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Cikai Town

Town under the jurisdiction of Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
Cikai Town, part of Yunnan Province Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County , located in the south central part of the county, east and Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Weixi County Connected, southeast connected Pradi Township , West and Dulongjiang Township Adjacent, southwest and Myanmar Bordering to the north Dangxiang Be a neighbor. [1] The area is 790.66 square kilometers. By the end of 2019, there were 12128 registered residents. [3]
Cikai "is a Nu language, which means a place with abundant grain. In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), he was called the Zhongbao Director of the Changfutong Administrative Committee. In the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), it was called the left central area of Gongshan in Weixi County. In the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), it was called the second district of the Changfutong Administrative Committee. In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), it was called Cikai Township of Gongshan Administrative Bureau. In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), it was renamed as Cikai Township and Xuanyou Township. In April 1950, it was called Gongshan District II. In 1969, it was changed to Tskai Commune. In 1984, Tskai District was changed. In 1988, it was changed to Cikai Town [1] As of October 2021, Cikai Town has jurisdiction over 3 communities and 6 administrative villages [2] Township People's Government in Cikai Village [1]
In 2019, there were 3 industrial enterprises in Cikai Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size; 34 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]
Chinese name
Cikai Town
area number
five hundred and thirty-three million three hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and one
Administrative Region Category
Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County, Yunnan Province
geographical position
Central and southern Gongshan County
790.66 km² [3]
Area under jurisdiction
3 communities and 6 administrative villages
Government residence
Cikai Village
Area Code
Postal Code
six hundred and seventy-three thousand and five hundred
population size
12128 persons [3] (Permanent population by 2019)
License plate code
Cloud Q

Organizational evolution

In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), he was called the Zhongbao Director of the Changfutong Administrative Committee.
In the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), it was called the left central area of Gongshan in Weixi County.
In the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), it was called the second district of the Changfutong Administrative Committee.
In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), it was called Cikai Township of Gongshan Administrative Bureau.
In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), it was renamed as Cikai Township and Xuanyou Township.
In April 1950, it was called Gongshan District II.
In 1969, it was changed to Tskai Commune.
In 1984, it was transformed into Tskai District.
In 1988, it was changed to Cikai Town [1]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, Cikai Town had jurisdiction over 2 neighborhood committees in Dandang and Cikai, and 6 village committees in Shuangrawa, Jisudi, Mangzi, Cikai, Galabo and Danzhu; There are 21 resident groups, 57 villager groups and 73 natural villages [1]
As of October 2022, Cikai Town has jurisdiction over 3 communities and 6 administrative villages: Dandang Community, Cikai Community, Happy Community Shuanglawa Village , Jisudi Village Mangzi Village Cikai Village , Galabo Village Danzhu Village [2] Township People's Government in Cikai Village [1]

geographical environment


geographical position

Cikai Town is located in the south central part of Gongshan County, east of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Weixi Lisu Autonomous County Connected, southeast connected Pradi Township , West and Dulongjiang Township Adjacent, southwest and Myanmar Bordering to the north Dangxiang Be a neighbor. The maximum distance from east to west of the district is 24 kilometers, and the maximum distance from north to south is 32 kilometers [1] With an area of 790.66 square kilometers [3]
People's Government of Cikai Town

topographic features

The terrain of Cikai Town is high in the north and low in the south. The main mountain ranges are Biluo Snow Mountain and Shangligong Mountain. The highest peak in the territory is located at Mount Mainijua, Biluo Snow Mountain, Galabo Village Committee, Cikai Town, 4554 meters above sea level; The lowest point is located near Nujiang River in Cikai Town, 1400 meters above sea level [1]


Cikai Town has a subtropical mountain monsoon climate, with typical three-dimensional climate characteristics, characterized by long spring and autumn, short summer and winter, and unclear four seasons. The annual average temperature is 14.7 ℃, the annual average frost free period is 268 days, the annual average sunshine hours are 1304 hours, and the annual average precipitation is 1726.5 mm [1]


The riverway in Cikai Town belongs to Nujiang River basin, which runs through the whole town from north to south, with a drainage area of 779 square kilometers. The main tributaries are Pula River Danzhu River and Galabo River, of which the Pula River City covers an area of 402 square kilometers and is 31.6 kilometers long; The Danzhu River City covers an area of 121.2 kilometers and is 23.4 kilometers long; Galabo River is more than 20 kilometers long [1]

natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Cikai Town include mountain torrents, debris flows, wind and hail, frost, etc. Torrents, mudslides, wind and hail, and frost occur every year [1]

natural resources

There are proven underground minerals in Cikai Town, such as lead-zinc ore, located in Galabo Village, Cikai Town, with a mining area of 0.6 square kilometers, geological reserves of 190000 tons, and undeveloped [1]
In 2011, Cikai Town had 11900 mu of arable land; The available grassland area is 123000 mu, and the forest land area is 540000 mu. [1]


