bodhi tree

[pú tí shù]
Ficus in Mulberry Family
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Bodhi tree( Ficus religiosa L.), Evergreen trees of Ficus in the mulberry family. The bark is gray white; Twigs have stellate hairs; The leaf is oval, and the edge of the leaf has regular serrations; Petals slightly longer than sepals; Staminodes are petal shaped and relatively short; Stamens slightly shorter than sepals; Ovary hairy, style as flush as petals; The fruit is spherical with small protuberances. Flowering in July, fruiting in September. Because Sakyamuni became a Taoist priest under this tree, it is called Bodhi Tree. [5]
Bodhi originated in India and was introduced into China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. [6] It is distributed in Guangdong, China (coastal islands) (Xianhu Botanical Garden (Wang Guodong W06075) in China. Cultivation is common in gardens, temples and villages in Shenzhen [13 ] )Guangxi, Yunnan (north to Jingdong, 400-630 meters above sea level). Bodhi trees like plenty of sunshine and are not cold resistant. When the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter, they will suffer from cold damage and fall leaves. They like wet soil environment, but they should not accumulate water. The propagation methods are cutting propagation and layering propagation. [7]
Linden tree has strong resistance to hydrofluoric acid and is suitable for greening in polluted areas. At the same time, it has expanded branches, tall trees and luxuriant foliage. It is an excellent ornamental tree species and suitable for greening courtyard roads. [8] It is said that Sakyamuni, the Buddha, meditated under the bodhi tree for 6 years before he achieved positive results, so the bodhi tree is called the "holy tree" of Buddhism. [7]
Chinese name
bodhi tree
Latin name
Ficus religiosa L.
Thought tree
Magnolia [9]
Distribution area
India , Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc
Named by and date
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [10]

History of botany

The bodhi tree on Vajra is also the tree of Bibola. In the past, the Buddha was still alive, hundreds of feet high. After repeated deforestation, he was still four or five feet tall. The Buddha sits under it and becomes enlightened, which is called Bodhi tree. [14] It is said that Sakyamuni, the Buddha, meditated under the Bibola tree for 6 years before he achieved the right result, so the bodhi tree is called the "holy tree" of Buddhism. [7] Because Sakyamuni became a Taoist priest under this tree, it is called Bodhi Tree. [5]

morphological character

Life form: arbor, epiphytic when young;
Plant: up to 25 meters high; Bark gray;
Stem: bark gray;
Branches: branchlets grayish brown, puberulent when young;
Leaves: leathery, triangular ovate, 9-17 cm long, dark green at the top, green at the bottom, 2-5 cm long at the tip and tail tip, flat or light heart-shaped at the base, whole or wavy, with 3 basal veins and 5-7 pairs of lateral veins; Petiole slender, articulated, as long as or longer than leaf blade, stipules ovate, apex cuspidate; [12]
Fruit: Ficus globose or oblate, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, red when ripe; Basal bracts 3, ovoid; Total handle length 4-9 mm; Male flowers, gall flowers and female flowers are born on the inner wall of the same fig; Male flowers few, born near the orifice of the banyan fruit, sessile, perianth 2-3 lobed, involute, stamen 1, filaments short; Gall flowers pedunculate, perianth 3-4-lobed, style short, stigma expanded, 2-lobed; Female flowers sessile, perianth segments 4, broadly lanceolate, ovary smooth, spherical, reddish brown, style slender, stigma narrow;
Phenological period: flowering from March to April, fruiting from May to June. [1] [11]

Distinction of recent species

bodhi tree
Ficus microcarpa
Trees, epiphytic when young; The plant is 25 meters high.
Small arbor; The plant is up to 10 meters high.
Ficus globose or oblate, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, red when ripe.
Ficus is clustered at the base of the trunk or on the short branches of the old stem, pear shaped, oblate or gyroscopic.
The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit period is from May to June.
The flowering period is from August to March of the next year, and the fruit period is from May to August.
bodhi tree
Ficus microcarpa

