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Jingzixian Mountain

Jingzixian Mountain, Luoyang City
synonym Jingzi Mountain (Mountains in Luoyang, Henan Province) generally refers to Jingzixian Mountain
Jingzi Mountain, formerly known as Jingshan Mountain, Ao'an Mountain, Jinzi Mountain, etc, [1] Located in the north of Xin'an County Shijing Township Domestic, It is known as the "Pearl of the Yellow River". [3] The main peak is 829 meters above sea level. It is named after the numerous thorns in the mountain and the blooming purple flowers in spring and summer.
In ancient times, Huang Ti People cast tripods in Jingzi Mountain and ascend to heaven here Build a temple to offer sacrifices to show respect. During the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin came here to offer sacrifices to heaven and named five big cypress trees "Five Doctors", which is known as "Five Sealed by Qin" in history. During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Three halls were built in Jingzi Mountain, known as "Three temples built in Han Dynasty". During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, some buildings in Jingzi Mountain were rebuilt.
Jingzi Mountain is filled with clouds and mist, and is known as "Jingzi generates haze". It is listed as the first of the eight major scenic spots in Xin'an. [12-13]
In 2013, Jingzi Mountain was developed and renamed as“ Jingzixian Mountain ”。 In April of the next year, Jingzixian Mountain Scenic Area Open the door to welcome guests, It is now a national AAA scenic spot. [8]
Chinese name
Jingzi Mountain
Jingshan Mountain, Ao'an Mountain, Jinzi Mountain [1] Jingzixian Mountain [4]
geographical position
Xin'an County, Luoyang City, Henan Province
Main peak
Temple of Heaven Peak, Riguan Peak [1]
829 m

Historical evolution


The Yellow Emperor cast Ding

Jingzi Mountain is famous because the Yellow Emperor once cast a tripod here to worship heaven. In the Records of the Historian, the Book of Zen, it is recorded that "the Yellow Emperor picked the first mountain copper and cast the tripod at the foot of Jingshan Mountain". The first mountain is Shouyang Mountain, and Jingshan Mountain is Jingzi Mountain.
At that time, the Yellow Emperor fought with Chiyou, and it was hard to decide whether to win or not. He collected copper from Shouyang Mountain to cast a tripod to worship the sky, and received the military script from the Xuannv of Jiutian. Finally, he defeated Chiyou, and the world was stable. [1]
The Yellow Emperor cast a tripod at the foot of Jingshan Mountain and ascended to heaven. People looked up to the Yellow Emperor and cried with his bow and beard, so they built a temple at the place where the Yellow Emperor cast the tripod and ascended to heaven to show their respect. [4]

Qin Fengwu

It is said that when the First Emperor of Qin went to Mount Zijing to offer sacrifices to heaven, he once granted five big cypresses the title of "Five Doctors", which was later said to be "Five in Qin". [5]

Three temples built in Han Dynasty

During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty built three halls in Jingzi Mountain, which was later called "Three temples built in the Han Dynasty". [5]

Ming and Qing Dynasty repair

During the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, the Yuhuang Temple and Xuantian God Temple in Jingzi Mountain were rebuilt. Ancient monuments such as "the monument of rebuilding the Yuhuang Temple" and "Jinzi Mountain rebuilding the Xuantian God Temple" were preserved.
During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the Lingzhen Temple was rebuilt and inscribed with the ancient monument "A Record of Rebuilding the Lingzhen Temple", which said, "There may be Jinzi Mountain in the north of Xin'an County, and it is also built with historic sites. Confucius Rock on the left and Tang Site on the right..." It can be seen that Jingzi Mountain in the Ming Dynasty was also called Jinzi Mountain.
During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the Temple of Heaven Peak Tongxian Temple in Jingzi Mountain was rebuilt, and the Tablet of Rebuilding Temple of Heaven Peak Tongxian Temple was preserved. [2]

Modern development

In 2013, the Jingzishan deep development project launched investment attraction. [7]
During redevelopment, Jingzi Mountain was renamed“ Jingzixian Mountain ”。 [4] Wanshan Lake Tourism Company, the development company of Longtan Grand Canyon, is responsible for the development.
On April 2, 2014, Jingzixian Mountain Scenic Area Open the door to welcome guests. After more than a year of construction, it has built a comprehensive scenic spot integrating Taoist sightseeing, ecological leisure, vacation and recuperation, outdoor sports and cultural research. [6]

Origin of name

Jingzi Mountain gets its name because there are many trees and purple flowers in spring and summer.
In ancient times, it was called Jingshan Mountain, because there should be many trees on the mountain.
Also known as Ao'an Mountain, the name originally appeared in the Book of Mountains and Seas, also related to the Yellow Emperor.
Later, people found that there was gold at the north foot of the mountain, so they began to dig in a large scale and called the mountain Jinzi Mountain.
When the gold was less and less, the Jingshu trees were all around the mountain, and the flowers were purple when they opened, so people called Jinzi Mountain Jingzi Mountain. [1]

Location context

Jingzi Mountain is located in the north of Xin'an County Shijing Township It is 56 kilometers away from Xin'an County. It is connected with the World Geopark Daimei Mountain in the west, and faces the Zhongtiao Mountain and Jiyuan Wangwu Mountain across the river in the north. [1]
Jingzi Mountain Yellow River South bank, east to west, starting from Xinanhe in the west Mianchi Junction World Geopark - Daimei Mountain , reaching Lianhuazhai (Zhan) Mountain in the east, stretching 60 to 70 kilometers.
Jingzi Mountain

Main buildings


Jade Emperor Pavilion

Yuhuang Pavilion, built on the top of the mountain, is an octagonal pavilion style building, and has a monument named "Record of Rebuilding Yuhuang Temple" in the fifth year of Zhengde's reign of the Ming Dynasty.

Little Temple of Heaven

The Little Temple of Heaven, located at the height of Beishanliang, is the place where the Yellow Emperor worships heaven.

True Martial Arts Hall

Zhenwu Hall, with its ruins and six remaining steles, is a monument to the rebuilt hall in the Ming Dynasty.

Tongxian Temple

Tongxian Temple was built at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, commonly known as Jingshan Temple, and was built in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. There are several halls and five broken steles. There is a temple fair on the third day of the third lunar month every year.

Peach Garden

Half way up the mountain on the north side of Jingzi Mountain, there is a peach garden, about two li wide and about eight li long. Every early spring and February, the snow on the mountains is still frozen, and the peach blossom is in spring at the foot of the mountain. The peach garden is wonderful. [12]
Jingzi Mountain Peach Blossom Garden

Features of tourist attractions

Climbing to the top of the mountain and looking around, you can see a thousand miles of poverty. In western Henan and southern Shanxi, the mountains are like the sea, and the Yellow River is like a long dragon and a huge python. It comes from the mountains and flies away from the valley. It is enough to make people open-minded and heroic. The mist is rising among the peaks and cliffs. "The solitary peak is beautiful, and the clear mist surrounds the green" is listed as "the purple grows the mist" Eight Scenes of Xin'an one of.
At the foot of the main peak, there are Wild Peony The garden is about 3 kilometers long and tens of meters wide. Every flowering season, flowers are blooming in a thousand colors, and the flowering period lasts for one month. There are eight major scenic spots in the scenic spot, such as Jingzisheng Lan, Jiulong playing in the water, Shiping overlapping green, Jingshan red leaves, Guanlang Chunqing, Langyuan peony, ancient land for herding horses, the spring scenery of peach garden, and eight small scenic spots, such as the Temple of Rites and Dues to Heaven, the Sacred Cliff, the Lavender Cave, the Mountain God Watching the Moon, the Tianmen thoroughfare, Jintai sun watching, water cave fairyland, and climbing the Tianyun Road. The Xiaolangdi Dam reservoir After the impoundment, the mountain has become a hot spot on the Great Yellow River tourism line because of its good vegetation, steep and straight, and numerous cultural relics. In recent years, Tai Chi Square and the main hall have been restored and built in a grand scale with extraordinary momentum; More than 4000 stone terraces run through the north and south, and the road around the lake winding around the mountains allows you to enjoy the surrounding beauty and the charm of the Yellow River.
The scenery on the lofty mountain top is limitless. The Yellow River is surrounded by mountains and streams, like silk. Listen to the intersection of the mountain pines and rivers, which is refreshing. Touring all over Jingzi Mountain, the most lingering thing is the fragrance of flowers all over the mountain. Pilgrims and mountain people along the way will introduce you to Jinghua, Zaohua, Yanghuai, Peach, Apricot, Tangli, Lotus Shell, Rape, Persimmon Flower... You can also buy flower products - Huaihua honey, persimmon vinegar, mountain leek and other mountain treasures on the way. The old man at the foot of the mountain would simply say: "The flowers of Jingzi Mountain are looked after by the mountain god. They are sweet and fragrant. The flowers of Jingzi Mountain are wonderful in August. At that time, the size of small snowflakes and purple and white petals really made Jingzi Mountain worthy of its name.

Main peaks


Temple of Heaven Peak

The Temple of Heaven Peak is the mountain the Yellow Emperor climbed to worship heaven, 829.1 meters above sea level, [4] Also known as the Little Temple of Heaven, it is one of the main peaks of Jingzi Mountain, and emperors of past dynasties have come here many times to worship heaven. There are many ancient monuments on it, as well as the Jade Emperor Pavilion built in the Qing Dynasty and the site where the Yellow Emperor worshipped heaven. [1]

peak riguan

Riguan Peak is another main peak of Jingzi Mountain, commonly known as crooked head peak, [1] The altitude is 836 meters. [4]

Main landscape


Big Eight Scenery

1. Jing Zi Sheng Lan
The main peaks of Jingzi Mountain include the Temple of Heaven Peak (829.1 meters above sea level) and the Sun Watching Peak (also known as the crooked head peak, 836 meters above sea level). The dangerous peaks are beautiful, the clouds are shining, the purple haze is fragrant, and the floating light is flowing with color. In the old annals of Xin'an County, it was called "a solitary peak with beautiful scenery, surrounded by clear haze", and listed as one of the eight scenic spots of Xin'an County, where the ancient people praised:
The rosy shadow is far away from the clear tree, and the dark traces are lightly dyed in the twilight mountain and autumn.
It is hard to fly to the mundane world, and the auspicious fog is so gorgeous that it is ready to flow.
Light smoke belted the mountainside, and mist rose from the top of the mountain.
Sleeping on a stone in the shade of a pine tree, you can't wake up when the wild wind blows.
2. Nine Dragons Playing in the Water
On the north side of the Temple of Heaven Peak, from the ridge down, there are nine mountains with different lengths extending to the Yellow River bank. Just like nine dragons, they lie down on the mountain and stretch their heads into the water and are playing. It looks like Kowloon and its potential is like playing in the water, so it is called "Nine Dragons Playing in the Water". It is very lifelike. Be eager to try. It is said that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had a dragon who did not obey the family rules. One spring, he took the opportunity of outing and led a family of nine people, big and small, to Jingzi Mountain for sightseeing. After seeing the Peony Garden guarded by the Xunchi Pond, I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery of Jingzi Mountain. After several days of traveling, I did not return to the palace. When the Dragon King heard about this, he was furious and sent his soldiers to arrest nine members of the Dragon Family. When the King of Nine Dragons wanted to enter the river from the top of the mountain and return to the Dragon Palace along the Yellow River, the soldiers sent by the King of Nine Dragons had arrived, captured and took away the nine dragons, leaving their bodies lying on the hillside. So today, we can still see Kowloon crouching on the hillside and splashing with water.
3. Shiping Pinnacle
On the west side of the Sun Watching Peak, there are hundreds of feet of cliffs, just like a stone screen, blocking the view from west to east. Under the cliff, there are mountains and peaks where tigers and dragons lie, overlapping and crisscrossing. Like a city with many pavilions and pavilions, it is more like a luxury palace with unique buildings. Some people call it the natural "Potala Palace", which also has some reasons. From spring to autumn, the flowers are like brocade, the trees are verdant, and the flowers are colorful. It is a wonderful watercolor painting with strange peaks and rocks. As the poet said:
A famous mountain with gold and jade, steep and verdant into the clouds.
The cliffs are soaring into cliffs, and the emerald peaks are like golden orchids.
4. Jingshan Red Leaf
Jingzi Mountain was originally called Jingshan Mountain. In the daytime, the Tanfeng faces west to the mountains around Fangma Yao. In autumn, the trees that turn red after frost are all over the mountains and the countryside. Just like "ten thousand trees frost the sky red and bright", "the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February", it is not spring, it is better than spring. At this time, tourists who have lived in the city for a long time often come here in groups to enjoy the beautiful scenery of "Jingshan Red Leaves".
5. Guan Lang Chunqing
Guanlang Valley is located in the southwest of the Sun Watching Peak of Jingzi Mountain. Surrounded by mountains, it looks like a basin. There is a groove inside, and there is a spring in the groove; The spring water is sweet and never dries up. The whole ravine is covered with miscellaneous trees, which are lush and luxuriant. When spring comes, the mountain flowers are brilliant, the peaches and plums are colorful and dazzling. After the rain, the sky is clear, the mist is floating, the pastoral songs are echoing, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, which is really like a fairyland. Therefore, there is a landscape of "Guanlang Chunqing".
The name "Guan Lang" has much to do with the general of the Yang family. It is said that in the early Yuan Dynasty, in order to consolidate its rule, troops were sent everywhere to investigate and pursue the rest of the Zhao and Song dynasties. The descendants of Zhao Song and the general of the Yang family moved from place to place, and finally stationed troops on Mount Daimei. Yuan soldiers formed an encirclement around Mount Daimei. The general of a group of Yuan soldiers stationed in a valley between two mountains was named "Langede". One day, Langede led his troops to attack Daimei Mountain. When he reached the waist of his horse, he was beaten back by the Song army who was standing at Daimei Mountain. At this time, Yuan Bing's back road has been cut off. Langede and his subordinates were trapped in the deep ditch surrounded by mountains. After several rounds of fierce fighting, the Yuan army was defeated and Langede was captured. Therefore, the name "Guanlanggou" was left in the deep trench where the Song and Yuan armies fought fiercely, while the Yuan soldiers stationed in the canyon was like a "alley", which was called "Yuan Hutong" by later generations. Today's "Yuangu Cave" is the transliteration of "Yuanhutong".
6. Langyuan Peony
On the north side of the Temple of Heaven Peak in Jingzi Mountain, near the cliff, there is a natural peony. Its area is about one li wide and about five or six li long, surrounding the hillside; Form a wide and gorgeous flower belt. Known as "Peony Garden", this is "Langyuan Peony Garden".
According to legend, the Supreme Lord was ordered by the Emperor of Heaven to make pills here and could not go home all year round. His wife Damei came to find him. The two men had a conflict, which made them very angry. The Emperor of Heaven thought of their husband and wife's dispute, so he quietly sent Laojun to the Beiding Mountain to continue refining pills, and sent the Guishan Golden Mother (i.e. the Queen Mother of the West) to appease and deal with the matter of the Virgin Daimei. The Golden Mother of Turtle Mountain comforted the Virgin Mother of Daimei and asked her to take charge of the alchemy in the Jingzi Mountain area. She also brought four immortal flowers, such as peony and peach, to her from Langfeng Garden. Lady Daimei planted four kinds of immortal flowers, such as peony and peach, on the hillside of Jingzi Mountain. These four kinds of immortal flowers, full of vitality, soon multiplied and opened. The whole mountain and the whole countryside are brilliant, which has become a great landscape of Jingzi Mountain. The peony among them is today's "Langyuan peony". The peony here is famous for its yellow white corolla, plump petals, purplish red pistils like dates, golden yellow stamens like silk, large and fragrant flowers. It is recorded in the annals, and many scholars in past dynasties have eulogies.
7. Ancient Land of Wrangler (Xiongxin Horse Release Office)
There is a gentle mountain ridge in the west of Jingzi Mountain Sun Watching Peak. The forest is verdant, the weeds are lush, the clouds are floating and the fog is circling, and the scenery is pleasant. It is called "putting the horse on its back". It is said to be the place where Shan Xiongxin herded horses in the late Sui Dynasty. According to the Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, the Secret Biography of Li, Shan Xiongxin was born in Caozhou at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He is Zhai Rang's good friend. Since childhood, he has been vigorous and brave, especially able to use a gun immediately. In Li Mi's army, he was called General Fei. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty besieged Luoyang, the eastern capital, and Shan Xiongxin sent troops to refuse to fight. With the help of the spear, the horse leaped forward and approached Taizong step by step. Xu Shijie shouted, "This is the King of Qin, and you should not be rude!" (Li Shimin was the King of Qin) Shan Xiongxin was a little afraid and hastily withdrew, so Taizong was able to avoid the pain of swords and spears. After Luoyang was pacified, Shan Xiongxin was beheaded in Luoyang. It is said that after Shan Xiongxin was cut off, his head hung in the city, and his body was transported back and buried in Yuli Taijian. Now there is a tomb still in existence.
8. Spring in Peach Garden
Half way up the mountain on the north side of Jingzi Mountain, there is a peach garden, about two li wide and about eight li long. It is said that the peach blossom here was originally a fairy peach flower given to Daimei by the Golden Mother of Mount Turtle for her to watch. After a long time, later generations called it "mountain peach blossom". In early spring and February, the snow on the mountains is still frozen, and the peach blossom at the foot of the mountain is in spring. The peach garden is wonderful. When the yellow roses, cherry blossoms, mother flowers, forsythia suspensa, etc. all over the mountains and plains open, the ten mile long slope looks like brocade and embroiders, and the sea of flowers is dotted with snow and silver, accompanied by the forest flowers that have just turned green, which is even more wonderful and spectacular. It's like being in a fairyland when people walk around. It's really relaxing and pleasant. I'm drunk without wine.

