Schleswig Holstein

German first level administrative region
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synonym Holstein (The second smallest non urban state in Germany) generally refers to Schleswig Holstein
Schleswig Holstein (Schleswig Holstein, short for Shihezhou )At Germany The northernmost part is the only place in Germany the north sea and the Baltic Waterfront Federal State It covers an area of 15800 square kilometers, [1] The population is about 2.953 million (by the end of 2022), [2] From the north Shile Suyige And southern Holstein It consists of two parts. [2] state capital Kiel [2]
Located in the northernmost part of Germany, Jutland Peninsula South, west the north sea , east the Baltic , north and Denmark Bordering Germany to the south hamburg , Meiqian Prefecture and Lower Saxony Three states. It governs 4 cities and 11 counties. [2] Only Kiel and Lübeck Two cities. [1]
In 1386, Shile Suyige and Holstein First unification. 1460, by King of Denmark Rule. 1864 Danish-Prussian War After, by Prussia and Austria Common pipe. 1866 Austro-Prussian War Later, become Prussia A province of. In 1920, North Shile Suyige was incorporated Denmark In 1946, Shihezhou was founded. [2]
economic structure Obviously regional, and hamburger Adjacent areas Machinery manufacturing Service industry Mainly on the west bank Agriculture Fisheries tourism and Wind energy Industry oriented, with important Trade port ferry Port Military harbor And large and medium-sized a shipbuilding plant , port economy is pillar industry [2]
There are more than 10 in the prefecture Colleges and universities , famous Kiel University It was founded in 1665. There are many research institutions, including Kiel Institute for World Economics It is one of the five largest economic research institutes in Germany. [2]
Chinese name
Schleswig Holstein
Foreign name
Schleswig-Holstein (German)
Sleswig-Holsteen (Lowland German)
Slesvig-Holsten (Danish)
Slaswik-Holstiinj (in North Frisian)
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Northernmost Germany Jutland Peninsula south
Government residence
Kiel [2]
population size
About 2.953 million [2]

administrative division

State emblem
After the establishment of Schleswig Holstein, administrative reform was carried out from 1970 to 1974. The number of counties was reduced from 17 to 11, the number of townships from 1371 to 1131, and the number of towns from 199 to 119. At the same time, the area of the cities in the four counties has expanded.
Schleswig Holstein is an agricultural and Protestant state. the Second World War The last 25% of voters are members of the Alliance of Depicted and Confiscated Persons. However, as time passed, the alliance gradually lost its political importance, and it also lost its voters in Schleswig Holstein. In the 1960s( National Democratic Party of Germany )And the 1990s( German People's Union )The far right parties were elected to the parliament, but they were unable to maintain their seats in the parliament and always lost in the re-election.
Compared with other German states German Liberal Democratic Party and Green Party In Schleswig Holstein, relatively few votes were received. The distribution of party votes in the state is also very different. Around big cities and Hamburg German Social Democratic Party More votes were obtained in North Frisland, Dietmar and other agricultural areas German Christian Democratic Union More votes were obtained.
A special party is South Schleswig voter Alliance, a party representing the interests of the Danish and Frisian minorities. According to Schleswig Holstein's election law, the party does not need to reach 5% of the votes to enter the parliament.
The policy of Schleswig Holstein state government is coordinated with the neighboring and economically powerful Hamburg, but it is opposed to merging with other neighboring states to form a "Northern State". According to the north Enterprise Alliance 52% of the residents in the poll are willing to merge with Hamburg.

State Government

The state government is a coalition government formed by the Christian Democratic Alliance and the Social Democratic Party on April 27, 2005. The governor is Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU). Its ministers include:
Ute Erdsiek Rave (Social Democratic Party), Minister of Education and Women, Deputy Governor
Rainer Wiegard, Minister of Finance
Ralf Stegner (Social Democratic Party), Minister of Interior
Uwe D ö ring, Minister of Justice, Labour and Europe
Dr. Christian von Boetticher (CDU), Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Dr. Gitta Trauernicht (Social Democratic Party), Minister of Society, Health, Family, Youth and the Elderly
Dietrich Ostermann, Minister of Science, Economy and Transport

