
[hé mǎ]
Ancient Greek poets
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Homer, ancient Greek A blind poet. It is said that the 12th to 11th century BC Troy War , as well as epic, the representative long narrative of ancient Greece about the story of adventure at sea《 Iliad 》And《 Odyssey 》That is to say, he wrote it comprehensively according to folk short songs. He lived in the 10th to 9th and 8th centuries BC. His masterpiece《 Homer Epic 》, which has influenced the religion, culture and ethics
The original Greek version of the word "Homer" has various meanings and cannot be determined.
Chinese name
Foreign name
ancient Greek
date of birth
About the 9th century BC
Date of death
The first eight centuries
Key achievements
The ancestor of western literature
Representative works
Homer's Epic: Iliad and Odyssey
Important events
The Homer Age is named for it

Textual research on characters

Homer Portrait
Is there Homer in history? Did he really write these two epic poems? These issues have been debated for a long time in western academic circles. As early as ancient Greek Time, famous historian Herodotus Thucydides , philosopher Plato And Aristotle They all affirmed that Homer was the author of two epic poems. Until the beginning of the 18th century, Europeans still believed that Homer was a great ancient poet who really existed in history.
In the early 18th century, the French monk Jean Dobiyong and Vico And take the lead. They believed that Homer, whom people had always believed in, did not exist. He was just the general representative of Greek rappers of all ethnic groups, not a single person. The two epics were hundreds of years apart, which could not be the work of a single person. This new viewpoint, which can be described as a groundbreaking event, quickly caused a sensation in the western academic circles, and the "Homer problem" suddenly arose.
In 1795, the German scholar Wolff carried out a detailed study of the epic along this line of thought, thus asserting that every part of the epic was once sung by singers as an independent poem. After many times of processing, it became what we see today. Later, Wolf's compatriot Rahman more clearly expounded his views, thus forming the "short song theory".
Homer on Greek coins
The opposite is the "unification theory" represented by the German scholar Niche. This theory is essentially a revival of the traditional view of Homer. He believed that Homer was indeed a man who lived no later than the ninth century BC. He believed that Homer used the materials of ancient folk poetry and re processed and reorganized them to form a complete Artistic structure
In ancient times, there was a Homer Biography handed down, which was fabricated by people around the era according to the legend, and cannot be used as reliable historical data. The earliest record of Homer can be found in the surviving 6th century BC Kosenofeni But according to Greek chroniclers Bouzanias In the early 7th century BC, the poet Kalinos had recorded Homer in his poems, so Homer's name was known as early as the 8th and 7th centuries BC. Greek historian Theopenpos said that Homer was born in 686 BC, which seems to be a little late. Another ancient legend is that Homer was born in 1159 BC, that is, in the middle of the 12th century BC, which seems to be too early. There may have been this poet in ancient times, whose age may be from the 10th century BC to the 9th and 8th century BC. According to the language and description of the epic, western scholars generally believe that he may have been born between the 9th and 8th centuries BC.
As for Homer's birthplace, there are different opinions; There are dozens of places, which were said to be his birthplace in ancient times. Some people said that he was from Athens, some said that he was from the north of Greece, and some said that he was near the east of Greece Asia Minor One Belt; These statements are more common and credible in the East. Most ancient records say that he was Sios Island People, or Smyrna born in Asia Minor, both are aegean sea east.
Western scholars have also made a lot of textual research on the name Homer: some people say that the word means "hostage", which means Homer was probably born as a prisoner; Some people also say that the name of Homer means "combined", which means that Homer's name is attached, because the epic was originally composed of many pieces of legend. In fact, these are all guesses. The ancient legend also said that Homer was a blind musician, which is quite possible. In ancient times, professional musicians were often blind. Homer may be such a professional artist.

Main works

It is said that Homer created Ancient Greece Famous epic《 Homer Epic 》, this book is divided into《 Iliad [1] 》And《 Odyssey 》Two parts. Ancient writers such as those in the 5th century BC Herodotus , later Thucydides, 4th century BC Plato Aristotle and others affirmed that these two epics are Homer's works. In addition, there are many ancient epic poems that have been lost. Some people once said that they were his works, but those are probably the works of later generations. It is said that Homer also wrote a lost satire poem and an existing "Battle of Frogs and Mice", but the former only Aristotle The latter has been proved to be an imitation of the 4th century BC. And some dedicated Deity Homer is also the hand of the legend; In fact, the introduction used by professional musicians who recited epic poems in ancient times was written by other poets in a later era
Homer Epic , is the ancient Greece from Gentile society carry out the transition to Slavery A part of the period Social History , custom history, history, geography archaeology and folklore Very high value in terms of. This epic also shows Humanism The idea of Human dignity , value and power. This is the human childhood Artistic creation In terms of ideology and art, it inevitably has limitations.

Publishing books

  • Author name Homer
    Work time 2004-9
    Troy: The Fall of Kings tells that within a thousand years, the city of gold will turn to dust, the city walls will collapse, and the old site of Priam Palace will be in full bloom. The Troy trilogy, the masterpiece of the fantasy epic series created by Gamel, is the most famous rewriting of Homer's epic Iliad, for which thousands of fans hold their breath and wait. This historical novel is vivid and charming, which is irresistible. The just right plot, betrayal, blood and violence catch the readers' eyes.
  • Author name Homer
    Work time 2012-6-1
    World Literary Masterpiece: Homer's Epic (Complete Translation) (2 volumes in total) is rich in content, so it is also called the "encyclopedia" of human childhood society. It is a social history and custom history of ancient Greece during the transition from clan society to slavery, and has high value in history, geography, archaeology and folklore. This epic also expresses humanistic thoughts and affirms human dignity, value and strength.

Character evaluation

Put aside the dispute about whether Homer really exists《 Homer Epic 》Homer can be called the ancestor of western literature, for he created the first river of western literature. The war and life scenes he showed with poetic narration are still talked about by people today. At the same time, Homer's epics are also valuable materials for studying the customs and customs of ancient Greece.
Homer, the blind poet, is singing