
[cǎo běn]
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Herb is the general name of a class of plants, but not one of the scientific classification of plants unit , the concept corresponding to herbaceous plants is Woody plant , people usually herb It is called "grass", while woody plants are called "trees".
Chinese name
Distribution area
Frigid zone , temperate zone tropic
Foreign name
Relative species
Woody plant
Herbs called trees
One year old, biennial , perennial
Characteristics of xylem
Less developed to less developed

Herbal prescription

stay Chinese civilization In the early days of the 20th century, there were instances of collecting herbs for drinking or treatment. Legend has it that Divine Husbandman Then he tasted hundreds of herbs and found tea to detoxify and drink. Inner Canon of Huangdi 》Herbs have been carefully classified and "prescription" has already appeared in special works, such as, decocting various plants.
Found in the Han Tomb at Mawangdui in Changsha《 52 Disease Prescription 》, is the earliest existing one Prescription book Therefore, the ancient Chinese had the mature experience of using herbs at least 3000 years ago, and made it systematic, accurate and highly integrated, and had a complete set of experience in harvesting, pharmacy, eating and various uses. It was the earliest to have herbal products and herbal prescriptions.



morphological character

The plant body of herbaceous plants Xylem Less developed to less developed, with succulent and soft stems. The most significant difference from woody plants lies in the support power of their stems. The support power of herbaceous plants is turgor

Basic meaning

It has grass or fleshy stems with underdeveloped xylem, and its aboveground parts are mostly withered plants of the year. However, there are also varieties of biennial or perennial and evergreen leaves with developed underground stems. Woody Corresponding words

Plant characteristics

By herb Life cycle Can be divided into annual Biennial plant Or perennial. At the end of the growing season, most herbaceous plants die as a whole, including annual and biennial herbaceous plants, such as rice, radish Etc. Perennial herb The aboveground part of the plant dies every year, while the root Rhizome and bulb Can live for many years, such as Geranium Etc.
In herbaceous plants, annual, biennial and perennial habits sometimes follow Geographic latitude And changes in cultivation habits, such as Wheat And barley in autumn sowing Biennial herb It becomes an annual herb when sown in spring; Another example is cotton and Castor bean stay Jiangsu and Zhejiang It is an annual herb in the area, while in the Low latitude Can grow up in the south Perennial herb

Difference between herbaceous and woody

Herbs and Woody plant The most significant difference is their stem structure. The stem is soft and the xylem is undeveloped“ herbaceous stalk ”A plant is called a herb. Microstructure Medium, the straw stems are densely covered with many relatively small vascular bundle There are a lot of vascular bundles Parenchyma cell Is tough on the outermost layer of the stem Mechanical organization In addition, the vascular bundle of herbs does not have cambium , cannot grow continuously, so the tree will become thicker year by year and grass and bamboo I have no such ability.

Related species