marketing management

Economic Terms
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synonym Marketing (Management term) generally refers to marketing (economics term)
market Marketing yes commodity or service From producers to consumer A process in hand is a series of activities carried out by enterprises or other organizations to meet the needs of consumers.
Marketing is both a function and a organization Create, communicate, disseminate and deliver for the benefit of oneself and stakeholders Customer value For customers, customers, partners and the whole society economic value Activities, processes and systems.
MBA EMBA Classic business management courses such as marketing controller conduct Administration and education Important modules of are included.
Chinese name
marketing management
Foreign name
Marketing marketing
business management Education and teaching

research contents

Marketing Practice: By product strategy, pricing strategy Distribution Strategy , promotion strategy, marketing mix strategy, etc.
marketing management Including marketing strategy, planning, organization and control.
Special marketing: from network marketing service market Marketing and International Marketing Etc.


(1) Marketing plan It is necessary to formulate long-term strategic planning , determine the development direction and goal of the enterprise, and also have specific marketing plans and specific implementation strategic plan
(2) Marketing organization The marketing plan needs a strong marketing organization to implement. According to the plan objectives, it is necessary to establish an efficient marketing organization structure A series of management activities, such as screening, training, incentive and evaluation, need to be carried out for organizational personnel.
(3) Marketing control During the implementation of marketing plan Control system To ensure the market Marketing objectives Implementation of. Marketing control Mainly enterprises Annual plan control , corporate profit control Marketing strategy Control, etc.

technological process

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
  5. five
  6. six
    determine Marketing plan
  7. seven
    Product production;
  8. eight
    Marketing activity management (i.e. execution and control);
  9. nine

marketing strategy

Marketing strategy Based on customer needs, the enterprise obtains information about customer demand and purchasing power according to experience, and the expectations of the business community, organizes various business activities in a planned way, and through mutual coordination Product strategy Price strategy , channel strategy and Promotion strategy To provide customers with satisfactory goods and services Enterprise objectives Process.
(1) 4Ps That is, four aspects of marketing strategies are formed when the four factors of product, price, promotion, channel and distribution channel and place&distribution are applied to the marketing process.
In 1981, Booms and Bitner suggested that Marketing Theory 4Ps On the basis of, three "service P" are added, namely: people, process, environment (or physical environment), Physical evidence )And formed the 7Ps theory. 7Ps are mostly used in the service industry.
Product strategy Major research innovations product development product life cycle Brand strategy The price strategy, Promotion strategy and Distribution strategy The foundation of.
Price strategy Also known as pricing strategy, the main objectives are as follows:
  1. one
  2. two
    Profit maximization;
  3. three
    Market share Maximization;
  4. four
    Product quality optimization.
Promotion strategy The main purpose is to convey information, strengthen cognition, highlight characteristics, induce demand, guide consumers, expand sales, breed preferences, and stabilize sales.
Channel strategy It refers to the sales channel used to achieve the purpose of product distribution.
personnel (Personal Sales). All people are directly or indirectly involved in the consumption process of certain services. This is an important point of view of the 7P marketing mix. Knowledge workers, white-collar employees, managers and some consumers add additional value to existing ones Total social product Or in the supply of services, the value of this part is often very significant.
⑥ Process (Process), the process by which services are realized through certain procedures, mechanisms and activities (i.e. consumer management process), is a key element of marketing strategy.
Environmental Science (Physical Evidence), including Service environment The ability of tangible goods to carry and express services, the intangible consumption experience of current consumers, and the ability to deliver consumer satisfaction to potential customers.
(2) 4Cs , including: customer (Customer)、 cost (Cost)、 communicate (Communication)、 facilitate (convenience)。 When market change is added, market change is 6C.
Do not sell manufactured products, but sell products that meet consumer needs; Instead of pricing based on competitors' or their own profit strategies, we should use a series of tests to understand the costs consumers are willing to pay to meet their needs; Don't take yourself as the starting point, think about how to arrange outlets and what kind of access strategy to adopt, but pay attention to the convenience of consumers to purchase products; Instead of thinking about how to improve sales through media communication, we should interact with consumers.
(3) 4R Marketing The theory was developed by American scholars Don E.Schultz stay 4C Marketing Theory Based on the new marketing theory. 4R refers to Relevance, Reaction, Relationship and Reward respectively. This marketing theory believes that with the development of the market, enterprises need to establish a new type of active relationship between enterprises and customers in a more effective way from a higher level, which is different from the traditional one.



