Philip Kotler

Father of Modern Marketing
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Philip Kotler (1931 -), born U.S.A , Professor of Economics.
Philip Kotler is Modern Marketing He is known as the "father of modern marketing" Lifetime Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University [3] , Yes Northwestern University S. C. Johnson Honorary Professor of International Marketing at Kellogg School of Management. United Marketing Association for Management Science chairman , director of American Marketing Association, trustee of Marketing Science Society, director of Management Analysis Center, member of Yancrovich Advisory Committee, member of Copernicus Advisory Committee, China GMC Manufacturers Alliance International marketing expert consultant.
Chinese name
Philip Kotler
Foreign name
Philip Kotler
date of birth
University one is graduated from
University of Chicago
Key achievements
Father of Modern Marketing
Lifetime Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University [3]
Representative works
Marketing Management《 Kotler Marketing Tutorial 》《 Marketing Revolution 3.0

Character experience

As the father of modern marketing, Philip Kotler has University of Chicago Master of Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Doctor of Economics Harvard University Postdoctoral, and University of Zurich And other 8 universities Honorary doctorate At the same time, he is also the consultant of many large American and foreign companies in marketing strategy and plan, marketing organization, and integrated marketing. These enterprises include IBM GE (General Electric), AT&T, Merck, Honeywell Bank of America (Bank of America)、 Nordic Airlines (SAS Airline)、 Michelin (Michelin)、 global market (GMC), etc. In addition, he served as the president of the American School of Management, the president of the American Marketing Association, and the project chairman Peter Drucker Foundation Consultant. At the same time, he is also the author of nearly twenty books for《 Harvard Business Review 》、《 California Management Journal 》, Management Science and other magazines have written more than 100 papers. [1]
Philip Kotler delivered a keynote speech at GMC President Forum
Philip Kotler focused on China in his later years. He came to China six or seven times a year to Ping An Insurance TCL Skyworth Yunnan Pharmaceutical Group China Netcom And other companies for consultation. His theory was highly praised by presidents, marketing, economics, management, education and other people all over the world, and his speech was full of people. Philip Kotler himself also attaches great importance to the study of the Chinese market. Compared with European and American countries with stable economic development, China is full of opportunities. At the end of 1999 Kotler Marketing Group (KMG) has set up a branch in China to provide consulting services for Chinese enterprises on corporate strategy, marketing strategy and performance improvement. Since his brother Milton came to China in 2010 GMC President Forum Later, Philip Kotler, a world-class marketing magnate, also expressed his hope to come to China to communicate with the presidents of Chinese enterprises. In March 2011, GMC Manufacturers Alliance Philip Kotler was officially invited to China for a lecture tour, and received a warm response from Philip Kotler. The "Philip Kotler Special Session of China GMC President Forum" was held in Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo, China, in early June 2011. There were no empty seats on the scene, attracting a large number of media.

Representative works


Main works

Marketing Management
Dr. Philip Kotler has written many books, many of which have been translated into more than 20 languages, and are regarded as marketing treasures by marketers in 58 countries. Among them, "Marketing Management" is regarded as the bible of marketing. His Marketing Management: Application, Planning, Implementation and Control, first edition in 1967, co authored with Kevin Keller Marketing The "Bible" of. In the MBA programs of most schools, this book is the core teaching material of marketing, which has changed the focus on promote The concept of marketing, which focuses on advertising and market research, expands the connotation of marketing and makes marketing a science. Peter Drucker It is the first person to urge the management world to attach importance to marketing. Marketing is not only a gorgeous version of sales promotion, but also one of the most important functions of an enterprise, just like innovation. The central idea of this book is that enterprises must actively create and nurture the market.
In May 2009, Dr. Philip Kotler and John A. Caslione The new work "Management and Marketing in the Chaotic Age" jointly launched by the doctors was officially launched in China. In the book Management and Marketing in the Chaotic Age, Philip Kotler and John Kaslin made a thought-provoking exposition: these chaotic times are not abnormal, but new faces of normalcy. In this world, disasters always come to unprepared people, but opportunities always come to those who are prepared - those powerful enterprises that have the ability to quickly predict and effectively respond to potential threats. Through many enlightening and energetic examples of enterprises successfully managing turbulence, as well as many painful examples of enterprises that are helpless to deal with the chaos that befalls them and are on the verge of bankruptcy, Management and Marketing in the Chaotic Age puts forward deep insights and practical strategies, not only to overcome the current economic downturn, but also to win in the future ups and downs.
Other textbooks have also been adopted: New Theory of Kotler Marketing, Marketing of Non profit Organizations, New Competition and Vision, International Marketing, Marketing Model, Marketing Principle, Social Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Marketing Professional Services and Marketing of Educational Institutions. In 2008, he also published New Positioning in Asia and Marketing Asia.