Growth environment

Banyan trees like light, high temperature and humidity. They grow rapidly at 25 ℃, and the temperature is required to be around 12 ℃ when overwintering, so they are not frost resistant; It has strong anti pollution ability and no strict requirements on soil, but it is better to use fertile and loose slightly acidic sandy loam. The young forest of banyan trees Tropical region (an area with sufficient water) growing rapidly. [3]

Distribution range

Guangdong, China (coastal island) (Xianhu Botanical Garden (Wang Guodong W06075). Cultivation is common in gardens, temples and villages in Shenzhen [13 ] )Guangxi, Yunnan (north to Jingdong, 400-630 meters above sea level) are mostly cultivated. Japan Malaysia Thailand Vietnam? Bhutan Sikkim Nepal Pakistan It is also distributed in India, mostly cultivated, but it is wild in the Himalayan Mountains, from Rawalpindi, Pakistan to Bhutan. [1]
 bodhi tree bodhi tree bodhi tree bodhi tree
bodhi tree

Reproductive methods

The propagation methods are cutting propagation and layering propagation. [7]


For seed reproduction, select a strong mother plant with more than 10 years of experience. In November, when the fruit is red and black, collect the seeds. Rub the collected fruit repeatedly, remove the meat residue and skin debris, take out the seeds, and dry them slightly before sowing. Generally, sand bed is used for sowing. Before sowing, slightly compact the bed surface with a small board, level the bed surface, and evenly spread seeds on the bed surface. When sowing, avoid overlapping seeds into a small ball, and try to spread each seed on the bed surface. After sowing, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, preferably just covered with seeds. After sowing, build a shade shed with straw or a shading net to reduce water evaporation in the seedbed and keep the bed wet. At the same time, spray termite killer around the sand bed to prevent the seeds from being Ants Mole cricket And other hazards. [3]
Because there is no bodhi seed dormancy Habits: about 10 days after sowing, the seeds can germinate and come out of the ground. When the seeds gradually germinate to about half, uncover all the straw, shade properly, and drench fully every morning and evening. When the seedlings grow to 2-4cm, they should be moved into a 10cm × 12cm nutrient bag filled with soil (including topsoil with high humus) in advance for cultivation. After the seedlings are moved into the nutrient bag, they should be shaded with a sun net and drenched with water in the morning and evening. After the seedlings recover their growth, irrigate the roots with 0.1% aqueous solution of urea+Norwegian compound fertilizer every 7 days, and then pour a small amount of water (sprinkler can be used for conditional nursery) after the roots are irrigated, which is conducive to the absorption of water and fertilizer by the seedlings. When the seedlings grow to about 15 cm, the water and fertilizer concentration can be increased to 0.2% - 0.3%. At the same time, corresponding measures shall be taken to prevent the occurrence of diseases. When the seedlings grow to 30-50 cm, they can leave the nursery. [3]


Banyan branches are also easy cuttage To survive, select 8-15 year old strong mother plant in spring or autumn, select branches with full axillary buds on the mother plant, and cut the semi lignified part about 15cm long Cuttings (The diameter is about 0.5-0.8cm) for cutting propagation. The row spacing of cuttings is 5cm × 10cm, and the cutting depth is about 3cm. After cutting, a small bow shed is built and covered with white plastic agricultural film. The front and rear ends are ventilated and ventilated. Water is sprayed several times a day to ensure a high relative humidity in the shed (regular mist spraying can be used if conditions permit).
 bodhi tree bodhi tree bodhi tree bodhi tree bodhi tree
bodhi tree
After cutting, use universal fungicides (Baijunqing Carbendazim 0.125% - 0.2% solution shall be sprayed every 7 days to prevent cuttings from rotting under high temperature and humidity. Roots can grow in about 10 days. Bodhi trees can also be cut with big branches. Cut strong branches with a diameter of 10-15 cm from the tree, 1.5-2.5 meters long. Cut off all the lateral branches and leaves, bury them in the soil for 20-30 cm, wrap the whole exposed branches with straw, shade and moisturize them, and generally take root after 20 days. Take soil mass when transplanting out of the nursery, which can improve the survival rate of seedlings. [3]

