
[cǎo méi]
Strawberry of Rosaceae
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Strawberry( Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a perennial strawberry of Rosaceae herb Strawberry has a shallow root system, and its stems can be divided into new stems, rhizomes and stolons. Strawberry leaves are basal trifoliate, with long petioles. Most of the flowers are bisexual, and the inflorescence is a limited cyme. The fruit of strawberry is developed from the enlarged receptacle, and the fruit growth curve shows a typical S shape. Strawberry seeds are achenes formed by enlarged ovaries after fertilization and attached to the surface of enlarged receptacle. [3]
Wild strawberries originated from Europe America and Asia The modern large fruit type strawberry originated from France In 1915, China first introduced modern strawberries, which were from Moscow Introduced the "Victoria" variety planted on Liangzi Slope in Heilongjiang Province. There is commercial production of strawberry in China, and its strawberry cultivation area and output rank first in the world. Strawberry has a shallow root system, which likes light and shade, likes water and fears waterlogging. [3]
Strawberry has high nutritional value, medical value and ecological value. Strawberry berries are fragrant and juicy, rich in nutrition, known as the "Queen of Fruit", the earliest fresh fruit in the fruit trees, and the "first fruit in early spring". Strawberries contain high levels of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, [3] Moreover, strawberries contain many active substances, which can cool and quench thirst, strengthen the stomach and digest food, and have certain medical value, which is reflected in books such as Taiwan Medical Flora. [4] Strawberry can also be used as ornamental and greening plants, and has become the preferred crop for farmers in western China to shake off poverty and become rich. [3]
Chinese name
Latin name
Fragaria × ananassa Duch. [7]
fragaria ananassa
Distribution area
South America
Named by and date

History of botany

Wild strawberry is widely distributed in the world, and Europe, America and Asia are its three origins and distribution centers. Europe is the region where wild strawberry resources are widely distributed and wild strawberry was first planted. As early as the 14th century, Europeans began to plant strawberries in their courtyards. Because of their small fruit size, most of them were used for ornamental purposes and food. In the 16th century, wild strawberries in Europe were planted on a large scale, and literature records on strawberry classification, morphology, cultivation and management appeared. As there was no awareness of breeding new varieties of big fruit strawberry through hybridization at that time, forest strawberry was mainly planted by the end of the 17th century( F.vesca )And Musk strawberry F.moschata )。
Modern large fruit type cultivated strawberry (octoploid pineapple strawberry, F.ananassa )Originated from France and derived from two octoploid wild strawberries( F.virginiana )And Chilean strawberry F.chiloensis )The hybrid offspring of. Florida strawberries were introduced into Europe from North America in the early 17th century, while Chilean strawberries were introduced into France from Chile in 1714 by the French. Chilean strawberry has large fruit, but all Chilean strawberries introduced at that time were female plants, which could not bear fruit normally, and the fruit taste was not good. Around 1750, the French screened out the big fruit pineapple and strawberry from their hybrid offspring( F.ananassa )It is a modern cultivar, which inherits the large fruit character of Chilean strawberry, as well as the excellent characters of Florida strawberry, such as strong cold resistance and strong fragrance. It was soon introduced to England, Netherlands and other places for cultivation, and gradually spread to all parts of the world.
The modern large fruit strawberry cultivation in China was introduced from abroad at the beginning of the 20th century. The earliest introduction of modern strawberries in China was in 1915. It was a "Victoria" variety introduced from Moscow to Heilongjiang Liangzi Slope by Russian expatriates. At the same time, some modern cultivated varieties were introduced by missionaries in Shanghai, Hebei, Qingdao and other places. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese strawberries were only cultivated sporadically in the suburbs of big cities, without forming a scale. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, strawberry cultivation has developed in China, and some excellent varieties with comprehensive characteristics have been bred or cultivated. Since the 1980s, strawberry production in China has developed rapidly, with diversified cultivation forms and greatly improved economic benefits. Across the country, strawberries are commercially produced from Heilongjiang in the north, Hainan in the south, Zhejiang in the east, Xinjiang in the west and Tibet. China's strawberry cultivation area and output rank first in the world. Strawberry industry has also become a typical project of getting rich in rural economy in many regions of China. However, there are continuous cropping obstacles for strawberries. Intercropping strawberries with other fruit trees and rotation with vegetables can solve the problem of continuous cropping and achieve better economic benefits. [3]