List of Successive Governors

Governors from 1945 to 1950:
1945-1947: Theodore Stelzer
1947-1949: Herman Ludman
1949-1950: Bruno Dickman
The governor after the new constitution came into use in 1950:
1950 – 1951: Walter Bartram
1951 – 1954: Friedrich Wilhelm Lubbock
1954 – 1963: Kay Uwe von Hassel( German Christian Democratic Union
1963-1971: Helmut Lemke
1971-1982: Herhard Stoltenberg (CDU, see Schleswig Holstein list of honorary citizens)
1982-1987: Uwe Basel (CDU)
1987~1988: Henin Schwartz (CDU)
1988-1993: Burong Engel Home German Social Democratic Party
1993-2005: Hyde Smennis (Social Democratic Party)
2005-2012: Peter Harry Karstensen (CDU)
2012 - Tolston Albisch (Social Democratic Party)
In North Germany, there has been constant discussion about the merger of several states to form a northern state, especially the proposal of Schleswig Holstein merging with Hamburg has been put forward from time to time.

Economic industry

Schleswig Holstein is a traditional economic structure A weaker state. It has only two relatively large cities: Kiel and Lubeck. In contrast, Schleswig Holstein's agricultural population Quite high. Industry developed quite late here, and was impacted by structural changes earlier. After the merger of Germany and Germany in 1990, Schleswig Holstein had to provide financial support to the eastern states. At the end of the 20th century, the reduction of the federal defense forces hit Schleswig Holstein especially hard. From an economic perspective, Schleswig Holstein can be divided into three regions: there are many so-called "fat circles" around Hamburg Machinery manufacturing and service trade The west bank is dominated by agriculture, tourism and wind energy, and the east bank is dominated by port city (Frensburg, Kiel and Lubeck). In recent years, the importance of shipping in the Baltic Sea has been increasing. Of particular importance to Schleswig Holstein are the Jutland route and the Stray Bird route to Scandinavia, Finland, Russia and the Baltic countries. Kiel is the German successor Rostock After the most important ferry port.
2/3 of German fishing vessels are stationed in Schleswig Holstein, about 1/4 of the ship owners are registered in Schleswig Holstein, and about 20% Shipbuilding industry Located in Schleswig Holstein. Especially Hovaz of Kiel shipbuilding Ltd. is world-famous.
Schleswig Holstein has three nuclear power plant
Compared with most other German states, tourism has a greater significance in Schleswig Holstein. In 2002, the tourism industry had 80000 employees, turnover Up to 5.2 billion euros, the whole tourism industry accounts for national income 4.6% (2.8% on average in Germany). In particular, the islands of North Frisland have attracted many domestic tourists, and bathing beaches on the Baltic Sea coast are also very important.
With the European Union gross domestic product Compared with Schleswig Holstein, the index is 98.3 (2003)

Geographical overview

Near Adestadt Marshland , typical North Sea coast Schleswig Holstein is located in Jutland Peninsula South and North German lowlands North of the Baltic And the North Sea to the west.
Schleswig Holstein Location Map
The north of Schleswig Holstein is Denmark, and the southeast is Mecklenburg - former Pomerania To the south Lower Saxony And Hamburg. The coastline of Schleswig Holstein accounts for 3.2% of the total length of European coastline.
From the west to the east, the terrain of Schleswig Holstein is marsh, plain and Schleswig Holstein hills. The largest river in the territory is the Eide River, and the highest point, Mount Benx, is only 168 meters high. The numerous peninsulas formed by the hills on the east bank have created many bays. There are also many lakes here, especially Lauenburg in the east of Holstein, which is called Switzerland of Holstein. Heiligo, an island of Germany on the high seas, is located in the North Sea. There is only one island off the east coast, Ferman. The most important channel connects the North Sea and the Baltic Sea Kiel Canal
The Principality of Schleswig (called Slesvig in Danish) belonged to Germany after Denmark was defeated by the joint forces of Austria and Prussia in 1866. North Shile Suyige the First World War After the end of a referendum announced to join Denmark. In 1876, the Principality of Lauenburg was incorporated into the Prussian Schleswig Holstein Before 1937 in the process of administrative division reform Hanseatic League The city Lubeck and the city originally belonged to Oldenburg Grand Duchy Altin and some enclaves in Hamburg were incorporated into Schleswig Holstein, and Atona and Wanzbeck were allocated to Hamburg as its urban area in exchange.
Schleswig Holstein Northern Frisian Islands ——The land of the archipelago is basically mud land and mudflats - it forms the Schleswig Holstein National Park, which is the whole Central Europe The largest national park. In addition, in the past 80 years, Schleswig Holstein has established 189 nature reserves and 275 scenic spots. Excluding national parks, the total area of all these reserves is about 2000 square kilometers, of which about 1600 square kilometers are sea surface and Waden Sea Region. Most of these reserves are managed by associations that have signed contracts with the state government. In addition, Schleswig Holstein has five natural parks unrelated to the sea and coast.