Small Eight Scenes

1. The Temple of Heaven
There is a stone altar on the north side of Yuhuang Pavilion on the Temple of Heaven Peak. It is located on the top of the cliff and faces the abyss of great unpredictability. It is recorded in historical records as the altar for the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan to worship heaven. In the 20th year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, there was "Rebuilding the Stele of Tongxian Temple on Tiantan Mountain", whose title directly pointed out that Jingzi Mountain was Tiantan Mountain. In the Ming Dynasty, there were three steles that also recorded the Temple of Heaven on this mountain, saying: "There is a stone that stands in the middle of the Gufeng Mountain, and there is a ritual fight to settle one's mind,... Xi said, 'The Small Temple of Heaven'... It is recorded in the 429 volumes of Henan Fu Bu in the Collection of Ancient and Modern Books that:" The Temple of Heaven Mountain, the highest peak of Jingzi Mountain, has a shrine (that is, the Jade Emperor Pavilion) on it, and the Temple of Heaven is in the north. ". Although this is the "Little Temple of Heaven", it is the first place for the Yellow Emperor to "settle his heart in the battle of rites". The Yellow Emperor made sure that his secret capital was on the Qingyao Mountain, and he often visited this place to visit the festival. Later, he fought with Chiyou, sent troops here, and prayed here for the help of heaven, so that "the world will be stable and people will return".
2. Sacrificial Cliff (Sacrificial Cliff)
On the west side of Yuhuang Pavilion at the top of the Temple of Heaven in Jingzi Mountain, there is a hanging stone stretching into Doukong. It is about 10 meters long and 6 meters wide. It is light in the front and heavy in the back, half lying on the cliff end, half stretching out into the air, floating up in haze and smoke, and facing the abyss below. People stand on the stone, slightly shaking. Those who are not brave dare not climb. Therefore, it is called "Sacrifice Cliff". In the Record of Rebuilding Zhenwu Hall in the 11th year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty, it is said that there is a lonely peak in Jinzi Mountain (Jingzi Mountain), a stone for ritual fighting and concentration, and a place for sacrificing one's life to hold a memorial ceremony. The "Sacrifice Sacrifice Area" here refers to the "Sacrifice Cliff". According to legend, the Queen Mother of the West roamed the sky and came to and fro in this mountain, where she landed or ascended to heaven. All those who have achieved moral cultivation are immortal here. In ancient times, a filial son once sacrificed his life to save his father here. Therefore, all those who have ascended the throne will set up this stone to test their sincerity.
3. Xunchi Cave Dwelling
At the foot of the cliff of the Temple of Heaven Peak in Jingzi Mountain and on the top of the Peony Garden, there is a double door cave, about two meters high, about four meters deep and three meters wide. Standing at the mouth of the cave, you can overlook the surging Yellow River, look up at the steep cliffs, see the magnificent appearance of Kowloon competing with peonies, look far into the east of Qin Dynasty and the south of Jin Dynasty, and have a panoramic view of the lofty mountains. It is not only a place to look for saints, but also a good place to enjoy the landscape. It is said that this is the place where the mountain god fumigation pool used to live. The "middle three mountains" in the "Mountain and Sea Sutra, Zhongshan Sutra" says: the head of Huangshan, the mountain on Ao'an (Jingzi Mountain), the jade with many jars in the sun, the ochre and gold in the yin. Living in the Shenxun Pool, beautiful jade is often produced. Facing the river forest in the north, it looks like a bud.
4. Mountain God Watches the Moon
At the end of the cliff on the south side of the Sun Watching Peak of Jingzi Mountain, there is a magnificent stone pillar standing high there. Looking far away is like a giant looking up at the sky. It is called "Mountain God Watches the Moon". It is said that the mountain god Fumigation Pool guards the treasures of Jingzi Mountain. In order to prevent evil spirits and ghosts from stealing, it often rises at sunset and stops at sunset, patrolling the mountain all night long. Once, when the sky was overcast with dark clouds, he could not see whether the moon had set, so he stood there all the time, looking up at the sky. After a long time, I was so tired that I fell asleep after standing there and leaning against the cliff. In a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed. To this day, he is still standing on the edge of the cliff, looking up at the moon in the sky. People all praise that "the fumigant pool is indeed a mountain god dedicated to his duties". Therefore, later generations built a temple for him on the main road of Jingzi Mountain Slope, and passers-by would burn incense in the temple.
