Monterey Port

Port city in south central Chile
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Puerto Montt is Chile South central port city, (41.4 degrees south latitude, 73.1 degrees west longitude, with an average altitude of 86 meters). Lake District and the capital of Yenkiwe Province. It is located on the top of the Pacific Rayoncavey Bay, Santiago 1055 kilometers to the south of Santiago, with an urban population of 153118 (2002). Monterey Port was founded in 1853 and was damaged by an earthquake in 1960.
Chinese name
Monterey Port
Foreign name
Puerto Montt
geographical position
Chile South central port city
population size
153100 (as of 2002)
Monterey Port( Puerto Montt)
Map of Monterey Port
The commercial center of the agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fishery area of Monterey Port has industries such as fish canning, tanning, sawing, sugar making and textile machinery. The end point of Monterey Port Pan American Highway and North South Railway Trunk Line; There is an international airport; The port is deep and spacious, connecting the south fjord And important transportation stations in the island area. Monterey Harbor is a famous tourist attraction with beautiful scenery.
Mont Harbor Map 2
Monterey Port