Commodity sales

To study the marketing function, the empirical approach is to start with commodity sales. American Marketing Association In 1960, the Definition Committee published a definition: "Marketing is an enterprise activity that guides the flow of goods or services from producers to consumers or their users." Although this definition does not recognize that marketing is sales, it believes that marketing includes sales, as well as the improvement and perfection of the sales process of goods. Many scholars believe that this definition is too narrow to fully demonstrate the function of marketing. However, whether it is appropriate or not, this definition clearly reveals the relationship between marketing and commodity sales.
For enterprises and society, commodity sales have two basic functions: one is to push the commodities produced by enterprises to the consumption field; The second is to obtain money from consumers in order to compensate for labor consumption in commodity production. Enterprises adopt advanced technologies to improve people's living standards Production organization It is the product of socialized production. stay Resource shortage In the real economy, it can improve production efficiency and create and spread new living standards by using the laws of economies of scale to achieve resource concentration and production specialization to a certain extent. Commodity sales is the final link to improve production efficiency, that is, to transfer the products produced by enterprises to consumers to meet their living needs. per contra, Social choice The market and commodity exchange methods, when enterprises transfer products to consumers, allow enterprises to obtain money because social needs Keep the continuity of production and operation of the enterprise, so as to gain more benefits of improving production efficiency. By selling goods and turning them into money, the society can supplement and add production factors for enterprises, and enterprises thus have the conditions for survival and development.
The sale of goods is very important. Enterprises need to do their best to strengthen this function. Its specific activities include: search and identification Leads , contact and transfer commodity exchange Intention information , negotiate, sign contracts, deliver and collect money, and provide sales services. However, there are conditions for commodity sales. The relevant conditions for the smooth exchange of goods include:
  1. one
    There are at least two subjects, each of whom has something of value (currency of goods and services) that is relatively low in their own view but higher in the other's view, and is willing to exchange what they own for what the other has;
  2. two
    They know each other about the quality and production cost of the goods owned by each other;
  3. three
    They can communicate with each other effectively. For example, negotiate the terms of sale and reach a contract;
  4. four
    After the transaction takes place, they can all consume and enjoy what they get.
However, it is often found that these conditions are not established everywhere, so enterprises often face sales difficulties. In order to effectively organize the sales of goods and sell more of the goods produced by the enterprise, the marketing department must not only do the sales work, but also carry out market research, organize overall marketing, develop market demand and other activities, and wait until the latter work has achieved certain results before selling goods.

market research

market research And research market research Means that the enterprise Marketing decisions In the process, the system objectively collects, analyzes and studies relevant information.
One of the necessary external conditions for an enterprise to sell goods is the existence of market demand for the goods. People call commodities with this condition marketable. Only when there is market demand can goods be sold. The market demand for a certain commodity refers to the quantity that all potential customers in a certain range want to purchase in a certain period of time. If the market demand for a certain commodity does exist, and the enterprise knows who and where the customer is, it can successfully sell the commodity.
Since the division of production and commodity production itself are constantly creating market demand, generally speaking, potential market demand always exists. The question is whether the goods people really need are the goods supplied in the market. The root cause of the frequent difficulties in selling goods is that the goods supplied in the market are not the goods that people actually need, or that there are differences between the goods in the market and people's real needs (expectations). On the one hand, this problem has caused difficulties in selling goods, and on the other hand, it has caused the unmet needs of some customers.
Rational producers and operator Of course, they will not produce and operate the goods that no one needs. You should choose to produce the goods that are purchased. However, the problem is that the demand for a certain commodity in a certain range of markets is constantly changing. There are many factors that will affect the needs of potential customers. For example, the growth of residents' income will make people gradually abandon the consumption of low-grade and outdated goods, and then shift their purchasing power to high-grade and novel goods; When the price of a commodity is too high, many people think it is uneconomical to consume it and seldom buy it. But when its price drops, people will have the idea of cost-effective consumption and are willing to buy more and consume more. The purchase desire of potential customers for a commodity is always unstable. The change of purchasing desire will inevitably affect the payment direction of purchasing power, leading to the change of market demand. For this change, producers and operators may lack information, so they are in a passive state after the change.
To effectively implement Commodity sales The marketing manager of the enterprise needs to regularly study the market demand, find out who the potential customers are, what kind of goods they need, why they need them, how much they need, when and where they need them, study the suitability of the enterprise in meeting customer needs, study possible sales difficulties and sources of difficulties, and formulate corresponding Marketing strategy This is the basic content of the market research and research function.

Overall marketing

Overall marketing It is comprehensively reflected by multiple business functions within the enterprise.
To enable the sales department to sell marketable products to the market at every stage, the market research department should provide accurate market demand information; The management department will Market demand forecast The data is converted into production instructions to command the production department to cooperate with other departments.
To enable the sales department to provide customers with the products they need in a timely manner, the production department must produce the corresponding products before the arrival of customer needs; In order to enable the production department to do this, the technical development department should complete it earlier product design And technical preparation, able to provide production technology to the production department; The financial department will raise funds earlier to provide the production department with the adjustment of production lines or machinery and equipment, and the purchase department with the purchase and supply of raw materials, materials and parts; The personnel department should also carry out technical training and post responsibility education for workers at an earlier time to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of workers to improve production and labor.
Let the sales department open quickly Marketing To expand the number of goods sold, the public relations department should establish a noble corporate image and corporate product image in the minds of customers before this, and expand the reputation and reputation of serving customers; The advertising department should effectively launch the advertising campaign before this; The promotion department shall organize promotional activities that are attractive to potential customers; Sales channels and network management departments should strive for as many middleman Distribute or sell the goods of the enterprise on a commission basis.
All departments work together to do a good job in marketing, which is overall marketing.
The implementation of overall marketing needs to change the traditional practice of each functional department acting independently, and even needs to change the setting of some functional departments. In marketing, the technology development department should develop the goods that people are willing to buy according to the needs of customers; Let the financial department raise funds according to marketing needs, provide funds and supplement "supplies"; Let the production department produce the products that customers need at the time they need, ensure that the sales department can get the right products in time, and sell them to customers who need them in a way that customers like to see and hear. In this way, the technology development department, production department, financial department and sales department are combined to jointly promote the sales of goods. Only in this way can the overall marketing effect be formed.

Create market demand

Continuously improving social living standards social responsibility Enterprises are required to strive to meet more consumer needs. This means that it is not enough to just sell consumers the goods they are currently planning to buy.
Consumers are ubiquitous“ potential demand ”That is, for some reasons, consumers do not intend to purchase goods to meet the demand in the short term. For example, consumers who are dissatisfied with the quality level of a certain commodity on the market in the 21st century may not buy this commodity even if there is a need; For the relatively high price in the market in the 21st century, people believe that more consumption will lead to some luxury non life necessities. Even if there is a need, consumers may not buy, or rarely buy; Some consumers, because of some worries behind them, will save some money and not use it for living consumption in the 21st century, which will form "potential demand"; Other consumers, although they have a certain source of income, can't buy some goods they need because of the limit of the amount of money they hold, which also forms a "potential demand". Of course, there are still quite a few customers who can't buy the goods they need with money, thus forming "potential demand".
The objective existence of potential demand is determined by the universality and expandability of consumers' life needs. In essence, potential demand is the unmet customer demand, which represents the shortcomings in improving people's living standards, and is also the "new continent" in the market that enterprises can explore.
Enterprises should not only meet the realistic customer needs that have emerged in the market, so that every customer who is willing to buy the enterprise's goods can really buy the goods, but also win over those customers who have potential needs, provide the goods and services they need, create some conditions that can make them affordable and reassuring, remove their worries, and let them establish a cost-effective purchase The belief that consumption is reasonable, so as to transform its potential demand into Realistic needs , come to buy the enterprise's goods. This is "creating market demand".
For example, through appropriate price reduction, consumers who could not afford to buy such goods in the past can buy and consume such goods, and consumers who felt that it was uneconomical to spend more in the past are willing to buy and consume more to truly meet their needs; Through advertising, let those consumers who do not know about a certain commodity and therefore do not purchase and consume know about this commodity, and have the desire to purchase and consume; By introducing new products, consumers who are difficult to meet their needs from the past can have the opportunity to buy products that meet their needs and satisfy them; By providing sales services, consumers who feel that it is inconvenient, unsatisfactory, and unsafe to consume a certain commodity and thus seldom purchase it can also purchase and consume this commodity as much as possible, creating market demand It can continuously expand and improve the actual demand of the market Customer needs Satisfaction; It can also enable enterprises to create their own new world and vigorously develop production; At the same time, it enables enterprises to advance and retreat in the existing market, greatly enhancing the adaptability to changes in market demand.

