
City of Saarland, Germany
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Saarbr ü cken is a border city in southwest Germany, Saarland Capital., The population is about 179000. stay Saar River Bank. Built Roman times The industrial, cultural and commercial center of the whole prefecture. Major railway stations; River port. It is mainly engaged in iron and steel industry, and has wine making, shoemaking, printing, machinery, optical instruments, clothing, cement and other departments. Coal mining nearby is important.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Saarland, Germany
geographical position
Germany southwest
Area under jurisdiction
Salbruken County
population size
180515 (2006)

natural resources

Salbruken was once an industrial and transportation center with huge coal seams. The factories here produce iron and steel, sugar, beer, pottery, optical instruments, machinery and building materials. But in the past decades Saarland As more and more German companies began to import cheap coal directly from low wage countries.
The historic buildings of Salbruken include: the stone bridge across the Sal River (1546) Gothic Cathedral St Arnual and Salbruken Castle built in the 18th century. In 1815, Salbruken was included Prussia Control of. In two periods of the twentieth century (1919-1935, 1945 to 1957), it became part of the Saarland under French administration. In addition, because it is close to the French German border, Salbruken is obviously influenced by France.

Historical evolution

Imperium Romanum
Saarland The region was formed in the first century Imperium Romanum Period, followed by Franks Control. In 925, it became Holy Roman Empire Part of.
Medieval to 18th century
From 1381 to 1793, the main local managers were Nassau -Salbruken Commission. As the booty of its powerful neighbor, the region was controlled by the French in the 16th century and formally incorporated into France in the 1680s. In 1697, France was forced to give up Saarland However, between 1793 and 1815, France regained control of the region.
nineteenth century
After 1815, most of the area became Prussia Part of. In the 19th century, local coal and iron resources were developed.
Twentieth Century
According to《 Treaty of Versailles 》The Saar mining area was monopolized by France for 15 years as compensation for the mines destroyed by France during the war. The treaty also proposed that after the expiration of 15 years, Sal's future would be decided by referendum. In 1935, more than 90% of voters voted to return to Germany.
the Second World War
After being heavily bombed and becoming part of the French occupation, the region became independent in 1946. From the late 1940s to the early 1950s, the French had been trying to make Sal an independent country. In 1955, the region was asked to return to Germany at an early date. On January 1, 1957, Sal became a state of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Sister city

Nantes (France) 1965
Tbilisi Georgia )1975
Cottbus 1987 (Germany)

educational resources

Saar University Located in southwest Germany Saarland There are more than 18000 students and 2000 employees (including 270 professors, 800 teachers and 900 non teaching staff) in Fusalbrucken. Saar University was founded in 1948 with the help of France. Because of the special historical background at that time - Salbruken's political autonomy, and France's economic and monetary union France strongly influenced the early development of Saar University. The young Saar University developed into a bilingual university (French and German), which at that time could not only adapt to political changes, but also more easily accept new ideas.
Saar University is a famous comprehensive university in Germany. Saar University was founded in 1948. Uni Saarbrücken There are 8 schools: School of Law and Economics, School of Theoretical Medicine and Biological Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, School of Philosophy 1 (major in history and culture), School of Philosophy 2 (major in language, literature and culture), School of Philosophy 3 (major in empirical humanities), School of Natural Science and Technology 1 (major in mathematics and informatics) Academy of Natural Sciences 2 (specialized in physics and electromechanical integration) and Academy of Natural Science and Technology 3 (specialized in chemical pharmacy, biology and materials science). The University of Salbruken offers 84 undergraduate and master's majors, such as business management, European economics, master of arts in law, law economic information Economic Education, Medicine Dentistry , plastic arts Catholic theology , history, historical culture, Christian religion, Latin, computer linguistics, geography, pedagogy and educational psychology, psychology, sports Advanced Materials Design , Computer and Communication Technology, Materials Science, Mechatronics, Biology and Chemistry. Saar University The advantageous majors of our university include computer science, enterprise economics, molecular biology, geographic information, electromechanical integration, linguistics, etc.
Salbruken is an international research oriented computer science center. At Saar University Computer Science It has strength and high reputation. Its researchers and Max Planck Computer Research Institute, Max Planck Software Research Institute, German Artificial Intelligence Research Center (DFKI), Bioinformatics Center and Visual Computing Research all cooperate closely. These internationally renowned research institutes are located in Uni Saarbrücken In the campus, and close to the computer department. In a word, more than 300 computer researchers have taken Salbruken as their academic research site, and many common projects are funded by the German government, the European Union or industrial partners. Salbruken University also attaches great importance to exchanges and cooperation with other domestic and foreign universities. In 1996, Saar University The Artificial Intelligence Research Center and the Computer Department of Jiaotong University jointly carried out a research project on "natural language generation technology", which was jointly funded by the Volkswagen Foundation of Germany and National Natural Science Foundation of China Saarland Supported by the government and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. In October 2001, the two universities officially signed an inter university cooperation agreement in Shanghai, opening the prelude to comprehensive cooperation. In March 2005, Sal University was founded- Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory of Language Technology.

