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Fan Yanqiao

Chinese modern writers
Fan Yanqiao (1894-1967), nicknamed Ailian, Yongxue, styled Weishao, is the No. Yanqiao Bridge, which includes Liangsheng, the owner of the Owl Yi family, Wannian Bridge, Sorrow City Xiake, Wujiang Tongli Man, born in Fan Jiadai, Qizixu, Tongli a family of scholar , post migration Suzhou Wen Jia'an is a modern Chinese writer.
Fan is Fan Zhongyan After his nephew Fan Chunyi, Fan Sichun moved from Wuchengfang in Suzhou to Tongli in Wujiang at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was the tenth generation to Fan Yanqiao, and his generation was called "Qin". His father, Fan Kuichen, selected people for the Jiangnan provincial examination. When Fan Yanqiao was young, his father asked him to read scriptures, but Fan Yanqiao did not like scriptures, but loved to read the storytelling and novels collected by his mother Yan Yun. In order not to let his father know, he secretly read by his pillow in the morning and evening. Due to improper use of his eyes, he was short-sighted. When I grow up, I like wearing sunglasses.
Chinese name
Fan Yanqiao
date of birth
Date of death
one's native heath
Representative works
"The Record of Singing in a Sole Palm" Jiangnan Heroes, etc

brief introduction

Fan Yanqiao is versatile. He knows well novels, films, poems, essays, riddles, and storytelling. He is also good at calligraphy and painting, industrial and mobile grass, fan books, and painting. He has written a lot in his life, including Cut Tobacco, History of Chinese Novels, Collection of Fan Yanqiao, Local Records of Wujiang County, Stories of Tang Bohu, Odd Yi Room Miscellaneous, Lin's Heroes, Liluan's Story, Suzhou Scenery Collection, etc.

Personal Resume

Fan Yanqiao, because of his admiration for poets in the Southern Song Dynasty Jiang Kui "Looking Back at the Fourteenth Yanbo Bridge"(《 Over a rainbow 》)The words "smoke" and "bridge" in are combined to form a sign.
On July 3, 1894, Fan Yanqiao was born in a scholarly family in Fan Jiadai, Qizixu, Tongli. After Fan Zhongyan, Fan's nephew, Fan Chunyi, Fan Yanqiao's father, Fan Kuichen, became a candidate for the Jiangnan provincial examination.
In 1907, at the age of 14, Fan Yanqiao attended Tongchuan Public School and became a Jin Songcen One of the students. During his school years, he studied hard and practiced hard, which made him very popular with Mr. Jin Songcen. Under the influence of Jin Songcen, he began to learn about literature, history, geography, poetry and novels.
In 1911, Fan Yanqiao was admitted to Wu Changyuan Public Middle School (the predecessor of Suzhou Caoqiao Middle School) with excellent results. At this time, some of the students who became historians were in their prime Gu Jiegang (Chanting Kun), literary educator Ye Shengtao (Shao Jun), painter's Wu Hufan (Wan) and Chen Junshi (Zi Qing), calligraphers Jiang Yinqiu (Jing Huan), Writer's Zheng Yimei Fan Yanqiao also communicated with his classmates with his own articles.
In September of that year, Suzhou recovered, the school closed, and Fan Yanqiao returned home. Fan's family has a very rich collection of books. There are thousands of ancient books. Fan Yanqiao started by flipping through them. Later, he became addicted to them. As he read more and more books, he became eager to write. After writing the article, he thought of publishing it and slowly entered the literary world.
Fan Yanqiao is in Tongli, admiring Chen Qubing last outstanding poet of the traditional school The Southern Society founded by Xu Pingjie and Zhang Shengyu also co founded the "Tongnan Society" with the sage Yuan Longfuzhai. A word of "Tong" indicates that the purpose is the same as that of Nanshe; On the other hand, it shows that it is a literary group sponsored by Tongli people. At that time, in Shanghai, Wuxi, Yancheng, Haining and other places, there were more than 500 people from north to south, which had a great impact. Fan Yanqiao's journal was Tongnan Society Journal. Two years later, mimeography was changed to typesetting, with one volume every year, up to ten volumes. The format was also similar to that of Nanshe Series, which included three parts: articles, poems and words. Later, Fan Yanqiao was introduced by Liu Yazi to join the South Society, with the number of 969. Later, Fan Yanqiao studied the history of Nanshe literature. In the early 1920s, he wrote Nanshe Literature, and selected some of them to be published in such publications as Shenbao, Xinwen Newspaper. However, he did not collect them, leaving a manuscript of about 90000 words. In his later years, he also wrote articles about Nanshe, about 20000 words of "Nanshe Trivia", which is his outstanding contribution to "Nanshe".
