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Cities in eastern Belarus
Mogilev( Belarusian :Магілёў, Russian : Могилев) located at Belarus east Dnieper River With an area of 29000 square kilometers, it is the third largest city and Mogilev Oblast The capital of. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Магілёўская вобласьць
geographical position
Belarus Eastern Cities
climatic conditions
temperate continental climate
area covered
29000 km²
representative figure
Issai Schur etc.


Mogilev is the capital of Mogilev State of Belarus and one of the largest industrial centers in Belarus. The city's population reached 368900, ranking third in the country. [2]
The industrial production of Mogilev City accounts for about 50% of the whole Mogilev Prefecture. The city's industry occupies a leading position, of which the chemical industry accounts for 32%, light industry accounts for more than 25%, and machinery manufacturing accounts for 21%. [2]
Mogilev has convenient traffic conditions, 201 kilometers away from Minsk, and Orsha Osipovic Riluobin And Krichekov are connected by railways, and there are roads leading to Minsk, Gomeli, Vitebsk, Bobruisk, and other cities. The city has the Dnieper River Terminal, and there are airports around the city. Both sea transportation and air transportation have great advantages. [2]

Historical development

Mogilev was built in 1267. Original Lithuania and poland In 1772, it was incorporated into imperial Russia.

geographical environment

Belarus Eastern cities, Mogilev Oblast Capital. stay Dnieper River Upstream riverside. Population 381353 (2018). It is one of the largest industrial centers in Belarus, and has convenient transportation conditions. It is 201 km away from Minsk City. It is connected with Orsha, Osipovic, Ilobin, Krichekov and other cities by railway, and has roads leading to Minsk City, Gomeli, Vitebsk, Bobruisk and other cities. Mogilev City has a good investment environment and investment policies. One of the first batch of science and technology parks in Belarus was built in this city, and this science and technology park is one of the three science and technology parks with official status in Belarus.


Mogilev has a river port, a railway hub, and a machinery manufacturing industry famous for producing silage harvesters Machine tool It is also important phosphate fertilizer , chemical fiber, wood processing, etc. It has several colleges and universities such as comprehensive universities. Due to the wind direction Gomeli Same Chernobyl nuclear accident The worst hit areas.



Sister city

The People's Republic of China Zhengzhou
Bulgaria Gabrovo
France Villepin
China Changsha City [3]
China Xi'an [4]

representative figure

  • Issai Schur : Mathematician
  • Otto Schmidt : mathematician, astronomer, geographer
  • Lev Polugaevsky : Chess Master
  • Irving Berlin : Composer