morphological character

Stem and leaf
Perennial herb, 10-40 cm tall. stem Below leaves or nearly equal, densely open. Displays yellow fur. Leaves three out, leaflets with short stalks, thick texture, obovate or rhombic, sparsely round, 3-7cm long, 2-6cm wide, blunt top, wide wedge at the base, lateral leaflets with oblique base, edges with notched serrations, extremely sharp serrations, dark green above, few hairs, pale white green below, sparsely hairy, dense along the veins; Petiole 2-10 cm long, densely covered with yellow pubescence.
Strawberry flower Cyme , 5-15 flowers, with a short petiole leaflet under the inflorescence; Flowers bisexual, 1.5-2 cm in diameter; Sepals ovate, slightly longer than epicalyx, epicalyx elliptic lanceolate, entire, sparsely 2-lobed, enlarged in fruit; Petals white, suborbicular or obovate elliptic, with inconspicuous claws at the base; Stamens 20, unequal length; There are many pistils.
The fruit of strawberry is Aggregate fruit Large, 3 cm in diameter, bright red, persistent sepal Upright, close to the fruit; Achene apex ovoid, smooth. The fruiting period is from June to July.

Growth environment

Strawberry likes warm and cool climate. The root growth temperature of strawberry is 5-30 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 15-22 ℃. The optimum temperature for stem and leaf growth is 20-30 ℃. The buds are subject to freezing injury at - 15-10 ℃. The temperature must be kept at 5-15 ℃ during flower bud differentiation, and 4-40 ℃ during flowering and fruiting. When strawberry is in summer, the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ and the sunshine is strong shade measures.
Strawberry is a photophile, but it has strong shade tolerance. When the light is strong, the plant is short, the fruit is small, the color is deep, and the quality is good. Medium light, large fruit, light color, low sugar content, long harvest time; Too weak light is unfavorable for strawberry growth.
Strawberry has shallow root distribution, large transpiration and strict water requirements, but it has different growth periods. Strawberries have slightly different water requirements. In early spring and flowering period, the water requirement of strawberry should not be less than 70% of the maximum soil water holding capacity. The demand for fruit growth and maturity is the largest, reaching more than 80%. After harvesting, stolons are pulled out and adventitious roots are developed, and the soil moisture content is not less than 70%. Autumn is the period of plant nutrition accumulation and flower bud formation, and the soil moisture is not less than 60%. Strawberries are not resistant to waterlogging, and the soil is required to have good permeability. Pay attention to drainage in rainy season in the field. [8 ]
Strawberry is suitable for growing in fertile, loose neutral or slightly acidic loam, and is not suitable for cultivation in too viscous soil. Strawberry can also be planted in sandy soil with more manure and frequent irrigation. [2]
 strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry Strawberry flowers strawberry Strawberry flowers strawberry strawberry strawberry
Strawberry planting in greenhouse

Distribution range

Strawberry is native to South America and widely cultivated in China and Europe. China is rich in wild strawberry resources, which are mainly distributed in the Changbai Mountains in the northeast, the Qinba Mountains and Tianshan Mountains in the northwest, as well as the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. In the 1980s, China set about establishing a national strawberry resource nursery to introduce, identify and preserve wild strawberry resources and varieties. There are two national strawberry resource nurseries in China, located in Beijing (Beijing Academy of Forestry and Fruit Sciences) and Nanjing (Institute of Horticulture, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences), each preserving more than 400 strawberry varieties and resources; Jilin Jiaohe Strawberry Research Institute (private enterprise) also keeps more than 500 pieces of strawberry resources. [3]

Congeneric species

More than 20 species of this genus are distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, to the subtropical zone, common in Europe and Asia, and some species extend southward to Latin America. About 9 species are produced in China, 3 species are endemic, and 1 species is introduced. [9 ]

