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Fan Gong Temple

Fan Zhongyan's Enjoyment
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Fan Gongci was famous in the Northern Song Dynasty Litterateur , Politician Fan Zhongyan Enjoy the hall. be situated Zou Ping city [1] Domestic Changshan Chengnan, Xiaofu River Riverside Henan Village The architecture of Fan Gong Temple is fresh, elegant and solemn. According to the Records of Changshan County, the temple was first built Song Zhiping Two years ago (1065), Han Ze, the local magistrate, proposed and presided over the construction, which has a history of more than 900 years. This place has experienced the change of dynasties and has been repaired from time to time. The last repair was in the 30th year of Daoguang Reign of the Qing Dynasty (1851), more than 130 years ago.
Chinese name
Fan Gong Temple
ancestral hall
Changshan City South in Zouping City [1]
Time for Completion
The second year of Song Zhiping (1065)
Northern Song Dynasty
Fan Zhongyan, a litterateur and politician

Building Introduction

Fan Gong Temple is located in Fan Gong Village on the south bank of Xiaofu River in Changshan Town. Fan Gong Temple was built in the second year of Zhiping of the Song Dynasty (1065), after decades of maintenance and reconstruction. Fan Zhongyan, the famous prime minister of the Song Dynasty, spent his youth here. The people-oriented thought of "sorrow before joy" originated here. The ancient locust tree in front of the gate of Fan Gong Temple was planted by the county magistrate Han Ze when it was first built. It has been nearly a thousand years since then, and it is still luxuriant and has the reputation of "King of Zouping Trees". In order to create the tourism brand of "Fan Gong's Hometown, Zouping Mountains and Rivers", the county government renovated and constructed the Fan Gong Temple scenic spot in 2006 Fan Wenzheng Temple , vegetable root and stem house, Youle Pavilion, Yanyu Pavilion, stele gallery, back garden and other buildings [2]

Main components

Fan Gong Temple is located in the north and south. It is divided into two courtyards, the front courtyard is the main hall, and the back courtyard is the hall for enjoyment. The hall adopts Xieshan style The building is made of grey bricks and green tiles, with brackets and cornices. There is a statue of Fan Gong sitting in the hall. In front of the hall, on the east and west sides, one ginkgo tree is planted, up to 10 zhang high. There are also three ancient locust trees in the yard, one of which is old and empty, and a new one is born from the old one. The branches and leaves are luxuriant, which is a wonder, known as "holding a child in your arms". The hall is carved with beams and painted buildings, with luxuriant forests and bamboos. It is quiet and elegant. His Highness has two plaques, one is "Changbai Academy", the other is "Vegetable Flavor House".
Fan Gong Temple
Fan Gong Temple is divided into two steles on the left and right, clerical style "Worry first" is written on the right, "Happiness after sorrow" is written on the right side, and the couplet on both sides of the door is "Prime Minister comes out of the mountain, carves porridge and buries gold, lives in white for 20 years, looks up to the right local sages, and is still the pedigree of Suzhou; scholars are the world's first, worry before joy, and three hundred years of Hanqing's achievements, ask Jinan Celebrities, who will follow the trend of Jiangzuo? " Fan Zhongyan's life experience and achievements are comprehensively summarized and evaluated.
After more than 900 years of decay, Fan Gong Temple has been designated as a key cultural relics protection unit at the county level. The government of Changshan Town, Zouping City, Shandong Province invested 100000 yuan to repair the two courtyards of the main hall, reproduce the style of the ancestral hall at that time, and play a positive role in promoting Fan Gong's thought of "first worry, then joy".

Origin of Ancestral Temple

Vegetable Flavor House
As we all know, Fan Zhongyan is not Boshan People, but Suzhou Wuxian County So why build a memorial temple in Boshan? According to historical records, Boshan belonged to Xie, Fan Zhongyan's mother Family In other words, his maternal family is in Boshan. When Fan Zhongyan was two years old, his father died of illness. At that time, his mother was still very young. She broke through the shackles of the secular world and took him to remarry Changshan County (Today Shandong Province Zou Ping city Changshan Town )Fan Zhongyan, a teenager in the Zhu family, was often abused in the Zhu family. His mother felt very sad and escorted him to Boshan Jingshan Temple After studying, later generations admired his achievements and integrity, and built a memorial temple at the place where his youth studied.
Fan Gong Temple is a group of Fan Quan It is an ancient architectural complex centered on the Ming Dynasty. Although the building area of this place is not large, due to the alternate height and lower height, the layout is reasonable and well arranged, giving people a feeling of antiquity, simplicity and elegance.

