British Virgin Islands

North American countries
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British Virgin Islands (The British Virgin Islands) located in Atlantic and Caribbean between, Leeward Islands North end of, from Puerto Rico 100 km east coast.
British Virgin Islands Subtropical climate Annual average temperature 21℃-32℃, Annual precipitation 1000 mm. There are primitive islands Indigenous peoples Indian Columbus arrived on the island in 1493. In 1672 britain Mergers. In 1872, it became British colonies Part of the Leeward Islands under the jurisdiction of the Governor of the Leeward Islands until 1960. It is now a British dependency.
Chinese name
British Virgin Islands
Foreign name
The British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands
Rhode City (Road Town)
National anthem
God Bless the King
Country code
official language
English Spanish Creole
Time zone
population size
31000 (2016)
Population density
204.4 people/km2 (2016)
Major ethnic groups
Black White
Major religions
Christianity protestantism
land area
153 km²
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Keep to the left
Regional leaders
David Pearey

Historical evolution

British Virgin Islands
In about 100 BC, Arawak Indians first came from South America Settled in the Virgin Islands (but there is also evidence that America Indian It was active on the islands as early as 1500 BC). Arawak Indians lived on the islands until the 15th century, when they were Caribbean (Caribs), and Caribbean It is named after Caribbean people. However, some historian They do not agree with the statement that "militant Caribbean people drive the friendly Arawaks out of the Caribbean". They believe that this statement is a simplified version of the European version, and the truth behind it should be more complex. In 1493, Columbus The Virgin Islands were discovered in the middle of the second trip to America, which was the first time that Europeans discovered the islands. After Columbus discovered the islands, he named them "Santa Ursulaylas Once Mil V í rgenes", that is, "Saint Ursula and her 11000 virgins"; The abbreviation is "Las V í rgenes", which means "virgins". The name comes from the legend of Saint Ursula.
Spanish Empire In the early 16th century, he occupied the islands and mined copper on the virgin Goda Island. Later, Britisher Dutch French Spanish and Danes They successively occupied this area, which gradually developed into an area with active pirates. At the same time of colonization, America Indian The original residents were massacred in a large scale and almost disappeared.
British Virgin Islands
In 1648, Dutch A permanent settlement was established in Tortola Island. However, in 1672, the British seized the island from the Dutch, and later in 1683 Anegada And virgin Goda. In addition, from 1672 to 1733, the Dutch successively captured the neighboring St. Thomas St. John's Island And St. Croix.
In general, the British established the British Virgin Islands step by step. They were the first to introduce sugar cane to the region and vigorously develop the sugar cane industry, buying slaves from Africa to work on the local sugar cane farm. As a result, the booming sugarcane industry has laid the foundation for the islands, and sugarcane has become the largest trade export in the region. Until modern times, Europe and the United States successively planted their own Sugar beet The economic boom of the islands has just come to an end as the demand for sugar cane has decreased. In 1917, the United States paid $25 million from Denmark We bought St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix. The Virgin Islands to which Britain belongs were renamed British Virgin Islands.
In the past, the British Virgin Islands were divided into Leeward Islands Colony, St Nevis (St. Kitts and Nevis). There is an administrator on the islands to represent the British government. By 1960, the British Virgin Islands had been granted colony To be independent; In 1967, it became independent. Since the 1960s, the economy of the British Virgin Islands has also begun to shift from the previous traditional agriculture It has become one of the richest regions in the Caribbean Sea area, with financial services and tourism as the leading industries.