In 1912, Suzhou Caoqiao Middle School resumed classes, and Fan Yanqiao went to Suzhou to continue his studies. Due to the school tide, the school and students were at loggerheads, and Fan Yanqiao dropped out of school and returned home. In autumn, when we went to Hangzhou Zhijiang School Sun Yat-sen Mr. Fan quit his post as president and went to Zhijiang to make a speech when he was passing by Hangzhou. Fan Yanqiao thought the "speech was wonderful" and invited several students to take a group photo with Mr. Sun Yat sen. The next year, Fan Yanqiao was admitted to Nanjing University of the Republic of China. When the second revolution broke out, the school moved to Shanghai. Fan Yanqiao didn't go with him and went home to his cousin Qian Zuyi Since then, learning calligraphy has ended the student era, turned to the self-study stage, and engaged in cultural and educational undertakings.
In 1914, Fan Yanqiao went to Wujiang Bache No. 1 Primary School as a teacher and also a teacher of Bache Women's Primary School. Later, he served as a school administrator of Bache Township, a student of Wujiang County School Advice Institute, a history teacher of Wujiang No. 2 Higher Primary School, and a Chinese teacher of No. 1 Women's Primary School. The Local Chronicles of Wujiang County, compiled as a textbook in 1917, covers rivers, transportation, education, administration, autonomy, as well as the basic overview of Tongli, Shengze, Lili, Zhenze, Luxu, Pingwang and other towns under the county. During this period, he submitted articles to the Shanghai Times supplement Yuxing, which was appreciated by the chief editor Bao Tianxiao. He asked Fan Yanqiao to write articles, and Fan Yanqiao wrote ten times of Tanci, "The Story of Family Wandering," satirizing high Qing official This is Fan Yanqiao's first contribution to the imperial dream, which was successful; Almost at the same time, Fan Yanqiao also learned to write novels. He submitted several short stories to Wang Xishen's Novel Monthly, and later published them. From then on, he began to set foot in the field of novels.
Fan Yanqiao
After Tongyan Newspaper, Wujiang Newspaper was founded on New Year's Day in 1921. It started as a semi monthly magazine and later as a weekly magazine. The purpose of the newspaper is to open up new ideas, attack the dark society and improve the society. It lasted for more than 5 years and 231 issues were issued. This is the earliest《 Wujiang Daily 》。 In 1934, he was also the editor in chief of "New Wujiang", which had a large number of copies at sunrise. Due to financial constraints, the publication was stopped several months later.
In 1922, Fan Yanqiao moved to Suzhou with his family, and the social affairs with Nanshe stopped. Fan Yanqiao's father bought a house in Wenjia'an, Suzhou, which is the corner of the "elegant garden" of Gu Aiying, a writer of the Yuan Dynasty. There are still rockeries, ponds, curved bridges, ancient trees, as well as newly planted elms, tungs, camellias, plum trees and apricots. Fan Yanqiao wrote in a poem: "One corner of the elegant garden is old, and the sea saffron is blooming in the courtyard". Later, Fan Yanqiao named his study "Qiyi Room". "Qiyi" was a wine container. He loved "smoke" and "wine" all his life, and the study became the smoke and wine in his spiritual life. He also invited the painter Shen Xuelu to write "The Painting of Qiyi Brewing Poems", and invited celebrities and literary friends to chant. Fan Yanqiao also wrote "Odd Yi Room Miscellaneous".