Reproductive methods



Strawberry seeds
Seed reproduction It is mainly used for long-distance introduction or cultivation of strawberry seedlings to select new varieties, and can also be used for garden greening and fresh food planting. During fruit harvesting from May to June, well developed and fully mature fruits shall be selected for seed harvesting. Peel off the peel, put it into water, wash off the pulp, remove it and dry it; Or the peeled peel can be dried directly, and then crushed to separate the peel from the seed.
Seeding and seedling raising are mostly carried out in the next spring, but can also be carried out in July August of the year when the seeds are collected. Before sowing, prepare a wide mouth clay basin, fill it with finely crushed nutrient soil, flatten it, soak the seeds 8-12 hours in advance, spread them on the soil surface after expansion, and then evenly screen the fine sand with a thickness of about 0.2cm. In order to make the soil not only contain enough water, but also keep it loose, so as to facilitate the seeds to take root and germinate, the sown mud tile basin can be placed in a shallow pool, and the water can slowly seep into the soil in the basin, and then be taken out, and covered with plastic film, and the seedlings can emerge in about 10 days.
After emergence, the seedlings should be thinned properly. When the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, they should be transplanted in small flowerpots with soil. After acclimatization for a period of time, transplant to the breeding nursery with soil. [2]


Strawberry ramet
There are two kinds of ramet propagation, one is Rhizome Ramets, the other is new stem ramets.
  1. one
    After fruit harvesting, rhizome ramets should strengthen the management of parent plants in a timely manner, fertilize, water, weed, loosen soil, etc. in a timely manner, so as to promote the axillary buds of new stems to send out new stem branches. When a certain amount of new leaves are pulled out from the above ground of the parent plant and new roots grow in the underground root system, dig out the old roots, cut off the black adventitious roots and senescent rhizomes at the lower part, and separate the new rhizomes one by one. These rhizomes have 5-8 strong leaves on them, and 4-5 cream colored and vigorous adventitious roots at the lower part. The separated rhizomes can be directly planted in the production garden. After planting, timely watering is required to strengthen strawberry planting management and promote growth, so that normal results can be achieved in the next year.
  2. two
    In addition to the rhizome ramet method, the new stem ramet can also cultivate the new stem seedlings of the mother plant. The method is: dig out the plants bearing fruit in the first year with soil lumps after the fruits are harvested, and replant them in a smooth border. The border is 70cm wide and can be planted in 2 rows with a spacing of 30cm. Dig a hole every 50cm in the row and plant two seedlings in each hole. After one month, the mother plant sends out stolons. When each plant has 2-3 stolons, pinch off the tip of the stem to make the new stems and seedlings on the mother plant thicker. Stolon removal should be repeated. For 2-year-old seedlings planted in this way, at least 4-6 new stem seedlings can be separated from each hole. The inflorescence growing on the new stem, plus the inflorescence on the stolon around the new stem seedling, is more than 1/3 more than the inflorescence of the stolon planted alone, and the yield has also been significantly improved, but also saves seedling land and labor. After the fruits are harvested, remove the 3-year-old strawberry seedlings, and the 2-year-old seedlings bearing one-year fruits can still be used. [2]

cultivation techniques


Land selection and preparation

Strawberry land should be slightly higher and flat, Irrigation and drainage It is a fertile land with convenient, good lighting, rich organic matter, strong water holding capacity, good ventilation and weak acid or neutral PH value. Vegetables, beans, melons and wheat are the best crops in the previous crop.
Weeds shall be thoroughly removed before planting strawberries, and rotten strawberries shall be applied Farmyard manure In general, 5000 kg organic fertilizer, 50 kg superphosphate and 50 kg potassium chloride are applied per mu as base fertilizer, and 30-40 cm of land is ploughed after even application to promote soil ripening. After land leveling, 100 cm of land is used as border, 80 cm of border width, 20 cm of border width, 15 cm of border height and 20 m of border length. [2]
Cultivation management

Planting management

The quality of planting has a great impact on the growth and future management of strawberries, so we should pay more attention to planting.
  1. one
    When planting strawberries, attention should be paid to directional transplanting. The bow back of the seedlings should be toward the side of the ditch, so that the inflorescence can grow in the same direction. The number of plants to be planted is one plant in one hole. It is better not to bury the heart above the planting depth, and not to expose the root below.
  2. two
    Reasonable close planting: The planting density of strawberries has a great relationship with the planting level. The fields with weak seedlings, late planting, and fertilizer shortage should be dense. The planting density should be about 8000 plants per mu. On the contrary, the strong seedlings, early planting, sufficient fertilizer, and plastic film covering techniques should be thinly planted. The 6000 plants per mu should be better, and the plant row spacing should be 50 cm × 20 cm. [2]

Fertility and water management

After planting, the soil should be watered once. Generally, the soil should be watered once in the morning and once in the evening within a week after planting. After planting, the soil should always be kept moist to facilitate survival. [2]
Strawberry needs more fertilizer from planting to blooming and bearing fruit. In addition to sufficient base fertilizer, fertilizer should be supplemented in time. Strawberry special fertilizer or 10 kg of diammonium phosphate can be applied per mu during the fruit expansion period and the beginning of harvest. The ditch application of 200 times liquid fertilizer combined with watering has a better effect, and only 0.1-0.2% of the well growing fields are sprayed Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2-3 times, it also has a certain effect of increasing production, and in principle, it is not sprayed at flowering stage. The principle of fertilization in fruit picking field is suitable for N weight, P and K, and a reasonable ratio must be maintained in order to obtain higher yield and maximum benefit. [2]

Other management

Plastic film covering: Plastic film mulching has a remarkable effect of early maturity and yield increase, and can also improve the quality of fruit and increase the rate of commercial fruit. The membrane is usually covered in the middle and late March. Be sure to remove dead and old leaves from the plant before covering the film. [2]
Harvesting: Harvesting period is a busy season for strawberry farmers, in addition to doing a good job in harvesting and listing. [2] [6]
Other field management work also needs to be carried out at the same time:
  1. one
    Frequently remove diseased leaves, withered and yellow leaves and diseased fruits, and take them out of the strawberry field for deep burial to reduce pests and diseases.
  2. two
    Always remove the newly born stems.
  3. three
    In combination with harvest, half red (sunny side) and half green fruits are found, which can be turned over to promote uniform maturity.
  4. four
    The ditch shall be cleaned frequently to prevent ponding after rain, reduce field humidity, and reduce diseased and rotten fruits. [2]
Strawberry records [5]

Disease and insect control



  • leaf spot
symptom: Leaf spot, also known as snake eye disease, mainly damages leaves, petioles, fruit stalks, tender stems and seeds. Dark purple small spots are formed on the leaves, and after expansion, nearly round or oval disease spots are formed. The edges are purplish reddish brown, the center is grayish white, and there is a slight thin wheel, which makes the whole disease spot look like a snake eye, and small black particles are formed on the upper part of the disease spot.
prevention and cure: Remove the diseased and old leaves in time. At the beginning of the disease, use 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times to 700 times liquid, and spray again after ten days. Or use 70% mancozeb wettable powder, 200g per mu to spray 75kg of water.
  • powdery mildew
symptom: powdery mildew It mainly harms leaves, but also flowers, fruits, fruit stalks and petioles. The leaves roll up in spoon shape. The damaged flower buds and petals are purplish red, unable to blossom or fully blossom, and the fruits are not swollen and slender; Young fruits lose luster and harden. Near maturity strawberry will lose its commercial value if damaged.
prevention and cure: In and around the central plant of the disease, focus on spraying Bupome 0.3 degree sulfur mixture. After harvesting, cut leaves in the whole garden and spray 70% thiophanate methyl solution 1000 times, 50% bacteriophage solution 800 times and 30% tefuling solution 5000 times.
  • Gray mold
symptom: Gray mold It is a major disease after flowering, which can be found on flowers, petals, fruits and leaves. During the expansion period, brown spots were formed on the fruit, and gradually expanded. Grey mold densely softened and decayed the fruit, seriously affecting the yield.
prevention and cure: From budding to flowering, spray 300 times of 25% carbendazim wettable powder, 800 times of 50% captan wettable powder, 500~700 times of 50% paraquat, etc. Root rot: starting from the lower leaves, the leaf edge becomes reddish brown, gradually withers upward, and even withers. The pillar in the middle began to become dark brown and corrupt, and the central pillar of the root was red. Prevention and control measures: before transplanting strawberries, use 40% asparagus green powder 600 times liquid, pour it on the border surface, then cover the soil, level the transplanting, so as to effectively kill the bacteria in the soil, reduce the number of bacteria in the field, and reduce the chance of infection.
  • verticillium wilt
symptom: verticillium wilt It is a soil disease. Its main symptoms are young leaves deformed, yellowing and rough surface. Then the leaf edge turns brown and withers inward until it dies.
prevention and cure: Strict introduction of disease-free plants; Shorten the renewal period; Use 13.5 liters - 20 liters of chloropicrin or solar cover film irrigation for soil disinfection; Those who have become ill must be pulled out and burned.

