
Britain's plan to secede from the European Union
zero Useful+1
Brexit European Union plan [1]
On January 23, 2013, former British Prime Minister David Cameron First mention Brexit referendum In June 2016, the British referendum decided to "leave Europe" [2] On March 16, 2017, The Queen of England Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor To approve the Brexit Act and authorize Teresa May Formally launch the Brexit procedure [3] On March 29, the "Brexit" procedure was officially launched. According to the agreement between the UK and the EU, the UK should formally "leave the EU" on March 29, 2019 [2] On June 26, 2018, The Queen Approve the Brexit Act and allow the UK to withdraw European Union [4] On July 12, the UK has released Brexit white paper [5] On November 25, the European Union britain Leaders of 27 foreign countries Unanimously adopted The draft of the Brexit agreement [6] On December 10, European Court of Justice Ruled that the UK could unilaterally revoke the "Brexit" decision [7]
[8] On January 30, 2020, the European Union officially approved Brexit. [9] In December, after many rounds of intense negotiations, the European Union and the United Kingdom finally reached an agreement on a series of cooperative relations, including trade, which cleared the way for the United Kingdom to end the transition period of "Brexit" in 2020 as originally planned. [10]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Brexit [11]
Time of occurrence
January 31, 2020 [9]
Place of occurrence
Proposed time
January 23, 2013
Propose characters
Former British Prime Minister David Cameron
Time of referendum
June 23, 2016

Brexit background

  • The EU has a rough history
In 1960, Britain first applied to join the predecessor of the European Union European Economic Community (EEC), President of France De Gaulle Reject.
In 1973, British Prime Minister Edward Heath restarted to join European Community Negotiate and eventually become a member state.
In 1975, the British Prime Minister Wilson Harold Wilson held a referendum and decided to stay in Britain European Community
In 1984, the British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher Margaret Thatcher successfully made the European Community agree to receive a partial refund of the UK budget contribution.
In 1997, British Prime Minister Blair (Tony Blair) plans to join the use of the European single currency after 1997 euro , was hit by Chancellor of the Exchequer gordon brown (Gordon Brown) Block [12]
  • The conflict of interest is intensifying
Due to historical and geographical reasons, since the late 19th century, Britain has been pursuing Continental Europe The policy of non-interference in affairs is called "glorious isolation". The historical tradition of "doubting Europe" and the mode of economic development different from that of the European continent have kept Britain aloof from the European continent for a long time. In the eyes of "Eurosceptics", some future policy trends of the EU may harm the interests of the UK. and European debt crisis The spread not only made Britain's suspicion of Europe grow rapidly, but also accelerated the pace of Brexit. At the same time, people in other EU countries are also increasingly dissatisfied with Britain. They believe that Britain not only vetoes the euro, does not participate in the EU's crisis relief program, but also opposes everything financial regulation Therefore, Brexit is a good thing for the development of the EU. Mutual trust between the two sides has dropped to a historical low. [13]
Britain is not eurozone The state can issue its own independent currency, which is conducive to maintaining its Export competitiveness , autonomous fiscal policy But this makes it difficult for Britain to really join the European continent transaction processing in especial European debt crisis During the critical period of the EU, the voice of Brexit was also rising due to the obvious differences of interests. [13]
  • Mutual suspicion and rapid fermentation
britain conservative party There are also Eurosceptics inside, not only that, but also that the EU's internal policies have a negative effect on the EU, and some future policy trends may also harm the interests of the UK.
  • Political votes forced a referendum
Comparison between the 1975 referendum and the 2016 referendum in favor of staying in the EU
Polls show that the British Conservative Party Support unable to get up after a fall, Cameron The speech of "Brexit referendum" may help it regain some flow to the independent party supporting Brexit vote Cameron also hopes to use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the EU to obtain more favorable conditions for the UK as a member state, and intends to share a larger share in the EU.