5. Tianmen thoroughfare
The only way to climb the two peaks is between the Temple of Heaven Peak and the Sun Viewing Peak in Jingzi Mountain. There is a mountain gate in the middle, which is called "South Heaven Gate". Climb up from this side to the South Tianmen Gate, and take a panoramic view of the endless rolling mountains. Traveling from south to north, you can see the east of Qin Dynasty and the south of Jin Dynasty. The mountains are undulating and vast like the sea. Overlooking the Yellow River, it is rolling and plunging for thousands of miles. It is like climbing into the sky, which makes people suddenly relaxed and happy. It is said that the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother of the West and the Yellow Emperor of the Xuanyuan used to travel between the Temple of Heaven Peak and the Sun Watching Peak from this mountainside. Therefore, it becomes the passageway on both sides of the South Tianmen. Up to now, there is also the Jade Emperor Road.
6. Viewing the Sun in Jintai
At the top of the Sun Watching Peak of Jingzi Mountain, there is a huge stone platform on the cliff. It is said that the Guishan Golden Mother came to appease the Virgin Daimei at the order of the Jade Emperor and gave four kinds of immortal flowers to her on this stone platform. Therefore, the stone platform was later called "Golden Mother Platform", or "Golden Platform". Those who come here will see more than this. Looking at the sunrise, the sun jumped out of the sea of clouds, half a day of rosy clouds, golden light; In the twilight, you can see the sunset, the vast mountains, the golden light, and the wonders of the world. It is said that Tai Shanglaojun, the husband of Lady Daimei, never came back when he arrived at Beiding Mountain.
In her spare time, the Virgin Daimei came to the Golden Mother Platform and looked at her husband towards the Beiding Mountain. I look forward to the sunrise as early as possible, and to the sunset as late as possible. I have been looking forward to day after day, but I have never seen the Supreme Master come back. The "Golden Platform" where Lady Daimei missed her husband and watched the sun every day, but stayed here forever.
7. Water Cave Fairy Trace
Water Cave Fairy Trace is commonly known as Dripping Water Cave Sky. At the half cliff of the northern foot of Jingzi Mountain, there is a cave about one meter wide and one meter high, which can be accessed by bending down. Seven or eight meters away from the entrance of the cave, there was a pool of water. There was a drop of water on the pool, like a broken line. It kept falling into the pool, making a clear sound, like fairy music. Then enter five or six meters, until you turn sideways, and there is another pool. The water depth is unpredictable, and the width cannot be crossed. The hole is too deep to see the bottom. On the top of the pool, there is an opening leading to the cave door in front of the cliff. People cannot enter because they are on water. The outer entrance is several meters high from the ground, and there is no help or legal person inside. The cave is cool and the pool water is clear. The more dry the day, the more abundant the water. Nearby residents often come here to fetch water during drought. The water drips ceaselessly, and the pool does not overflow. The front is hit, and the back is added. It never dries up. It is said that this is the life preserving water that the Queen Mother gave to the local people. Therefore, it is called "Water Cave", also called "Water Curtain Cave". There is a continuous stream of visitors to the surrounding area.
8. Ascending the Cloud Road
On the west side of Tongxian Temple at the south foot of Tiantan Peak in Jingzi Mountain, there is a row of stone steps leading to the peak. It is about five miles from Tongxian Temple to the peak. The lower section is a gentle road, with steps like fish ridges evenly arranged under the cliff. It is as ingenious and neat as an axe. The upper section is on the rock cliff, and there are high and low rocks arranged at random to the peak. It is often surrounded by floating clouds and mists, so it is called "Cloud Road to the Sky", commonly known as "Ladder to the Sky". People say that this is the way for immortals to ascend to the sky. People who walk this way will be blessed by immortals, and they will be able to make great progress. Therefore, those who aspire to climb high should follow the cloud road to encourage their ambition.