cultivation techniques



The afforestation site should be a gentle slope land with loose and deep soil layer and rich organic matter. After cutting and refining mountains, the site should be prepared and planted with holes. The specifications of the planting holes are 40cm x 40cm x 40cm. The decomposed farmyard manure under each hole is 2-2.5kg+0.5kg phosphate fertilizer, and the afforestation specifications are 1.5m x 1.5m. The planting hole shall be backfilled after the farm manure and topsoil are mixed evenly. A layer of topsoil of about 3cm shall still be filled into the hole to prevent the root of the plant from directly contacting the bottom fertilizer during planting and affecting the growth of the plant. After planting and backfilling, straw shall be used to cover the periphery of seedlings to reduce water evaporation. The afforestation should be carried out in rainy days.
The planting holes planted on both sides of the sidewalk or used as yard greening should be 60 cm × 60 cm × 50 cm in size, and foot fertilizer should be applied. Each hole should be applied with 4-5kg of decomposed farm manure+0.8kg of phosphate fertilizer. Generally, the planted seedlings with a height of 3-4 meters and a diameter at breast height of 8-10 cm or more should be used. [3]

Management and protection

After planting and restoring growth, when the weeds in the forest land are 20-40cm high, 10% can be used glyphosate 48g/m two ,667m two Add 0.1% washing powder and spray it at noon on sunny days. After the weeds wither, fertilize them in time. In the first three years of the young forest period, fertilize them 2-3 times each year when the rainy season comes Compound fertilizer 50-80g。 Three years later, it is still necessary to cut down the fast-growing weeds and vines in the forest in time, and at the same time, prune and reshape them to maintain a certain beautiful crown. [3]

Key values



Banyan tree sulfur dioxide chlorine Medium resistance, right hydrofluoric acid It has strong resistance and is suitable for greening in polluted areas. At the same time, it has expanded branches, tall tree shape, luxuriant branches, wide canopy, elegant and impressive. It is an excellent ornamental tree species and suitable for greening courtyard roads. [3]


The milky liquid flowing from the bodhi tree trunk can improve the hardness rubber The branches and leaves can be used as fodder for animals such as elephants and cattle. The difference between the wood core and sapwood of linden is not obvious. The loose porous wood has interlaced textures. In the structure, it is light in weight, shrunken in stem, and has low strength. After painting, it is not bright and easy to stick. It is suitable for cutting board, packing box board, and fiberboard raw materials. [3]

Plant culture


Cultural background

Bodhi ”The term is Old Hindi (i.e Sanskrit )The transliteration of Bodhi, meaning awareness and wisdom, is used to refer to people as if wakening from a dream click into place , insight into the truth, reach Extraordinary and refined The realm of. Since Buddha is under this tree“ To become a Taoist ”This tree is called Bodhi tree. [2]
In India, every Buddhist temple requires at least one bodhi tree to be planted. India is very particular about the "blood" of the bodhi tree, and respects the direct descendants of the holy bodhi tree when Buddha first realized. It is said that in the 3rd century BC, Asoka My sister cut off a branch of the holy banyan tree and took it to Sri Lanka And plant them to survive. Later in Bodhgaya The sacred bodhi tree of Sri Lanka was destroyed when the Arabs invaded India, and the bodhi tree of Sri Lanka became the "blood" that maintained the origin of Buddha. The bodhi trees planted in the Buddhist holy places in India, including the holy bodhi trees in Bodhgaya, the original site of Buddha's meditation, are all grafted from the bodhi trees in Sri Lanka. [4]
With the introduction of Buddhism into China, Bodhi trees also have a profound impact in China. the tang dynasty At the beginning of the year, the monk Shenxiu talked with his elder martial brother Huineng and wrote a poem: "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. You should always wipe it away, so as not to cause dust." Huineng wrote back after reading it:“ Bodhi has no tree The mirror is also not a platform. There is nothing in it. Where does it get dust? " The dialogue between the two teachers and brothers, which expressed their ideas by means of objects and discussed Taoism by means of objects, has spread widely, and has also made the Bodhi tree famous.
Bodhi tree winding around Buddha statue
More than 2000 years later, the Bodhi tree that Buddha "became a Taoist" has experienced countless ups and downs, and has a mythical experience, which is recognized as“ greatly discerning and apprehending ”The symbol of. 1954 Former Prime Minister of India Nehru When visiting China, I brought a sapling cultivated from a branch taken from this tree and presented it to Chinese leaders Mao Zedong Chairman and Zhou Enlai Premier, to show the friendship between the two peoples. Premier Zhou handed this banyan tree representing friendship to Chinese Academy of Sciences Maintenance of Beijing Botanical Garden. The leaders and staff of the Botanical Garden attach great importance to it and maintain it carefully to make it grow strong and flourish. Whenever there are eminent monks from home and abroad, this bodhi tree in the Botanical Garden will be worshipped by the eminent monks. This bodhi tree has also become a symbol of friendship between the people of China and India. [2]


