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Fan Zhan

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King Funan
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Fan Zhan, Funan king. Funan king Fan Man Nephew.
Full Name
Fan Zhan
Cambodia Funan period
Ethnic groups
Khmer nationality
At the beginning of the second century, Sister Fan Man had a son named Fan Zhan, who was a general of two thousand soldiers. She usurped Fan Man and made herself king. She sent people to cheat the crown prince, Jinsheng, and then killed him.
In the fourth year of Huangwu in the Eastern Wu Dynasty (225 years), Fan Zhan, the king of Funan, sent an envoy to the State of Wu. He took the sea route to Henghekou in India for more than a year, and then took the land route to the Eastern Wu Dynasty for four years to offer colored glaze. king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Dispatch Zhonglang Kangtai He sent envoys to help the South.
In 240, Fan Zhan, King of Funan, sent envoys Tianzhu Maolun Dynasty
When Fan Man, the former king of Fu Nan, died, he had a baby name Norm length , hiding people. When Fan Chang was 20 years old, he became a junior high school student Warrior , attack and kill Fan Zhan, the King of Funan. But later, General Fan Zhan Fan Xun He also killed Fan Chang and made himself king (about 244-287 years later).