natural environment


Regional location

British Virgin Islands
be located Atlantic and Caribbean between, Leeward Islands North end of, from Puerto Rico 100 km east coast, and US Virgin Islands Adjacent. genus Subtropical climate Annual average temperature 21~32℃, Annual precipitation 1000 mm. original Indigenous peoples by Caribbean The Indians of the region. Columbus arrived on the island in 1493. In 1672 britain Mergers. In 1872, it became British colonies Part of the Leeward Islands under the jurisdiction of the Governor of the Leeward Islands until 1960. The island was then managed by the appointed Chief Minister. In September 1986, the Virgin Islands Party came to power and won the general election in November 1990, February 1995 and May 1999.
Caribbean east, Greater Antilles Part of the most northeastern Virgin Islands. It is under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom and the United States, with many British parts East In the north, there are four major islands, Tortola, Anegada, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, and 32 small islands, of which more than 20 are uninhabited. Total area 153 square kilometre (59 square miles). The largest city is on Tortola Island Rhode City (Road Town)。 The population is about 23000 (2012).
  • land
Map of the British Virgin Islands
Topographically Puerto Rico Fault mountain Department, by sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock igneous rock Composition, rich mountains lagoon And natural landscapes such as beaches. Except Ankada Island, the rest are hilly terrain. The highest peak is Mount Sage on Tortola Island, 521 meters (1709 feet) above sea level. The narrow and long Virgin covers a large area of 21 square kilometers (8 square miles), while Yostefandak Island is rugged, covering only about 9 square kilometers (3 square miles). The northernmost island, Ankada, is a flat coral reef island, surrounded by dangerous reef There are many trees. There are no rivers on the islands. The subtropical climate is like spring all the year round, which is a factor for the development of tourism on the island. Annual average temperature 26 ℃ (78 ℉). Annual rainfall 1300 mm (50 inches). The original tropical plants have been replaced by shrubs.
Tortula Island, Virgin Goda Island Anegada and Yost Vandak Island It is one of the four largest islands in the archipelago. Other important islands include:
Beef Island
Cooper Island
Ginger Island
Guana Island
Mosquito Island
Necker Island (NeckerIsland)
Norman Island
Peter Island
Salt Island
  • resident
Mostly Africa After the slaves, black people or black and white people were in the minority. Four fifths of the population of the country live in Tortola Island, and about one fourth of them live in Rhode City. English by official language The common dialect of residents is Calypso. Religion Christianity Mainly, Methodist Church It is the largest one.
  • Economics
Beijing Olympic Delegation
Tourism and finance are the main industries, accounting for half of the colony's income. Tourism is the largest employer on the island. Before the 1970s, agriculture was the mainstay of the economy, mainly livestock Feeding, crops Banana Sugar cane citrus Class and Coconut Mango and others Root class Plants, etc. The natural environment promotes the development of fisheries, Fresh fish It is the main export. except Rum , paint, building materials and other manufacturing industries Handicrafts Household industry Tortola Island has two expressway And some surrounding roads, and the other three islands also have highway network There are small boats going back and forth between US Virgin Islands There is a bridge connecting Tortola Island and Beef Island. There is a big airport on Biff Island, which can be reached directly US Virgin Puerto Rico And the eastern Caribbean. Port Rhode in Tortola is a Deep water port
  • climate
British Virgin Islands Subtropical climate , and is subject to Trade wind Impact. Archipelagic Annual temperature difference Not very big. In summer, the maximum daytime temperature can reach 29 ℃ (84 ° F); As for winter, Maximum temperature It can also reach 25 ℃ (77 ° F). The annual rainfall of the islands is 115cm (45in). The annual rainfall is higher in mountainous areas, but the opposite is true in lowlands. Generally speaking, there are some differences in rainfall in the islands, but on average, September to December is the wettest month every year. The hurricane season lasts from June to October in this area, occasionally hurricane Blow on the islands.

Regional division

The British Virgin Islands is one of the most economically prosperous areas in the Caribbean Sea. From 2004 data display , per capita gross domestic product Up to $38500.
Peter Island, British Virgin Islands
Tourism and Financial services It is often called the "twin pillars" of the British Virgin Islands economy. At the political level, tourism is more important because it can create more job vacancies, is mainly run by local people, and can drive the development of other industries (such as taxi drivers and street vendors). However, on the economic level, the financial services industry is far more important. In the British Virgin Islands, nearly 50% Government revenue Are directly from Offshore company 's licence fee, in addition, from Trust industry Directly or indirectly paid by employees Payroll tax (payroll taxes), which also brings considerable benefits to the government treasury (trust industry Salary level Higher than the booming tourism industry).
tourism Accounting for 45% of the national income. Among them, the islands are a popular tourist destination for Americans. According to 1997 figures, 350000 tourists visited the islands throughout the year. Most of the visitors will go to the famous beach, the bathing place of Virgin Goda Island, dive in the waters near Anegada Island, visit the coral reef, or visit Yost Vandak Island Go to famous bars, and take a yacht to visit other islands rarely visited by people. Most tourists take Cruise To visit the British Virgin Islands, however, such tourists generally spend less per capita than those who rent yachts or stay in hotels. However, in any case, the arrival of tourists has greatly revitalized the economy of the islands.
British Virgin Islands
The registration of offshore companies has also brought considerable benefits to the Islands. By 2004, more than 550000 companies had been registered locally. Since 2001, the British Virgin Islands authorities have established an independent financial service The Commission will regulate the financial services industry in the area.
In the British Virgin Islands, agriculture and industry account for only a small part of GDP. Agriculture mainly produces fruits, vegetables Sugar cane livestock and poultry The industry uses distilled rum engineering construction And shipbuilding.
Since 1959, the British Virgin Islands dollar As an official Currency in circulation The adjacent American Virgin Islands also use the US dollar as the official currency.