Brexit process


Brexit referendum

Cameron formally proposes a referendum
On January 23, 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron The UK and European Union Address the prospect of relations. Cameron promised that if he won the general election scheduled to be held in 2015, he would approve the required laws within one year, formulate new principles for relations with the EU, and then hold a national meeting on Brexit referendum So that people can choose to stay in or leave the EU. Cameron said that if the EU did not take measures to solve the core problems, Britain would probably withdraw from the organization. The referendum was expected to be held between 2017 and 2018 [12]
Media assumes a referendum to conduct public opinion polls
29 January - 6 February 2013, UK《 Financial Times 》A referendum was held on the assumption that the UK will stay in the EU tomorrow. A total of 2114 adults participated. Poll results show that 50% of Britons hold referendum They agreed and 21% of the respondents disagreed. Less than half of the respondents (45%) believe that EU membership is beneficial to the UK, while 34% of Britons hold the opposite view. Half of the more than 2000 respondents said they would vote for the UK to leave the EU, and 33% said they would vote for staying in the EU. 47% of Brexit supporters said that if the UK could defend its rights and interests in negotiations with EU partners, it would "probably" change its mind. The vast majority of respondents hope that the EU will change its policies in the field of immigration and justice. The poll results show that British people's support for leaving the EU is spreading [12]
Cameron's plan for an early referendum
On January 4, 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron He said that if possible, the referendum originally planned for 2017 would be held in advance. The referendum must be held before the end of 2017. It would be better if we could do it earlier. The sooner the renegotiation commitment is fulfilled, the better the referendum will be held. [14]
On March 17, 2015, British Prime Minister Cameron said that if he won the election in May, it was "very unlikely" that he would advance the referendum on the UK's EU membership to 2015. Cameron promised to renegotiate the relationship between the UK and Europe, including immigration and other issues, and then hold a referendum before 2017, hoping to prevent rising suspicion of the EU, which led to some conservative party Voters switched to anti EU British Independence Party [15]
On May 28, 2015, it was reported that the British government House of Commons Submitted and published information about“ Brexit referendum ”And promised to hold a vote before the end of 2017.
The referendum officially started
The "Brexit" referendum was voted at 7:00 a.m. on June 23, 2016, UK local time( Beijing Time 3 p.m. on June 23). The voting will last for 15 hours, and the result of the referendum will directly affect whether Britain will stay in the EU in the future. [16]
The latest public opinion survey shows that the support rate of "staying in Europe" and "leaving Europe" is almost equal, and the suspense seems to be left until the last moment. In addition to increasing the uncertainty of the referendum itself, it also added a layer to the global market Uncertainty [17] The final vote count shows that 17176006 voters voted for Brexit, accounting for 52% of the total. 15952444 voters voted in favour of staying in Europe, accounting for 48% of the total. [18]
On June 26, 2016, due to dissatisfaction with the UK Brexit referendum As a result, the local people launched a joint signature petition, requesting British Parliament Reconsider the referendum Effectiveness , calling for a second referendum. [19]

