Chaka Salt Lake

Salt Lake in Chaka Town, Wulan County, Mongolian Tibetan Prefecture of Haixi, Qinghai Province
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synonym Tea card (Salt Lake in Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province) Generally refers to Chaka Salt Lake
Chaka Salt Lake, Located in Wulan County, Mongolian Tibetan Prefecture of Haixi, Qinghai Province Chaka Town At No. 9, Salt Lake Road, "Chaka" means salt pool in Tibetan, and "Dabxun Nur" in Mongolian, [16] It is the sea of green salt.
The average altitude of Chaka Salt Lake is 3059m [19] , the lake area is 154 square kilometers, [17] [19] The scenic area covers an area of 30 square kilometers. Here is Ancient Silk Road It is an important station at the junction of National Highway 109 and National Highway 315, 298 kilometers east of Xining, the provincial capital, and 200 kilometers west of Delingha. It is known as the east gate of the Qaidam Basin.
The Chaka Salt Lake is surrounded by snow mountains. The calm lake is like a mirror, reflecting the beautiful and intoxicating sky scenery, known as "China's Sky Mirror" [18] In the world of salt, walking on the lake is like walking on the clouds. The water reflects the sky, and the sky touches the earth. People walking between lakes is like swimming in a painting.
Chaka Salt Lake has beautiful scenery all the year round. In spring, white clouds hanging low in the sky fall on the lake water. It is hard to tell whether the salt is whiter or the clouds are whiter; In summer, the rippling lake is as green as jade, refreshing people's hearts; The dried up lake in autumn is clean and smooth; The desolation in winter is more challenging.
Chaka Salt Lake is also famous for producing large green salt, becoming the first green edible salt production base in China. In recent years, it has enjoyed a high reputation in the international and domestic tourism circles and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau scenery tour because of its production and tourism. The number of tourists has increased year by year. It was rated as one of the "55 places one will go to in one's life" by the National Tourism Geography magazine, becoming another beautiful golden card of the beautiful Qinghai.
Chinese name
Chaka Salt Lake
Foreign name
Caka Salt Lake
geographical position
South of Wulanchaka Town, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province
Lake area
105 square kilometers
Lake elevation
3059m [19]
Official telephone
0977-8246999,0977-8240129 [15]
Opening Hours
6:00-22:00 all year round [15]

Formation and evolution



because Plate movement The junction area between the Eurasian plate and the Indian Ocean plate originally covered by sea water gradually rises as Qinghai Tibet Plateau During the formation of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, part of the seawater accumulated in low-lying areas and formed many salt lakes and ponds, including Chaka Salt Lake. [3]

Change of context

About 100000 to 130000 years ago, Chaka Salt Lake was a Outflow lake , flowing eastward into Gonghe Basin Yellow River Later, tectonic uplift occurred, making Chaka Salt Lake an inland lake. [3] stay Late glaciation At that time, Chaka Salt Lake was a freshwater lake. since Holocene Since then, the Chaka Salt Lake began to shrink, and salt deposits appeared. Even in the climate suitable period of the middle Holocene, the Chaka Salt Lake still showed a further shrinking state. In the late Holocene, the shrinkage and salinization of salt lakes were further intensified. Temperature plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of Chaka Salt Lake. Compared with the late glacial period, the increase of Holocene temperature caused the evaporation of the salt lake to increase much more than the precipitation. [4]

Watershed characteristics


geographical position

Chaka Salt Lake is located in Qinghai Province Wulan County, between 99 ° 02 ′ - 99 ° 02 ′ E and 36 ° 18 ′ - 36 ° 45 ′ N, is located in the easternmost section of Qaidam Basin, the west of Chaka Basin Qilian Mountains In the small intermountain artesian basin in the Cenozoic depression on the southern margin, [4] There are Erla Mountain To the north Nanshan, Qinghai And Qinghai Lake be apart.
Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Area

topographic features

Chaka Salt Lake is sandwiched between Wanyan Tongbu Mountain, a branch of Qilian Mountain, and Wanggaxiu Mountain, a branch of Kunlun Mountain. The two mountains are covered with snow all the year round, and the snow mountains are reflected on the lake surface, forming a unique natural scenery of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau where water and sky intersect and salt lakes and snow peaks complement each other. [5]


Chaka Salt Lake has a dry and cool climate, with an annual average temperature of 4 ℃, - 12.2 ℃ in January and 19.6 ℃ in July; The annual average precipitation is 210.4 mm, the annual evaporation is 2000 mm, the annual average relative humidity is 45%~50%, the wind is often blowing northwest, the average wind speed is 3 m/s Plateau continental climate