The capital of the British Virgin Islands, located at Tortola On. most Draft 6.89m. The load density of water is 1025. Tidal variation is 0.6m. East wind prevails. Port Compulsory pilotage British Virgin Island Port Authority. For radio contact VHF Channel 16 Service facilities include: Ship repair , fuel ship, fresh water launch , food supply and medical facilities, no tugboat, sewage Dry dock And repatriation. The main wharf is 243.84m long, 12.19m wide, 7.32m deep at the front, and two small jetties are 60.96m long and 39.62m long respectively. The front water depth at low tide is 2.44m.
West Indies Central British Virgin Islands capital And the largest town, located in Tortola The south bank has a population of about 4000. It is the main port, administrative center and Tourist Center Exporting livestock, fish, charcoal Fruits and vegetables Mainly. There are sugarcane around Plantation Accessible by ship Charlotte Amalia and St. Thomas yes Wick Ham Coral Reef Tourist Attraction with Underwater Park


In 2003, there were 21730 inhabitants of the Islands. 83% of the population is Afro Caribbean, whose ancestors mainly migrated from Africa as slaves. The other major ethnic groups in the islands include the British and other people of European origin.
The 1999 census showed that:
83.36% Black
7.28% White
5.38% mixed blood
0.84% Others
In the archipelago protestantism Christians predominate (86%). Among them, the main religious sects are Wei Li Zong Believers (33%) Episcopal Church Believers (17%) and catholic (10%)。




British Virgin Islands administrative power It is entrusted to the Queen, and the Governor of the British Virgin Islands exercises her powers locally. The Governor is appointed by the Queen and the British Government advises him. The defense of the islands and foreign affairs The UK is responsible.
British Virgin Islands Waterfront
The Islands enacted a constitution in 1971. The head of the government is named minister-president (Chief Minister), like other members of the government and members of the opposition party general election Generated. There is an Executive Council on the islands, whose members are nominated by the Chief Minister and appointed by the Governor. In addition, the Islands have a Legislative Council, which is composed of 13 members. The current Governor of the British Virgin Islands is David Pearey, who has been in office since 2006. The current Chief Minister is Orlando Smith, who took office on June 17, 2003. Smith is local ruling party National Democratic Party National Democratic Party (NDP), and the opposition party of the islands is the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).


Map of the British Virgin Islands
The current Constitution came into force in April 1967 and was revised in June 1977. The Governor is appointed by the King of England, responsible for defense, public security, foreign affairs, justice and some financial affairs, and has limited legislative power; There is an Executive Committee, which is composed of the Governor Attorney General , the Chief Minister and three other ministers Administrative affairs The Governor is the Chairman of the Executive Committee; The Chief Minister is represented by the Governor in the Legislative Council Majority party Member. At the end of 1993, at the request of the current government, the British government appointed a three member committee to study and discuss amendments to the Legislature The number of seats of Chinese parties, the direct election of chief ministers and the promotion of Rights law Pass, etc.


Known as the Legislative Council speaker , the Attorney General and 13 directly elected representatives. The term of office is four years. In the Legislative Council election on May 17, 1999, the Virgin Islands Party won 7 seats, and the newly established National Democratic Party won 5 seats, Concern for Citizens Campaign Won 1 seat. Reuben Vanterpool, Speaker of the Parliament.


