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The Confederation of Rhine

National Federation
The Rhine Confederation, also known as Rhine League (German: Rheinbund; French: Conf é d é ration du Rhin). yes Russian tsar Alexander I and Austrian Empire emperor Franz I (1792-1006, also known as Holy Roman Emperor Franz II )On Battle of Austerlitz After defeat Napoleon It was established as a political entity in Germany from 1806 to 1813, with 16 former members Holy Roman Empire States.
Chinese name
The Confederation of Rhine
Foreign name
Confédération du Rhin
Also called
Rhine League
from Napoleon Established

Translation analysis

Rhine Alliance And the Rhineland Confederation are two different concepts in German history. The German language of the Rhine Alliance is Rheinischer Bund , Rhineland German is Rheinbund
The Rhine Alliance existed from 1658 to 1668, and the Rhine Confederation existed from 1806 to 1813. It is more than 140 years apart. The Rhine Alliance has existed for 10 years, while the Rhine Confederation has only existed for 7 years. The total number of members of the Rhine Confederation is 28, and the total number of members of the Rhine Confederation is 16 ten 23=39. However, there is a lot of confusion in the translation of these two concepts. Encyclopedia of China 》The foreign history volume of "The Rhine Confederation" was translated into“ The Federation of Rhine ”"... In 1806, 16 German states in the Rhine region formed the Rhine Confederation under the protection of France..." On page 694, the "Rhine Confederation" was translated into“ Rhine Alliance ”: "... In order to consolidate the rule in central and western Germany, napoleon i The Rhine Alliance was established in July 1806... ", which made readers who were not clear about the relevant history or did not understand the original text of these two concepts lost their minds. [3]

member state

Founding members on July 25, 1806:
three Mainz , after 1810 The Grand Duchy of Frankfurt
four Grand Duchy of Baden , formerly Baden Electoral country
five The Grand Duchy of Berg
six The Principality of Arunberg , incorporated in 1811 French Empire
seven Nassau Uzingen Marquis , merged with Nassau Weilberg on August 30, 1806 Herzogtum Nassau
eight Vassal state of Nassau Weilberg , merged with Nassau Uzingen on August 30, 1806 to form the Principality of Nassau
nine Hohensorum Heichengen Marquis
ten Hohensolum Sigmalingen Marquis
eleven Salm Salm , merged into the French Empire in 1810
twelve Salm Kielberg Marquis , merged into the French Empire in 1810
thirteen Isenberg Bilstein
fourteen Liechtenstein
fifteen Hessen Darmstadt Territory , upgraded to Grand Duchy of Hesse Grand Duchy
sixteen Leyenberg On July 12, 1806, it was upgraded to Laiyan Marquis
Later members:
one The Grand Duchy of Vilzburg (Joined on September 25, 1806)
two Kingdom of Saxony (Joined on December 11, 1806)
three Saxony Weimar Eisenach Principality (Joined on December 15, 1806)
four Saxony Gotha Altenberg Principality (Joined on December 15, 1806)
five Herzogtum Sachsen Meiningen (Joined on December 15, 1806)
six Herzogtum Sachsen Hildburghausen (Joined on December 15, 1806)
seven Saxony Coburg Safeld Principality (Joined on December 15, 1806)
eight Herzogtum Anhalt Dessau (Joined on December 15, 1806)
nine Herzogtum Anhalt Bernburg (Joined on December 15, 1806)
ten Anhalt Koten Principality (Joined on December 15, 1806)
eleven The Marquis of Lipper Detmold (Joined on April 18, 1807)
twelve Shomburg Lipper Marquis (Joined on April 18, 1807)
thirteen Royce Graz (Joined on April 18, 1807)
fourteen Royce Schleitz (Joined on April 18, 1807)
fifteen Royce Robbenstein (Joined on April 18, 1807)
sixteen Royce Ebersdorf (Joined on April 18, 1807)
seventeen Schwarzburg Rudolstadt (Joined on April 18, 1807)
eighteen Schwarzburg Zongdeshausen (Joined on April 18, 1807)
nineteen Waldek Marquis (Joined on April 18, 1807)
twenty Kingdom of Westphalia (Joined on December 7, 1807)
twenty-one Mecklenburg Strelitz Principality (Joined on February 10, 1808)
twenty-two Mecklenburg - Principality of Schweilin (Joined on March 22, 1808)
twenty-three Herzogtum Oldenburg (Joined on October 14, 1808 and incorporated on December 13, 1810) French Empire
The Confederation of Rhine

The essence of the Confederacy

Although it was called the "Rhine Confederation", it did not implement the "Confederation" system in the true sense. According to the Document of the Confederation of Rhine, in addition to forming a military alliance, the Confederation of Rhine should also have a common constitutional body, and there should be a permanent Confederation Assembly and a Confederation Court below. As the chairman of the Confederacy, Darberg had proposed two draft confederacy constitutions for this purpose, but Bavaria, Wuerttemberg and other states were worried that the new confederacy constitution would limit their freedom to handle their own state affairs and damage their sovereignty, so they all rejected it on the grounds of inappropriateness. Later, Napoleon asked the French Foreign Ministry to draft a new basic code of confederation, but it was not implemented in the end.
The Rhine Confederation was Napoleon's tool to implement France's strategic interests. First, it has created a buffer zone between France and the two German powers, Austria and Prussia, reducing the direct threat that France may face. This is also a consistent strategy of the struggle between France and Germany since the late Middle Ages. Secondly, the Rhine Confederation had important military value for Napoleon. According to the regulations, all members of the Confederation are obliged to provide a certain number of soldiers in wartime. At most, nearly 120000 soldiers are provided by all member states of the Confederation. In addition, Napoleon did not hesitate to damage the sovereignty of the members of the Rhine Confederation for the benefit of France. From 1810 to 1811, France ignored the relevant provisions of the Rhineland Confederacy Document and annexed Salm, Arenberg and Oldenburg And so on.