Tourism information

Fan Gong Temple
Fan Gong Temple is located in Shandong Province Zouping City Changshan Town The station is very convenient for food, accommodation and transportation, and the conditions for travel, shopping and entertainment are very good. If you go to Fan Gong Temple, you can go from Zhoucun Railway Station Get off the train and take the bus directly, or take the Jiqing Expressway Changshan Get off at the next intersection. The tour time is available all year round.
The location of Fan Gong Temple is rich Changshan yam , Yes Zou Ping It is a famous local product with large, thick, straight, high yield, fine meat, crisp, delicious taste, rich nutrition, and can also be used as a medicine. Best selling products Japan Netherlands and U.S.A Market.
Fan Gong Temple (Fan Highway)

Introduction to Fan Quan

Eternal famous sentence
Fan Quan: Located in the center of Fan Gong Temple, it is the crown of autumn valley springs. Fan Quan Pool is 6.7 meters long, 5.4 meters wide and 2.6 meters deep. There are stone railings around for protection, and the seal character "Fan Quan" is engraved on the east and west railings. Thirty years ago, the water of Fan Quan came out from the bottom, sweet and clear, as if it were a pearl, big and small, gathering and scattering, and the pool was full of pearls, sparkling, and Jinan Of Pearl Spring There is a feeling of co location. The spring water in Fan Quan is divided into three ways after flowing out, one way flows into the garden to the south of Fan Gongci, and the other way flows into the garden to the north of Fan Gongci Joyous Garden , all the way through Houleqiao and flowing into Boshan downtown, the street flows. At that time Fan Quanshui The body landscape can be said to be extremely beautiful, adding infinite charm to Boshan. However, the weather is dry with little rain, coupled with excessive groundwater exploitation, the fan spring landscape has been intermittent.
From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, scholars praised Fan Quan's poems endlessly. Let's start from the "Poems about Fan Quan" Come and taste the infinite charm of Fan Quan! His poem describes it as follows:
Longquan At the mouth of the East Autumn Valley, the cold current pours out and gargles the lotus.
Who plant long pine trees and shade the sky? They are willows hanging on both sides of the clouds.
Cool through the front, the air is slight, and Fan Laocang has been practicing for a long time.
Cloud schist Reading desk , basket is straight up Jingshan Steep.
Looking at the green wall with Changchuan, the world of mortals can't be seen when birds sing.
When we meet in the moonlight, the mountain hall is full of wine.
Gangnangang turns into a peach forest and asks if the flowers will bloom after they bloom.
When spring returns, I will come early. I am willing to lose the climber.
Where do you travel? Ask Gao Feng. I have lived for thousands of years acquaint oneself with people of the past

Screen introduction

Fan Gong Temple
Back carved screen wall "High mountains and long rivers": located in the west of Fan Quan, it was built in the Ming Dynasty and is one of the important cultural relics in Fan Gong Temple. The screen wall is Hanging mountain style A zigzag stone screen wall, covered with a stone crown, carved with a Xumi stone seat, surrounded by stone frames, and carved with stone in the middle. The screen wall is 3.5 meters long and 2.3 meters high. It is carved in the east with four characters of "high mountains and long rivers". The ink splashing calligraphy is vigorous and free. It is the fifth year of the apocalypse of the Ming Dynasty (1625 AD) Zichuan Great calligrapher Zhang Zhongfa Of Calligraphy A masterpiece. According to historical records, at that time, Zhang Zhongfa, a great calligrapher, invited his relatives and friends to visit the famous sites of Fan Gongci“ To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy "Moved by the lofty demeanor and bright festival of Fan Gong, after he had enough food and drink, he still remembered Fan Gong's noble sentiment, so he used local materials, picked up a handful of grass in Fan Quanchi as a pen, and wrote four characters on the wall of Fan Gong Temple," Mountain is high and water is long ", which means to praise Fan Gong's lofty demeanor and bright festival. Fan Zhongyan once praised Yan Ziling Mr. Shi wrote:“ Yunshan Cang, the river is vast, the wind of the teacher is high and the water is long To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy "At that time, Yanshen Town A man of insight copied it on the screen wall for permanent commemoration. The inscription on the left of the four characters "high mountains and long rivers" in the screen wall is Calligraphy Zhang Zhongfa's younger brother Zhang Zhifa Written by. The screen wall has been completed for more than 370 years and is well protected.