The members of this Administrative Committee are: President Frank Savage, Chief Minister and finance minister Ralph O'Neal natural resources and Minister of Labour Julian Frazer, Communications, Engineering and Public utilities Minister Alvin Christopher, Minister of Health, Education, Culture and Welfare Eileen Parsons, Attorney General is temporarily absent.
Judicature is governed by the East Caribbean superior court. The Supreme Court and appeal court And a district court, a juvenile court and a Jurisdiction court. Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Set up a permanent seat in the island judge Dorian Taylor, the current vice chancellor.


There are four political parties.
Beach Villas in the British Virgin Islands
(1) Virgin Islands Party: the ruling party, established in the early 1970s. leader Ralph O'Neal
(2) National Democratic Party Democratic Party ): Established in May 1998. Leader Orlando Smith.
(3) United Party: established in the mid-1960s. Leader Conrad Maduro.
(4) Concerned Citizen's Movement: established in 1994. Its predecessor was the Independent People's Movement. Leaders Omar Hodge and Walwyn Brewley.



Legal taxation

British Virgin Islands
The British Virgin Islands is Commonwealth One of the member states is a self governed, independent legislature Political stability British colony. legal system It refers to Britain Common law The system was set up, and some references were also made from the United States Delaware company law In accordance with local regulations. As the laws of international business companies are simple, clear and easy to implement, BVI (British Virgin Islands) registered companies are deeply affected by international society welcome.
The BVI International Business Company is not required to pay taxes to the BVI government on the profits earned globally. BVI (British Virgin Island) does not have any Exchange control There are no restrictions on the circulation of any currency.
The economy mainly depends on tourism and Financial services In recent years, the economy has grown rapidly.
Major economic statistics in 2000
gross domestic product
US $683 million
GDP growth rate
GDP per capita
US $34485
Currency name
Inflation rate
Financial revenue and expenditure (in millions of dollars)
ninety-eight point six
one hundred and eight point eight
one hundred and twenty-three point six
eighty-nine point one
one hundred and nine point five
nine point five
twenty-five point six

foreign trade

The main trade objects are U.S.A Trinidad and Tobago Antigua and Barbuda britain , and has been in the super league all the years. Main imports: machinery, food and fuel. Main exports: food, raw poultry, tobacco, alcohol and transport equipment.
Major trade statistics in recent years (in millions of dollars)
six point one
six point one
six point two
one hundred and sixty-four point seven
one hundred and ninety-eight
two hundred and thirty

Foreign aid

British Virgin Islands coin
Assistance mainly comes from britain and Caribbean Development Bank British aid in 1991 (including technical assistance )Up to US $2.9 million. Capital construction in 1992 Project assistance US $11.2 million. In the mid-1990s, the national tourism plan was approved Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Contribution.


Implement for ten years Tax-free system To promote industrial development. The manufacturing industry is small, and its output value accounted for gross domestic product 9.9%, concentrating 21.3% of the national labor force. Main production RUM , tourist products, books and building materials, etc. In recent years, due to the innovation and expansion of tourism, the construction industry has developed rapidly. In 1997, its output value accounted for 6.3% of GDP, and the number of people engaged in the construction industry accounted for the total Working population 18%.


British Virgin Islands
In 1997, the agricultural output value accounted for about 1.5% of the GDP, and the employees accounted for 1.9% of the working population. There are about 800 hectares of cultivated land and 4000 hectares of grassland. It mainly grows fruits, vegetables and sugarcane. Fruit and vegetable supply Domestic consumption Parallel export US Virgin Sugar cane Mainly used for brewing rum. There is animal husbandry. It mainly exports fishery products. But most food is imported. In 1999, the government decided to improve the grade of agricultural products by amending laws and policies to ensure agricultural self-sufficiency and small export. In 1998, there were 2000 cattle, 2000 pigs and 16000 sheep.

Service industry

It is one of the financial centers in the Caribbean. Financial services and estate yes Emerging industries , which has developed rapidly in recent years. The government promotes legislation insurance To strengthen and diversify the financial industry. In 1998, the offshore financial industry accounted for 51.1% of the government's direct revenue. Registered here at the end of 2000 foreign firms There are 350000.


