
The phenomenon that the energy intake of the body far exceeds the energy consumption of the body
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Excess nutrition refers to the phenomenon of energy storage caused by the fact that the energy intake of the body far exceeds the energy consumption of the body. Too much energy is often stored in our Subcutaneous tissue Around the visceral organs and on the omentum of the abdomen. Male Body fat rate If it exceeds 25% and the female body fat rate exceeds 30%, it is called obese. [1]
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The phenomenon that the energy intake of the body far exceeds the energy consumption of the body

Harm of overnutrition

With the development of economy, people's living standards have gradually improved Exposure It is also getting higher and higher. "The disease of modern civilization", which we often call "the disease of wealth", is a non infectious disease caused by people who eat well and eat well but exercise less epidemic Such as constipation, obesity, hyperlipidemia atherosclerosis , coronary heart disease, diabetes Cerebral apoplexy Etc.
The accumulation of excess fat not only makes our body look bad, but also increases the burden on the body, weakens the function of the heart and lungs, and causes great pressure on the body, especially on the joints of the lower limbs, leading to degenerative changes in the body. At the same time, too much fat will also hinder the absorption of other nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron, etc.
Excessive intake of certain nutrients without timely metabolism in the body may cause poisoning. Such as fat soluble nutrients vitamin A vitamin D vitamin E and vitamin K It is not easy to be discharged from the body, which will cause poisoning. Excessive protein intake will also increase the burden of liver and kidney metabolism and hinder the absorption of iron.

research report

According to Global Burden of Disease 2010, 1990 innutrition It was the first risk factor affecting human health, and at that time, body mass index exceeded the standard, which only occupied the eighth place of health risk. By 2010, malnutrition had retired to the eighth factor of health risk, while body mass index (BMI) had risen to the sixth. Overweight is the main factor leading to hypertension, which is the main cause of stroke and heart disease. A quarter of deaths in 2010 were caused by stroke and heart disease.
The report shows that although the health problems caused by nutrition have reversed globally, there are obvious regional differences. In the sub Saharan region, innutrition It is still the main risk affecting health.
At the same time, although the nutrition problem of children has greatly improved globally, malnutrition is still the main factor affecting the health of children under 5 years old globally.
The report also shows changes in risk factors affecting human health. In 1990, the top three risk factors affecting human health were child malnutrition indoor air pollution And smoking and passive smoking By 2010, the top three risk factors were hypertension, smoking, passive smoking and improper drinking.
Global Burden of Disease 2010 world health organization Harvard University It is a result of a global disease research that took five years, mainly coordinated by other institutions and participated by more than 500 researchers from more than 300 research institutions in 50 countries around the world. [2]