Xun You

Counselor at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty
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Xun You (157-214), with the word Gongda, was born in Yingyin (Weidu District, Xuchang City today) at the end of the Han Dynasty. He was the nephew of Xun Yu and an important adviser of Cao Cao. [43 ]
Xun You has been agile since he was young. When Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he was appointed as a servant of the Yellow Gate. After Dong Zhuo was killed, Xun Yu recommended him to Cao Cao to serve as the governor of Runan. In the third year of Jian'an (198), Xun You went with Cao Cao to fight against Zhang Xiu. Before the battle, he gave advice to Cao Cao, but Cao Cao did not adopt it, which led to a very unfavorable war. Later, Xun You helped Cao Cao set up a new army and finally defeated the enemy. When Cao Cao attacked Lv Bu, Xun You and Guo Jia offered advice to capture Lv Bu alive. [43 ] In the seventh year of Jian'an (202), Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, etc. To defeat the enemy before and after, every one paints twelve wonderful strategies. He was awarded the marquis of Lingshuting with merit, and later became a middle military division. [44 ] In the 19th year of Jian'an (214), when Xun You followed Cao Cao to fight against Sun Quan in the south, he died of illness. [43 ]
Xun You is not only talented and resourceful, but also honest, modest and respected, making certain contributions to Cao Cao's great cause of unifying the north. Cao Cao attached great importance to Xun You and spoke highly of him. When Cao Cao ordered to give rewards based on merit, he said: "Loyalty and justice conspire to pacify both inside and outside, Wen Ruo (Xun Yu) is right, and public justice (Xun You) is second." [43 ]
Xun Junshi
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Yingchuan Yingyin (now Xuchang, Henan)
date of birth
Date of death
214 years
Key achievements
Set up twelve strategies to assist Cao Cao in unifying the north
Main works
Wei Guanyi
True name
Xun You
Official position
Shangshu Decree
Lingshuting Marquis
Posthumous title

Character's Life


Hidden knowledge

Xun You Statue [1]
Xun You was born gentry Family, Grandfather Xun Tan , official to Guangling prefect father Xun Yi , Ren State be engaged in Position. [2] [47]
Xun You lost his parents when he was young. When he was seven or eight years old, his uncle Xun Qu got drunk and accidentally hurt Xun You's ear. When Xun You went in and out to play, he often avoided Xun Qu and kept him from seeing the scars. Later, when Xun Qu learned about this, he was surprised by Xun You's precocious wisdom. [48-49] When Xun You was 13 years old, his grandfather Xun Tan died. In the past, one of Xun Tan's subordinates was called Zhang Quan The officials of Xuntan asked to guard the tomb for Xuntan. Xun You Yes Xun Qu He said, "The look on this man's face is abnormal. I guess he did something cunning!" Xun Qu took the opportunity to interrogate him when he slept at night, and sure enough, Zhang Quan fled because he killed someone and wanted to hide himself by guarding the tomb. Since then, people have treated Xun You with a different eye.
In the sixth year of Zhongping (189), the General He Jin More than 20 people including Xunyou, a famous scholar in China, were recruited to govern. When Xun You arrives in Luoyang, please Yellow Gate Waiter [3]

Assassinate Dong Zhuo

In the sixth year of Zhongping (189), Dong Zhuo's rebellion led to the rise of troops in Guandong, and Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Chang'an. Xun You and Yi Lang Zheng Tai , long history He Yong , Waiter Species collection Yueqi Xiaowei Wu Qiong After discussion, they said, "Dong Zhuo is immoral, and people all over the world hate him. Although he has gathered many elite soldiers, he is actually just a man. We should assassinate him to thank the people, and then use the imperial edict to command the world. This is like Duke Huan of Qi Prince Wen of Jin Such a despotic act. " He Yong and Xun You were sent to prison after their failure was discovered. He Yong was afraid of committing suicide. Xun You was so calm that he happened to meet Dong Zhuo and was exonerated. He returned from his official position and was recruited by the government. He ranked first in the exam and was promoted to Ren Chengxiang. Xun You asked to be the prefect of Shu County because the land of Shu Han was dangerous and the city was solid, and the people lived well. Because the road was blocked, he stopped in Jingzhou. [4]

