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Fan Jian

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Politicians and Confucian scholars in the Eastern Jin Dynasty
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Fan Jian (the year of birth and death is unknown), with the word Zichang, is a native of Shunyang (now Henan Neixiang), Nanyang. Eastern Jin Dynasty Politicians and economists of the period. Free riding and regular attendants Fan Wang Uncle. [1]
He is erudite and good at literature. Yongjia Rebellion Later, he avoided the chaos of Jiangdong, paid homage to Zuolang and joined the army. Beg from Su Jun's Rebellion , bestowed on Jueduting Marquis, an official Shangshu Youcheng , moved to protect the army, and died in the official. He has written 13 volumes of anthologies and handed them down to the world. [1]
True name
Fan Jian
Eastern Jin Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Nanyang Shunyang
Main works
Fan Jian's Collected Works
Key achievements
Shangshu Youcheng Military Commander Shi

Character's Life

Fan Jian [1] , Zichang, from Shunyang, Nanyang, Fan Wang Uncle, knowledgeable and good at writing. Yongjia During this period, he avoided the chaos of Jiangdong and joined the army. He begged Su Jun and granted him the title of Jueduting Marquis. He moved the minister to the right. Later, the escorts were moved to have a long history and retired officials.

Anecdotes and allusions

Hour [1] The Ting Wei told Shao Guang, an official in the hall, to steal three official curtains and distribute thirty pieces of cloth. Some of the officials were responsible for the punishment and abandoned the city. The second son of Shao Guang, Shao Zongnian 13, Shao Yunnian 11, Huang Fan went up to the drum to beg for mercy, pleading not to be an official slave, in order to redeem his father's life. Shangshu Lang Zhu Ying said that he thought that the father of people in the world was the one who had no children. If he did anything, it would become permanent. He was afraid of the death penalty, so he relaxed. Fan Jian also discussed with Zhu Ying.
At that time, the debaters took Shao Guang as their jailer. The second son's failure to enter was enough to punish them and make the people know the way of father and son. Can be heard that Shao Guang's death sentence is reduced to five years old punishment, and Zong et al pay Xi Guan For slavery, not for eternity. Fan Jian The refutation said: "Since the simplicity has been poured out, the punishment has still been carried out, the punishment has been stopped, and the killing has been stopped. Although there have been pardons for sins, and the prison has been postponed to death, it has not been easy to punish people because of their intolerance. Besides, Xu Shaozong and others have forgiven Shaoguang for his death. If there is a comparison between Shaozong and others without seeking to redeem his father, how can they not reject human relations, with the same animal evils! The case leader today said, but only listened to Shaozong and others and not become permanent. I thought that the work of the king had a close relationship with the ups and downs. I was careful to add it when I laughed. It was worse than the national code and could be a loss! The reason why Shao Guang has been forgiven today is that Shao Zong and others have heard. Who is inferior to the patriarch in the love of man? Now that I have allowed Zongzhi to ask, I will sue him in the future. He is the only bandit! It is of no benefit to hear it; Not taking examples, but making complaints. This is to give one favor to the present, and to open up ten thousand complaints to the future. " Emperor Cheng of Jin Dynasty From this, Shao Guang executed.

Son Fan Qi

Fan Qi , with the word "Prosperity", although the classics are not as good as Fan Jian And show their talent and righteousness in the present world. A man who talks clearly at the time Yu He Han Bo Yuan Hong Wait and make friends. First as Secretary Lang, he occupied a prominent position and finally Yellow Gate Waiter Father and son have both written and handed down from generation to generation. [1]