Insect pest

Main pests include: aphid Whitefly Mites Nematode Etc.
  • Aphid, whitefly and mite symptoms: Aphids, whiteflies and mites are common pests on strawberries, both in open fields and protected areas. The better the variety, the more delicious the fruit, the more susceptible to aphids, yellow or yellow green leaves also attract aphids.
prevention and cure
  1. one
    Reduce the number of overwintering insect eggs, thoroughly clear the garden at the end of autumn, eliminate weeds, and timely remove diseased, old and residual leaves.
  2. two
    Yellow boards shall be set up, on which engine oil shall be painted to trap and kill aphids and whiteflies, or insect prevention nets shall be set up at the air outlet for blocking, or silver gray plastic film strips shall be hung to drive away aphids.
  3. three
    The release of Aphis grandis wasps effectively controls whitefly.
  4. four
    It can be fumigated with fumigants such as Fumigant, Dichlorvos, etc.
  5. five
    Medication spraying: aphids can be sprayed with 50% Aphid Mist or 50% Aphid resistant wettable powder 2000 times for 1-2 times, 1.8% Saijian emulsifiable concentrates 1000 times, 10% Imidacloprid wettable powder 1500-2000 times, and 50% Marathon emulsifiable concentrates 1500 times; Whitefly can use 2500 times of 25% chlorfluazuron wettable powder and 3000 to 4000 times of 2.5% cyhalothrin emulsifiable concentrate; Mites can be sprayed twice with 5000-8000 fold solution of low residual toxicity and strong contact killing effect of synergistic fenvalerate, with an interval of 5 days. 20% dimeform emulsifiable concentrates 1000-1500 fold solution or methylaminoavermectin benzoate emulsifiable concentrates 2000-3000 fold solution, once every 10 days or so. Generally, stop taking medicine two weeks before fruit picking.
  • Nematode symptoms: Nematode is not easy to see with the naked eye, so it needs a microscope. The pest is harmful to strawberry all its life, and its symptoms are most obvious before and after flowering. It is spread by seedlings and soil. Strawberry nematode can be divided into bud nematode and root nematode. Strawberry nematode is also the vector of virus transmission.
prevention and cure
  1. one
    To eliminate diseased plants, nematodes are mainly transmitted by pulling out the infected mother plants and stolons together to eliminate the pathogen.
  2. two
    Soil disinfection: dig the soil deeply before planting, fumigate the soil with chloropicrin, and sterilize the greenhouse with soil fumigation and airtight shed at high temperature.
  3. three
    Heat treatment and disinfection: immerse the seedlings in 35 ℃ hot water for 10 minutes before planting, and then cool them before planting. ⑷ Crop rotation to avoid continuous cropping and reduce nematode damage.

Key values



The flower is big and white, and the fruit is beautiful. It has high ornamental value and is often used for fruit cultivation. It is mostly used for ecological gardens, farms, farmhouses and other cultivation for picking or appreciation. [9 ]


Strawberry has rich nutritional value and is known as the "Queen of Fruit" vitamin C vitamin A vitamin E Vitamin PP Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Carotene Tannic acid , aspartic acid copper , strawberry amine pectin cellulose folic acid iron calcium Ellagic acid And anthocyanin And other nutrients.
In particular, the content of vitamin C is 7-10 times higher than that of apples and grapes. And contained malic acid citric acid , vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene, calcium phosphorus The content of iron is 3 to 4 times higher than that of apples, pears and grapes.


  1. one
    Protect vision Strawberry is rich in carotene and vitamin A, which can alleviate night blindness, maintain the health of epithelial tissue, improve eyesight and liver, and promote growth and development.
  2. two
    Helps digestion and prevent constipation Strawberry is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract, promote food digestion in gastrointestinal tract, improve constipation, and prevent acne and intestinal cancer.


Strawberry has become the preferred crop for farmers in western China to shake off poverty and become rich. In the mountainous areas of northern China and the high-altitude areas of Yunnan and Guizhou, it has become a new business model to develop strawberry production in all seasons by taking advantage of the cold and cool climate in summer, realize the annual supply of fresh strawberries, and provide fresh strawberries for the pastry industry. [3]

Main varieties

There are more than 20000 varieties of strawberry in the world, but there are only dozens of excellent varieties cultivated in large areas. There are 200-300 new varieties cultivated in China and introduced from abroad. Strawberry varieties are mainly divided into red and white according to fruit color; According to the source, it can be divided into Japanese varieties, European and American varieties and domestic varieties; According to the response of flower bud differentiation to sunshine length, it can be divided into short day strawberry, four season strawberry and day neutral variety. Strawberry germplasm resources can be classified not only by "species", but also by ploidy, origin, and fruit color. The main varieties in strawberry production in China are Hongyan, Tiancharlie, Fengxiang and Zhangji. Many excellent domestic varieties have been bred, such as Jingzang Fragrance, Jingtao Fragrance, Yanli, etc. [3]
 strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry
Main varieties
brief introduction
Shuofeng strawberry was cultivated by the Horticultural Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China from the hybrid offspring of MDUS * MDU4493 introduced from the United States, and passed the identification in 1989. Shuofeng strawberry fruit is short conical, with an average single fruit weight of 15-20g; The fruit surface is smooth, orange red, shiny; The flesh is red, fine and tough, the core is empty, the flavor is slightly sour, and the taste is strong; Soluble solids 10% - 11%, low sugar/acid ratio, vitamin C51.9 ml 100 g.
Shuofeng Strawberry plants grow healthily, erect, short and strong, upright; The leaf sign is thick, round, flat, and the leaf surface is smooth; The inflorescence is higher than the leaf surface or flat with the leaf surface. Each plant has three inflorescences on average, and each sequence has 8.6 flowers on average. The fruit of this variety is hard, extremely resistant to storage and transportation, and will not deteriorate after being stored in a plastic box for 3-4 days at room temperature. Good yield performance, small fruit, high temperature resistance and cold resistance. It has deep dormancy and is an excellent strawberry variety with late maturity, high yield and multi resistance, suitable for open field cultivation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. [1]
Mingjing strawberry is an early maturing variety selected by Shenyang Agricultural University of China from the natural hybrid seedlings of the American variety "Sunrise", which was approved in 1998. The fruit is large, nearly round and neat. The average weight of the first order fruit is 27.2g, and the maximum fruit weight is 43g. The fruit surface is red, smooth and shiny, the fruit hardness is good, and the pulp is red, compact and small in pith. The flavor is sour and sweet, containing 8.3% soluble solids, and the quality is superior. The hardness of the fruit is large, the peel is strong, and it can withstand storage and transportation. The plant is relatively upright with fewer branches. The leaves are oval and spoon shaped, thick, shiny and dark. The plant height and diameter are about 33cm. The inflorescence is lower than the leaf surface, with bisexual flowers. The average number of inflorescences per plant is 1.8, and the average number of flowers per inflorescence is 9.7.
Mingjing strawberry has strong overwintering, cold resistance, late frost resistance and cold resistance. Wide regional adaptability. The planting density per mu should be 10000-12000 plants, which are early and middle mature varieties with high yield. It is suitable for open field cultivation in northeast and north China. [1]
Mingxu Strawberry is China Shenyang Agricultural University It was bred by crossing Mingjing as the female parent and Aimei as the male parent. It was approved and named in 1995. The plant is strong, upright, with an average plant height of 30.6cm, large and thick leaves, oval shape, thick peduncle, and equal height to the leaf surface. Each plant has an average of 1.5 inflorescences, and the stolon has strong reproductive capacity. The fruit is nearly round, even and tidy, red and shiny on the surface, evenly colored, flat sepals, easy to peel off sepals, pink flesh, strong flavor, sweet and sour taste, good quality, soluble solids content of 9.1%, vitamin C64.3mg/100g. The average single fruit weight of the first and second order fruits is 16.4g, and the maximum fruit weight is 38g. Mingxu strawberry is cultivated in the open field, with a yield of 1000 kg per mu, which is higher than that of Baojiao strawberry, and its fruit is more resistant to storage and transportation and disease resistance. As the fruit basically grows in the air and does not contact the ground, the fruit is not polluted, and there is no powdery mildew, gray mold and other diseases. Mingxu is an early maturing variety. Its mature period is 6 days earlier than Baojiao's early growth. The plant has strong cold resistance and no freezing damage. Mingxu strawberry is suitable for open field cultivation in northern areas such as Liaoning Province. It should be planted properly and densely, with about 12000 strawberries per mu. [1]