During his stay in Suzhou, he kept close contact with the writers in Suzhou, Shanghai and Wuxi newspapers. At that time, Yan Duhe was editor in chief of the "News" supplement "Joyful Forest" and "Red" magazine, Zhou Lejuan The supplement of Shenbao, Free Talk and Half Moon, edited by the chief editor, Houbao, the supplement of Times, edited by Bi Yihong, the supplement of New Shenbao, edited by Jiang Hongjiao, Small Shenbao, and other newspapers and magazines, such as Fiction Series, Fiction World, Violet, Game Magazine, Weekly, Red Rose and Family, Fan Yanqiao asked Fan Yanqiao to write short stories, essays, and storytelling. Fan Yanqiao wrote thousands of words every day to cope with the situation. The faster he wrote, the more skilled he became. He also wrote the novel "The Singing of a Lone Palm", which was published by Dadong Book Company, based on the legend that Yuan Yi was in charge; In 1923, he edited his essay "Cut Tobacco", which was published by Wenxin Company; In the autumn of this year, he went to Wuxi to help edit the supplement "Yu Yong" of the "Su Min Bao", during which he wrote a "Record of the Transition of New Trends" (containing "New Shanghai") Reform movement The trend of intellectuals in Wujiang.
In 1922, Fan Yanqiao and Zhao Mianyun The literary group "Star Club" was organized to talk about literature and art together, and the three-day magazine "Star Newspaper" was issued. The "Star Club" has grown from 9 people at the beginning to more than 100 people. On the tenth anniversary of the Star Club, Fan Yanqiao wrote a commemorative article in the 8th issue of Coral: "Our Star Club has always been spiritually united, which is older and more sound than other literary and artistic groups. The community members have made considerable efforts in literary and artistic work in recent years.". The magazine is accompanied by photos of members of the One Star Club, including Jiang Yinqiu, Tu Shouzhuo, Huang Zhuantao, Zhou Shoujuan, Cheng Xiaoqing, Zhou Kexiang, Fan Jugao, Jin Jihe, Fan Junbo, Gu Mingdao, Fan Peiyu, etc. During this period, Fan Yanqiao and Wenyou also founded "Youth Club", "Cloud Club", etc., but they did not persist.
In 1926, Fan Yanqiao went to Jinan to help edit the supplement Xinyu of Xinlu Daily. In 1927, he returned to Suzhou and spent three years intermittently completing the History of Chinese Fiction with more than 200000 words. It was published by Suzhou Autumn Leaf Society in December and sold in Fiction Forest Bookstore. The publication of this book has a great impact. He also likes reading novels, writing novels and studying novels. Fan Yanqiao's attainments in novels have made him more and more famous.
Fan Yanqiao spent most of his life engaged in education and cultural dissemination, and devoted himself to writing and editing literature.
In the spring of 1928, Fan Yanqiao was appointed by Wang Xishen as the director of Chinese Studies at Zhengfeng Middle School; In autumn, Chen Qubing introduced him to Shanghai Zhizhi University to teach novels; Fan Yanqiao should take over the chief editor of Small Daily as recommended by Bao Tianxiao, Jiang Hongjiao, Yao Sufeng, Zhashiduan, Huang Guangyi and Huang Zhuantao; In 1930, Fan Yanqiao set up a compilation institute in Suzhou World Book Company and was appointed as an outside editor; In the winter of 1931, he served as a Chinese cultural teacher attached to Soochow University.
