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Sargon II

The new Assyrian monarch
In the reign of Sargon II (722-705 BC), he developed the Assyrian Empire to its peak as a political and military entity. Karhu was also improved through construction projects. Shortly after he ascended the throne, he ordered the construction of a new city as the capital of his empire ("Salgon Palace"), which was built between 717 and 707 BC, and he moved into the palace in 706 BC. One day in the next year, 705 BC, he was killed in battle, and his son Sennacherib moved the capital to Nineveh. During his reign, he expanded territory and carried out military reforms. The fall of 722 BC Samaria , off Kingdom of Israel And then invade Syria , defeat Ural chart occupy Babylon In the middle of the 19th century, archaeologists discovered the ruins of its royal palace and various historic sites [1]
Chinese name
Sargon II
Foreign name
Sargon II
Date of death
Front 705
Key achievements
new Assyria King, destroy the Kingdom of Israel
7th century BC

Character experience

Sargon II is Tigra Palaza III Son of. After his brother Salmanasar V was assassinated for harming the interests of the temple, he became king of Assyria. During his reign, he changed the policy of one-sided support for the military bureaucrat aristocratic group internally, won over the temple priests by granting a large number of urban autonomy, and established an autocratic monarchy with military bureaucrat aristocrats and temple priests as the pillars. Continue to expand, conquer in 721 BC Israel , move its people to Two river basin Occupy in 720-717 BC Syria The whole territory. The defeat in 714 BC Uraltu Kingdom , destroyed its main god, Halji Temple, and occupied a large area of its southern territory. Later occupied Iranian Plateau Northwest Meter bottom Region.

People's deeds

In 710 BC, depending on Babylon With the help of priests and merchants, he defeated Maduk Apal Edina and became Babylon governor. Influence reaches far Asia Minor and Cyprus He died in 705 BC Iran In the war.