Meet the Master

The first year of Jian'an (196), Cao Cao Welcome Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty He went to Xuxian County to build the capital and wrote to Xun You, saying, "The world is in turmoil now, and it's just the time for those who are planning to bother, while the gentleman is watching the situation change in Shuhan, isn't it too conservative?" So he recruited Xun You as the governor of Runan and became Shangshu Cao Cao has heard the name of Xun You for a long time. He is very happy with his words Xun Yu Zhong You He said, "Gongda is not an ordinary person. If I can discuss important matters with him, how can I be worried about losing the world?" Since then, Xun You has become Cao Cao's military adviser. [5]

Jingda Contingency

In the third year of Jian'an (198), Xun You followed Cao Cao in his expedition Zhang Xiu Xun You saw that the situation at that time was very unfavorable to Cao Cao, so he said to Cao Cao, "Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao relied on each other and thought they were powerful. However, Zhang Xiu relied on Liu Biao as a guest army. For a long time, Liu Biao could not support her and would inevitably split up with Zhang Xiu. I might as well slow down the troops to wait for their change; if they were eager to attack, Liu Biao would fight to save her." Cao Cao did not listen to the advice and sent troops to fight against Zhang Xiu, Liu Biao sent troops to save Cao's army. Cao's army was defeated. Cao Cao said to Xun You, "It would be like this if you didn't listen to your teacher." So he set up a strange army to fight against Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao again and break it. [6]
In the same year, Cao Cao conquered from Wan Lvbu , here Xiapi When Lv Bu retreated and defended the city, Cao Cao attacked, but failed to win. The soldiers were tired and Cao Cao wanted to withdraw. Xun Youhe Guo Jia He said: "Lv Bu is brave but foolhardy. Now he has been defeated in many battles, and his morale has been completely lost. The army is headed by the general. If the general is weak, the army will not fight. Chen Gong is resourceful but born slow. Now Lv Bu's morale has not recovered, Chen Palace Our plan has not yet been decided. Take this opportunity to forge ahead and attack, and we can defeat Lv Bu. " Cao Cao immediately quoted Yishui Surabaya Guan went into the city, attacked Xiapi, and captured Lv Bu alive. [7-8]

Ji Zhan Yan Liang

February, the fifth year of construction and installation (200 years), Yuan Shao First send the general Yan Liang Besiege the White Horse (now Henan Huaxian County East). In April, Cao Cao personally led the army to the north to save the encirclement of white horses. When the troops were moving forward, Xun You believed that they could not confront the powerful enemy with great disparity in strength. He analyzed the situation at that time and proposed a strategy of diversifying and rescuing the white horse. He thought that Yuan Shao had many soldiers, so he should try to disperse his forces. So he advised Cao Cao to lead his troops to Yanjin first, disguised as crossing the river to attack the rear of Yuan Shao, so that Yuan Shao would divide his troops to the west to fight, and then sent light cavalry to attack Yuan's army attacking White Horse. If they were unprepared, they would surely defeat Yan Liang. Cao Cao listened to his words and thought they were very reasonable, so he followed his plan. Yuan Shao indeed divided his troops in Yanjin. Cao Cao took the opportunity to lead light troops to attack White Horse. Cao Cao was a Zhonglang general Zhang Liao , General Pian Guan Yu As the vanguard, Cao Cao led General Li personally Xu Huang And others followed [9] Yan Liang was defeated and killed by Guan Yu. [10-11]

Plan to cut down Wen Chou

Cao Cao Xie White Horse Enclosure Later, he led 600 cavalry to escort the provisions and supplies westward along the river. Shortly after the military expedition, he met Yuan Shaowu's 6000 pursuers. When the generals saw that the enemy was outnumbered, they were afraid and persuaded Cao Cao to retreat to the camp. Xun You, knowing the enemy's weakness, said, "This is a good time to wipe out the enemy. Why should we retreat?"
Cao Cao and Xun You looked at each other and smiled. They were kind-hearted, so they ordered the soldiers to release their saddles and horses, discard their baggage, and lure Yuan's army; When Yuan's army approached and scrambled for supplies, Cao Cao suddenly ordered to mount his horse and launch a swift attack to smash Yuan's army and kill the cavalry generals Wenchou [12]