Development history

From the beginning to the formation of Schleswig and Holstein
last hole Glaciation Later, hunting and gathering people came to today's Schleswig Holstein. About 4000 years ago, some people settled down to engage in agriculture. These people set up about 3500 to 2800 giant stone facilities here, and today there are more than 100 preserved. In the early Middle Ages, four groups lived in today's Schleswig Holstein: Ade River Northerly Northern Region It's north germanic people The northwest is the residential area of the Frisian people, and the southwest is the residential area of the Saxons among the West Germanic people. In the east is a Slavic settlement. stay Saxony War The southern part of this region has fallen into Frankish Empire Impact. King of the Franks (and later emperors) from 768 to 811 Charlemagne War broke out with the North Germanic people who did not believe in Christianity. In this war the Danes built Danivelk. In the peace treaty of 811, the Eide River was established as the border between the Frankish Empire and Denmark. With the continuous growth of population in the 12th and 13th centuries, this boundary gradually lost its role, but it was still the Principality of Schleswig and Herzogtum Holstein Borders between. Until 1900, this line was still a legal line. Danish law is used in the north and German law is used in the south. Since 1111, the regions to the south and north of the Ed River have gradually become independent. They first became earl territories, and later became principalities. At the same time, the political and economic relations Continuous development and closeness.
The rule of the Schoenberg dynasty
Early 13th century King of Denmark Try to incorporate Holstein into his territory. But in 1227 he was defeated by the resistance army of the North German nobility. In the 14th century, the Earls of Holstein even extended their influence to Jutland. In 1386, the Earl of Schoenberg and Holstein were granted the title of Earl of Schleswig by the Danish King, which was the first time that Schleswig and Holstein were unified. Around 1400, Margaret I restored Denmark's feudal power over Schleswig, but at the same time, she had to admit the ownership of the territory of Holstein's nobles in Schleswig. The medieval history of Schleswig and Holstein was complicated due to the custom of inheritance enfeoffment and later merger, but generally speaking, the earls of the Schoenberg dynasty successfully mastered the Dominion Therefore, by the end of the Middle Ages, these two territories had actually become a unified region.
Danish rule
In 1460, there was no direct extinction of the Schoenberg dynasty, and the noble election of Schleswig Holstein came from House of Oldenburg King of Denmark Christian I For his duke. Christian I was a nephew of Adolf VIII, the last Duke of Schoenberg dynasty. The treaty signed in 1460 stipulated that the two principalities should never be separated. It was not until 1864 that Denmark finally formed a personal union The King of Denmark is also the Duke of Schleswig and Holstein. Schleswig is enfeoffed by Denmark and belongs to Denmark, while Holstein is Holy Roman Empire The enfeoffment belongs to the Holy Roman Empire.
The Danish king kept the custom of enfeoffment of ancient European nobles and continuously enfeoffment Schleswig Holstein to his descendants. Among these small principalities, Schleswig Holstein Gotorf is the most important one. Kiel University was founded by them. In 1773, Schleswig Holstein returned to the direct rule of the Danish king.
nationalism War of reunification with Germany
The nationalist atmosphere in Denmark and Germany was very strong in the 19th century. This led to two wars on the two principalities that should not have been divided. The focus of the dispute was not the principality of Holstein, which was entirely German. This principality has belonged to the Holy Roman Empire since the Middle Ages, and after 1815, it belonged to Germany The king of Denmark is only his monarch. The focus of the dispute is Shilesuyig Principality. Nationalists in Germany and Denmark claim that they belong to their own countries. The principality itself is divided. People living in the north mainly say Danish Danish people who support Denmark, while those who live in the south mainly say German Germany, they mainly support Germany. Since the early 1840s, German and Danish national liberals have tried to establish themselves in Schleswig. This dispute led to armed conflict in the March Revolution of 1848. stay Kiel Set up a provisional government , requiring