Follow up to referendum

  • Referendum petition
On July 9, 2016, the British government officially rejected the petition of more than 4.125 million people to hold the second referendum on withdrawal from Europe. The British Foreign Office official said that both the Prime Minister and the government have made it clear that the results of the previous referendum must be respected. The government is preparing for the step of leaving Europe to ensure that the interests of the British people are best guaranteed.
On the day when the results of the British referendum were announced, someone launched a second referendum petition on the British Parliament website, and the number of signatures subsequently reached 4 million, the highest number of signatures on a British petition. According to the practice, if the number of signatures on the petition exceeds 100000, the British Parliament needs to consider discussing it. [20]
  • High Court ruling
On November 3, 2016, British High Court It ruled that the government needs to be approved by the parliament before formally starting the "Brexit" procedure. Previously, opponents, including businesswoman Gina Miller, accused the British government that it was illegal to start Brexit without going through the parliamentary voting process. [21]
  • Pass the bill
On the evening of February 1, 2017, The House of Commons Vote to pass the "Brexit" bill submitted by the government and authorize the Prime Minister Teresa May Start the "Brexit" procedure. UK will trigger before the end of March《 Lisbon Treaty 》Article 50: The "Brexit" negotiations are officially launched. William Hague Boris Johnson Said that this was a historic vote with an overwhelming majority Adoption of the Act Let the Brexit negotiations move forward. [22]
On February 1, 2017, after two days of debate, House of Commons Night of the 1st day Voting Support the "Brexit" bill submitted by the government and authorize the Prime Minister to start the "Brexit" process. [23]
  • Queen's approval
The Queen of England on March 16, 2017 Elizabeth II Approve the Brexit Act and authorize the British Prime Minister Teresa May The Brexit procedure was officially launched. [24]
  • Brexit negotiations
On March 20, 2017, the press spokesman of the British Prime Minister's Office announced that the United Kingdom decided to formally submit the application for Brexit to the EU on March 29, starting Lisbon Treaty Article 50 Start the Brexit negotiations. [25]
On March 29, 2017, British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a letter to the EU, officially opening the "Brexit" process. The British ambassador to the EU has submitted the letter of "Brexit" President of the European Council Tusk. [26]
On November 10, 2017, the two-day EU UK sixth round of "Brexit" negotiations took place in Brussels End, both parties have not agreed“ Break up fee ”、 Civil rights And the UK and Ireland Boundary, etc Core issues obtain Substantive progress. The EU has issued an "ultimatum" to the UK, requiring the UK to make a clear reply on the issue of "break-up fee" within two weeks, otherwise it cannot "unlock", including trade agreement The second stage of negotiations. Although the sixth round of "Brexit" negotiations ended fruitlessly, the two sides kept close contact behind the scenes and made some progress. [27]
On March 19, 2018, the EU and the UK reached a broad agreement on the terms of the two-year transition period after the UK seceded from the EU in March 2019. The agreement still needs to be signed by the EU chief negotiator for Brexit, Daniel Barnier, and the British Brexit Secretary Davis. In the widely reached agreement, the UK will Continue execution All EU rules, but not in future decisions discourse power [28]
  • Adopted by Parliament
On April 18, 2018, British House of Lords An amendment was passed to require the government to stay in Europe customs union Make efforts [29]
On April 23, 2018, the British House of Lords passed an amendment to the Act on Withdrawal from the European Union, requiring the UK to legal system Reserved in《 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights [29]
12 and 13 June 2018, British Parliament house of commons Just《 Exit from the EU Act 》Debate and discuss Upper House A series of proposed amendments were voted on. To the delight of Teresa May's government, the House of Commons of Parliament rejected a number of amendments detrimental to the government. [30]
On June 12, 2018, house of commons Passed by 324-302 against The House of Lords Amendment No. 110 to the EU Withdrawal Act [31]
On June 20, 2018, the British House of Lords voted to pass the Withdrawal from the European Union Act proposed by the government, establish the legal framework after the formal withdrawal from the European Union on March 29, 2019, and repeal the EU regulations in the British legal system Priority The bill will come into force only after the Queen signs it [32]
  • Queen's approval
On June 26, 2018, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom approved the most important Brexit Bill of British Prime Minister Theresa May, ending the months long debate around the bill. The bill will officially end Britain's EU membership. [4]
  • Establish a new free trade zone
At 6:52 p.m. on July 6, 2018, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced that the Cabinet had reached an agreement on the relationship between Britain and the EU after Brexit. Specifically, this achievement means that the British government cabinet members unanimously agree to establish a new“ free trade area ”And support the establishment of "Joint Customs territory ”。 [33]
  • Personnel leave
On July 9, 2018 bbc (BBC)、 Russia Today According to media reports, Davis, the Secretary of State for Brexit, has resigned. His office has confirmed this and his resignation will take effect immediately. On the same day, British Prime Minister Theresa May accepted Boris Johnson Resigns. [34-35]
July 10, 2018, UK ruling party Two other senior members of the Conservative Party submitted resignation The reason is that he disagrees with the political opinion of the party leader and British Prime Minister Theresa May. [36]
  • Release the Brexit White Paper
On July 12, 2018, the UK has released Brexit white paper Teresa May said that this will provide an opportunity for the Brexit process Principle And there is a practical direction. [5]
  • Difficult to pass
On July 16, 2018, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted 318 in favour and 285 against“( Cross-border Trade )Tax bill ", the general strategy of Britain's secession from the European Union proposed by British Prime Minister Theresa May, thus maintaining basic stability. [37]
  • Scheme dispute
Britain's largest opposition party the labor party And the Conservative Party, the ruling party, held annual meetings successively, and "Brexit" became the focus of controversy. In the context of the rejection of the "Brexit" plan proposed by British Prime Minister Theresa May by the European Union, the two major political parties in Britain did not propose a more attractive new plan for "Brexit". On the one hand, the "Brexit" plan proposed by Theresa May within the Conservative Party has been seriously split; On the other hand, the Labour Party seized on the dissatisfaction of Britain with the chaos of "Brexit" and planned to promote an early general election and a "second referendum" on "Brexit". In addition, Northern Ireland The border issue is also one of the sensitive issues on which the UK and the EU have differences. Less than 6 months after Britain officially left the EU point of time The form in which Britain will "leave Europe" has become a huge unknown. [38]
  • Debate over "Fuyuan"
On June 19, 2018, members of the House of Commons vetoed the amendment with 324 votes against and 298 votes for it. In another important vote, the members of the House of Commons rejected the amendment proposed by the House of Lords that "Britain will remain in the European Common Market after Brexit" with 327 votes against and 126 votes for. In addition, the members of the House of Commons vetoed the amendment proposed by the House of Lords to "remove the date of formal 'