zero Useful+1


Equisetum in Leguminosae
Vitex( Ulex europaeus 50. ) belongs to Leguminosae, and Vitis is spiny shrub Plants, up to 150 cm high. The stem is cylindrical, multi branched, and there are three small branches on the twigs blade Stipule free; Flowers axillary, raceme; Bract Small, ovoid, bracteoles broadly ovoid, calyx membranous, yellowish brown, corolla bright yellow, petal obovate, wing oval, keel oblong, pods narrowly ovoid, seeds ovoid, dark brown.
It is native to Europe and commonly cultivated in China. There are a large number of escaping populations near the entrance of Sichuan, which were originally introduced by French priests near the church.
The flowers of Jingdou are fragrant and used for ornamental purposes. It is used for livestock feed in the country of origin. [1]
(Reference source of overview drawing: Chinese Natural Herbarium [2]
Chinese name
Latin name
Ulex europaeus L. [5]
Distribution area
The country of origin is Europe. Common cultivation in China. There are a large number of escaping populations near the entrance of Sichuan, China
Named by and date
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [6]

morphological character

Thorny shrub, 50-150 cm high. The stem is cylindrical, with longitudinal straight edges, densely scattered villous, multi branched, and the apex of the branchlets becomes sharp; Clustered petioles also become smaller spikes, 5-15mm long, dense, all with fine edges. [1] [7]
The leaves degenerate into very small scales, and only three leaflets appear on the shoots sprouting at the base; Stipule free; The petiole is spiny. [3]
Flowers 1-3 are axillary, forming a compound raceme on the upper part of the stem; Bracts small, ovoid, ca. 2 mm; Flowers 13-15 mm long, slightly longer than calyx; Pedicel 3-9 mm long; Bracteoles broadly ovate, about 2 mm long, densely covered with brown hairs along with bracts and pedicels; Calyx membranous, yellowish brown, 12-14 mm long, densely covered with brown fine hairs, 2-lipped, deeply divided to the base; Corolla It is bright yellow, the flag petal is obovate, the apex is slightly concave, the wing petal is oval, all hairless, the keel petal is oblong, and the lower edge is fluffy; Stamens are single, anthers are dimorphic.
Pods Narrowly ovate, 11-20 mm long, densely covered with brown hairs, enclosed in the persistent calyx; There are 2-4 seeds. The seed is ovoid, 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, dark brown, shiny, and the caruncle is light yellow, surrounding the funicle. [1]

Growth environment

The black salt sandy soil, red, yellow and sandy loam are suitable for Jingdou. The soil suitable for rape, wheat and grape planting is suitable for Jingdou growth. In winter, the temperature is above - 5 ℃ for 5 days. Jingdou is not suitable for growing in low-lying areas of the plain, but also suitable for growing in front of and behind the house. [4]

Reproductive methods

grow seedlings: The sowing time is from September to December and from January to March of the next year. It can be used for seedling transplantation or direct seeding. Before sowing, sun the seeds in sunny days for 5 hours (in a light paper box or on bamboo products), cool them for 1 hour after sun exposure, then mix 2 grams of strong chlorine essence with 0.5 kg of water, soak the seeds for 12 hours (only 5 hours when the temperature is above 20 ℃), and then pick up the seeds and rinse them with clean water for standby. Prepare the loose and fertile seedling land in advance, evenly spread the soaked seeds, cover 1-2 cm with fire ash (burnt mud ash) mixed with fine soil, then cover with a layer of straw or straw (wild grass is also acceptable), and then pour enough water to facilitate the germination of seeds. When the temperature is 20 ℃, the seedlings will emerge in about 10 days; It takes about 20 days to sprout at 15 ℃ - 18 ℃; When the temperature is below 10 ℃, it takes 25-60 days to sprout. When the seedlings grow out, the straw cover should be removed.

cultivation techniques

Planting: Apply foot manure to the land, 12000 kg of manure per mu; Deep ploughing and fine harrowing; The selected land should be able to irrigate under drought, drain under waterlogging, and be half shaded and half sunny. When the seedlings grow 4 true leaves, they shall be transplanted, watered thoroughly immediately after planting, and covered with soil after the water subsides. The row spacing of planting plants is 66 × 45cm, and 900-1000 plants are planted per mu.
harvest: May August in the south and June August in Beijing. When the fruit is mature and grayish yellow, it can be picked and processed; Or when the pods turn black, pick the old pods to dry, take out the seeds, keep them or sell them. [4]

Disease and insect control

In 1999, Jingdou was tested in Zhoujia New Variety Experimental Park of Jiangjie County, and only two kinds of pests appeared, namely aphids and leaf eating insects. When pests appeared, 20% dimethoprim was used, and 15 ml of stock solution was added to 15 kg of water per sprayer. No disease was found, and the reason may be related to soaking seeds with strong chlorine essence. During the growth period, fertilize seedlings to promote growth, pay attention to flood prevention and drought resistance, and prevent weeds from breeding. [4]

Key values

Watch: This kind of flower is fragrant and used as an ornamental. It is used for livestock feed in the country of origin. [1]
medical: Jingdou seed contains special gum essence, which can replace H serum and coagulate different kinds of blood. It is a valuable drug for scientific research, medical treatment, public security and other departments to analyze and identify blood reserves. Each gram of Vitex negundo can be processed to extract 10 mg of plant blood glue essence. Jingdou Gujing is also used to treat tracheitis, arris disease, pneumonia and various difficult and miscellaneous diseases, especially for trachea, lung disease and cancer. [4]