Is the most important economic sector and Development plan The foundation of. In 1995, the government formulated a new national tourism plan to enhance the visibility of the islands. In 1997, its output value accounted for 15.4% of GDP. One third of the country's workforce is directly or indirectly engaged in tourism. In 1998, 392290 tourists were received. Tourists mainly come from U.S.A




British Virgin Islands
by British colonies , the administration is subject to the Constitution that came into force in 1977, and the Governor appointed by the British King is the highest officer, and administrative meeting And the Legislative Council. The Legislative Council has one Speaker, nine Members and one Attorney General. When people reach the age of 18 Voting rights resident health Quite good. There is a modern hospital in Tortola. There is almost no illiteracy, which can be enjoyed compulsory education To 15 years old. Another public Comprehensive Middle School , as well as a higher education institution, where most students go overseas to receive university education. There are weekly newspapers and bimonthly newspapers. There is a radio station in Tortola, and residents can also receive broadcasts from foreign television or FM radio stations.
aborigines originally be America Indian Arawak, in 1493 Columbus At this time, they are bellicose Caribbean Expulsion. 1555 King of Spain charles v Raise troops to capture the island; By 1596, most Caribbean people had fled or been killed. This is also a pirate haunt area. For example, Tortola Island was Netherlands Pirate stronghold, incorporated in 1672 britain Jurisdictional Leeward Islands In 1773, the Virgin Islands was allowed to form its own government and elected by the people house In the first half of the 19th century, due to economic difficulties, some elected legislative councils abolished the autonomous government. Politically, it belonged to the Leeward Islands Colony since 1872, and was divided into another colony in 1956; The government in the form of cabinet was organized in 1967, and the new constitution issued in 1977 still maintains this system.
The Virgin Islands Party won the Legislative Council elections in September 1986, November 1990, February 1995 and May 1999. incumbent minister-president Ralph O'Neal (Ralph O'Neal)。


Primary and secondary schools provide free compulsory education. There is a college—— University of the Virgin Islands adult Illiteracy rate About 5%. In 1992, education expenditure was $11 million. The number of schools, teachers and students at all levels in 1997 is as follows:
Teachers (persons) and students (persons) of the school (institution)
Preschool 5 52 206
Primary school 20 169 2760
Middle school 4 115 1478
University 1


There are three publications: BVI Lighthouse, a weekly magazine founded in 1984, with a circulation of 3000; Victoria Sun, a weekly magazine founded in 1962, has a circulation of 2850 copies; Welcome, a bimonthly magazine founded in 1971, mainly introduces tourism information, with an annual circulation of 165000.
Virgin Islands Broadcasting Co., Ltd. was founded in 1965 and set up ZBVI radio station for commercial broadcasting. British Virgin Islands Cable TV station , mainly through cable US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico TV programs. ZBTV West India Cable TV stations are commercial ones.


British Virgin Islands Traditional music It is called "fungi", which is based on the local Okra Is the material with the same name corn flour It gets its name. This kind of traditional music combines Africa And the West, so create a special sound. As a medium of local history and folklore, it has always been regarded as an important part of culture, and local schools often hold related activities. The bands of "fengi" are also called "scratch bands". These bands use a wide range of musical instruments, including gourd, banger drum Ukulele , even more westernized keyboard instrument Banjo , guitar, bass angle iron and saxophone wait. In addition to dance music with a festive atmosphere, "fengi" also has oral history Role of.

People's livelihood

In 1989, there was one hospital with 50 beds. In 1987, there were 11 Doctors And 2 dentists, as well as an 8-bed private beauty salon, 9 health centers and a home for elderly citizens. In 1990, there was one doctor per 1056 inhabitants. 1991 medical service The expenditure is estimated at $5.7 million. In 1997 radio 9000 sets, 4000 TV sets, 16000 telephones.




In the island road transport Mainly. A two lane road project in the Rhode City area was started in early 1996 and cost about 4.8 million US dollars.


The total length is about 160km. 7944 in 1997 Passenger car

water transport

There are direct flights to Britain, the United States and Netherlands The route of. The main ports are Rhode City

air transport

There is access Miami as well as US Virgin Saint Kitts And other nearby island countries. The main airport is Beef Island Airport, about 16km away from Rhode City, with four flights Virgin Gorda Island There are two small airports.

Social events

February 2023, european union Update tax Jurisdiction Four tax jurisdictions, including the British Virgin Islands, are included in the EU's tax non cooperation list blacklist [1]