
A family under the order Tuberous Flowers
zero Useful+1
Solanaceae (scientific name: Solanaceae Juss.) Yes Tuberosperma There are about 80 genera, 25 genera and 115 species of 3000 species in China, which are distributed in all provinces. Solanaceae has a rich variety of plants, including one to perennial herbs, shrubs and small trees, which can be used in many landscapes such as crawling, climbing, and standing. And other landscaping applications. Solanaceae plants are widely distributed throughout the country, but there are many varieties in the subtropical and tropical areas in the south. In addition to some species originating in China, there are also some varieties introduced from abroad, such as Mandarin duck jasmine, coral cherry, night fragrant tree, jasmine, belladonna, lantern fruit, pepper, tomato, etc. After years of research and cultivation, Solanaceae has more and more ornamental varieties, but there are fewer ornamental varieties in urban gardens, and the application mode is relatively simple. [18]
Solanaceae is widely distributed in tropic and the temperate zone It is mainly produced in tropical America.
Solanaceae has many important vegetables, economic plants and ornamental plants, some of which are common weeds in agricultural areas; Wild plant It is poisonous. Don't eat it by mistake. [1] Solanaceae plants have important application value for human beings. They provide many kinds of food and medicinal materials for human beings. In terms of theoretical research on solanaceae plants, previous studies on them mostly involved three aspects: pharmacology, toxicity and economy, plant composition analysis, introduction of new varieties and research on physiological properties. [18]
Chinese name
Latin name
Solanaceae Juss. [2]
Subkingdom of green plants
Distribution area
Temperate and tropical regions of the world
qié kē

History of botany

Solanaceae plants have been used in almost every cultural history at home and abroad. It is recorded in Volume 16 of Zunsheng Bajian by Gao Lian of the Ming Dynasty that "the pepper is clustered with white flowers. It has a bald pen, hot taste, red color, and considerable seeds." It is also said in the Qunfang Manual of Vegetables by Wang Xiangjin of the Ming Dynasty that "the pepper, also known as Qin pepper, has white flowers, and is really bald pen. It has a bright red color, very hot taste, and seeds." This is the earliest record of pepper adopted in China. Compendium of Materia Medica Volume 37: "Immortal staff (Song Jiayou) [Jijie] said that this was a dead man who was as black as paint when the bamboo shoots were ready to become bamboo. It was collected in May and June, and the bitter bamboo and sweet scented osmanthus bamboo were born here more than ever. There is another Immortal staff grass, and the Chinese wolfberry is also called Immortal Staff, with the same name." According to the Fahua Sutra, when Buddha said, the sky fell on the mandala flower. Since then, the mandala has been plated with a mysterious aura. With regard to mandala, Zhou Qufei of the Southern Song Dynasty wrote very clearly in his Answer to the Outside of the Mountain: "Guangxi mandala flowers are everywhere in the fields, with large leaves and white flowers. They are as strong as eggplant, and everywhere there are small thorns, which are medicinal herbs. Thieves have dried them up to make people eat and drink, making people drunk and stuffy." In Buddhism, mandala flowers are used to worship Bodhisattva, It represents the purity and holiness of the Buddha and the profound and subtle nature of the Buddha dharma. It is used metaphorically to describe the wonderful flowers as beautiful as smallpox. [18]

morphological character

Erect, crawl, lift or climb; Sometimes prickly, sparsely prickly. Single leaf entire, undivided or divided, sometimes pinnately compound, alternate or bilobate twins with different sizes on flowering branches; No stipules. The flowers are solitary, clustered or scorpion tail type, umbrella type, umbrella type, aggregate type, cone type Cyme , rare raceme Terminal, axillary or leaf axillary, or axillary exophyte; Amphoteric or heterozygous, radially symmetric or slightly bilaterally symmetric, usually 5-radix, sparse 4-radix. The calyx usually has 5 teeth, 5 middle cracks or 5 deep cracks, and rarely has 2, 3, 4 to 10 teeth or lobes. It is extremely thin and has no lobes. The lobes are arranged in tweezers, outward tweezers, inward tweezers or imbricates in the bud, or are not closed. After flowering, the calyx is almost not enlarged or extremely enlarged. It is persistent in the fruit, rarely from the near base to the periphery, but only from the base; Corolla with short tube or long tube, radial, funnel-shaped, high foot dish shaped, bell shaped or altar shaped, eaves 5 (sparse 4-7 or 10) shallow, middle or deep split, lobes of equal or unequal size, imbricated, tweezers shaped, inward tweezers shaped arrangement or folding in the bud; Stamens and corolla lobes are the same number but alternate, extending or not extending out of the corolla, isomorphic or heteromorphic (that is, filaments are not equal in length or anthers are different in size or shape), sometimes one of them is short and sterile or degenerated, inserted on the corolla tube, filaments are filiform or extend at the base, and anthers are attached at the base or back, erect or bow inward, and sometimes close or combine to form tubes around the style, Chamber 2, longitudinal seam cracking or top hole cracking; Ovary usually consists of two carpels, 2-locular, sometimes 1-locular, or with incomplete pseudomembrane, and is divided into 4-locular, sparse 3-5 (- 6) locular in the lower part, 2-carpels are not located on the midline but oblique, style is thin, with capitate or 2-lobed stigma; Axile placenta; The ovules are numerous, rare to 1, and are anatropous, curved or transverse. The fruit is a juicy or dry berry, or a capsule. Seeds disc shaped or kidney shaped; Endosperm is rich and fleshy; The embryo is bent into a hook, ring or spiral curl, located at the periphery and buried in the endosperm, or straight and located on the axis. [2]

