rich in plankton and krill, and blue whales usually feed on these two kinds of creatures. Blue whales are distributed worldwide, with the largest number in the Antarctic waters, mainly in the temperate zone and the frigid cold zone with a water temperature of 5-20 ℃. A few whales have visited the Yellow Sea and Taiwan waters.

Life habits



Most of the bays where blue whales live are washed into extremely rich organic matter by the river water on land, which makes the water quality very fertile and promotes plankton Mass reproduction. The dense plankton attracted a large group of krill with blue light. The stomach of the blue whale is divided into four parts. The first stomach is formed by the expansion of the esophagus, so it has a huge appetite. It can eat about 2 million krill at a time, 4000 to 8000 kilograms a day. If the food in the belly is less than 2000 kilograms, it will feel hungry. Krill It is the most abundant animal in the world and widely distributed in the Antarctic and Antarctic seas. It is precisely because of such abundant food and living in water without the limit of supporting weight that blue whales can grow so huge. Every day, it spends most of its time swimming in the dense plankton cluster with its mouth wide open. The two rows of plate-like whiskers on its mouth are like sieves, and there are many folds in its belly like the bellows of an accordion, which can expand and shrink. In this way, it can swallow the sea water and krill together, and then close its mouth to drain the sea water from the whiskers, filtering out the shrimp and fish, Swallow and eat. The food of blue whales also includes other shrimps, small fish, jellyfish, diatoms, and various plankton. In contrast, blue whales living in northern waters are smaller than those living in waters near the Antarctic. It is generally believed that this is closely related to the type and quantity of their food. [5]
Blue whales feed on plankton, mainly krill. A blue whale consumes 2-5 tons of food every day. The speed is 2-6 km/h when feeding, 5-33 km/h when migrating, and 20-48 km/h when being chased. Generally, 10-20 small dives are followed by one deep dive. The interval between shallow dives is 12-20 seconds, and the deep dive lasts for 10-30 minutes. The spray column is narrow and straight, 6-12m high. Krill is the main food of blue whales. This kind of plankton eaten by blue whales belongs to different species due to different marine areas. In the North Atlantic, krill is the main food for blue whales. In the Antarctic, Antarctic krill is the main food for blue whales. The blue whale usually preys on the densest krill group it can find, which means that the blue whale needs to forage in deep water (more than 100 meters) during the day and can only forage on the water surface at night. The diving time of the blue whale in the process of foraging is generally 10 minutes. It is not uncommon to dive for 20 minutes. The longest diving time record is 36 minutes (Sears, 1998). In the process of hunting, the blue whale swallowed a large group of krill at one time, and also swallowed a large amount of sea water. Then squeeze the abdominal cavity and tongue to extrude the sea water through the whalebone plate. When the sea water in the mouth is discharged, the blue whale swallows the remaining krill that cannot pass through the whale's whisker plate. [5]


Although living in the sea, blue whales, like other mammals, breathe with their lungs, which weigh more than 1000 kilograms and can hold more than 1000 liters of air. Such a large lung capacity greatly reduces the number of times it breathes, and it only comes out of the water to breathe once every 10-15 minutes. When breathing, expel carbon dioxide and other waste gases from the lungs from the nostrils, and then inhale fresh oxygen. When its head comes out of the water to breathe, it first expels the carbon dioxide and other waste gases from its body. When this powerful hot airflow rushes out of its nostrils, the jet can reach a height of about 10 meters and roll the nearby sea water out of the sea, making a spectacular water column appear on the blue sea, which looks like a sea fountain from a distance, At the same time, it also makes a loud sound like the air whistle of a train, which is called "tidal spray". People can determine the position of the blue whale according to its sound, the height and shape of the jet tide. Blue whales live in the oceans. It is very rare to see blue whales in Chinese waters. There were records of blue whales in the Yellow Sea and South China Sea. It usually does not dive more than 100 meters, but some individuals can dive to 500 meters deep. The diving time lasts for 10-20 minutes, followed by 8-15 consecutive air jets. [5]
In general, cetaceans diving Previously, the tail did not rise, but the blue whale always exposed its tail to the water before diving, sometimes leaping out of the water high, and then quickly dived into 30-40 meters of water to find food. At ordinary times, it also likes to use its tail fin to fetch water, which is a kind of recreation with multiple purposes and purposes. It may be playing games, or to attract the attention of peers, or to get rid of the harassment of parasites on the skin. [5]