In 1932, he was hired to teach fiction at Soochow University. For the convenience of lectures, he wrote a brief history of novels of the old school of the Republic of China with 100000 words for handouts. He divided novels into two categories: one is the old school novels, including romantic literature school in the early Republican period , martial arts novels, representative figures Zhou Shoujuan, etc; One is the new school novels, that is, political novels, civilian novels, and representative figures Lu Xun Etc. In 1961, after finishing the draft, Wei Shaochang edited it into the Series of Modern Chinese Literature Materials (Class A). At this time, he also had a "History of Chinese Fiction" of more than 20000 words, divided into 30 small chapters, serialized in Tang Ninan's "China Daily", which ended in January. This year, Fan Yanqiao and Ye Zhenhan, the owner of Fiction Forest Bookstore, jointly organized the semimonthly Coral. Fan Yanqiao served as the president and chief editor. Over the past two years, a total of 48 issues were published by Shanghai Minzhi Bookstore. In addition to domestic distribution, they were also distributed to Japan, Korea and Myanmar. Fan Yanqiao pointed out in the publication of Coral, "Do not hesitate to hold the Coral with people": "The national disaster is over, and the hidden pain is long. There is a mood to talk about the literature and art that is not urgent, which is due to blame. But after careful consideration, this may not be true, because saving the country can not hold iron and blood exclusively, and there are people in the world who use culture as an aggressive tool, so we can save the country with culture! But despite this great ambition, Coral Semimonthly actually feels that its strength is too small, so it has to exhaust our efforts and responsibilities... " Fan Yanqiao's Coral, which was first published after the September 18th incident, published Resistance Diary and National Disasters and Family Enemies《 Commemoration of September 18th 》And so on.
In 1933, Fan Yanqiao wrote "Introduction to Poetics" and edited "Selected Enchanting Ci", which was published by the Central Book Company. This book was compiled into a monograph named "Tea Smoke and Rest" based on the notes of previous years, which was published by Zhongfu Book Company. "Tea Smoke Break" is quite famous. Zhang Taiyan and Wu Hufan wrote the title page with inscriptions. This book collects Fan Yanqiao's experiences in the past 40 years, more than 200 essays, and many anecdotes about people, such as Kuang Zhouyi, Shi Dakai, Weng Songchan, Hu Xueyan, Chen Chuan, Su Manshu, Wang Xiaonong, Bi Yihong, Wu Hufan, etc; Other novelists said, such as "Niehai Flower", "Three Laughs", "Pearl Tower", "Scholars", "Flower Tasting Treasure", etc; There are also food ways and allusions, such as Humble Administrator's Garden, Swallow's Fan, Zhanyuan Peony, Mogan Mountain sunrise, Biluochun, chicken head rice, malt cake, Min cake, No. 1 cake, duck wonton and Happy Egg. "Tea Break" once had a column in "Coral". "Tea Break", like "Cut Tobacco", has the word "smoke". "smoke" is taken from the word of Fan Yanqiao. In addition, "smoke" is a major hobby of Fan Yanqiao, and "smoke" has a recreational meaning.
Fan Yanqiao often visits Mr. Jin Songcen, a teacher from Tongchuan School in Suzhou. Jin Songcen's child, Jin Jihe, often writes for his Coral. Once, Fan Yanqiao asked Jin Songcen to write a few words. Jin Songcen asked, "What to write?" Fan Yanqiao said, "Just like the comment you wrote in my composition book at the beginning." After a little thinking, Jin Songcen wrote: "Sailing a thousand miles, speed does not ask for work." Later, Fan Yanqiao carved "speed does not ask for work" into chapters to overcome the shortcomings in his writing and calligraphy. It is said that during this period, he even wrote neat calligraphy in small regular script.
In 1934, Fan Yanqiao wrote the novel "Suzhou Flowers and Plants" for the supplement "Mingjing" of "Suzhou Mingbao", which was serialized for several months.
In the autumn of 1935, members of the Southern Society buried Chen Qubing in public. Fan Yanqiao was recommended to compile Chen Qubing's posthumous works. Fan Yanqiao compiled Chen Qubing's Five Stone Grease from the Journal of National Quintessence; He also excerpted from Coral the published serial Haogetang Recent Talks.
In 1936, Fan Yanqiao began to contact with the film and drama industry Star Film Company Chief of Document Section. Edited more than 100000 words of Star Factbook, and acted as chief editor of the publication Jilian for more than a year.
When the Anti Japanese War broke out in 1937, the star film company closed down, and Fan Yanqiao's family returned to the old house of Tongli for refuge.
In 1938, his uncle Yan Baoli founded Wen Wei Po in Shanghai and recruited him as secretary; In Shanghai, he helped Yang Xizhen prepare for the Xizhen Girls School; The middle school attached to Soochow University moved from Anhui to Shanghai, and Fan Yanqiao went to succeed the Chinese teachers.
