
[pú shì ěr]
One UoM
zero Useful+1
Bushel is a Unit of measurement , (English: bushel symbol: bushel (UK) bu (US) General code: BUI (UK) BUA (US). It is a quantitative unit, like the old measuring units of bucket and liter in China.
1 bushel at britain Equal to 8 gallon , equal to 4 pecks, equal to 2 cannings (British volumetric unit), equivalent to 36.3688 liters. In the United States, one bushel is equivalent to 35.238 rise 1BU Oils or cereals vary in weight. Even the actual conversion of the same oil or grain is different due to different varieties or origins. 1 British bushel (1.0321 US bushel) equals 36.3677 liters. This unit is only used for volume measurement of solid materials. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Unit of measurement

Basic information

according to American Soybean Association According to the statistical unit conversion table, the weight of 1BU soybean is 60lb or 27.2154kg. 32 lb for cottonseed of the same volume; Corn 56lb; Peanut kernel( Virginia Production) 17lb; Peanut kernel (produced in Spain) 25lb; Sunflower 28 lb. This is just a conventional measurement concept in industry statistics. However, in trade settlement, the actual weight shall prevail.

matters needing attention

The conversion between bushels and kilograms is different in different countries and different agricultural products. In terms of soybeans and wheat, Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia are all the same. A bushel is equal to 27.216 kilograms. In terms of corn, although the four countries are the same, the proportion is different, and one bushel is only 25.401 kg. But in barley, not only the proportion is different, but also the weight conversion is different. In terms of rye, Britain, America and Canada are the same, while Australia is different.
It can be seen that this is a rather complicated problem. In foreign trade, we must be careful.

Unit conversion table

Variety: wheat, soybean, barley, oats, corn, rye
(1) UK:
Kg/bushel 27.216 22.680 17.690 25.401 25.401
Pounds/bushel 60 50 39 56 56
(2) USA:
Kg/bushel 27.216 21.772 14.515 25.401 25.401
Pounds/bushel 60 48 32 56 56
(3) Canada:
Kg/bushel 27.216 21.772 15.422 25.401 25.401
Pounds/bushel 60 48 34 56 56
(4) Australia:
Kg/bushel 27.216 22.680 18.144 25.401 27.216
Pounds/bushel 60 50 40 56 56
The conversion standard of common grain varieties in international units is also attached
1 ton barley=45.93 bushels
1 ton corn=39.37 bushels
1 ton malt=64.84 bushels
1 ton oats=68.89 bushels
1 ton of rice=22.046 cwt
1 ton rye=39.37 bushels
1 ton of sorghum=39.37 bushels
1 ton soybean=36.9 bushels
1 ton wheat=38.01 bushels
1 bushel barley=48 lb=21.772 kg
1 bushel corn=56 lb=25.401 kg
1 bushel of rice=45 lb=20.4 kg
1 bushel malt=34 lb=15.422 kg
1 bushel potato=60 pounds=27.1kg
1 bushel sorghum=56 lb=25.401 kg
1 bushel soybean=60 lb=27.1 kg
1 bushel wheat=58 pounds=26.309kg [2]