Full of clever ideas

Xun You
Cao Cao and Yuan Shao then formed a confrontation in Guandu. When the rations of both sides were almost exhausted, Xun You said to Cao Cao, "Yuan Shao's grain truck will arrive in a day, the escort general Han Meng He is capable but undermines the enemy. Attacking him can win. " Cao Cao said, "Who can send?" Xun You said, "Xu Huang." So he sent Xu Huang to Shi Huan Intercept halfway, defeat Han Meng, and burn the military supplies he escorted. [13]
at the very time Xu You Come to surrender and say Yuan Shao sent Chun Yuqiong They led more than 10000 soldiers to escort food. The generals were arrogant and the soldiers were slack, so they could intercept halfway. Everyone suspects him, only Xun Youhe Jia Xu Persuade Cao Cao to obey. Cao Cao then left Xun Youhe Cao Hong After guarding the camp, he led his army to attack and defeat Yuan Jun, and killed Chun Yuqiong and others. [14]
Yuan Shao's Senior General Zhang He Gao Lan They burned the offensive equipment and surrendered to Cao's army. Yuan Shao had to abandon the army and flee to the north of the Yellow River. When Zhang He came to surrender, Cao Hong doubted him and dared not accept it. Xun You said to Cao Hong, "Zhang He's plan was not adopted by Yuan Shao. In anger, he came to surrender. What do you doubt about him?" Cao Hong accepted Zhang He's surrender. [15]

plan very carefully with every conceivable possibility taken into account

In the seventh year of Jian'an (202), Xun You followed Cao Cao to discuss Yuan Tan Yuan Shang Yu Liyang.
In the eighth year of Jian'an (203), Cao Cao had just gone to the expedition liu biao Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang fought for Jizhou. Yuan Tanzhi Simpi Please come down and ask for help. Cao Cao, Xu Zhi, asked the general. Most generals think Liu Biaoqiang should attack first, but Yuan Tan and Yuan are not worried about it. Xun You said: "The world is in an eventful autumn, but Liu Biao is firmly guarding the area between the Yangtze River and the Han Dynasty. It is obvious that he has no ambition to reign in the world. The Yuan family occupies the territory of four states, with 100000 soldiers. Yuan Shao won the hearts of the people by virtue of his leniency. If his two sons live in harmony and guard their successful careers, the world's disasters will not stop. Now the Yuan brothers are hostile, the result will not be that both sides will be saved. If the two Yuan Dynasty were united, they would be powerful, and it would be difficult to obtain them. Take advantage of their internal strife to seek them, and the world will be settled. This opportunity cannot be lost! " Cao Cao said, "Very good." So he agreed to marry Yuan Tan and sent troops to defeat Yuan Shang. After Yuan Tan betrayed, Xun You followed Cao Cao again Nanpi Kill Yuan Tan.
When Jizhou was pacified, Cao Cao reported to Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty that he asked Xun You to be knighted, saying, "The military adviser Xun You helped his officials from the beginning, and never sent troops without following him. It was Xun You's plan that defeated the enemy many times before and after." So he granted Xun You a tomb tree Tinghou
In the 12th year of Jian'an (207), Cao Cao ordered rewards based on merit, saying: "It is Wen Ruo who is loyal and honest and good at plotting. He pacifies people inside and outside the country for me, and public justice is second to him. Xun You, as the middle military division, no longer often marches with the army, but stays behind for Cao Cao and takes charge of punishment. [16-17]
In the 18th year of Jian'an (213), Xun You and others persuaded Cao Cao to become Duke Wei. [46] In the same year, the State of Wei was established. In November, Xun You Shangshu Decree [45]