Growth environment

Annual to perennial herbs, semi shrubs, shrubs or small trees, mountainous and hilly areas. [2]

Distribution range

Solanaceae are widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions all over the world. South America is the largest distribution center with the most species. Solanaceae plants grow in almost all provinces and regions in China, and their distribution ranges from 75 ° - 135 ° E to 18 ° - 52 ° N. Flora of China records about 80 genera, 3000 species in the world, 24 genera, 105 species and 35 varieties in China, and three families, namely, Pseudophysalis, Solanaceae and Datura. Peucedanum and Equisetum are endemic to China; Solanum is widely distributed on seven continents; Datura is distributed in all six continents except Antarctica; Asia has the largest distribution of 17 genera; Eleven genera are mainly native to America; Followed by 9 genera in Europe; 5 genera in Africa; 2 genera in Oceania; 1 genus in Antarctica. Table 3-1 describes the natural distribution of 24 genera of Solanaceae in China. [18]

Subordinate classification

Cestreae Dunal
Yexiangshu Cestrinae Wettst.
Euphorbia Cestrum L.
Tobacco subfamily Nicotianae Dunal
Nicotiana Nicotiana L.
Biloba Petunia Juss .
Daturae West
Datura Datura L.
Tomato family
Tomato Lycopersicon [19]
Nicandreae West
Physalis Nicandra Adans.
Solaneae Reichb
Hyoscyaminae Dunal Hyoscyaminae Dunal
Anisodamine Anisodus Link et Otto
Atropanthe Pascher Atropanthe Pascher
Cercidium Hyoscyamus L.
Lepidospermum Physochlaina G. Don
Equinaria Przewalskia Maxim
Hyoscyama Scopolia Jacq
Lycium L Lyciinae Wettst.
Belladonna Atropa L.
Lycium L Lycium L.
Aubergine subspecies Mandragorinae Wettst.
Lycopersicon Cyphomandra Sendt.
mandragora Mandragora L.
Geya Solaninae Dunal
Archiphysalis Kuang Archiphysalis Kuang
Capsicum L Capsicum L.
Red silk thread Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl.
Physaliastrum Makino Physaliastrum Makino
Physalis Physalis L.
Solanum Solanum L.
Tubocapsicum Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino
Solanum Withania Pauquy