Water system composition


Overview of Lake Area

The elevation of Chaka Salt Lake is lower than that of Qinghai Lake, the annual average temperature is slightly higher than that of Qinghai Lake, the annual average precipitation is less than that of Qinghai Lake, and the annual average evaporation is greater than that of Qinghai Lake. [6]
Chaka Salt Lake has a total area of 154 square kilometers. The lake is 3059 meters above sea level, 15.8 kilometers long and 9.2 kilometers wide [19] , oval. [2] The area and depth of the lake are obviously affected by the seasons. The area of the lake in rainy season can reach 104 square kilometers, which is more than ten times that of the West Lake in Hangzhou. The area of the lake in dry season is significantly reduced. [7] The salt lake has no surface brine during the dry season from October to April of the next year, and the wet season is from May to September of each year. [8]

river system

The Chaka River, Mo River, Xiaochahanwusu River and other rivers that radiate along the edge of the salt lake enter the lake. Springs are developed in the eastern part of the lake area, and they supply the lake basin in the form of groundwater. There is no outlet for the lake. [1] There is Mayana River flowing into the southeast bank of the lake, and other rivers flowing into the salt lake are very small and mostly seasonal rivers. [7]
Chaka Salt Lake

hydrographic features



Chaka Salt Lake is a closed inland lake. The main water inflow into the lake is river water. The total annual water inflow into the lake is 0.557 × 10 eight M3/year, spring water inflow is 0.0259 × 10 eight M3/year, the main water yield is the evaporation on the lake surface, and the annual evaporation is 1.146 × 10 eight M3/year, followed by 0.0185 × 10 water consumption for artificial salt mining eight M3/year. [8]

Water Quality

Chaka Salt Lake is inlaid in the snow mountain grassland rather than the Gobi Desert, and is a brine lake with solid and liquid coexisting. The salinity of salt lake brine is 322.4 g/l, the relative density is 1.2178, the pH value is 7.8, and the hydrochemical type is sulfate magnesium sulfate subtype. [1]

Salt bed

The bottom of Chaka Salt Lake is Halite Deposit. Since the formation of the salt lake, the chemical deposition has been relatively continuous and stable. The thickness of the chemical deposition salt layer is relatively large, generally 4-8 meters, and up to 10 meters thick. Chemical deposition is mainly rock salt, followed by Gypsum Mirabilite Glauberite Anhydrous mirabilite Cathartic diuretic salt White sodium magnesite And water, rock, salt, etc. [4]
Chaka Salt Lake




Chaka Salt Lake is lack of aquatic organisms, and there are few trees and plants around it, mainly herbaceous plants, and Poa pratensis and Kobresia are one of the dominant species. [6]
Chaka Salt Lake is famous for its rich "Big Green Salt". Its salt grains are large and pure, with mellow salt taste. It is an ideal edible salt but not directly edible. [2] The annual rainfall in the lake area is small, and the water injected into it every year is especially small. In addition, the evaporation is strong, so its salt content is very high. [3] The salt crystal is called "green salt" because it contains minerals, which make the salt crystal green and black. [2]
The content of sodium chloride in brine in wet season is higher than that in dry season, which is the best time to mine rock salt. The content of potassium salt and magnesium salt in the brine in dry season is higher than that in wet season, which is the best period for mining potassium salt and magnesium salt. In dry season, the maximum potassium chloride content in the lake water is 2.01%, and the average value is 1.15%, which has reached the grade of independent mining. [8] The exploited brine will recrystallize into salt layer several years later.
As of April 2011, Chaka Salt Lake has 448 million tons of salt, sodium chloride The content is up to 94%. [2]

Exploitation and utilization

Chaka Salt Lake is Qaidam Basin The smallest of the four major salt lakes is also the earliest developed one. Chaka salt is very easy to exploit. People only need to uncover a ten centimeter salt cap to get natural crystal salt from below. [9]
According to the Xining Mansion New Annals, "In the west of the county, there are more than 500 miles, southwest of Qinghai... There are more than 200 miles around. Salt is natural, and there is no end to taking it. Mongolia uses iron spoons to take it, and sells jade in the market. The county and people rely on it." [9]
As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 25 A.D.), the local Qiang people had known to collect salt for eating. According to the Hanshu Geography, "Jincheng County is located in the northwest of Qiang and beyond the Great Wall, with West Queen Mother's Room, Xianhai Lake and Yanchi Lake". Xianhai is now Qinghai Lake The salt pond is the Chaka Salt Lake. [10]
Since the 28th year of Qianlong's reign (1763), the government has organized large-scale exploitation of salt lakes and established a salt law. In the 34th year of Guangxu's reign (1908), the Dangaerting Salt Bureau was established, marking that Chaka salt was brought into the track of orderly operation and management. [10]
Before liberation, the Northwest Salt Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of the National Government set up a salt farm in Chaka as a salt base. At that time, the production mode of Chaka Salt Lake was very backward, mainly by digging salt manually and carrying yaks. By 1949, the annual output was only 1300 tons. [11]
After liberation, salt mining realized mechanization of ship mining, shipping, washing and processing. The mechanization of salt mining has been realized, and the Chaka Salt Factory has been built to realize the mechanization of ship mining, shipping, washing, and processing. The products include raw salt, recycled salt, washing salt, powdered washing salt, iodized salt, nutritional zinc salt, and so on.
In 2003, the salt lake began to be mined by boat.
Chaka Salt Lake