that Schleswig Holstein be fully incorporated into Germany. At the same time Copenhagen There were many Danes on the Eide River in the established government, whose intention was to bring Schleswig into Denmark. The first Schleswig War broke out from 1848 to 1851. The pro German Schleswig Holstein tried to incorporate Schleswig into Germany by force. They tried to overthrow the rule of the Danish king, and supported the Augustenberg dynasty to become the duke of the merged Schleswig Holstein principality in the German Union. in limine Frankfurt National Assembly They supported these German nationalists, but Prussia and the German Federation withdrew their troops under the pressure of other European powers. In 1850, the Danish army won and restored its former status. On July 2, 1850, the German Union and Denmark signed Berlin Peace treaty.
In 1863, Denmark issued a new constitution, which was also intended to be implemented in Schleswig. Thus Denmark broke the peace treaty of 1850. Prime Minister of Prussia Otto von Bismarck Take the opportunity to decide to use force to solve the Schleswig problem. Prussia and Austria A very short ultimatum was issued to Denmark. As Denmark did not respond within the time limit of the ultimatum, Prussia and Austria declared war on Denmark, Danish-Prussian War Burst. Prussia and Austria won in April 1864. Since Prussia and Austria could not solve the problem of how to rule Schleswig Holstein, the two countries decided to jointly manage the region (the original plan was to make Schleswig Holstein independent after it was merged into a principality). Only a small area in the northernmost part of Schleswig still belongs to Denmark. For this reason, Denmark has given up some enclaves that do not belong to Schleswig. Erupted in 1866 Austro-Prussian War In 1867, Schleswig Holstein became a province of Prussia. Entered with Prussia in 1871 German Empire Schleswig Holstein problem Bismarck's German policy and Germany Unified process A central issue in.
modern history
It was not until 1920 that the Schleswig Holstein problem was completely solved from the perspective of international law. Under the pressure and supervision of the Allies, North Schleswig conducted a referendum. North Schleswig decided to merge with Denmark. In 1955, Germany and Denmark signed a treaty again, which also stipulated the privileges of ethnic minorities. Apart from minor disputes, Germany and Denmark coexist peacefully.
In the late 1920s, Schleswig Holstein, especially Dietmar Shen on the west bank, was Nazism A stronghold of. 1930 Nazi Party Here we have obtained 70% vote Local in 1938 Synagogue It was burned down and some small ones were set up here concentration camp
the Second World War Later many were taken from Eastern Europe The expelled Germans were moved to Schleswig Holstein. The number of residents thus increased to 2.7 million in 1949 (1.6 million in 1939).
On August 23, 1946, the Allies decided to establish Schleswig Holstein State, with Kiel as the state capital. In 1949, the state decided to join Federal Republic of Germany In the same year, the state legislature was elected. On January 12, 1950, Schleswig Holstein officially became a member of West Germany Federal State On May 30, 1990, Schleswig Holstein officially renamed his state basic law the state constitution.


Schleswig Holstein typical rape There are 2.82 million residents in Tienshle Suyig Holstein, Population density 179 people/km2, the sixth lowest population density in Germany. The local Germans are Saxons Jutland Descendants of humans and Frislands. Besides, there is a Dane and a Frisian here ethnic minority Community. the Second World War Post Schleswig Holstein is the state that receives the most expelled refugees, mainly from West Pomerania and East Prussia Therefore, the local population increased by 1.1 million from 1939 to 1949.
Shile Suyige -Holstein's population distribution It is very uneven. Except for the cities belonging to different counties, especially the counties near Hamburg (Pinneberg and Stolman) have the highest population density, while South Schleswig and Dietmar Shen have the lowest population density.
As Schleswig Holstein is remote and economically backward West Germany It is the state with the least number of foreigners (accounting for five point one %)。 Three quarters of the 140000 foreigners living here come from Europe, 22% of whom came from 2005 European Union Member States before expansion. The largest community among foreigners (42000 in 1999) came from turkey The second largest community (14000) comes from the former Yugoslavia.



