Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff

Dutch chemist and Nobel Prize winner in chemistry
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synonym Vant Hoff (Dutch modern chemist) generally refers to Jacobs Henrix van Toff
Jacobs Henrix van Toff( Dutch :Jacobus Henricus van ' T Hoff; August 30, 1852 - March 11, 2011), born Netherlands Rotterdam , died in Germany Berlin Dutch chemist, in 1901, due to the discovery of chemical kinetics Law and osmotic pressure Regularity and Stereochemistry and chemical equilibrium The contribution of theory ", becoming the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry The winner of. [1 ]
Chinese name
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff
Foreign name
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff
date of birth
August 30, 1852
Date of death
March 11, 1911
University one is graduated from
Delft University of Technology Leiden University
Key achievements
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
one's native heath
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Charles-Adolphe Wurtz、 Kekule

Character's Life

Jacobus Henrichus van't Hoff, August 30, 1852 Rotterdam, Netherlands - March 11, 2011 Germany Berlin ), Dutch chemist, awarded the title of Nobel Prize in Chemistry
He was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1852. His father was a doctor of medicine. Fantov was very smart when he was young. In middle school, I was very interested in chemical experiments. Often sneak into the school laboratory after school to do chemical experiments. In 1869, he studied at Delft High School of Technology Industrial technology , a chemist who graduated with excellent grades and was taught by the university A C. Odermans and physicist Vander Sander Buck attached great importance to Hu Yiren. In 1872, Van Hoff stay Leiden University Graduated and went to Paris medical college Wurz Lab.

Death in old age

Infection in old age pulmonary tuberculosis , emaciated, still tireless in research, died in Steglitz near Berlin on March 1, 1911.

academic research

Published in 1875《 Space chemistry 》In this paper, the hypothesis of the spatial three-dimensional structure of molecules is proposed“ Asymmetric carbon atom ”Concept, and positive carbon Tetrahedral configuration Hypothesis (also known as Van Hoff Le· Bell model ), i.e. one carbon atom Connecting four different atoms or groups preliminarily solves the problem of optical rotation The relationship between structure and this research result has immediately caused a huge response in the chemical community, and it is mixed; Professor Henrizenus, an organic chemist, wrote a letter to Van Hoff, saying: "I am very happy with your theoretical research results. In your article, I not only saw an extremely clever attempt to explain the facts that have not been clarified so far, but also I believe that this attempt will have epoch-making significance in our science." Germany Leipzig Hermann of· Cole Professor Bei thinks: "There is a Utrecht veterinary Dr. Van Hoff of the Institute is not interested in precise chemical research. In his "Stereochemistry", he announced that the most convenient thing he thought was to ride on the Pegasus he rented from the veterinary college. When he bravely flew to the top of the chemical Mount Panasas, he found out how the atoms Cosmic space " Soon, University of Amsterdam He was hired as a lecturer, and became a professor of chemistry in 1878.
In 1877, Van Hoff began to pay attention to research chemical kinetics And chemistry Affinity Question. In 1884, he published Research on Chemical Kinetics. In 1885, he was elected as a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. 1886 Van der Hoop according to experimental data Van der Hoop's law is proposed that osmotic pressure is proportional to the concentration and temperature of solution, and its Proportional constant Is the constant R in the gas equation of state. August 1887, with German scientists William Ostwald Co founded Journal of Physical Chemistry.

Achievements and honors

In 1901, he became the first person because he "discovered the law of chemical kinetics and osmotic pressure in solution and made contributions to the theory of stereochemistry and chemical equilibrium" Nobel Prize in Chemistry He was later invited to visit the United States and Germany.

Award Speech

1901 Jacobs Henrikus Vantehoff
Award Speech National Archives Former curator Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences President Odena delivers a speech)
The Royal Academy of Sciences will Nobel Prize in Chemistry grant University of Berlin Professor Jacobs Henrikus Vantehoff of chemical kinetics and Solution osmotic pressure Pioneering work in.
As his research achievements in the field of atomic and molecular theory, van der Hoff has made Theoretical chemistry The most important discovery in.
Vantehoff is here Atomic theory In compliance with Pasteur's point of view, he proposed that basic atoms have geometry in space directional The hypothesis of the combination point of the two. This hypothesis, as far as carbon compounds are concerned, led to the creation of the theory of carbon atom asymmetry and stereochemistry.
More revolutionary character What is van der Hoff's discovery in the field of molecular theory. Vantehoff's research shows that if we consider the pressure in solution in the same way as the pressure in gas, that is, osmotic pressure, then the law named after Italian Avogadro (according to Avogadro's law At the same temperature and pressure, any gas in a certain volume has the same number of molecules.) It is not only suitable for gaseous substances, but also suitable for solutions. He proved that the air pressure and osmotic pressure are consistent, so the molecules themselves are consistent in the gas phase and solution. The concept of molecule in chemistry certainty And universal Effectiveness Therefore, it has been proved to reach an unexpected level so far. He also discovered how to express chemistry in reaction Equilibrium state , and the electric power generated in the reaction; He explained water content different hydrate How the changes of various elements are transferred, and Double salt How it was formed.


Van terhoff factor