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Oxalosuccinic acid

chemical substances
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Definition: intermediate product in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Isocitrate It is generated during dehydrogenation, and is combined with the enzyme molecule to spontaneously decarboxylate to generate α - ketoglutaric acid.
Applied disciplines: biochemistry and molecular biology (first level discipline), metabolism (second level discipline)
Chinese name
Oxalosuccinic acid
English name
oxalosuccinic acid
Intermediate products in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Isocitric acid is produced when it is dehydrogenated, and α - ketoglutaric acid is produced when it is spontaneously decarboxylated by combining with the enzyme molecule.
Applied discipline
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (first level discipline), Metabolism (second level discipline)
Chinese name
Oxalosuccinic acid
Foreign name
oxalosuccinic acid
Chinese name: oxalosuccinic acid
English name: oxalosuccinic acid