Balance public relations

business management The theoretical circle recognized the importance of employee relations and customer relations in the 1930s. However, under the condition of backward production concept and sales concept, public relations It is not an "internal function" of marketing. After the consumer protection movement broke out again in the 1960s, the function of public relations was widely valued. In the 1980s, people no longer regarded public relations as the "extra burden" of enterprises, but as a function of marketing. In 1981, Christian Gronroos put forward the theory of "internal marketing"; By 1985, Barbara B. Jackson proposed to carry out "relationship marketing". These new views, taken together, mean that a new project needs to be added to the marketing function: coordinating and balancing various public relations.
Enterprise as a Members of society There are objective connections with customers and other aspects of society. Improving and developing these connections can not only improve the social image of enterprises, but also bring benefits to enterprises in marketing, that is, increase the security and ease of marketing. According to Jackson, commodity sales are only part of the marketing relationship between enterprises and customers. In fact, they can also develop economic, technological and social ties and exchanges. This idea of "relationship marketing" is also suitable for developing and improving the relationship between enterprises and distributors, suppliers, transportation and warehousing providers, financial institutions, publicity media and internal employees, so that enterprises can find strategic partners that can be relied on and helped in the marketing process.
To coordinate and balance public relations, we need to correctly handle three relationships, namely, the relationship between commodity production and operation and the "socialization" of enterprises, the relationship between obtaining profits and meeting customer needs, and the relationship between meeting individual customer needs and promoting social welfare Relationship.

Concept evolution

The evolution of the marketing concept has roughly gone through three stages: the traditional concept stage, the marketing concept stage, and the social marketing concept stage. The marketing concept in the traditional concept stage includes three concepts, namely, production concept, product concept and marketing concept.
The evolution and development of marketing concepts can be summarized into six categories, namely Production concept Product concept Selling concept Marketing concept Customer concept And social marketing concepts.

Production concept

Production concept It is one of the oldest concepts guiding the behavior of sellers. This concept came into being before the 1920s. Business philosophy is not based on consumer demand Start from enterprise production. Its main performance is "I will sell whatever I produce".
The production concept believes that consumers like products that can be bought everywhere and are cheap. Enterprises should be committed to improving production efficiency and distribution efficiency, expanding production, and reducing costs to expand the market. For example, from 1869 to the 1920s, the American Pilsburg Flour Company used the production concept to guide its operation. At that time, the company put forward the slogan "The company aims to make flour". American auto magnate Henry Ford He arrogantly declared that "no matter what color the customer needs, I only have one black car." This is also a typical performance. Obviously, the concept of production is a business philosophy that emphasizes production and ignores marketing.
The production concept is Seller's market It is generated under the following conditions:. stay Capitalist industrialization Initial and the Second World War At the end of the period and after the war, due to the shortage of materials, the market products demand exceeds supply The concept of production is quite popular in enterprise management. Under the old system of planned economy in China, due to the shortage of market products, enterprises are not worried about the lack of market for their products, Industrial and commercial enterprises In its operation and management, it also pursues the production concept, specifically as follows: industrial enterprise Concentrate on the development of production, despise marketing, and implement production based marketing; Commercial enterprises Concentrate on Source of goods Purchase whatever industrial production is, and purchase as much as industrial production is, and pay no attention to marketing.
The production concept is a concept of "what we produce, consumers will consume". Therefore, in addition to the situation of material shortage and product supply exceeding demand, some enterprises' marketing management is also dominated by product concept under the condition of high product cost. For example, Henry Ford devoted himself to the large-scale production of automobiles at the beginning of this century, making efforts to reduce costs and make consumers affordable, thereby improving Ford's Market share
Inadequate production concept: ignoring product quality, variety and marketing; Do not consider the needs of consumers; Neglect product packaging and brand.
The marketing activities guided by the production concept have the following characteristics:
  1. one
    Supply is less than demand, and production activities are the center and basic starting point of business activities;
  2. two
    Reducing cost and expanding output are the key to success of enterprises;
  3. three
    Pay no attention to products, varieties and market demand;
  4. four
    The goal of pursuing is short-term interests;
  5. five
    Adhere to the business philosophy of "what I produce, businesses will sell, consumers will buy".

Product concept

It is also an early enterprise Management concept Product concept It is believed that consumers like high-quality, multi-functional products with certain characteristics, and enterprises should be committed to producing High value products And constantly improve. It came into being in the situation of "seller's market" where the supply of market products exceeded the demand. When an enterprise invents a new product, it is easiest to breed product ideas. At this time, enterprises are most likely to lead to "market marketing myopia ”That is to say, they improperly focus on products rather than market needs, lack foresight in marketing management, only see their own product quality is good, but can not see the changes in market needs, resulting in enterprise management in a dilemma.
Deficiency of product concept: market marketing myopia That is, too much attention is paid to the product itself but not to the product itself market demand And ignore market publicity.

Selling concept

The concept of sales promotion is the development and extension of the concept of production. The great crisis in the capitalist world that began in the late 1920s made a large number of products oversupply, difficult to sell, and intensified competition. People are no longer worried about production, but about marketing. As a result, sales promotion technology has been paid special attention by enterprises, and the concept of sales promotion has become the main guiding ideology of enterprises [1]
The concept of sales promotion is centered on the promotion of existing products Enterprise management thought According to the concept of marketing, consumers usually show a kind of purchasing inertia or resistance. If they let it be, consumers will not buy enough of the products of an enterprise. Therefore, enterprises must actively promote and vigorously promote sales to stimulate consumers to buy a large number of their products.
Under the guidance of the concept of marketing, enterprises began to focus part of their energy on product sales while focusing on production. But at that time, the enterprises did not really face the market, but just managed to sell the products that had been produced. As for whether consumers are satisfied, enterprises do not care much. Compared with the production concept, this concept is a progress, but because it attaches importance to the promotion of manufactured products or existing products, there is no essential difference between the two. The enterprise still sells whatever it produces. Before production, it does not understand consumer demand, and after sales, it does not consult customers' opinions and requirements. Therefore, this is a production concept that has only been changed in form.

Marketing concept

The concept of marketing emerged in the mid-1950s, emphasizing "customer-centric" and thinking that customers are the starting point and end point of enterprise marketing activities. The marketing characteristic of this concept oriented enterprise is that it is no longer to find suitable customers for its own products, but to design suitable products for customers [2]
Marketing concept It is a new type of enterprise management philosophy emerging as a challenge to the above concepts. This concept is based on meeting customer needs, that is, "what customers need, produce". Although this idea has a long history, its core principles were not basically finalized until the mid-1950s, when social productive forces With rapid development, the market trend is manifested as a buyer's market in which supply exceeds demand. At the same time, the personal income of the vast majority of residents has increased rapidly, making it possible to choose products. In order to realize the intensification of product competition among enterprises, many enterprises have begun to realize that they must change their business concepts in order to survive and develop. The marketing concept believes that the key to achieving the goals of an enterprise is to correctly determine the needs and desires of the target market, and more effectively deliver the goods or services expected by the target market than competitors, so as to more effectively meet the needs and desires of the target market than competitors.
The emergence of the marketing concept has fundamentally changed the business concept of enterprises, and has also made the market Marketing A revolution has taken place. The concept of marketing is different from that of sales promotion.
Theodore Levitt once made a profound comparison between the concept of sales promotion and the concept of marketing, and pointed out that: promote The concept pays attention to the needs of the seller; The marketing concept focuses on the needs of the buyer. The concept of sales promotion is based on the needs of the seller, considering how to turn the product into cash; The marketing concept considers how to meet the needs of customers by manufacturing, transmitting products and all things related to the final consumer products. It can be seen that the four pillars of the marketing concept are: market center, customer orientation, coordinated marketing and profit. The four pillars of the marketing concept are: factory, product orientation, marketing and profitability. Essentially, the marketing concept is a philosophy oriented by customer needs and desires On Consumer Sovereignty Embodiment in enterprise marketing management.