Fan Gongting

Fan Gongting : Built in the Ming Dynasty, the original pavilion is located to the south of Fanquanchi. It has been in disrepair for a long time and has been decadent. Later generations moved Fan Gong Pavilion to the north of Fan Quan when they renovated Fan Gong Temple. The pavilion has octagonal eaves, winding bars and corridors, and red windows and Zhu households. It is exquisite in shape and suitable for rest. Now it is a celebrity painting and calligraphy studio.
Jingyitang: It is a building of the Ming Dynasty, and is now the exhibition hall of ancient and modern Taoliu in Boshan. Please visit the exhibition hall. Boshan Ceramics Production, with a long history, began in the Sui and Tang dynasties and flourished in the Song and Jin dynasties, belonging to the Cizhou kiln system. The world treasured skeletons and powder bar porcelain represent the highest level of craftsmanship of northern folk kilns in the Song and Jin Dynasties; Three color celadon glaze printing, black and white glaze carving, raindrop glaze and tea unglazed firing are quite exquisite; The products are mainly household utensils. All kinds of toy ceramics are exquisite and lifelike, moving and lovely, creating a new field of porcelain production. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Boshan Ceramic industry Vigorous development. Artistic ceramics are beautiful in shape and exquisite in workmanship. The modern art exaggeration, which is abstract, deformable and meaningful, is rough, bold and profound, and has a unique artistic style. It can be called "the paradise of art", and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad.
Boshan colored glaze It is famous at home and abroad and can be called the hometown of colored glaze. It has been more than seven hundred years since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, when "charging furnaces were everywhere", to the large-scale production today. the Ming dynasty Hong Wu In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Boshan produced glazed tribute for the court Home Affairs Office They recruited glazed craftsmen from Boshan to serve in Beijing. It specializes in making jewelry for dignitaries. Ancient glazed products mainly include: hairpin, hat knot, bead ring, etc., white, green, blue, crystal and other colors, and new development took place at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. Boshan Art Glass Street All kinds of glazed products produced are unique. with Shandong The famous interior painting crafts of the painting school are sold at home and abroad. Carved products such as chicken oil yellow, chicken liver stone, and other precious colors are sold all over the world, becoming a wonderful flower in China's arts and crafts products.

