drug eruption

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Dermatological diseases
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Fu Meihua (Attending physician) Dermatology Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Yang Xueyuan (Chief Physician) Review Dermatology Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Drug eruption is also called drug dermatitis It is caused by drugs entering the human body through oral, external use and injection Skin mucosa Inflammatory response. Almost all drugs may cause dermatitis, but the most common are Sulfonamides Antipyretic analgesics sleeping pill Class and penicillin streptomycin Etc.
Drug-induced Adverse reactions It is very complicated and can be roughly divided into: drug overdose, intolerance, idiopathic, side effects, Secondary effect and Anaphylactic reaction Etc. Drug eruption is the most common type of allergic reaction.
Foreign name
Drug induced dermatitis
Visiting department
the skin department
Common causes
Antipyretic and analgesic drugs, sulfonamides, sleeping and sedative drugs, antibiotics, Chinese herbal medicine
Chinese name
drug eruption


There are many kinds of drugs that cause drug eruption, and the common drugs are as follows:
Among them Pyrazolones and salicylate Most common.
Among them Long-acting sulfa It is common.
3. Sleeping and sedation
Among them Barbiturates More.
4. Antibiotics
Penicillin is the most common, and others are furan Phenothiazines It is not uncommon for drug eruptions to occur.
5. Chinese herbal medicine
In recent years, the reports of drug eruptions caused by Chinese herbal medicines have gradually increased, and the drugs that cause allergies include single Chinese herbal medicines, as well as Compound preparation

clinical manifestation

Generally speaking, drug eruptions usually occur after sensitization 7 to 10 days after the start of treatment. However, if you have received the same drug or drug treatment of the same structure before, it can appear quickly within a few hours or 1~2 days. The common skin manifestations of drug eruption mainly include the following types.
1. Eruptive drug eruption
It is the most common type of drug eruption, accounting for 95% of all drug eruptions. The clinical manifestations are Diffuse Bright red spots or half rice grains to beans red maculopapules , dense Symmetrical distribution , in the form of measles Sample or Scarlatina Like, sudden onset, often accompanied by Chilliness High fever (39~40℃) headache , general discomfort, etc., more than half of the cases completely subsided 2 weeks after drug withdrawal. If the drug is not stopped in time, it may develop into exfoliation dermatitis , then Poor prognosis
two Urticaria Drug like eruption
It is one of the common drug eruptions Pathogenesis It can be I Type III allergy rash It is characterized by unequal size Wheal , this kind of wheal rash is more common Urticaria It is bright red and lasts for a long time. It is itchy and can be accompanied by tingling and tenderness. Urticaria It can appear as the only symptom, or serum sickness like syndrome Anaphylactic shock A symptom of. In general, allergic patients began to develop wheal rash and pruritus several hours after drug administration, but a few patients were injecting penicillin serum albumin It will appear within a few minutes after the drug dizzy , upset, extensive red wind mass, itching and decreased blood pressure.
3. Strippability dermatitis
It is often due to failure to stop sensitizing drugs and proper treatment for general drug eruption patients in time, resulting in the development of the disease and the fusion of the rash, which becomes exfoliative dermatitis , or the disease starts suddenly. Skin lesion It is characterized by bright red and swollen skin, accompanied by exudation and scab, followed by large leafy Scale It falls off and the exudate has a bad smell. Mucosa may have congestion, edema, erosion, etc. If such lesions are the first time, incubation period Generally more than 20 days. It can spread all over the body at the beginning, or measles or Scarlatina Such skin lesions occur on the basis of. The course of disease is more than one month, which is a serious type of drug eruption, often accompanied by systemic symptoms, such as Aversion to cold , fever, vomiting, nausea, and some may be accompanied Lymph node enlargement proteinuria Hepatomegaly jaundice And other systemic symptoms.
four Epidermolysis bullosa Necrotic type
It is the most serious type of drug eruption, which is characterized by an acute onset. The rash starts from the face, neck, and chest, with dark red, dark red, and slightly iron gray spots, which soon fuse into patches and develop to the whole body. Variously sized Relaxation Blister And the epidermis is loosened, which can be pushed with fingers, and the epidermis can be wiped off with a little force, such as Scald Like performance. Large areas of necrosis and desquamation were also found in the mucosa. Systemic toxic symptoms are serious, accompanied by high fever and visceral lesions. If the rescue is not timely, the patient may die of infection, Toxemia renal failure pneumonia Or bleeding. Some patients initially showed Erythema multiforme Or fixed drug eruption, which soon develops into large erythema Bulla Epidermal exfoliation
5. Fixed erythema
The more common type of drug eruption. The shape is special and easy to identify. The rash is characterized by limited round or oval erythema, bright red or purple red erythema, edema, and blisters can be formed in the center of severe inflammation. The damage boundary is clear, and it will be reserved later Pigment spot After each application of sensitizing drugs, repeated attacks occur in the same part, and some also increase new damage. The number of rashes can be single or multiple, and some are distributed throughout the body. The size of the rashes is generally 0.2 cm to several cm. The rashes can occur in any part of the body, especially lips And perioral, glans, anus, etc Skin mucosa Junction, interphalangeal skin, back of hand Instep It is commonly seen in places like Tangan. About 80% of them occur at the junction of skin and mucosa, Oral mucosa Alternatively Exanthema Fixed drug eruption The regression time is generally 1 to 10 days, but mucosal erosion or ulcer The patients often have a longer course of disease, which can be delayed for tens of days before recovery.
Drug-induced Erythema multiforme The rash is characterized by round or oval edematous erythema or papule , as big as peas Broad bean Large, often with blisters in the center, with purple edges, Symmetry Occurs in the limbs, often accompanied by have a fever Arthralgia abdominal pain Wait, the serious person said Stevens Johnson syndrome , can cause erosion and pain of mucous membrane blisters. The course of disease is generally 2-4 weeks.
7. Drug hypersensitivity syndrome
It's caused by drugs Idiosyncratic reaction , characterized by fever, rash and visceral organ damage (especially liver). It may occur 7 to 28 days or more after the first application of drugs. If the drug is used again in the future, the disease may occur within one day. The initial symptom is fever, with a peak of 40 ℃. The second is perioral and facial edema, neck or systemic lymph node enlargement, Laryngitis Skin lesions begin on the face, upper torso and upper limbs. It is erythema, papule or measles The skin rash becomes dark red gradually. Integration and progressive development Erythroderma
Visceral damage occurs within 1 to 2 weeks after the eruption, or up to a month. hepatitis Is the most important symptom, serum transaminase Different degrees of increase, usually none jaundice , occurs jaundice The prognosis is often poor. Fulminant Hepatic necrosis and hepatic failure It is the main cause of death. There may also be kidneys, lungs, heart Central nervous system Damage.
Blood system The abnormality is atypical Lymphocytosis , occurred in the first 2 weeks. Usually in the 2nd to 3rd week, blood Eosinophilia
eight eczema Pattern
Often External medication Cause, local contact sensitivity eczema kind dermatitis After oral administration or injection of the same kind of drugs, the whole body may occur eczema Like skin lesions. The course of disease is usually more than one month.
9. Photosensitivity dermatitis type
Rash morphology such as eczema The exposed part is more serious, but it can also occur far away from the exposed sunlight. After stopping the drug, the reaction lasted for several weeks. When the drug is used again and the skin is irradiated with light, it can be aroused within 48 hours eczema Sample reaction. branch Phototoxicity and Photosensitivity Two.
ten moss and lichen Exanthematous type
Skin lesions are very similar clinically and pathologically lichen planus , purplish red papule, with or without oral invasion. The skin lesions are extensive, involving the trunk and limbs. The scales are obvious, accompanied by eczema like changes. After healing, there is obvious pigmentation. After stopping the drug, the skin lesions gradually subside, and some are chronic, lasting for a long time.
eleven Purpura type
The main clinical manifestations are bleeding purpura with the needle head as big as beans or larger, and the rash becomes flat or slightly raised. This rash can be Thrombocytopenia , or caused by vascular injury.
twelve Vasculitis type
It usually occurs in small blood vessels, and its inflammatory range can be from mild cell infiltration to Acute necrosis In serious cases, the blood vessels of many organs can be invaded, including skin and kidney. Skin damage It shows purpura Ecchymosis , nodules, necrosis, and some Polyarteritis nodosa Like lesions. Systemic manifestations include fever, arthralgia, edema, proteinuria hematuria or renal failure , rarely Myositis , coronary arteritis pneumonia and Gastrointestinal bleeding
13. Extensive hairstyle impetigo type
Also called acute generalized exanthematous Pustulosis The rash often begins on the face and wrinkles, and then spreads. It is a superficial, non follicular, sterile pustule with needle tip size of half a rice grain, scattered, dense, and acute. A burning or itching sensation. After stopping the medicine for a few days, it subsides, showing a large area Desquamation In severe cases, pustules may fuse into pus lakes. It can be accompanied by fever shiver White blood cell count Increase, eosinophilia Hypocalcemia renal failure General symptoms, occasional ecchymosis, purpura Erythema multiforme Like target eruption Vasculitis Rashes, blisters, facial edema and mucus erosion.
fourteen acne Exanthema
It shows follicular papules and pustules, and the damage is similar to ordinary acne It develops slowly and often occurs more than 1 to 2 months after taking the medicine. The course of the disease is chronic and can be delayed for several months after drug withdrawal.