In 1939, Fan Yanqiao began to adapt Ye Chulun The novel Gu Xu Han Jia Ji is a screenplay Heroes in troubled times, which is for Guohua Pictures Edited by. In Shanghai, he edited Suzhou Gazette, which was run by Suzhou local people exiled to Shanghai, and was soon suspended due to lack of funds; This year, Wen Wei Po was forced to stop publishing, and Fan Yanqiao was appointed as the educational administration of Songjiang Middle School.
In 1940, he served as a clerk of Jinxing Film Company and adapted screenplays for Guohua Film Company《 The West Chamber 》Qinhuai Aristocratic Family, Three Laughs, etc. After they were made into films, they made a lot of audiences. Zhou Xuan starred in The West Chamber, and the theme song, Red Cross《 perfect as blooming and full moon 》It is very popular in China.
In 1941, Fan Yanqiao continued to give lectures on novels at Soochow University. The following year, the High School Affiliated to Soochow University was reorganized into Zhengyang Middle School, and Fan Yanqiao was elected as president; It was not until 1946 that Fan Yanqiao resigned as president of the Affiliated High School.
In 1942, he edited screenplays "Figs" and "Jieyuhua" for Guohua Film Company, both of which were created; He is also a teacher of the High School Attached to Datong University.
In 1943, Fan Yanqiao was also the educational administration of Daxia University; In the Mid Autumn Festival of this year, we had a reunion with 20 Tonggeng people in Shanghai, including Zheng Wuchang, Wu Hufan, Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Wang Yachen, and so on. Everyone was 50 years old this year. They were all thousands of years old. They had a reunion dinner in the Rongyuan Garden to learn skills. Fan Yanqiao was good at cursive writing and could draw ink plum trees.
In 1945, prices soared. Fan Yanqiao mainly taught and wrote for small newspapers essay
After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wenhui Daily was re published, and Fan Yanqiao went to the part-time editor of Wenhui Pictorial. At this time, he wrote a novel, "Stone Breaking the Sky", which was serially published in Lanzhou Northwest Daily; He also wrote an essay "Su Wei" with the pen name "Tang Fengge Huiren" in the tabloid to introduce Wuzhong food, so some people called him a gourmet; And together with Wang Kangyuan, they issued the New Era Weekly.
In 1946, Fan Yanqiao moved to Suzhou with the High School Affiliated to Suzhou and taught Chinese at school; He continued to teach novels at Soochow University; Compiled more than 70000 characters of letters for Chunming Bookstore; He has written for New Garden, a supplement of News Daily for a long time; Writing essays for more than ten small newspapers; The short story Lady Huarui, published by Rixin Publishing House; For《 Wen Wei Po 》Edit "Domestic Products Outlook".
In 1947, the screenplay "On the Road Flowers" was revised by Hong Shen and Wu Renzhi, and was produced by Hong Kong Greater China Film Company, which changed its name to "Love Forever"; This year in Tongli, my hometown Yang Tianji Jointly launched Renmei Middle School, with Yang Tianji as the director and Fan Yanqiao as the responsible director. by Zhou Xuan Singing Chen Gexin Compose music and lyrics, create famous songs《 Night in Shanghai 》。
New China was founded in 1949. Fan Yanqiao was a representative of the People's Congress of all circles in Suzhou; In 1950, he served as the vice chairman of Suzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles; Writing Taiping Heavenly Kingdom for Tang Gengliang, a Pingtan actor; Write the theory of storytelling for Xinpingtan, the supplement of Xinmin Evening News, and the short storytelling and opening to reflect new people and new events; Compiled into People's Hero Guo Zhongtian, published by Sunan People's Publishing House; During this period, he wrote an article for Wen Wei Po under the pen name "Wu Meng", which means "Wu Xia Amun".
In 1952, Fan Yanqiao was transferred to Suzhou High School to teach. He was also appointed as a member of the Culture and Education Committee of the Southern Jiangsu Administrative Office. Writing essays for the supplement of Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao. Tang Bohu's Foreign Biography was serially published in Hong Kong's New Night News.