Establishment and expansion

Napoleonic Wars During this period, the strong position of France made some German states bordering France flatter France and strengthen their relations with France in order to obtain as many benefits as possible. Among them, Bavaria Acting in full accordance with the will of France, they signed a peace and friendship treaty and a territorial exchange and compensation agreement with France in August 1801 and May 1802, respectively. Wuteng Castle Baden Countries such as France have also joined in, hoping to expand their own interests. Mainz Archbishop Dahlberg also fell to France in order to keep his position and get as much compensation as possible. In the third anti French alliance war in 1805, the states of South Germany simply formed an alliance with Napoleon to fight against the war between Britain, Austria and Russia Anti French Alliance Napoleon reciprocated by forcing Holy Roman Empire The emperor promoted Bavaria and Wuerttemberg as kingdoms. Baden Grand Duchy of Hesse It is the Grand Duchy. The southern German states also further strengthened their relations with Napoleon through marriage and other means.
An important goal of Napoleon was to strengthen the power of the states of South Germany and even all the German middle states, to form a "third Germany", so that it could rely on France to confront Prussia and Austria These two great German states. Therefore, after defeating the third anti French alliance, Napoleon, with both grace and power, proposed in January 1806 that the German middle states should establish a new confederation under his protection and unite to defend their sovereignty. Although the latter feared that this kind of confederation would weaken their newly acquired sovereignty and showed resistance, they finally had to yield because they did not dare to break with Napoleon.
On July 12, 1806, the plenipotentiaries of 16 German princes Paris With the French Foreign Minister talleyrand The "Rhine Confederacy Document" was signed, announcing the separation from the Holy Roman Empire and the formation of the "Rhine Confederacy" under the protection of the French emperor. The common interests of the Confederacy were established by Frankfurt The Confederate Congress of Mainz was chaired by Archbishop Darberg. Later, 19 more states joined the Confederacy, which ruled more than 15 million people, giving France a strategic advantage in the east. According to the treaty, the Confederation was usually managed by an organization with constitutional power, but each state of the Confederation had independent sovereignty. The Confederation was also a military alliance, and each state had an obligation to protect its people Napoleon Provide a certain number of troops to assist in operations.
Rhine Alliance and Napoleon Empire
On October 14, 1806 Battle of Jena After Prussia was defeated by France, many small and medium-sized German states joined the Confederation. In 1808, the Confederation reached the largest territory, including three kingdoms, 13 principalities, 17 marquises, Hamburg Lübeck and Werder Bremen Three Hanseatic League city.
In 1808, the Rhine Confederation had four kingdoms, five Grand Duchy, 13 Principalities and 17 Marquises.
In 1810, a large area of northwest Germany was quickly merged into the First French Empire In order to monitor the embargo against Britain continental blockade It can be implemented smoothly.
In mid October 1813, Napoleon Battle of Leipzig The French retreated to Rhine In the West Bank, the countries in the unprotected alliance quickly fell back to protect their own interests Anti French Alliance One party. On October 31, the Confederation was officially dissolved. [1]

Reform movement

Napoleon tried to strengthen his influence by promoting the reform of the states of the Rhine Confederation. He asked the members of the Confederacy to carry out reforms in accordance with the French model, promulgate the Constitution, implement laws and regulations consistent with the Napoleonic Code, establish a centralized bureaucratic administrative system, etc., with a view to establishing a national structure that would stabilize France's dominant rule, and then stabilize its rule for a long time. Therefore, whether Napoleon intended or not, his efforts to a large extent promoted the modernization reform of the Rhineland Confederation and the transformation to a modern society. Due to the different closeness of relations with France and the different degree of influence from France, the progress of the members of the Rhine Confederation can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is the states ruled by Napoleon's relatives or confidants, including his brother-in-law Murat Under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Berg, his brother Jerome Bonaparte Regnant Westphalia The Kingdom and the three "man-made states" of the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt under the leadership of Darberg. They were the "model states" of the Rhineland Confederation under Napoleon's control. They had no scruple in "transplanting" the achievements of the French revolution in terms of reform, and became the most thoroughly eliminated areas of feudal factors. The second category is the middle states in South Germany, including Bavaria, Baden, Wuerttemberg and Hessen Damstadt. On the one hand, they were greatly influenced by France and tried to imitate the French model; On the other hand, they stick to some of their own practices, which is different from the first type of states. The third category is the states that will join the Rhine Confederation in succession, including Saxony And numerous small states in north central China. These states are less affected by France and have little reform and change. [2]