Common species

It is native to northern China and widely cultivated, especially in Ningxia and Tianjin. The cultivation type can be small arbor; Leaves ovate or lanceolate; The calyx is usually 2-cleft, and the corolla lobes have no marginal hairs. Red berries are good tonics. The traditional Chinese medicine is called Lycium barbarum, which has a pleasant taste and can nourish the liver and kidney, and benefit the nerves; It contains betaine, physalein, cryptoxanthin, beta carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. [3]
Ningxia Lycium barbarum
It is widely distributed throughout the country. It is a multi thorn shrub with ovate or ovate rhombic leaves. The calyx is usually 3-lobed or 4-5 toothed, and the corolla lobes are densely ciliated. Its medicinal efficacy is similar to that of Ningxia Lycium barbarum, but its quality is slightly poor. [4]
Chinese wolfberry
It is widely distributed in the world, and it is distributed in all parts of China. It is often born near houses, roadside or grassland; Herbaceous or semi shrubby; Leaves broadly ovate, wavy lobed; Flowers are solitary between branches or leaf axils, calyx tube shaped, 5-sided, corolla funnel shaped, white or lavender; The capsule is ovoid and prickly. The whole plant is toxic. Appropriate amount has the function of sedation, analgesia and anesthesia. [5]
Specially produced in Qinghai, Gansu, eastern Tibet and northwestern Yunnan, it grows on the hillside at an altitude of 2800-4200 meters; Perennial herb with oblong or narrow oblong oval leaves, whole or with 1~3 pairs of thick teeth, glabrous on both sides, solitary flowers, bell shaped corolla or bell shaped funnel shaped corolla, purple or dark purple, spherical fruit, surrounded by persistent fruit calyx, ribs and net veins of the fruit calyx are obviously raised, and fruit stalks are straight. [6]
Endemic species of the western plateau of China, native to Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet and Sichuan, and growing on sandy gravel land and arid grassland at an altitude of 3200-5000 meters; The roots are thick, fleshy, and the leaves are densely distributed at the top of the shortened stem, shovel shaped; The total pedicel has 1~3 flowers in the axils, the calyx tube is bell shaped, the corolla tube is funnel shaped, the tube is purple, the eaves is yellow, the stamen filaments are very short, inserted in the throat of the corolla; Capsule spherical, enclosed in a very large oval or ovoid calyx. [7]
It is distributed in the north and southwest of China, and grows on the sandy land and grassland on the hillside, roadside and river bank, all of which are covered with sticky glandular hairs. The stem leaves are ovate or triangular ovate, the base is half embracing the stem, and the flowers are solitary in the leaf axils. At the upper end of the stem, they gather into a scorpion tail raceme. The corolla is yellow and the veins are purple. The calyx grows into a jar shaped shape and surrounds the capsule. The seeds are light yellow brown. In Chinese medicine, they are called Tianxianzi, and have antispasmodic and analgesic effects. [8]
Celestial Fairy
It is native to southern and central Europe and has been introduced in China. Herbs, leaves ovate or ovate elliptic; Flowers solitary, corolla tubular campanulate, lavender, 5-lobed, lobes reflexed outward; Berry spherical purple black; The roots and leaves contain hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine, belladonin, etc; Ye is used as an antispasmodic and analgesic drug to cure night sweats and has the effect of mydriasis. [9]
It often grows in fields, ditches or hillside grasslands; herbaceous; The flower is solitary, white, and the calyx grows into an egg shape when it is fruited, orange or fire red, which is very beautiful, so it is also called "brocade lantern" or "red mushroom mother"; Fruit red, sour and sweet, can be eaten raw or made jam, containing citric acid and trace alkaloids; The fruit calyx is used as medicine, which has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm and diuresis. [10]
Gold hanging lamp
It is widely distributed in Europe, Asia and America, and likes to grow near fields, wastelands and villages; Herb, ovate leaves, scorpion tail cyme with 3~10 flowers, white corolla, spherical and purple black berries; The whole plant can be used as medicine and has the effects of removing blood stasis, detumescence, clearing heat and detoxification. [11]
It is native to tropical Asia and is widely cultivated in the world. After long-term artificial cultivation, it has great variation. The fruit has long and round shapes and white and purple colors; In addition to fruits and vegetables, roots, stems and leaves are used for medicine as astringent and have diuretic effect. [12]
It is a hybrid. The color of the flower is changeable, including white and purple, and the corolla has various veins. It is widely introduced in the world, and cultivated in many city parks in China; Annual herb, with glandular hair, ovate leaves, entire margin, solitary leaf axils, 5-parted calyx, funnel-shaped corolla, tube gradually expanding upward, cornice spreading, broken wall, capsule 2-parted, and each petal top 2-lobed. [13]
Bidong eggplant
It is native to South America, and its fruits are vegetables and fruits in midsummer. It is widely cultivated in the north and south of China. [14]
It is cultivated in all parts of China. It originated in the mountains of tropical America and is now widely planted in the temperate regions of the world. Flowering in summer.
Potato tubers contain a large amount of starch, which can provide abundant heat for the human body, and are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, especially its vitamin content is the most complete among all food crops. [15]
The original distribution of this species is from Mexico to Colombia; It is widely cultivated all over the world. China has hundreds of years of cultivation history. As an important vegetable and condiment, the seed oil can be eaten, and the fruit can also drive insects and sweat. Due to long-term artificial cultivation and cross breeding, there are dozens of varieties in China. Generally, the fruit can be divided into several varieties according to its growth state, shape and size, and degree of spicy taste. [17]
It is native to South America. It is widely cultivated in various provinces and regions in the north and south of China. As raw materials for the tobacco industry; The whole plant can also be used as pesticide; It can also be used as an anesthetic, sweating, sedative and emetic. [16]