Spring Xu
Chunxu strawberry is a hybrid of Chunxiang or Polish varieties bred by the Horticultural Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China. It was approved and named in 2000. The plant has medium growth momentum, relatively open, 29cm high, 23cm crown diameter, oblong leaves, 6-10 leaves per plant, smooth leaf surface, slender petiole, and reddish brown leaf stem base; The inflorescences are flat or higher than the leaf surface. Each plant has 2-3 inflorescences. The stolon has strong rope pulling ability, and each plant can conversely grow more than 100 stolon seedlings. The fruit is long and conical, with an average single fruit weight of 15g and a maximum of 36g. The fruit surface is flat, bright red, with strong luster, small seeds, fine distribution, slightly concave on the fruit surface, soft fruit, and red flesh. The meat is fine, juicy, sweet and of good quality. The content of soluble solids is 11.2%, and the content of vitamin C53.7mg/100g. Chunxu has a short dormancy period, less demand for low temperature (within 40h), heat resistance, drought resistance, low temperature tolerance, and resistance to powdery mildew. Good yield, the yield per mu of greenhouse cultivation is about 2000kg. Chunxu strawberry began to mature in the middle and late December in Nanjing, and the harvest period lasted until the end of May of the next year. Chunxu strawberry is suitable for facilitative cultivation. [1]
Star City
Xingdu No. 1 strawberry and Xingdu No. 2 strawberry are new varieties bred by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences in 1990 with All star as the female parent and Fengxiang as the male parent. They were approved by Beijing Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2000.
Xingdu 1 has strong growth and upright plant shape; The leaves are oval, the fruit is conical, the red color is darker and shiny, and the seeds are both yellow, green and red, with uniform distribution. The maturity period of open field cultivation in Beijing is May 12. The fruit development period is 25-30 days. The average fruit weight of the first order fruit is 25g, the maximum fruit weight is 42g, and the fruit appearance is evaluated to be superior. The taste is moderate, the flavor is strong, and the meat quality is evaluated to be superior. The content of soluble solids is 8.85%. The content of vitamin C in each 100g of fruit pulp is 54.49mg, the total sugar is 4.99%, the acid content is 1.42%, and the sugar acid ratio is 3.5:1, Fruit hardness: 0.404kg/m2; The yield per mu is 1500kg-1750kg. Xingdu No. 1 strawberry pulp is dark red, suitable for fresh food and processing of quick frozen juice and jam. It is an early maturing, big fruit, high-quality fruit with high hardness, and is suitable for semi forcing cultivation.
Xingdu No. 2 strawberry has strong growth, upright plant shape, conical fruit, slightly dark red luster; The seeds are yellow, green and red. The mature period of open field cultivation in Beijing is May 7, the fruit development period is 25-30 days, and the average fruit weight of the sequence is 27 g, and the maximum fruit weight is 59 g; On the appearance evaluation, the flavor is moderate in sour and sweet taste, the flavor is relatively strong, the meat quality evaluation is medium and superior, the content of soluble solids is 8.72%, the content of vitamin C in 100g pulp is 53.43mg, the total sugar is 5.44%, the acid content is 1.57%, the sugar acid ratio is 3.46:1, and the fruit hardness is 0.385kg/m2; The yield per mu is 1500-1800kg, which can be used for protected cultivation. The flesh is dark red, suitable for fresh eating and processing. Xingdu No. 2 strawberry is a new strain with early maturity, large fruit, high yield, high fruit hardness and good storage and transportation resistance. [1]
Shimei No.1
Shimei No. 1 strawberry was bred by Shijiazhuang Fruit Research Institute, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, China, from the introduced single plant. It was approved and named in 1990. The plant grows strongly and is relatively upright, with a height of 31.3cm. Each plant has an average of 5.7 stolons. The leaves are thick, oblong, green, smooth, less hairy, deep serrated leaf margin, and large stipules. The inflorescence is lower than or flat than the leaf, the fruit weight is 19.8g, and the maximum fruit weight is 31g. Sepals are small and easy to remove. The seed is dark red, deep into the fruit surface. The fruit is neat and beautiful, long round and conical, bright red, shiny, hard, orange red flesh, sour and sweet, and fragrant. The soluble solids content is 10.2%, vitamin C 98.3mg/100g, sugar acid ratio 5.22:1. Shimei No. 1 strawberry has good yield performance, with an average yield of 334.6g, fewer deformed fruits, good resistance to stress and storage and transportation, strong resistance to disease, short dormancy period, and is an excellent early maturing variety. It is suitable for fresh food and processing. It can be cultivated both in open field and in greenhouse. [1]