Be deeply remembered

Xun You is a man of deep calculation, thoughtful, wise and able to keep secrets. Since he fought with Cao Cao everywhere, he often planned strategies. At that time, few people knew what he said. Cao Cao often praised him and said, "He is honest, foolish and wise, timid and brave, weak and strong; he does not flaunt his strengths, and does not exaggerate his merits; his wisdom can be achieved by others, but his ignorance can not be achieved by others, even Yan Zi and Ning Wu can not catch up with him." Cao Pi When he was the crown prince in the Eastern Palace, Cao Cao said to him, "Xun Gongda is a model of human beings, and you should respect him with all your courtesy." Xun You was once ill, and Cao Pi went to comfort him and worship alone under the bed. That's how he was particularly respected. [18]
Xun You has a good relationship with Zhong You. Zhong You said, "Every time I take action, I think about it over and over again. I think there is nothing to change. But when I ask Gongda, his answer is always beyond my expectation." Xun You set up twelve strategies before and after, which only Zhong You knew. Zhong You died before finishing, so later generations do not know. [19] Pei Songzhi He commented: "How difficult is it for Zhong You to write your wonderful strategies 16 years after you died? But at 80, it was just like a cloud before it was ready, so it was a pity that you didn't pass on your strategy of enlisting opportunities to the world." [20]
In the autumn and July of the 19th year of Jian'an (214), Xun You followed Cao Caozheng king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era , died on the road. Cao Cao wept every time he talked about him. [21-22]
Beginning Five year (244) winter November Guimao, Emperor of Wei Cao Fang The imperial edict was issued to offer sacrifices to Xun You in the Taizu Temple, and the posthumous title of honoring marquis was added. [23-24]