Customer concept

along with Modern Marketing The strategy has changed from product orientation to Customer orientation Customer demand and satisfaction have gradually become the key to the success of marketing strategy. All industries try to understand and meet the requirements in a timely and accurate manner customer demand So as to achieve the enterprise goals. Practice has proved that customers in different sub markets have different needs, and even the individual needs of customers in the same sub market will often change. In order to adapt to the changing market demand, the enterprise's marketing strategy must be adjusted in time. Under this marketing background, more and more enterprises begin to change from pursuing marketing concept to customer concept or customer concept.
The so-called customer concept means that the enterprise pays attention to collecting the past transaction information, demographic information Psychological activities Information, media habit information, distribution preference information, etc Customer lifetime value , provide each customer with different products or services, disseminate different information Customer loyalty , increase the purchase volume of each customer, so as to ensure the profit growth of the enterprise. The concept of marketing is different from it. It strengthens the need to meet a sub market, while the concept of customer emphasizes meeting the special needs of each customer.
It should be noted that the customer concept is not applicable to all enterprises. One to one marketing needs to take factory customization, computerization of operation and networking of communication as the prerequisite. Therefore, implementing the customer concept requires enterprises to invest heavily in information collection, database construction, computer software and hardware purchase, and this is not what every enterprise can do. Even if some enterprises are willing to spend money, it is inevitable that the investment will exceed the return Decrease in revenue Situation. The customer concept is most applicable to those enterprises that are good at collecting information about individual customers. The products marketed by these enterprises can use Customer database Cross selling is realized through the application of, or the product needs to be periodically repurchased or upgraded, or Product value Very high. Customer concept It often brings unusual benefits to such enterprises.

Social marketing concept

Social marketing concept It is a modification and supplement to the marketing concept. It came into being in the 1970s when western capitalism experienced energy shortage inflation , increased unemployment, serious environmental pollution Consumer Protection Campaign Under the prevailing new situation. Because the marketing concept avoids the needs of consumers consumers'benefit And long-term social welfare. The concept of social marketing believes that the task of an enterprise is to determine the needs, desires and interests of each target market, and to provide goods or services that can meet its needs, desires and interests to the target market more effectively and favorably than competitors by protecting or improving consumers and social welfare. Social marketing concept requirements Marketers When formulating marketing policies, three aspects of interests should be taken into consideration: Enterprise profit , satisfaction of consumer needs and social interests.
The emergence and existence of the above five business concepts have their historical background and inevitability, and are all related to and adapted to certain conditions. Currently, Foreign enterprises In order to survive and develop, enterprises must establish modern marketing concepts and social marketing concepts. However, it must be pointed out that, due to the constraints of many factors, not all American enterprises today have established the concept of marketing and social marketing. In fact, many enterprises are still guided by the concept of product and marketing.
China is still in socialist market economy In the primary stage, due to the development degree of social productivity and market development trend, Economic system reform Due to the restriction of factors such as the current situation of marketing and the income of the vast majority of residents, the business concept of Chinese enterprises is still at the stage where the concept of marketing is dominant and multiple concepts coexist.

Big marketing concept

It was proposed in the mid-1980s. In the late 1970s, capitalist economy The recession and continued "stagflation" have led Western countries to take protectionist measures. With the growing trend of trade protectionism, in order to successfully enter specific markets and engage in business activities, enterprises engaged in international marketing must rely on rights and public relations to break through barriers to market entry, in addition to using traditional marketing strategies such as products, prices, channels and promotions. Big marketing concept It is of practical significance for enterprises engaged in international marketing. Paying attention to and properly applying this concept will help enterprises break through barriers to trade protection and occupy the market.



Integrated marketing communication

Integrated marketing communication Integrated Marketing Communications refers to the comprehensive integration of various communication modes of an enterprise, including general advertising, direct communication with customers, promotion public relations And so on, so as to seamlessly integrate decentralized communication information, so as to make the enterprise and its products and services as a whole communication effect To achieve clarity, continuity, consistency and promotion.

