Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins

Winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
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synonym Maurice Wilkins (Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine) generally refers to Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins was born in 1916 New Zealand At the age of 6, she returned to England with her parents for education. Graduated from University of Cambridge , arrive after graduation University of Birmingham Professor Randall's assistant. Later, he was selected to participate in the“ Manhattan Project ”。 After returning to Britain from the United States King's College London be engaged in DNA Of X-ray Analysis and research of. Won in 1962 The nobel prize in physiology and medicine He died in hospital on October 5, 2004, aged 87.
Wilkins and Franklin (R. Franklin, 1920-1958) DNA molecule The role of the model is very important. Wilkins is a physicist from New Zealand, since the 1940s Biophysics Research work. Started studying DNA in 1950 crystal structure , and adopted“ X-ray diffraction method ”。 They filmed the first DNA fiber Diffraction pattern (A-type diagram), proving that the DNA molecule has a single strand Helical structure This is building DNA Molecular model Has played an important role in our work.
Chinese name
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
Foreign name
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
date of birth
Date of death
October 5, 2004
University one is graduated from
University of Cambridge
Key achievements
The nobel prize in physiology and medicine
one's native heath
New Zealand

brief introduction

——"Although you are not a genius, if you have excellent collaborators, you may win Nobel Prize
The names of Dr. Watson and Dr. Crick were heard before they won the prize, because they proposed the famous DNA double helix structure model Wilkins' name was first heard when the Nobel Prize winners were announced that year.
Wilkins is Oxford X-ray diffraction Professor of. One day, two young people came to the university, one named Watson and the other named Crick. The purpose of their visit to the professor is to have a look DNA Because they are studying DNA Structural model
At that time, a woman named Franklin in the professor's research room had just successfully photographed DNA X-ray diffraction Photo. Wilkins understood this situation and hoped that Franklin could cooperate with Watson and them, because although Franklin had taken photos, he could not clearly understand the structure of DNA by photos alone. However, Wilkins' proposal was rejected by Ms. Franklin. She believes that even if she does not cooperate with Watson and others, she will be able to take clear structural photos sooner or later, so it is unnecessary to find DNA structure The achievements were handed over to others.
Wilkins took a different view. He thought that as far as current technology was concerned, Ms. Franklin could not take a clear picture of the DNA structure, while Watson and Crick had not even seen a diffraction picture. One of them is engaged in biology, the other is to study theory molecular biology Yes, neither of them is a chemist. But they have some information and ideas about DNA structure. If they can see the photos and answer their questions, they may be able to complete the DNA structure model.
As Ms. Franklin always refused to cooperate, Wilkins had to study the subject with Watson and others without Franklin's consent. They focused on Sharkov's nucleic acid Chemical information Crick's idea, Ms. Franklin's X-ray diffraction picture of DNA and Wilkins's description for the picture were finally jointly proposed DNA double helix structure model
In 1962, Wilkins, Watson and Crick were awarded The nobel prize in physiology and medicine Unfortunately, the society always believes that the model belongs to Watson and Crick, and does not recognize that it is shared by three people.
Why did Wilkins get the results from the structural model of DNA Nobel Prize What about?
First of all, if Watson wants to propose the DNA double helix structure model, Ms. Franklin's diffraction photos and Wilkins's photos are indispensable. Secondly, perhaps because the Nobel Prize stipulates that the number of co winners of each prize cannot exceed three, and Ms. Franklin has died when the prize was awarded, Nobel Prize Foundation So I chose three of them.
Although Wilkins' photo shows that he doesn't know anything about X-ray diffraction For Watson, it is necessary to complete the model, but it is not model design An essential idea in. This is different from Crick. Crick put forward a new idea in the process of completing the model. Although Watson put forward the final plan, it is still Crick's idea to trace back to the source. This model is really the crystallization of their wisdom.
Anyway, in spite of Ms. Franklin's objection, Wilkins decided to cooperate with Watson and Crick to promote the birth of the model Life phenomenon His science has made a great step forward, so his award is not so much an evaluation of him from a scientific perspective, but rather an affirmation of him from a social perspective.
Most of what has been said above is a popular saying in the society for a long time. Others don't think so. They believe that Wilkins is from X-ray Promote from all aspects DNA molecule Structural research shows that the DNA in the cell is B- Helical structure And proved Watson through experiments- Crick model It is a B-spiral structure. In other words, his research itself contributed to science.
Let Watson see the X-ray diffraction picture, and won the Nobel Prize for the DNA model.
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins was born in 1916 New Zealand At the age of 6, she returned to England with her parents for education. Graduated from University of Cambridge , arrive after graduation University of Birmingham Professor Randall's assistant. Later, he was selected to participate in the“ Manhattan Project ”。 After returning to Britain from the United States King's College London X-ray analysis of DNA. Won in 1962 The nobel prize in physiology and medicine

Translation steps

translate Genetic code Steps for
The genetic code refers to three groups of Base , also called base triplet. The password is cracked in the following order:
Transcription of genetic information : First disassemble DNA molecule Of Spiral chain , Synthetic Messenger RNA mRNA )。 Messenger RNA has nucleotide Complementary base arrangement.
② Transmission of genetic information: messenger RNA from nucleus to nucleus cytoplasm Moving, and ribosome combination. Ribosomes are Synthetic protein The location of.
amino acid Transfer of: Transfer RNA( tRNA )It binds to specific amino acids and is transferred to ribosomes after binding. Which amino acid junction should be selected for transfer RNA depends on the unpaired base triplet carried at one end( Anticodon )Whether it can be tripled with the specific amino acid carried at the other end( Codon )Complementarity: the amino acid will be selected if its triplet can complement the unpaired triplet.
④ Translation and protein Synthesis of ribosomes: Messenger RNA Move up, while reading the password Complementary base The transfer RNA sequence of the. Messenger RNA genetic information Arranged amino acids combine with ribosomes to form proteins. The transfer RNA that completes the transfer task will be separated from messenger RNA. [1]