State flag

The state flag of Schleswig Holstein consists of three horizontal transoms, with blue at the top, white in the middle and red at the bottom. These colors come from the state emblem, which was first used during the Danish conflict in 1840. 1949 Allies Formal recognition This flag is the official state flag. There is also a state emblem on the official flag of the state government. Use this flag on official occasions. Only state departments are allowed to use the official flag of the state government. The general state flag can be used by everyone. Ships registered in Schleswig Holstein also often hang state flags or flags with the color of state flags as signs.

State emblem

Schleswig Holstein is divided into two parts. On the left is a gold base, and on it are two blue faces facing the right lion , lions are arranged up and down, with red claws. There is a white one on the right with red background Nettle Leaves. The lion is the symbol of Schleswig, and the nettle leaf is the symbol of Holstein. Generally, the lion on the Schleswig emblem (such as the city emblem and the county emblem) faces to the left, but it is said that Bismarck ordered the lion on the state emblem to turn around in the 1880s, because otherwise it would be impolite for the lion to face the nettle leaf. Only government agencies can use the state emblem. Recently, the state government issued a simplified version of the state emblem that everyone can use.

State song

Schleswig Holstein's State Song Official name For Wanke nicht mein Vaterland, formerly known as Schleswig Holstein meerumschlungen.

political system



According to the basic law of Schleswig Holstein state passed on January 12, 1950, it is a federal state of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its constitution is the most advanced among all the former West German states. The Basel scandal in 1987 led to Commission of Inquiry Several suggestions for improving the state constitution were put forward. In 1989, the Commission of Inquiry Parliamentary reform The problem was handed over final report Since then, the constitution of the prefecture has included protecting ethnic minorities, promoting equality between men and women, and protecting natural environment , protect and promote cultural and other political goals.
Compared with the constitutions of other German states, the Constitution of Schleswig Holstein has a strong Direct democracy Factors. Like the constitutions of other German states, it stipulates that all State power Start from the people. Through elections and referendum To decide their wishes.


The state legislature is the highest elected by the state people Legislature The state legislature elects governors, and in addition, it controls them through legislation Administrative department Parliament used to consist of 75 members. The election method of the state legislature is Proportional representation system Since 2005, the Parliament has been composed of only 69 members.


The state government is the highest Administrative command , decision-making and executive bodies. It is composed of Governor , State Ministers and State Departments. The governor is elected by the state legislature. He selects or dismisses the state secretary and his deputy ministers. Electing a governor is what the candidate needs to achieve absolute majority If he cannot reach the absolute majority, he can try again twice. In the third time, he only needs to reach the majority.
The governor is Peter Harry Carstensen.


Judicial tasks are carried out by judges. Judges administer justice in the name of the people. They are independent and only abide by the law.
The court structure of Schleswig Holstein is relatively simple. It didn't have its own until 1991 appeal court Up to 1991, all the above-mentioned works of Schleswig Holstein were carried out by Luneburg The Court of Appeal.
Schleswig Holstein, Germany doesn't have its own Constitutional Court State of. The Federal Constitutional Court is also the Constitutional Court of Schleswig Holstein. In 2005, the Schleswig Holstein government decided to establish a Constitutional Court. The court is still in preparation.