Tourism information


Characteristic landscape

Mirror of the sky
Chaka Salt Lake is open and flat, and the lake surface has a strong reflective ability, just like a mirror prepared for the sky,
It is called China's "mirror of the sky". The best shooting time of "Mirror of the Sky" is before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. [5]
In 2022, the Chaka Salt Lake "Mirror of the Sky" scenic spot will be free of tickets for medical workers across the country. Medical workers will enter the park free of tickets with their valid certificates (doctor's certificate, nurse's certificate and other qualification certificates).
From June 1 to June 30, 2022, the "Mirror of the Sky" scenic spot will be open to tourists all over the country for free. The opening hours of the scenic spot will be 8:00 to 19:00, and the operation hours of the experience projects in the scenic spot will be 8:10 to 19:00. [20]
Night sky mirror
Chaka Salt Lake is located at 36 degrees north latitude in the east of Qaidam Basin in Qinghai. The plateau is free of pollution. In the lake area, you can clearly enjoy the vastness and majesty of the Milky Way
The meteor is dazzling and strange, and the reflection of the lake makes the sky and the lake merge into one color, appearing the scene that the sky seems to sprinkle on the lake,
Therefore, the Chaka Salt Lake at night is called China's "Mirror of the Night Sky". [5]
Chaka salt carving
There are large outdoor salt sculptures in Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Area. [5]
Sunrise and sunset
The Chaka Salt Lake before and after sunrise and sunset is the most beautiful period of the salt lake scenery. Colorful clouds, sunrise or sunset shine on the salt lake, forming a picture of water and sky.
The sunrise time of Chaka Salt Lake is about 6:30 a.m. from May to September, and the sunset time is about 19:30 a.m. from May to September. [5]
Salt Lake Goddess
The whole material of Chaka Salt Lake Goddess guarding the lake is made of high-purity and high-grade white marble,
The total height of the whole statue is 6.3 meters, including 4.5 meters in height and 28 tons in weight. [5]
Snow Mountain Reflects Lake
Chaka Salt Lake is sandwiched between Wanyan Tongbu Mountain, a branch of Qilian Mountain, and Wanggaxiu Mountain, a branch of Kunlun Mountain. The two mountains are covered with snow all the year round, and the snow mountains are reflected on the lake,
The unique natural scenery of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is "the lake and the sky are the same color, and the salt lake and the snow peak shine together". [5]

Scenic Area Information

Chaka Salt Lake is one of the "four scenic spots in Qinghai" Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Area It is a scenic spot for both ecological tourism and industrial tourism. In October 2016, Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Spot was rated as a national 4A scenic spot by the former National Tourism Administration, and was awarded the honorary title of "the scenic spot with the best tourism order" and "the advanced group of the national tourism system". [12]
Scenic Area Level
National 4A Scenic Area
Ticket Price
Peak season: 60 yuan/person, off season: 30 yuan/person [13]
Opening Hours
07:00~18:30 every day, open all year round
Play season
Preferably from June to October [10]
Address of scenic spot
No. 9, Yanhu Road, Chaka Town, Wulan County, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province
Guide Map of Chaka Salt Lake

transport line

Bus: Xining Long distance Bus Station Wulan County 's shuttle bus, passing by Chaka Town , there are 5 classes every day, and the ticket price is about 80 yuan
Charter bus: charter bus from Xining Bus Station, about 400 yuan round-trip; It's about 200 yuan to charter a car from Heima River
Others: From Heima River Follow the salt cart to the lake area, about 50 yuan

Related events

In July 2018, the video of "Mirror of the Sky", a popular online tourist attraction, Chaka Salt Lake in Qinghai, which was accused of being turned into a "garbage dump", caused heated discussion among netizens. The scenic spot is in the peak season of tourism. At its peak, 12 tons of garbage can be cleaned up a day, and most of them are plastic shoe covers worn by tourists entering the salt lake. In order to alleviate the environmental pressure of Chaka Salt Lake, the scenic spot has specially customized biodegradable rental shoe covers, and arranged nearly 200 cleaning personnel to patrol in the scenic spot. The scenic spot appeals to tourists to guard the beautiful scenery while enjoying it. [14]