India It is the birthplace of Buddhism. It is said that more than 2500 years ago, the Buddha Sakyamuni was ancient India The young prince Gautama Siddhartha of the northern kingdom of Kapilawi. In order to get rid of life, old age, illness and death The bitterness of reincarnation , save the suffering beings, resolutely give up inheriting the throne and the comfortable royal life, become a monk, and seek the true meaning of life. After years of cultivation, he once sat quietly under the bodhi tree for 7 days and 7 nights, overcame various evil temptations dawn When the Morning Star rose, he finally achieved great enlightenment and became buddha
According to Hinduism, the bodhi tree is one of the three main gods of Hinduism Vishnu An incarnation of. Therefore, it has a particularly important religious color. Hinduism also believes that the bodhi tree is the place where the gods live. Vishnu and his wife Lakshmi live on the bodhi tree on the night of the first day of each month. Vishnu lived in the root of the tree, Lakshmi lived in the trunk, narayan In the branches, King Harry lived in the leaves, and all the gods lived in the fruit of the banyan tree.
Hindus believe that the bodhi tree embodies all kinds of virtues, and it has the ability to make people realize their wishes and get rid of guilt. Many Hindu women believe that they can pray to the bodhi tree regularly, water the bodhi tree regularly, and walk around the bodhi tree to be blessed to give birth to good children, especially sons. This is because doing so will make the gods who live in the trees happy, and then give these wishes results. In order to realize the wish, another habit is to wrap ropes around the tree trunk. When you see a circle of ropes wrapped around the Bodhi tree trunk, you know that this is the result of believers' prayer.
bodhi tree
It is said that pouring a little oil on the roots of trees on Saturday, and then lighting an oil lamp beside them, is conducive to getting rid of various difficulties. The bark of a bodhi tree is used in religious ceremonies. The leaves of the banyan tree are lucky and are used for decoration in some special occasions.
Bodhi trees are very tenacious, not affected by diseases and pests, but also purify the air, so they are considered sacred. There is a mysterious phenomenon that in summer, you will feel cool under the shade of the banyan tree, while in winter, you will feel warm under the shade of the banyan tree. Practitioners should ensure that there is at least one bodhi tree within the scope of the temple. They believed that before sunrise, the shadow of poverty shrouded the bodhi tree, but after sunrise, the goddess Lakshmi took over. Therefore, it is forbidden to pray to the Bodhi tree before sunrise. In their eyes, cutting down or destroying the bodhi tree is equivalent to murdering a brahman. [2]

Disease and insect control

Banyan seedlings are susceptible to infection Cataplexy and Black spot 80% for chemical control Mancozeb Wettable powder 0.167% solution, or 60% Carbendazim 、75% Chlorothalonil 0.125% concentration layer solution spraying or two kinds of mixture spraying is better, spraying once every 7 days, and continuous spraying three times can achieve the best control effect.
bodhi tree
There are aphid Moths Larvae and other pests, especially aphids, often gather on the back of young leaves of seedlings to eat the mesophyll. 90% can be used for chemical prevention Trichlorfon 0.125% solution or 40% Omethoate 0.1% - 0.125% solution is sprayed on the front and back of tender leaves, which can achieve certain control effect.