Character evaluation

Cao Cao: ① Loyalty and righteousness conspire to pacify both inside and outside the city. Gongda comes next. [43 ] ② Public justice is foolish outside and wise inside, timid outside and brave inside, weak outside and strong inside, never attack good, no hard work, wisdom can reach, and foolishness can't be matched, although Yan Zi and Ning Wu can't pass it. ② Gongda is a non ordinary person. I have to deal with it. What should the world worry about? ③ Xun You, the military adviser, has been assisting his officials since the beginning. He has always fought against the enemy before and after. ④ I have traveled alone with Xun Gongda for more than 20 years, and there is no one to blame. ⑤ Xunkong reached the true sages, and the so-called "gentleness, courtesy and frugality give way to gain". Confucius said that "Yan Pingzhong is good at making friends with others and respects them for a long time". Public understanding is his own person. ⑥ Xunzi ordered you to do good, and never stop; Xunzi's army and division will not stop their evil deeds. [20]
Xun You
Chen Qun : Xun Wenruo, Gongda, Xiuruo, Youruo and Zhongyu are all right now. [20]
Zhong You: Every time I do something, I think it over and over again; By consulting and being public, one can always surpass one's expectations. [20]
Chen Shou : Xun You and Jia Xu, the common people have no last resort. After reaching the power of change, they are inferior to good and fair! [20]
Yuan Hong : ① The chaos of Dong Zhuo was forced by the migration of divine tools. The public was indignant and determined to kill. From Si to Tan, it is famous for its great preservation. Zhiru, as a Han Dynasty scribe, traces his way into the Wei Dynasty. He is also known as Wenruo. Therefore, life and death are unique and always different. It will be written as if it is both clear and philosophic, and the name of religion is based on! The benevolence and righteousness of the husband should not be unknown; Physiology is indispensable, so we can understand and capture the contract. It's not far away from each other! [25] ② Gongda, Qianlang, and Qiongcai. The use of square, dynamic group will. Therefore, I began to make my fortune, and I saw this change. The appearance is mysterious and calm, and the place is peaceful. There is no exception in the curtain of silence. 亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹亹. Although it is full of chi and bi, Gu Xiang is connected to the city. Wisdom is the ultimate thing, and foolishness is the whole life. [25]
Fu Xuan : The benevolence of Xun Lingjun and the wisdom of Xun Junshi can be described as a great gentleman in modern times. Xun ordered the monarch to be benevolent and virtuous, to act without flattery, and to seek opportunities. Menke said that "for five hundred years, there will be a king, and during that time there will be a life". His order is Xun! Taizu said that "Xunzi ordered you to do good things without stopping, and Xunzi's army should not stop doing evil things without stopping". [20]
Wang Jian : The son room met the Han Dynasty, and the public met the Wei Jun. The historical records thought it was a good talk, and the gentleman called it high. [26]
Zhu Jingze: The gods and men have no merit, and the capable men have no trace. Zhang Zifang's Yuan machine is reflected in solitude, and he has a clear understanding of solitude. If practice is a machine, we should use the same sharp arrow; You travel and live in solitude, and God's friendship is too empty for all people to reach. To Chen Ping, Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Xun You, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, Tian Feng, Ju Shu, Cui Hao, Zhang Bin, etc., they are the elites in the world. The supreme skill of the valance was to combine power and change. The defeat made great contributions, so it began in the Qin and Han Dynasties and ended in the Zhou and Sui Dynasties. [27]
Yang Jiong : Be filial to the gods and be loyal to the country. Ma Fubo came to visit the two emperors, and Yan Pingzhong was able to serve hundreds of monarchs. In the Wei Dynasty, Jia Xu and Xun You lived, and in the Zhou Dynasty, Hong Yao lived.
Strict obedience : Open and generous, the general character is brilliant, evil and treacherous officials are so arrogant that they want to hold high Huan Wen, and the heroes compete with each other. In the Han Dynasty, they sleep in a minute, and suddenly think back and say words to Wei. The original reason is not the light of mulberry and elm, which is not Luyang; How can you celebrate the festival of ditch desecration? It is based on the high tracking of Guan Zhong, climbing the reverie of Wei and Wu, and the whole life theory is far away!
Wu Sansi : Like fish and water, like salt plum, like Wei Wuzhi getting Xun You, like Han Guang meeting Deng Yu [28]
Zheng Yi: If you plan to win, Xun You can compare with Liang Ping. Battle Yue Fu Wei, Xie Aizu and Fang Zhao. [29]
author of the history Zizhi Tongjian : You are deep and intelligent. Ever since Wei Gongcao attacked and attacked, he has always planned strategies. People and their children did not know what he said. [30]
Zhang Ruyu As for the Three Kingdoms, they have formed a confrontation based on their own land, which is also the strength of all people. So in the Wei Dynasty, Xun You and Jia Xu had no last resort. Guo Jia Liu Ye The talented people are scheming to obey, Guan Ning The Yuan is elegant and noble, Phyllostachys pubescens The canon is upright; In Wu, then Zhou Yu Lu Su The couple is the belly and the thigh and the humerus, Ganning Lingtong The disciples fought their way, Yellow operculum Jiang Qin It belongs to Xuanqi; In Shu Zhuge Kongming He is good at governing the country, Fei Yi Dong Yun The ambition is to be loyal and pure, To favor All of them are noble in nature and conduct, and all of them are temporary heroes. [31]
Hong Mai : Xunyu, Xunyou, and Guo Jiajie are all counselors with their hearts bent on helping each other with great things. There is no need to praise them. The other intelligent and effective officials have the power of a county, no small or big. All outstanding people are called their posts.
Chen Liang : If you hide in the wise, you can be wise. Don't worry about the misfortune of Andong Zhuo. How could it be in the Han and Wei Dynasties? If the power of the text, because of things to guide, and the pawn can not be right. Then he hid himself with wisdom.
Fan Jun : Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty took Chen Ping as his heart, or plotted secrets, which could not be heard in the world. Xun You attacked and attacked from Wei Wu. He often planned strategies with Mo Wei. People and their children did not know what he said. In ancient times, the monarch and his officials were cautious in timing; So far, it is a matter of making decisions, and there is little success. On the temple today, Shen Ji's secret paintings must be like those of Han Gao and Chen Ping, Wei Wuzhi and Xun You; Why can't we defeat them? What battle is unbeatable? What enemy is invincible? What an immortal code! [32]
A portrait of Xun You
Liu Qi : There has been a separatist regime of various magnates. Scholars and officials, such as Xun You, Jia Xu Cheng Yu , Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang Pang series , Lu Su, Zhou Yu's disciples strive for self efficiency with intelligence. [33]
Hao Jing : ① You are also wise and resourceful, followed by Yu Zhong You is called Yan Zi, and the operation is called Yan Zi Yan Zi Fu Yanzi and Yu Ji did not change the land. How could he use treachery to teach people how to steal? So two Xunzi's Yan Zi, Cao Cao's Zhou Wen, Cao Pizhi Shun Yu They all call themselves sages by virtue of thieves, and they deceive the world even more. ② Gongda pays tribute and protects one's life. ③ When it was, Wei Youxunyu, Xun You, Jia Xu, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia Dong Zhao , Liu Ye Jiang Ji Sima Yi Wu You Zhang Zhao Zhou Yu, Lu Su Lvmeng Lu Xun Use it to raise funds.
Wang Yishan : I admire an official who has learned six skills and is loyal to the three essence. His strategy is the secret of Xun You and Jia Xu, his economy is the English of Zhou Yu and Lu Su, and his singing is Xie An Yu Liang Elegance, the rule of the herdsman Yanghu Lu Xun Zhiren. [34]
Zhu Yuanzhang Wang Baobao With iron cavalry, the army is powerful and occupies the Central Plains. Its ambition is not under Cao Cao's command. It has counsellors like You and Yu, and powerful generals like Liao and He, so that they can rest comfortably. [35]
Wang Fuzhi Cao Mengde Push the heart to wait for the wise and resourceful people, and the people who are good at strategy will thrive on each other. When Meng Dezhi was poor, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xun You High softness The disciples left and right, with no hesitation. [36]
Luo Guanzhong : At the end of the Han Dynasty, Xun Gongda was called Daxian. Knowing that one can overcome Ningwu, one can match virtue Yan Yuan Only 20 pieces of work have been done to shake up three parts of the country. Cao Pi once worshipped, and his voice was clear!