Every state citizen has the right to make legislative demands or recommendations directly to the state legislature. This request or suggestion must be consistent with democracy and A country ruled by law In addition, this proposal cannot be designed into the state budget, official salary old-age pension , subsidies, etc., and Public expenditure If this proposal is supported by 20000 voters, the parliament must listen to and discuss it.
If the state legislature does not approve the above proposal within four months, the proposed representatives can carry out civic initiatives. The state legislature decides whether the citizen initiative is legal. If 5% of the voters agree, the citizen initiative is established.
If the citizen initiative is established, the citizens of the state must conduct a citizen referendum on this legislative proposal within nine months. The state legislature can put forward its own legislative proposal and conduct a referendum at the same time. If the state legislature had approved the law before, then there would be no need for a referendum. If the Federal Constitutional Court decides that the law is unconstitutional, then the reconsideration is not necessary.
If referendum If the majority (but at least 1/4 of all voters) approve the legislative proposal, the legislation will be established. If the proposal involves constitutional change, it needs the consent of two-thirds of the voters and at least half of all voters. You can only vote for and Negative vote
The state government, individual members of the legislature, a group of members of the legislature, or through the creation of state citizens, can make legal recommendations to the state legislature. The state legislature or citizens' referendum decides that the law takes effect. If new Legal needs If the Constitution is changed, more than 2/3 of the members of parliament must agree.


Schleswig Holstein has four official language : German Low German , Danish and Frisian Most of the state speaks Low German - Classic language Danish is spoken by ethnic minorities in Denmark, and Frisian is spoken by the people of North Frisian along the North Sea coast and in the North Frisian Islands. In addition, there is South Jutland, which is an independent language originating from Jutland and influenced by low-lying German and Danish. However, only a few villages on the border of Germany and Denmark speak this language.
Danish and Frisian It is only used in South Shile Suyige. Some road signs in North Frisland are bilingual.
Until the 12th century, there were Slavs living in the southeast of Holstein, and some place names (such as Lubeck) were left by them.
Hailigo Island also has a special Frisian dialect - Hallun. Highland German was introduced in the 16th century and is mainly used for official purposes, but today it is the most commonly used language.


Schleswig Holstein is a Protestant state. In 2000, 63.8% of the residents belonged to Lutheran Church, and in 2003, 6.1% of the residents belonged to Catholic Church. 25000 people believe in Islam. Free Church There are 15000 believers, Danish Church 6800 believers, 1800 people believe Judaism
protestant Belong to three Educational province (Hamburg, Holstein Lubeck, Schleswig), catholic It belongs to the Archbishop of Hamburg.

commemorative coin

2 with Holstein Gate Euro coins In February 2006, Germany began to issue commemorative coins with the contents of each state, and plans to issue one coin every year. Because Schleswig Holstein was just German Federal Parliament Chairman, therefore, the first one is based on the content of Schleswig Holstein. This commemorative coin, with the design of Lubeckholstein Gate, has issued 30 million pieces.




Schleswig Holstein's most important expressway All from Hamburg. Highway 1 connects to Lubeck, and then leads to Copenhagen via the Flying Bird Route. Freeway 7 is accessible through New Minster and Latterburg Frensburg Highway 215 forks off from Highway 7 to Kiel. Highway 20 starts from Lubeck and leads to Mecklenburg - the Baltic Sea coast of former Pomerania. This highway is still under construction. Highway 24 runs from Hamburg to Berlin. 18 km long No. 25 Expressway connect Hamburg and Gestah.


Important railway lines also start from Hamburg, connecting Kiel, Lubeck and Frensburg. ICE train Run to Kiel. From Ferman to Denmark in the past Train ferry It is also very important. But across Denmark Strait These ferries lost their importance after the bridge was opened.

ocean shipping

Schleswig Holstein has 46 public ports, four of which have trans regional significance: Kiel, Lubeck and Puttegaden are located on the Baltic coast, and Brunsbit is located on the North Sea coast. Kiel and Lubeck are very important for freight to Scandinavia the volume of freight transport In addition, Kiel is also an important ferry and cruise port. Puttegaden is on the flyer route to Denmark German ports Brunsbit is an important container port, in addition to the increasing offshore wind energy industry This port can also be used as a base. More than 41000 ships pass through Kiel Canal every year, which is the most frequently used canal in the world.


The two largest airports in Schleswig Holstein are Kiel Airport and Lubeck Airport Kiel airport only fly to Frankfurt Munich And Berlin, Lubeck Airport is also used as a charter airport for tourism. Sirte Island has also become increasingly important in recent years.