Derivative works



During Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Dengke wrote in his poem "Ode to the Jingzi Mountain": "A pillar cuts jade into the sky, and a green servant girl has a purple cloud cover. The light soars over the three thousand boundaries of the Silver Han Dynasty, and the momentum is thin. It is the first peak in the Kunlun Mountains. The earth opens a cloud nest to attract tigers and leopards, and the sky opens a mirage cave to walk dragons. The universe is extremely high, and the spirit rain and fairy wind are among them."

folk song

The local folk song "The old Taoist in Jingshan is three thousand three, and each one takes his sword to the Jingshan Mountain." It is said that the Taoists here used to practice swords. They used to use swords to go down the mountain like swordsmen to help the people in the nearby valley drive away thieves. [2]


In 1999, the Yellow River Pearl Jingzishan was published. [2]

Related activities


Golden Autumn Red Leaf Festival

The first "Golden Autumn Red Leaf Festival" of Jingzixian Mountain was opened on October 18, 2014, with the theme of "appreciating the beautiful scenery of Jingzixian Mountain and the Yellow River", [9]

Peach Blossom Festival

The first Jingzixian Mountain Peach Blossom Festival was opened in March 2015, with the theme of "Peach Blossom Appointment, Romantic Journey", lasting for 20 days. [10] By 2022, eight sessions have been held consecutively. [11]