Anecdotes and allusions

Xun Youhe Zhu Jianping Zhong You As a good friend, after his death, the child was still very young. Zhong You helps manage Xun's family and wants to remarry Xun You's concubine. In a letter to someone else, he said, "Gongda and I once asked Jianping to meet. Jianping said, 'Although Xunjun is young, the future will be entrusted to Zhongjun.' I said a joke at that time: 'At that time, I will marry your Ah Yi.' Unexpectedly, he really died early, and the joke will come true! Now I want to let Ah Yi remarry, so that she can have a good home. Looking back on Jianping's quip Tang Ju Permissive negative Below. " [37]

personal works

Xun You was Shangshutai In his busy schedule, he also wrote a volume of the historical book Wei Guanyi(《 Old Tang Script ·Recorded in the Annals of Classics and Records) [38] Has been lost. Full Chinese 》Record two articles. [39]

Family members



Xun Tan Guangling Prefecture Chief of the Eastern Han Dynasty. [44]


Xun Yi , and the officials work in the state. [44]



Concubine room


  • The eldest son: Xun Ji , quite like his father, but he died early. [40]
  • second son: Xun Shi [40]


Xun Biao After his uncle Xun Shi, he was granted the title of Marquis of Jueling Shuting, and later he was granted the title of Marquis of Qiuyang Pavilion. [40]

Historical records

"Annals of the Three Kingdoms, Volume X, Wei Shu X, Xun Yu, Xun You and Jia Xu's Biography, Part X" [50]

Artistic image


Literary image

In the novel《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》In the middle, Xun Youchu, a senior general, He Jin, abandoned his officials and returned to his hometown. When Cao Cao was in Yanzhou, You Tong came from Shu Yu to invest in it, which was important to Cao Cao. [41]

Film and television image

Xun You's Movie Image
particular year
Film and television types
Play title
Image display
TV play
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Dai Jingguo
Yu Jianai (Battle of Red Cliff)
TV play
Cao Cao
Yu Genyi
Red Cliff
Zhao Chengshun
Guan Yunchang
Dong Yong
TV play
The Alliance of Military Teachers
Yang Meng
TV play
The Martial God Zhao Zilong
An Junqi