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Thatched Cottage Instant

Du Fu's Poems in Tang Dynasty
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The Thatched Cottage is one of the works of Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.
"Thatched Cottage Instant"
Du Fu
Creation era
Tang dynasty

Original text

In a deserted village, I build a child month and build my husband's house alone. Wuli River Ferry, the path before the wind is oblique.
The cold fish depends on the dense algae, and the night heron rises round the sand. Don't worry about the wine in Shu. If you don't have money, where can you put it on credit.

About the author

Du Fu (712~770) has beautiful words. In his poems, he calls himself the Wild Old Man of Shaoling, and is known as Du Shaoling. His ancestors moved from Xiangyang (now Hubei) to Gongxian (now Henan Gongyi). The grandson of Du Shenyan. In the late Kaiyuan period (the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, 713-741), the number of Jinshi was not the highest. Travel around. In 744 AD (the third year of Tianbao), I met Li Bai in Luoyang. After living in Chang'an for nearly ten years, he failed to make progress. He lived in poverty and gradually approached the people. He had a deep understanding of the living conditions at that time. And the Anlushan Army in Chang'an was trapped in the middle of the city for half a year, and then fled to Fengxiang, where they saw Suzong everywhere, and left the official to pick up the remains. After the recovery of Chang'an, he returned to Beijing with Suzong, and soon joined the army for Huazhou Sigong. He abandoned his official residence in Qinzhou and soon moved to Chengdu to build a grass house on the Huanhua River, known as the "Huanhua Thatched Cottage". At one time, he served as a staff officer in Yan Wumu, the Jiannan Festival Commissioner. Wu Biao was a member of the school inspection department, Wai Lang, so he was called Du Gongbu. In his later years, he died of illness on his way out of Sichuan. His poems boldly exposed the social contradictions at that time and expressed deep sympathy for the poor people. Many excellent works show the historical process of the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline, which is called "the history of poetry". In art, he is good at using various forms of poetry, especially in regular poetry; Various styles, mainly gloomy; Refined language, with a high degree of expression ability. Inheriting the fine literary tradition of reflecting the social reality since the Book of Songs has become another peak of ancient poetry art and has a great impact on later generations. Du Fu was the greatest realistic poet in the Tang Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, he was honored as the "Saint of Poetry", and was called "Li Du" together with Li Bai. There are more than 1400 poems Collection of Du Gongbu [1]