The diagnosis of drug eruptions is mainly based on the medical history and clinical manifestations. Except for the characteristic manifestations of fixed drug eruptions, most drug eruptions are not easy to be distinguished from the same symptoms caused by other reasons, and must be judged by comprehensive analysis of the medical history and development process.
Clinically, we should be alert to systemic and symmetrical rashes that suddenly occur in the course of treatment, ask about the history of drug use, and pay special attention to the cross allergy of drugs and the hidden form of rashes Drug allergy Be familiar with various types of Drug allergy Characteristics, excluding similar medical and dermatological diseases. Generally, the color of drug eruption is bright and itchy. Usually, the drug eruption will get better and subside quickly after stopping the sensitization drugs.
The history of drug eruption after drug use, disappearance after drug withdrawal, and recurrence during drug reuse is of great diagnostic significance. Modern immune test methods such as Lymphocyte transformation test Radioallergen adsorption test (RAST), Basophil Threshing test, macrophage Walk inhibition test white blood cell Histamine test It can help us understand the immune relationship between drugs and the body, and has no practical diagnostic value.


1. Treatment principle
(1) Stop all suspected allergy drugs and Structural similarity Drugs.
(2) Drink more water or infusion to promote the excretion of drugs in the body.
(3) Apply to mild patients Antihistamine vitamin C and Calcic agent Plus for severe patients Glucocorticoid For particularly serious drug eruptions, various measures should be taken as soon as possible. ① Large doses of sugar Corticosteroid hormone , for injection Methylprednisolone And gradually decrease after the condition is stable. If necessary, high dose of glucocorticoid should be given. ② Immunoglobulin for injection is generally used continuously for 3-5 days. ③ Plasma exchange
(4) Prevention and control Secondary infection
(5) Support therapy, attention fluid infusion And maintaining electrolyte balance.
For those with mucosal damage, actively protect the mucosa, especially the conjunctival membrane, to prevent Corneal opacification And mucous membrane adhesion, children should pay attention to glans and Prepuce The erosion, resulting in foreskin stenosis. 3% daily available Boric acid water Clean or drop corticosteroid eye drops, pay attention to the cleanness of the mouth, and rinse frequently, 2% is optional sodium bicarbonate Rinse mouth with solution.
2. Local treatment
For mild drug eruptions, it can stop itching locally, absorb erosive surface, keep clean, and heal quickly. For severe drug eruptions, it is better to dry Exposure therapy infrared Lampshade Or local Ravenor Wet compress Or apply PC cream externally for air disinfection sterile Bed sheets and bedding.


1. When treating diseases, ask questions first Drug allergy Do not abuse drugs that may cause drug eruption.
2. The allergy causing drugs should be clearly written in medical record To draw the doctor's attention. And advise patients to avoid using the drug or some containing the drug Patent medicine And chemistry Structural Relevant and easily caused cross reaction Drugs.
3. Pay attention to drug eruption Prodromal symptoms , such as fever itch Mild erythema, chest tightness, asthma, general malaise and other symptoms should be detected as soon as possible, and drugs should be stopped in time to avoid serious reactions.
four penicillin , tetanus antitoxin procaine Skin test must be done before application, and all necessary medicines and measures for first aid must be prepared.