Mural content

Fan Gong Ancestral Temple: built Ming Jiajing Twenty six years ago (the specific time of building the temple is unknown), the temple was repaired in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China Boshan District People's Government It has also been renovated, and the ancestral temple is well protected. There are large murals and statues of Fan Zhongyan in the ancestral temple of Fan Gong. This large mural in Fan Gongci was created based on Fan Zhongyan's main life experiences. It gives a general introduction to Fan Zhongyan's life with 22 stories.
The first picture: The upper picture is "Birth Xuzhou "It means that Fan Zhongyan is Suzhou Wuxian County But he was born in Xuzhou. The Suzhou residence at the top of the picture indicates that his hometown is Suzhou When Fan Zhongyan was two years old, his father died of illness. When he was young, Fan Zhongyan remarried with his mother and came to the Zhu family in Changshan County. Fan Zhongyan spent his youth in a very difficult situation. Lower screen“ Jingshan Studying "is to show that he is Boshan Of Jingshan Temple The scene of studying hard.
The second picture: "Morning Chanting by the Spring" shows Fan Zhongyan's Fan Quan The plot of diligent study. His study life is very hard. When recalling his youth life, Fan Zhongyan wrote: "I used to have a very hard study life with a classmate named Liu, and we boiled two liters a day Millet porridge , cold, cut it into four pieces, and eat two pieces in the morning and evening. He chopped vegetables, added half a cup of vinegar, a small amount of salt, and cooked them as vegetables. He has lived like this for more than three years. Although Fan Gong's life in his youth was very hard, he was diligent and ambitious. Someone once heard Fan Zhongyan's prayer in a spiritual temple: "Can I be the prime minister in the future?"? "God said no, and asked," I can't be the prime minister. How about being a good doctor? "Although the nature of his work is different, it is the same to benefit the people. Fan Zhongyan's idea of being a good doctor without being a prime minister is indeed the essence of the intellectual thought of that era." Running away resolutely "means that when Fan Zhongyan was 20 years old, he learned his life experience and left home resolutely to the south." Ying Tianfu Academy "Reading and studying. At that time, his mother cried and chased him far away, and he didn't even look back at his beloved mother. In the Southern Yingtianfu Academy, he" studied hard day and night ", and lived a comfortable life without undressing and sleeping for five years. In the cold winter, when he was tired of reading, he washed his face with cold water and continued to read. The daily life is also very hard. He often cannot eat, so he fills his hunger with porridge Nandu The officer's son was his classmate, so he sympathized with him very much, so he learned from him diligence I told my father about the hard life. The father asked his son to give him a portion of the food prepared by the government for himself. He declined politely and said, "I am used to eating porridge. Once I eat something delicious, I will suffer from eating porridge.". In this way, he studied hard for five years in the back yard of Tianfu in the south.
The third picture:“ Jinshi After five years of "people can't bear it" and "self inflicted hardships", Fan Zhongyan was admitted as a Jinshi in the eighth year of Dazhong Xiangfu (AD 1015). He was 26 years old. After becoming an official, he was honest and upright, and acted fairly.
The fourth picture: "I recommend myself with great emotion", which means that Fan Zhongyan has been wandering in the low position since he became an official in the exam. He has no right to participate in major national issues, and his will can not be exerted, so he can not be shown. So in the first year of Qianxing (A.D. 1022), that is, when he was thirty four years old Zhang Zhibai Offer yourself to build a strong country Enrich the people Dream. "Salt Warehouse Water Control" means that Fan Zhongyan was ordered to Taizhou Xixi The plot of Yancang leading the victims to manage the sea wall. At that time, the seawall in Xixi area of Taizhou was seriously damaged and hadn't been repaired for many years. In autumn, there was a big storm and rain, and the tide poured in. The original fertile soil gradually became Saline alkali land Fan Zhongyan was very sad to see this tragedy, so he proposed to repair the seawall to relieve the people's worries. This matter was approved by the imperial court, so he led the victims to start Salt bin water control project After a series of difficult water control wars, the 150 mile long seawall was built, and the refugees also returned to their homes in succession. Fan Gong's concern for the plight of the victims was well received by the victims.
The fifth picture: "several times of writing" and "several times of being demoted" are the scenes of Fan Zhongyan's boldness and outspokenness, attacking the current problems and being demoted several times. In the fifth year of Tiansheng (A.D. 1027), Fan Zhongyan was promoted to the position of the president of the secret pavilion. Out of his sense of responsibility, he made several bold criticisms Zhang Xian Queen Mother said of an empress The malpractice brought by this is demoted to a general sentence; After the death of Empress Dowager Zhang Xian, Zhongyan was summoned to Beijing again to serve as Zuosijian, but less than a year later, he was abolished due to criticism of Emperor Renzong queen , demoted Bokuju Jingyou Two years later, he was promoted to Imperial College , for criticizing the Prime Minister Lv Yi Bamboo Slips Inappropriate employment and being demoted again Raozhou It can be said that "three out of the capital" rises and falls three times.
