
[měng gǔ rén zhǒng]
Asian American
zero Useful+1
Mongoloid race A concept in division, first developed by German natural anthropologists Blumenbaha He proposed that it was one of the five races he divided. [1] Later, the word became yellow race A synonym for. [2-3]
According to American scholar Kon En, Mongolian people are mainly characterized by: pale yellow skin, light chestnut eyes, mostly black straight hair, body hair and beard are not obvious, the face is medium, cheekbones are relatively flat, the bridge of the nose is medium, the inner corners of the eyes have special Pilates, and so on. He believes that the Asian Mongolians can be divided into three ethnic branches: North Asia, East Asia and South Asia. A group of North Asians entered the American continent along the Alaska Land Bridge and developed into Indian Another group of South Asians extended to the South Pacific islands. [1]
Since the 1960s, the scientific nature of ethnic division has been questioned by the international academic community. [11] In 1998, the American Anthropological Association issued a statement saying that only 6% of the genetic differences between different races and 94% of the physical differences exist within the race. "Race" is a colonial concept, so it is not advocated to use it. [9-10]
Chinese name
Foreign name
yellow race yellow race Asian American Mongolian race
Distribution 1
Ural region, East Asia, North Asia
Distribution 2
South Asia, Southeast Asia
Distribution 3
Madagascar, America, Pacific Islands
Time of occurrence
Western centrism appeared in the 19th century

Concept evolution

In 1775 Linnai 40 years after the four major ethnic divisions were proposed, German natural anthropologists Blumenbaha In his book "Natural Varieties of Human Beings", he published a new racial division scheme. People in the world are divided into five major ethnic groups, namely, Caucasian, Mongolian Malayan race Negro race (initially called Ethiopian), American. He and many later ethnologists also tried to find ways to divide the race from the skin color, including skull, nose, hair, eye shape, eye color, ear contour, teeth, earwax, basic metabolism, blood type, fingerprints, etc., but these standards can not be used to strictly divide the race. [1] There are also physical anthropologists who try to prove that Mongolian people have yellow skin, [4] "Yellow people" and "Mongolian people" quickly combined to become synonyms. [2]
In 1966, American ethnologist Kon put forward the division of five major primitive ethnic groups. Among them, the second ethnic group is Mongolian, also known as Asian American They first lived in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Siberia. Later, a group of North Asians entered the American continent along the Alaska Land Bridge and developed into Indians; Another group of South Asians extended to the South Pacific islands. The main characteristics of Mongolian people are: yellow skin, maroon eyes, black straight hair, unobvious body hair and beard, flat face, prominent cheekbones, low bridge of nose, special vertical folds in the inner corners of both eyes, etc. The Mongolian race in Asia can be divided into three ethnic branches: North Asia, East Asia and South Asia. Kon's ethnic division has great reference value, but there are still various disputes. [1]

Physical characteristics

Some Mongolians have independent light color characteristics, which is an independent ethnic feature; Its skin color is mostly white and light yellow, and some are relatively ruddy; Black and fine straight hair, undeveloped beard and body hair; The chin does not protrude, but some people are sharp and some are flat; The nasal width is medium, and the nasal tip index is medium; The eye fissure is medium, with brown iris, developed upper eyelid folds, and most eyes have inner canthal folds to cover the lacrimal caruncle; The spade shaped structure of the upper teeth and tongue surface is also one of the prominent features of the yellow race; The face of American Indians is not as flat as that of Mongolian speakers in North Asia. The nose root is short, mostly of long skull type, and the nose protrudes slightly.

Language classification

Ancient times

Contemporary distribution


Western Urals

(Northeast Europe)
Uralic languages Nearly 10000 years ago, Urals swept across the Ural region. But later, because the culture of the Urals was too backward - for example, the Finnish came into being in the 15th century, and they were gradually pushed out to remote areas, the Urals began to communicate with white race Mixed race, modern Urals are mostly yellow white mixed race, even white, and they are distributed in Urals. The main languages are Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, Mordova (not Moldova ), Komi, Akhalian.

East Asia

China (Chinese nation);
Korean Peninsula (Korean nationality);
Japanese archipelago (Yamato nationality);

North Asia

Mongolian language family;
Tungusic language family;
Ancient Siberian languages: Eskimo Aleutian, Chukchi Kamchatka, other Siberian languages (Kate, Nifuhe, Yukajir, Ainu);

Southeast Asia

Tibeto Burmese (mainly distributed in Myanmar);
Tai Kadai language family (Dong Dai language family);
South Asian language family;
Austronesian languages;

Central Asia

Turkic languages: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan;

South Asia

(especially in northeastern India)
Especially in northeast India; The South Asian type is between the East Asian type and the Malay type. The South Asian type here refers to the South Asian yellow race, not Aryans, Daropians, or mixed race Indians between Aryans and Daropians Sino Tibetan language family (Many scholars believe that the Sino Tibetan language family includes Hmong-Mien languages Tai-Kadai languages And Austro-Asiatic language family )。


Madagascar The Merina people on the island are a mixture of Mongolian southern type and Nigerian;


Mongolian American type; Native American

Far East

Pacific Islands
Micronesians and Melanesians are mixed types of Malays and Papuans, all belonging to the Austronesian language family. [5]
The Ainu people in Hokkaido and Polynesians in the Pacific Islands are similar in appearance and physique Mediterranean race And some Mongolian characteristics, Molecular anthropology It is confirmed that the genes of the two are from Asia, homologous with Mongolian species, and have no close genetic relationship with Europeans. Their unique physique may be the result of independent evolution in isolated islands. [6]



Related disputes

The division of "Mongolian race" is considered to have Racism Color. According to the analysis of American scholar Chi Mick, Bulumanbaha uses the "Mongolian race" to name the East Asians, not because the Mongolian skulls are the most typical and representative, but because the Mongols are the Orientals that frighten the West most in history, and this name is enough to arouse the West's concern for Genghis Khan and Timur And so on. Later, "Mongolian eye fold"“ Mongolian spot ”And "Mongolian disease"( Down syndrome )The naming of "" reflects the development of racial thinking in medicine. [4] Since the 1950s, the Mongolian government has also made world health organization Make a protest. On the other hand, "Mongolian" and "Yellow" [8] The combination of“ Yellow peril theory ”。 [2] At present, the use of concepts such as "Mongolian race" is still a controversial topic in many aspects such as politics, academia and society. [3-4]