Although some people have seen 50-60 blue whales live in groups, they seldom form groups, most of them are lonely, or only 2-3 live together. The amphibious blue whales are very harmonious with each other, swimming, diving, foraging and breathing together, like mandarin ducks, inseparable, often leaving a wide waterway behind. The three blue whales together are mostly females and a baby whale close together, followed by males, about 3 meters apart.
Despite its huge size, it usually moves slowly and is often stationary, but it can rise and fall freely in the water. Its tail can swing flexibly, which is both the driving force and the rudder. Its speed is up to 28 kilometers per hour. [5]


The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. It uses a low frequency and deafening sound when communicating with its partners. Sometimes, the sound can exceed 180 decibels, which is louder than the sound of a jet plane when it takes off when you stand on the runway 80km The sound of the blue whale was detected outside. It is estimated that the sound of the blue whale can reach 155-188 decibels at the source by measuring the reference pressure of one millipascal 1 meter away from the blue whale. Even considering the different impedances of water and air and different standard reference pressures, the equivalent sound range in air is still 89-122 dB. For comparison, the sound of the pneumatic drill is about 100 decibels. But humans may not realize that blue whales are the loudest animals. The fundamental frequency of all blue whale populations is 10-40 Hz, while the lowest frequency that humans can detect is 20 Hz. The duration of the blue whale's voice is 10-30 seconds. It is recorded that the voice of the blue whale off the coast of Sri Lanka repeatedly sings a four note "song", which lasts for two minutes each time, reminiscent of the song of humpback whales. The researchers believe that because this phenomenon is not seen in other populations, it may be B. m. brevicauda (dwarf) subspecies. [6]
Scientists do not know why blue whales make sounds. Richardson et al. (1995) proposed the following reasons:
1. Keep the distance between individuals
2. Identical and individual identification
3. Environmental information transmission (such as foraging, warning, courtship)
4. Keep group contact (e.g. communication between female and male)
5. Geomorphic feature positioning
6. Food positioning
In the 1960s, some scientists thought it would be a very cool way to put a large number of loudspeakers into the world's oceans to record the songs of blue whales. Forty years later, some people who have studied blue whale singing for 40 years have made a strange discovery that every blue whale in the world has a deeper song every year. But they don't know why.
Despite the differences in language or location, every person living on the earth speaks more slowly and more like James Earl Jones This slowdown is very small, reducing less than one Hz every year, but the overall trend is relatively stable and sustainable.
From global warming to increasing noise pollution, people believe that many factors may cause this phenomenon. However, the impact of global warming on the oceans cannot be explained. This impact is mainly reflected in the changes of seawater acidity and density, and the sound of blue whales will not change significantly.
In contrast, noise pollution may be a more convincing explanation. Readers can imagine that in a crowded bar, we can only raise our voice to attract the attention of the waiter. If the blue whale cannot accept the high pitched call, it does not mean that every blue whale living in every ocean on the cursed planet will change their behavior in the same way at the same time, and it will last for 40 years. [7]

Distribution range

Blue whales are distributed in the oceans of the northern and southern hemispheres from the Antarctic to the Arctic, especially in the oceans near the Antarctic, but rarely in tropical waters.
It is distributed in Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Benin, Bermuda, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Cocos Islands, Colombia, Comoros, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Gabon, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Northern Mariana, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Portugal, Reunion, Russian Federation, St. Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (Tristan da Cunha), Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, the United Republic of Tanzania, Thailand, Timor Leste, Togo, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, Western Sahara Yemen. [8]
Suspected: Gabon, Gibraltar, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan Province of China. [8]
Wandering: Iraq. [8]
Blue whale distribution map [8]