Key values


Medicinal value

Many plants in Solanaceae are of great economic significance. In addition to the famous peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco, there are also many species with medicinal value, such as Ningxia Lycium barbarum , Chinese wolfberry belladonna Etc. Hyoscyamanes in Solanaceae originating from China alkaloid There are many plants, such as Hyoscyama Anisodamine Atropanthe Pascher Equinaria Cercidium Lepidospermum mandragora and Datura Etc., some species contain Anisodine Anisodine and red potato alkaloid Bellaradine, which have high content and rich resources, include: Anisodamine Vesicle Celestial Fairy datura Etc. The common ornamental plants of Solanaceae are Bidong eggplant Etc. Calyx persistent. China is one of the countries with abundant medicinal plant resources in the world, and there are far more than 11000 kinds of medicinal plants. Solanaceae plants have strong adaptability, multiple uses, rich nutrition and high economic benefits, and are widely cultivated in China. [18]
Anisodamine solanaceae grows on the sunny side of mountain slopes and grasslands. Its roots have the effects of anesthesia and analgesia; Datura is grown in fields, ditches, hillsides and other places. Its leaves, flowers and seeds are all medicinal parts, which can anaesthetize, dispel wind and dampness, stop asthma and pain; The fairy grows on the roadside, hillside and ravine. Its seeds and leaves are medicinal parts, which can calm nerves, relieve spasms and relieve pain; Lycium barbarum grows in hillsides, emperors and shrubs. Its roots, skins and fruits have the effects of nourishing, improving eyesight, enriching essence, clearing away heat and purging fire; Solanum nigrum grows by streams, roadsides and fields. Its overground parts can be used for medicine. It has the effects of clearing heat, detoxification, diuresis and detumescence [18]

economic value

The fruits of Solanaceae plants are not only of high ornamental value, but also of good economic value. For example, ginseng fruit has anti-cancer, blood pressure reduction, beauty and other functions, can be processed into fruit juice, drinks and other products, with great development value; Tobacco is an important raw material for tobacco industry, and the whole plant can also be used as pesticide; Potatoes, ornamental tomatoes, purple eggplants, and plants of the genus Capsicum, such as Chaotian Pepper and Cluster Pepper, are all important food and vegetable crops; Lycium barbarum tender leaves can be used as vegetables, and the fruits are listed as "dual-use medicine and food" by the Ministry of Health. The seed oil can be used to make lubricating oil or edible oil, as well as processed into health products, Lycium barbarum oil. [18]

Ornamental value

The varieties of Solanaceous plants are rich and diverse in characteristics. Some varieties of Solanaceous plants have beautiful and lovely flowers with colorful flowers, fruits, leaves and the appearance of the whole plant; Some species have peculiar fruit shape and bright color; Some plants can emit charming fragrance, which can be used in the nightscape. The delicate fragrance emitted by plants can make up for people's sense of smell when they cannot see things at night. Datura of Solanaceae can produce pink flowers, which can create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the garden; In spring and summer, tobacco and Bidongaubergine have striking red flowers, which become the focus of people's vision and greatly inspire people's psychology; The purple flowers of the genus Annona make people feel calm and grand. A small amount of purple flowers can be used as the background color of other colors in the garden. These have very high ornamental value. We should make full use of solanaceous plants, enrich the types of garden greening materials, and create a garden landscape that meets people's aesthetic requirements. [18]


Cases of poisoning are also very common, but there are few deaths. It is one of the most important families of poisonous plants, which contains many types of toxic chemical components and has various toxicological effects. The chemical and toxicological studies on toxic plants of Solanaceae have a history of more than 100 years, and rich results have been obtained, but there are still some important toxic species that have not been studied in detail.
Poisoning is often caused by taking it by mistake, using too much medicine, children eating its fruit by mistake, and livestock eating leaves. The most common causes of poisoning are datura and Flos Daturae Although potatoes are important grain crops And vegetables, poisoning caused by eating is not uncommon. According to poisoning symptoms, it can be divided into four categories.
1. Datura, Ranunculus Cercidium Belladonna Physalis (Physalis L.)、 Lepidospermum (Physochloina G. Don) and other plant poisonings are characterized by delirium, hallucination, etc Mental symptoms And dry mouth, red skin, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, coma, spasm and even death in serious cases. But livestock are rarely poisoned. It mainly contains supporting alkaloids and is not sensitive to livestock.
2. Solanum poisoning is characterized by gastrointestinal irritation and central nervous system Inhibition of, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fast breathing and slow heartbeat, coma. Death. Mainly containing steroids alkaloid
3. Tobacco poisoning is represented by plants ganglion cells The action of first exciting and then blocking the connection with nerve and muscle, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness dyspnea , convulsion, due to Respiratory paralysis And die. It mainly contains pyridine alkaloids.
4. Pepper poisoning is manifested as irritation of skin, mucosa and gastrointestinal tract, including capsaicin (capsaicin), etc.