The culture of Schleswig Holstein is very diverse. Historical and geographical factors, plus location the north sea and the Baltic As well as the farmers' culture, it has a great impact on the culture here. In particular, the architecture and housing culture in the north are obviously influenced by Scandinavia Impact. cultural life The center of Lübeck And Shilesuyige City.
Schleswig Holstein Scenic Spot
Schleswig Holstein has rich Literary tradition Matthias Claudius, Friedrich· Heibel Teodoro· Shtorm Heinrich Mann and Thomas Mann All were born here. Thomas Mann's novel The Budenblock Family was written around a rich merchant family in Lubeck. Many contemporary writers also live and work in Schleswig Holstein, including The Nobel Prize in Literature Winner Gunter ·Sigfried Lenz, the honorary citizen of Grass and Schleswig Holstein, the writer Gunter Kunett and the poet Sarah Kirsch, etc.
Since 1986, Schleswig Holstein has held the largest classical music Music Festival Schleswig Holstein Music Festival. The festival was founded by conductor Eustace Franz. Every year from July to August, about 130 concerts are held in 30 to 50 different places throughout the state, with more than 100000 listeners participating. At the same time, summer schools are also held to train talented young musicians. The festival has a focus every year. In the past few years, the focus has been on Spain in 2002 and Spain in 2002 Latin America Music, 2003 British music, 2004 Czech music, 2005 Japanese music , 2006 Netherlands music.
In 1951, in memory of the composer born in Austin Carl Maria von Weber The Ortium Summer Opera Festival, held on the 125th anniversary of his death, performs 22 to 25 operas in Ortium's Palace Park every year, attracting nearly 50000 audiences.
In addition to many small theaters, Schleswig Holstein has three comprehensive Grand Theatre : Lubeck Theatre, Kiel Theatre and Schleswig Holstein State Theatre (located in Schleswig Georgia City )。
Since 1998, a three-day "Medieval Performance" has been held every year at Pentecost in Hornweistet, including the Medieval Market and knight A gladiatorial performance.
Schleswig Holstein has about 250 seats museum The contents are different. These include state museums in major cities and palaces, and many home museums that are worth visiting and reflect past life.
Lubeck held in Lubeck Northern Europe The film festival is the largest and most traditional film festival in North Germany. Only Nordic films are shown here, and their films are from Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland as well as Estonia Latvia Lithuania poland and Russia


Schleswig Holstein has a long coastline, so water sports are very popular here. Kiel and the Frensburg team German Division One League match. But Schleswig Holstein is a German player who has never entered football Premier League The state of the team. Kiel is a famous Sailing The base of. 1936 and 1972 Summer Olympic Games It is here that we hold our sailing competition. Every year, Schleswig Holstein holds Kiel Week and Travermind Week, the largest and most traditional sailing competition in the world. There are about 230 sailing clubs with about 32000 members. Sirte Island and Fermat are Sailboard The Holy Land. In addition, the flat countryside is also suitable hike and Bicycle travel Eight German athletes in the Olympic Games Rowing team It comes from Latzburg.


Schleswig Holstein has three universities, but only Kiel University, founded in 1665, is a complete university. In addition, Schleswig Holstein also has an art college, a music college, four colleges and universities and a management college. In the winter semester of 2003/2004, there were 45542 college students in Schleswig Holstein, of which 26510 were in universities and 16973 were in universities.
In the school year 2001/2002, 36.6% of the students went to primary school, 20.8% went to arts and science middle school, and 18.6% went to Shike Middle School 13.3% of students junior high school 4.8% of students Comprehensive Middle School 3.7% of students go to special schools. In addition, there are Waldorf education (1.3% of students) School kindergarten (0.4%), Night Science Middle School (0.2%) and Night Science Middle School (0.1%).

Honorable citizens

Four people were awarded the honor of honoring the citizens of the state:
Helmut Schmidt, awarded in 1998, former German Prime Minister
Uwe Lonneborg, awarded in 2000, former Liberal Democratic Party President of Schleswig Holstein State
Gerhard Stodenberg, awarded in 2002, former Governor Schleswig Holstein, Federal defence secretary , Federal finance minister
Siegfried Lenz , awarded in 2004, author