Reproductive mode

Blue whales breed in winter. The female usually gives birth every two years. The pregnancy period is 10-12 months, and each baby only gives birth to one calf. The baby whale weighs about 2.5 tons and is about 7 meters long. In order to prevent suffocation, the female animal should hold the cub out of the water to breathe the first breath of air, and then it can breathe by itself. A pair of nipples of female animals grow on Genital foramen On both sides of the breast, when breast-feeding, she swam in the upper layer of the sea, and the cub followed closely behind the female. Because the cub had no active lips and could not suck milk with its own nipples, the female animal directly sprayed milk into the cub's mouth by muscle contraction, which was also a good adaptation to life in the water. The milk of blue whale is rich in nutrients, in which the fat content is 10 times that of cow's milk, and the milk taken by the baby every day is more than 1000 kg, so it develops very fast. After 8 months, it can grow to 15 meters, and the weight can grow to 23000 kg, so it can open its mouth and eat all kinds of plankton. By the age of 2.5 to 3, the body length can exceed 20 meters. The age of sexual maturity is about 8-10 years old, and the life expectancy is generally over 50 years old, up to 90-100 years old. [9]

Subspecies differentiation

Blue whale (4 subspecies)
Chinese name
Scientific name
Named by and date
Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda
Ichihara, 1966
Indian Ocean Blue Whale
Balaenoptera musculus indica
Blyth, 1859
Balaenoptera musculus intermedia
Burmeister, 1871
Balaenoptera musculus musculus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Protection status


Protection level

Included《 IUCN Red List of Endangered Species 》(IUCN) 2018 ver 3.1 - Endangered (EN). [8]
Listed in China《 Catalog of Wildlife under Key State Protection 》(February 5, 2021) Level I. [12]