Academic viewpoints

Put forward the viewpoint of "outstanding enterprises meet the demand; outstanding enterprises create the market".
Before Philip Kotler, marketing was 4P Marketing Mix (product: product, price: price, place: channel, promotion). With the continuous expansion of the concept of marketing, it is urgent to redefine 4P. Philip Kotler mentioned in his book that "enterprises must actively create and nourish the market". "Excellent enterprises meet the demand; outstanding enterprises create the market" is his famous saying.
Marketing involves market arrangement, market research, customer relationship management, etc. Philip Kotler once wrote that marketing is the key to "creating value and improving the living standard of the world". It can meet people's needs while "making profits." High Visibility (High Visibility, 1998) is centered on the location, concept and popularity of marketing. Some of his works are aimed at special audiences, including non-profit organizations, religions, and even museums. He firmly believes that the most successful marketing work in the world should "bring more health and education to people and fundamentally improve their quality of life."
Committed to studying the impact of the Internet on marketing concepts.
Philip Kotler in his《 Marketing Moves 》(Marketing Moves: A New Approach to Profits, Growth and Renewal, 2002), his definition of omnidirectional marketing is "... companies integrate entrepreneurial resource arrangement, supply chain management, customer relationship management and other information energy to achieve greater success in the market." This requires the use of the Internet, internal and external networks of enterprises to combine into a cooperative network to achieve development, It will be omni-directional, because marketing is no longer regarded as a separate activity with each department as the unit, it must also become "the designer of the supply and marketing chain and cooperation network in the enterprise"
Marketing must become the center of business activities, and its focus must be on customers: "In a world where products are flooded but customers are short, customer focus is the key to success." He examined Amazon Amazon seems to have a great competitive advantage because it does not have a huge fixed assets However, it must work hard on marketing to establish brand image and maintain customer loyalty.
Research on Marketing Thought
Philip Kotler on the five disciplines of outstanding CMO
Dr. Kotler has been committed to marketing strategy and planning, marketing organization International Marketing And social marketing. His latest research fields include high-tech marketing, urban, regional and national competitive advantage research, etc. Some of the concepts he created, such as "reverse marketing" and "social marketing", have been widely used and practiced. [2]

Publishing books

  • Author name Philip Kotler
    Work time 2015-08-01
    Marketing: Principles and Practice (16th Edition) is a book published by China Renmin University Press in 2015 by Philip Kotlegary Armstrong.
  • Author name Philip Kotler
    Work time 2011-3-1
    Marketing Revolution 3.0 (from products to customers to humanistic spirit) clearly explains the author's main points. At the same time, it provides a wealth of practical marketing cases, which can help enterprises successfully launch the marketing revolution. In the new marketing era, consumers have realized that their purchase behavior has global influence, and they will change their consumption behavior and actively influence the consumption choices of people around them. This book explains in detail how enterprises should participate in this kind of consumption
  • Author name Philip Kotler
    Work time 2006-9-1
    Marketing Management is a book published by Shanghai People's Publishing House in September 2006. The authors are (US) Kotler and (US) Keller.
  • Author name Philip Kotler
    Work time 2009-4
    Marketing Management (13th Edition) is a book published by China Renmin University Press in April 2009. The authors are [US] Philip Kotler, Kevin Ryan Keller and Lu Taihong. This book is written for Chinese readers, and its purpose is to guide readers to learn the knowledge and skills of marketing management from an international perspective in combination with the Chinese market. Based on the reality of the Chinese market, the author innovates boldly in content, structure and expression methods, and tries to
  • Marketing
    Author name Philip Kotler
  • Social Marketing: How to Change the Behavior of Target Groups (5th Edition)
    Author name Philip Kotler
    Dedicated to everyone who hopes to improve the society Today, people are more and more closely connected with each other. Everyone's behavior will influence others. How to guide everyone to be civilized and orderly, and build an orderly public environment? With the rapid development of our economy, problems such as environment, health, safety and vulnerable groups have emerged. Is there any way to guide everyone's behavior, gather people's strength, and promote social welfare? These are social marketing efforts


Dr. Philip Kotler
Philip Kotler has won many American national medals and awards, including "Paul D. Comfort Award", "Stuart Huntson Bright Award", "Outstanding Marketing Educator Award", "Outstanding Marketing Contribution Award", and "Charles Coolidge Award". He is the winner of the first AMA "Marketing Educator Award" and has won it three times《 Marketing magazine 》Winner of the Annual Best Paper Award - Alpha Kappa Psi Award.
In 1995, Philip Kotler won International sales And marketing managers.

Character evaluation

The Financial Times, the British mainstream media, commented that Philip Kotler's contributions to marketing and management are mainly reflected in three aspects:
1、 In advocating the importance of marketing, he did more than any scholar or business writer, thus promoting marketing from a marginal enterprise activity to an important work in the production and operation process.
2、 He followed the father of modern management Peter Drucker The proposed trend continues to move forward, shifting the focus of enterprises from price and distribution to meeting customer needs.
3、 He broadened the concept of marketing, from only limited to sales work in the past to a more comprehensive communication and exchange process. Most industries in the world Overproduction In fact, the problem is not the supply level, but the demand level. Too many products are pursuing too few customers' love. At the same time, globalization, information technology and the Internet have also brought about tremendous market changes, which have had a revolutionary impact on the survival environment of enterprises. These require enterprises to transform. Only by escaping the traditional marketing limitations and turning to marketing to build enterprise strategies can we make a clearer definition of the market capacity and the enterprise's own positioning, and can we transform successfully in this transformation.