In 1955, he wrote The Romance of Li Xiucheng, which was serially published in Overseas Chinese News. This year, he was appointed as the director of Suzhou Culture Department by the Provincial People's Committee.
Participated in 1956 China Association for the Promotion of Democracy , deputy chairman of the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the People's Republic of China and alternate member of the Central Committee. After the Municipal Culture Department was changed into the Bureau of Culture, he served as the director and vice chairman of Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The collection of short stories "Madame Huarui" was republished by Shanghai Culture Press that year.
In 1957, Fan Yanqiao was appointed as the standing member of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of China Association for the Promotion of Democracy. This year will《 External biography of Tang Bohu 》It was rewritten as The Story of Tong Pak Fu by Jiangsu People's Publishing House Publication. At this time, he was known as one of the "Four Old People in Suzhou", namely Fan Yanqiao, Zhou Shoujuan, Cheng Xiaoqing, and Jiang Yinqiu.
In 1958, Fan Yanqiao was appointed as the deputy director of the Suzhou Municipal Cultural Relics Preservation Committee. The Suzhou Museum of Geography was set up in the Confucian Temple, and later moved to the Zhongwang Mansion in Northeast Street, renamed Suzhou Museum, with Suzhou "Historic Relics Exhibition Room" and "Revolutionary Relics Exhibition Room of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Jiangsu Province" inside.
In 1959, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee. He wrote "Li Xiucheng in Suzhou" and "Yang Zhi, Ren Huan and Yu Japanese Pirates". After Liu Yazi died, he went to Beijing in person to collect more than 1000 cultural relics from his wife Zheng Peiyi. In the early 1960s, he set up a "Exhibition Room of Mr. Liu Yazi's Life Stories" in the museum with a "Exhibition Room of Zhang Yingchun's Martyrs' Stories" attached. He also transported the materials to Wujiang, the hometown of Liu Yazi and Zhang Yingchun, for exhibition for several days. As early as Counter-Japanese War Before that, he published Liu Yazi's poems about martyr Zhang Yingchun in Coral, which he founded, regardless of his safety. In his later years, although his body was getting weaker and weaker, he still worked hard to write novels such as Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu, Nan Guan Cao, Suzhou Four Talents, Northern Miscellaneous Poems, Suzhou New Chant, etc; He also compiled Records of Humble Administrator's Garden and Suzhou Scenery to be compiled.
In 1960, he attended the cultural and educational group meeting of Jiangsu Province and then attended the enlarged meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Movement in Beijing. Chairman Mao Zedong met him and took a group photo in Huairen Hall.
On New Year's Day in 1963, he went to Beijing to attend the banquet for the elderly over 70 years of the CPPCC National Committee, and went with Zhou Jianren, Wang Shaoao, and Wu Yanyin. Premier Zhou Enlai delivered a toast, and after returning to Suzhou, he wrote the seven laws and four chapters of "Seventy Stories".
In 1965, Fan Yanqiao wrote "Juguang Photos", recording my 71 years of Life
During the "Cultural Revolution", Fan Yanqiao, Zhou Shoujuan and Cheng Xiaoqing were severely attacked and tortured. Unfortunately, his poetry collections and manuscripts, which he planned to publish in his later years, did not come out in time. On March 28, 1967, he died of depression in his Suzhou apartment at the age of 74.
Fan Yanqiao's life was deeply involved in the literary and educational circles. He has made great achievements and contributions in novel creation and research, film script and old style poetry creation, newspaper and magazine editing, local literature collection, cultural relics protection, etc.

Publishing books

  • History of Chinese Fiction
    Author name Fan Yanqiao
    The first edition of Suzhou Autumn Leaf Community in 2016-------------- Although some people on Fan Yanqiao often meet, they will soon forget and leave no impression; Some people have never met, but once they meet, they will never forget. It's very lyrical, but Fan Yanqiao is really like this to me, and he sighs that he hated meeting each other too late. This feeling also comes from the fact that people seldom mention Fan Yanqiao. His works are rarely seen in the market. The actual situation should be

martial arts novel

"Singing in a Lone Palm", "Jiangnan Heroes", "Loyal Great Xia", "Heroic Woman and Strange Man".