Database marketing

Database marketing (DATABASE MARKETING): in a specific way on the network( Database or community )Or it is the marketing behavior that entities collect consumer behavior information and manufacturer's sales information, accumulate these information in a fixed format in a database, and conduct statistical analysis on this database at an appropriate marketing opportunity.

network marketing

network marketing Internet Marketing is an integral part of an enterprise's overall marketing strategy. It is a variety of activities to achieve the overall business objectives of an enterprise and create an online business environment with the Internet as the basic means. The functions of online marketing include website promotion Network brand , information release, online research, customer relations, customer service, sales channels, and sales promotion.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing (direct marketing) is to use the consumer direct (CD) channel to contact and deliver goods and services to customers without intermediate dealers. Its biggest feature is "sales activities conducted directly with consumers or without distributors", which is a marketing model that can theoretically reach any target target region by using one or more media, including regional and positioning differentiation, and can measure response or transaction results.

Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing RELATIONSHIP MARKETING ): In many cases, companies cannot seek immediate So they will establish customer relations with long-term suppliers. What the company wants to show customers is good Service capability Most customers are large and global. They prefer suppliers who can provide supporting products or services in different regions, and can quickly solve problems in different regions. When Customer relationship management When the plan is implemented, the organization must pay attention to both customers and product management At the same time, the company must understand that although relationship marketing is important, it is not always effective. Therefore, the company must evaluate which department and which specific customer are most favorable for relationship marketing.

Green marketing

Green marketing It means that in order to cater to consumers' consumption habits of green consumption, enterprises take green environmentalism as the value orientation of their products Green culture Marketing activities for its production concept, and strive to meet consumers' demand for green products.

Social marketing

Social marketing Is based on the fact that people have“ economic man ”And“ Social man ”The dual characteristics of, using similar commercial marketing means to achieve the purpose of social welfare; Or use social public welfare value to promote its goods or commercial services.
Like general marketing, the purpose of social marketing is to consciously change the behavior of target groups (consumers). However, compared with general Business Marketing The difference between the models is that the motivation for behavior change pursued in social marketing is more from non-commercial motivation, or non-commercial behavior is simulated as commercial selling point

Viral marketing

Viral marketing Is a kind of information transfer The strategy is to quickly expand its influence by the public copying information cheaply to other audiences. and Traditional marketing In contrast, the characteristics of voluntary acceptance by the audience make the cost less and the benefits more obvious.

Marketing principles

1、 Honesty and trustworthiness Principles of
Honesty and trustworthiness are the most important moral standards of business ethics of enterprises and the basis of other standards.
2. Principle of giving consideration to justice and interests
Taking both justice and benefit into consideration means that enterprises should make profits and consider whether they meet the requirements of consumer Is it in line with the overall and long-term interests of society. Benefit is the goal, and righteousness is to abide by the reasonable rules to achieve this goal. Both should be paid attention to at the same time to achieve the goal of giving consideration to both. The thought of giving consideration to justice and interests is the basic principle of dealing with the relationship between self-interest and altruism.
3. Principle of mutual benefit
mutual benefit It is the basic creed in the transaction proposed further according to the nature of the enterprise's marketing activities. The principle of mutual benefit requires correct analysis and evaluation of their own interests stakeholder The activities that are beneficial to oneself but disadvantageous to stakeholders cannot continue because they cannot get the response from the other party. What is beneficial to others and not beneficial to oneself makes economic activities become water without a source and a tree without roots.
4. The principle of rational harmony
The principle of rationality and harmony is the ideal target mode of enterprise moralization activities. In marketing, rationality is to use knowledge and scientific analysis market environment It is not a great success to accurately predict the future market development and changes.

Marketing management

Marketing management It refers to the process of planning and implementing the conception, pricing, distribution and promotion of ideas, products and services in order to create exchanges that meet individual and institutional goals. Marketing management is a process, including analysis, planning, implementation and control. Its management objects include ideas, products and services. The foundation of marketing management is exchange, and the purpose is to meet the needs of all parties.
The main task of marketing management is to stimulate consumers' demand for products, but it cannot be limited to this. It also helps companies to influence demand level, demand time and demand composition in the process of achieving their marketing goals. Therefore, the task of marketing management is to stimulate, create, adapt to and influence the needs of consumers. In this sense, the essence of marketing management is demand management