Population status

In the North East Pacific (Sears 1998 report). The natural enemy of the blue whale is orca Calambokidis et al. (1990) found that 25% of adult blue whales had scars left by orca attacks. [11]
Blue whale stranding is rare. Because of its special group structure, I have never heard of blue whale group stranding. However, when grounding does occur, it will attract much attention. In 1920, a blue whale ran aground on the beach of Louise Island in Scotland's Outer Hebrides Islands. Its head was shot by whalers, but the harpoon did not explode. Like other animals, blue whales instinctively persist in breathing at all costs, grounding can prevent them from drowning.
Blue whales are not easy to kill and preserve. The huge size, shocking weight, swimming speed and strength of blue whales mean that they are not usually targets of early whalers, who choose to kill sperm whales and right whales. When the number of these two whales decreases, the number of baleen whales that whalers choose to kill increases, including blue whales. In 1864, Norwegian Swender Foin assembled his ship with a harpoon specially designed to catch large whales. Although it was troublesome at first, this method soon became popular. At the end of the 19th century, the number of blue whales in the North Atlantic began to decrease gradually. [11]
Because there is a thick layer of fat under the skin of the blue whale, it can be used to make soap, shoe polish, etc. Therefore, the blue whale was killed by a large number of whalers. The amount of blue whale hunted in the world grew rapidly. By 1925, the United States, Britain and Japan joined Norway in the hunt of blue whales. They used "whaling ships" to hunt blue whales and then upgraded them to huge "factory ships" for processing. In 1930, 41 ships slaughtered 28325 blue whales. At the end of World War II, the blue whale population was close to extinction. In 1946, the quota limit for international whale trade was introduced for the first time. These quotas are invalid because the agreement does not take into account the differences between different species. The rare species can be killed to the same extent as the large species. Due to human hunting and the pollution of the marine environment, the International Whaling Commission began to ban the killing of blue whales in 1960. At that time, 350000 blue whales had been killed, and the population of the world had decreased to less than 1% 100 years ago. There are less than 50 blue whales in the world. [11]
Blue whales may be injured when they collide with or get trapped in fishing equipment. More and more noise in the sea makes it difficult for them to communicate with each other, and even kill them. The potential threats to blue whales from humans include the manufacture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a chemical that will accumulate in blue whales. With global warming, glaciers and permafrost melt rapidly, and a large amount of fresh water is injected into the sea. Some people worry that once the amount of fresh water flowing into the sea exceeds the critical point, the thermohaline circulation will collapse. Considering that according to the migration mode of sea water temperature, the collapse of the circulation will lead to warm and cold water around the world, which may affect the migration of blue whales. In summer, blue whales are located in cold, high latitude waters, because there is rich food here; In winter, they are located in warm, low latitude waters, where they can mate and produce. [11]
At the beginning of the 20th century, there were quite a lot of blue whales in almost every sea area in the world. After more than 40 years, whalers' crazy hunting made them almost extinct. The number of blue whales did not rise until the international community began to protect them in 1966. A 2002 report estimated that the number of blue whales in the world is between 5000 and 12000, and they are distributed in at least five populations. Research on dwarf blue whales shows that this number may be an underestimate of the actual number. Before the beginning of human whaling, the largest population of blue whales was in the Antarctic waters, with an estimated 239000 (ranging from 202000 to 311000). The number of animals in the Northeast Pacific, the Antarctic Sea and the Indian Ocean has decreased significantly (about 2000 each). There are two larger groups in the North Atlantic and at least two groups in the Southern Hemisphere. [11]
Blue whale is one of the most important economic species with a large amount of fat. It is internationally stipulated that the oil production of blue whales is used as the conversion unit, that is, 1 blue whale=2 fin whales=2.5 humpback whales=6 baleen whales. Since the beginning of modern whaling, blue whales have been hunted indiscriminately. During the peak period of 1930-31, the world killed nearly 30000 blue whales a year. In 1966, the International Whaling Commission declared the blue whale as a prohibited protected object. Before development, there were at least 200000 blue whales, and now it is estimated that there are at most 13000 blue whales. According to the statistical report issued by the International Whaling Commission in 1989, there are only 200-453 survivors of blue whales. This is based on eight years of investigation in the southern hemisphere, which is already on the verge of extinction. [11]
Since the ban on whaling, the global number of blue whales has remained basically unchanged, about 3000-4000. Since the establishment of the Red List of Threatened Species, blue whales have been listed as endangered species on the Red List. be located the pacific ocean The blue whale population in the northeast is the largest, consisting of about 2000 individuals, concentrated between Alaska and Costa Rica, but it is common in California in summer. This population is the hope of long-term recovery of blue whale population in the future. Sometimes they drift to the Pacific Northwest; It was recorded to appear between Kamchatka Peninsula and the northern tip of Japan. [11]
The population of blue whales in the Southern Ocean ranges from 750 to 1200, and the migration mode of this population has not been well understood. They may or may not be different from the uncertain number of species that often occur along the northeast coast of Sri Lanka. Some blue whales in the Southern Ocean population are close to the east coast of the South Pacific. In Chile, it is found that blue whales gather along the coast of Zhilu Island to feed. Therefore, the Chilean Whale Conservation Center, with the support of the Chilean Navy, has carried out extensive research and protection on them. [11]
There are two populations of blue whales living in the North Atlantic. The first is located in Greenland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and St. Lawrence Bay. It is estimated that there are about 500. The second one is farther east, appearing in the Azores in spring and Iceland in July and August; It is speculated that whales move between the two volcanic islands along the Mid Atlantic Ridge. In addition to Iceland, although extremely rare, blue whales also appear farther away in Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Scientists do not know where these blue whales spend the winter. The population of the entire North Atlantic ranges from 600 to 1500. [8]
Humans pose a threat to the recovery of the blue whale population. Polychlorinated biphenyl chemicals will gather in the blood of the blue whale, leading to poisoning and premature death of the blue whale. At the same time, the noise pollution caused by increasing ocean transportation covers up the sound of the blue whale, making it difficult for the blue whale to find a mate. [11]
The change of ocean temperature will also affect the food source of blue whales, and the warming trend will also reduce the distribution of salt, which will have a significant impact on the distribution and density of. [11]

Related reports

In July 2018, Icelandic whalers were accused by anti whaling organizations of killing a blue whale. The organization also released relevant photos and videos as evidence. It is understood that the killed blue whale will be sold to Japan after being dismembered. [13]

world record

The longest penis in the world: calculated in absolute terms, the longest penis belongs to the blue whale, with a maximum length of 2.4 meters.
The world's largest mammal: The largest animal on the earth is the blue whale, weighing up to 160 tons. Its average length is 24 meters, but it is not the longest animal on the earth. (Guinness World Records)