Festive attire
At the end of 2011, the total population of Cikai Town was 14500, including 6486 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 46.2%. In the total population, there are 7672 males, accounting for 52.99%; 6806 women, accounting for 47.01%; 2539 people under 14 years old, accounting for 17.54%; 11300 people aged 15-64, accounting for 77.73%; 685 people over 65 years old, accounting for 4.73%. In the total population, the Lisu ethnic group is the main, accounting for 78.64 people, accounting for 54.32%; There are also six ethnic groups, namely Nu, Tibetan, Han, Dulong, Naxi and Bai. In 2011, the birth rate was 8.25 ‰, the mortality rate was 8.59 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was -0.24%. The population density is 19 people per square kilometer [1]
By the end of 2017, there were 12563 permanent residents in Cikai Town. [4]
By the end of 2018, the registered population of Cikai Town was 12258. [5]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Cikai Town was 12128. [3]




In 2019, there were 3 industrial enterprises in Cikai Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size; 34 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters [3]


Grain crops are mainly corn and rice. In 2011, 1868.79 tons of grain were produced. The main economic crops are grass fruits, walnuts, Chinese prickly ash and oilseeds. In 2011, the planting area of grass fruit was 25400 mu, with an output of 337.52 tons; The planting area of walnut is 16000 mu, with an output of 192.24 tons; The output of rapeseed is 42.04 tons. Animal husbandry is mainly for raising pigs, sheep, cattle and poultry. In 2011, the number of pigs raised was 13800, with 11900 on hand at the end of the year; The number of sheep raised was 10300, with 7786 on hand at the end of the year; The number of cattle raised was 2077, with 1552 on hand at the end of the year; The number of poultry raised is 2355, and the number of listed poultry is 12.3 million. In 2011, the meat output was 672 tons, including 579 tons of pork; 35.4 tons of eggs; The total output value of animal husbandry is 1.782 million yuan. [1]
By the end of 2011, Cikai Town has accumulated 2.58 million mu of afforestation, including 123 mu of protective forest, 352 mu of economic forest, 668 mu of bamboo forest, 200000 trees around farmers' houses, with a forest coverage rate of 65%. [1]
In 2011, the per capita net income of farmers in Cikai Town was 2306 yuan. [1]


At the end of 2011, there were 475 commercial outlets and 513 employees in Cikai Town [1]

Posts and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, there were 3 telecom enterprises in Cikai Town; Postal and telecommunication business income: 1.277 million yuan [1]

social undertakings


Cultural and sports undertakings

In 2011, there were 1 cultural station, 8 village cultural activity centers, 8 libraries and thousands of books in Cikai Town [1]
At the end of 2011, Cikai Town had 10 sports venues and 2 villages installed fitness equipment. Every year, the township level sports meet is held, with basketball, crossbow shooting, mountaineering and other events. People who often participate in sports activities account for 37% of the permanent population [1]
By the end of 2011, the comprehensive coverage rate of cable TV and satellite TV in Cikai Town was 95% [1]


At the end of 2011, there was a kindergarten in Cikai Town with 267 children and 31 full-time teachers; There is one primary school with 1122 students and 75 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary school is 100%; There is one complete middle school, with 605 junior high school students, 47 full-time teachers, 272 senior high school students and 30 full-time teachers. The coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education is 100% [1]
In 2011, the education fund of Cikai Town reached 28.79 million yuan, the education fund within the financial budget was 28.79 million yuan, and the education cost within the budget was 27.89 million yuan, up 6.7%, 7.7%, and 8.7% respectively from the previous year [1]

Science and technology

At the end of 2011, there were 1 science and technology demonstration base, 10 popular science bookstores and 2 science and technology service stations in Cikai Town; 289 scientific and technological talents [1]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, there were 1 health center and 6 village health centers in Cikai Town [1]

social security

In 2011, there were 334 households with minimum living security in Cikai Town, 705 people, 1.7188 million yuan of expenditure, 203 yuan per month. The number of rural minimum living security households is 2095, with 3886 people, and the expenditure is 3.3575 million yuan, with a monthly average of 72 yuan; 98 people were supported by the five guarantees in rural areas, and 94000 yuan was spent. The participation rate of new rural cooperative medical system is 96.08% [1]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, there were 6 postal outlets in Cikai Town, with a total one-way length of 185 kilometers, 6 delivery points and 100% rural postal rate [1]


S228 highway passes through Cikai Town. A transportation network consisting of roads has been formed. In 2011, the total passenger volume was 91200 person times and the total freight volume was 152000 tons. The town is connected by the Wagong Line and the Gong-C Line. The Dulongjiang Road passes through Cikai Town, and there is also the Danzhu Access Road to Myanmar. Every village in the town is connected by roads. [1]
Cikai Town

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
"Cikai" is a Nu language, meaning a place with abundant grain. [1]