Shopping information

Shopping is an important aspect of the life of Saarbrucken people. The arched shopping corridor enables people to enjoy shopping even in rainy days. Large shopping malls and many famous brand stores provide people with unlimited shopping choices.
St. John's Market: There are many small clothing boutiques, galleries and small shops in the alleys and inner courtyard around St. John's Market, where people can have a good stroll and have a rest in the tavern after shopping.
Chinatown : People like to call the area around Nauwieser Platz the Chinatown, which is undoubtedly the most colorful place in Salbruken. ad locum, Green food Shops, clothing, second-hand goods, party venues, various bakeries and vegetables from all over the world are available. The residents here also come from all over the world. The old city of Salbruken: On the other side of the Sal River is the old city of Salbruken, also called Luisenviertel. There are all kinds of special shops there, which is a good place for shopping and shopping.

Tourism information

Salbruken's cultural life is rich and colorful. The films and dramas here are oriented to the most avant-garde trends, the latest arts and the most influential creativity. Many city festivals, country festivals and surrounding celebrations are also varied. Max Oph ü ls Filmfest: The Max Oph ü ls Filmfest is the prelude to the annual celebration. This film festival aims to promote the growth of film reserve forces in German speaking countries. The festival mainly supports young film workers, influential directors, critics, actors and producers. French Drama Festival: Salbruken holds the Perspective du Th 閍 tre in early summer every year. During this period, the streets, stages and squares in the city have become unique venues for drama, dance and music. Saarland Music Festival: At this highly valued Musicfestspiele Saar, every year street show Jazz The form of performance or dance week shows various musical styles of a specific country. The melody of music resounds in every corner of the city. Saarwiesen, B ü rgepark, market square and palace garden all become large-scale open-air theaters.

Snack Features

Salbruken will certainly entertain his guests with delicious food. There are many kinds of food here, including classic local home-made food, flavor food from all over the world, and top dishes. Klaus? Elford Hotel: Klaus? Klaus Erfort is a leader in Salbruken's catering industry. The hotel is located in a beautiful park, with a beautiful terrace and dense trees around. It has everything a high-end restaurant should have: exquisite cakes, experienced bartenders and a rich wine collection. Kwak Hotel in the House of Weissmiller: In the Restaurant Quack in Haus Weism ü ller, people can not only taste high-end food, but also enjoy the unique atmosphere of the hotel. The restaurant is located in a well renovated villa overlooking the city of Salbruken. The hotel has a popular Brasserie restaurant, a wine cellar, a lobby, and a popular beer garden. On the first floor, there are two tastefully decorated small rooms for 20 people to eat. Guests can enjoy a selection of fine wines from all over the country when they have dinner, and they can choose at will or order half a bottle.