The sixth and seventh pictures: the upper part of the picture shows Yueyang Tower The full text of Mr. He's famous article "Yueyang Tower". The lower picture of "people admire" and "Suzhou water control" shows the plot of Fan Zhongyan taking the people's suffering as his responsibility and leading them to control the flood in Suzhou. Fan Zhongyan was demoted to the local government office. He still took the hunger and suffering of the people as his responsibility. He thought about what the people thought and worried about. The people's business was their own. He did many good things for the people. In order to deal with the flood in Suzhou, he led the people to dig canals, build banks and guide them Taihu Water flowed into the sea, and other rivers and lakes were harnessed to eliminate the flood, which was respected and loved by the people.
The eighth picture: Kangding In the first year (1040 AD), the Song Dynasty and Xixia The relationship became increasingly tense, and Fan Zhongyan was transferred to Shaanxi Deputy minister in charge, assist the military commander Han Qi He was responsible for the military defense in the northern region. He personally went to the border Yanzhou to inspect. What he saw was not optimistic, so he asked the court to transfer himself to the border Yanzhou to personally command the battle. The imperial court approved his request. When he arrived in Yanzhou, he first organized the border army for training. While refining his troops, he tightened military discipline, and repaired and rebuilt the border fortress, which greatly improved the border situation.
The ninth picture: "Strictly guard the border city so that it can be defended for a long time." This picture shows the correctness of Fan Zhongyan's strategy against the enemy. In order to stick to the border, Zhongyan stepped up to arrange the construction of the city stronghold. In the second year of Qingli (1042 AD), he personally commanded the construction of Mapu City, cutting off the communication between the Western Xia Dynasty and the ethnic minorities, making the Western Xia officers and soldiers in a position of solitary masters without help, so they did not dare to act rashly. Because Zhongyan had made great contributions to guarding the border, the court promoted him to observer However, in order to ensure that the border was safe, Zhongyan resigned as an observer envoy three times and was respected and loved by Song Bing and the border.
The tenth picture: "Go to Que when called" and“ Tianzhang Pavilion In the third year of Qingli (1043 AD), Fan Zhongyan was fifty-five years old. Because he made great contributions in resisting foreign aggression at the border, the court promoted him to Enquiry into political affairs (equivalent to vice Prime Minister )This promotion has created a good condition for Fan Chuyan to realize his ideal of reforming the government and enriching the people and strengthening the country in his youth. In September this year, Emperor Renzong summoned Fan Zhongyan in Tianzhang Pavilion, and he proposed the famous《 Answer the imperial edict and state ten things 》The reform plan of. Tianzhang Pavilion was built by Emperor Zhenzong, and it is a forbidden place. It has never summoned courtiers here. This call to Fan Zhongyan shows that Emperor Renzong attaches great importance to him and places great expectations on him.
Eleven pictures: The picture of "Qingli New Deal" shows the plot of Fan Zhongyan and reformers carrying out grand plans to reform the imperial government. Fan Zhongyan《 Answer the imperial edict and state ten things 》It proposed ten reform contents, namely: Ming Dynasty dethroned Zhi; Restraining fluke; Jinggong Ju; Selecting officers; Jungongtian; Thick mulberry; Military preparedness; Reduction of corvee; Qin Enxin; Repeat the command. These ten events captured the crux of the political malpractice of Zhenzong and Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty. The "Qingli New Deal" plan was promulgated and implemented successively in October of the third year of Qingli. The first reform was the official system, and then it was fully launched.
Twelve paintings: "The disaster of friends" and "writing books to teach children". The magnificent Qingli New Deal lasted less than a year from October of the third year of Qingli to August of the next year. Because the "Qingli New Deal" touched the interests of the conservative bureaucrats, coupled with the lack of preparation for the Qingli New Deal, it also brought some side effects. Under the collusion of treacherous officials and eunuchs, it soon ended in failure, and Fan Zhongyan was therefore dismissed from politics.
After Fan Zhongyan was demoted Binzhou Dengzhou Qingzhou I have been a local official in other places. During this period, he was still honest and dutiful, and the famous "Yueyang Tower" was written in this period. The essence of the sentence: "Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world" is still widely disseminated to inspire future generations. In the third year of Huangyou's reign (1051 AD), when he was 63 years old and sick, he asked the imperial court to take a post in Yingzhou to recuperate. The imperial court approved his request (because Yingzhou has always been a place for ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty to retire). In the fourth year of Huangyou (1052 AD), Zhongyan went on the road with a disease, but his health worsened and he had to go to Xuzhou for treatment. In the summer of the same year, Mr. Fan died of illness at the age of 64. He was born in Xuzhou sixty-four years ago, and died in the same place sixty-four years later. With an open life, he connected the beginning and end of life together, making a rich end.
In his life, Mr. Liu managed the country with a strategy and taught his son well. His two sons have become prime ministers of the Song Dynasty, and continue to work hard to realize his lofty ideal of enriching the people and strengthening the country.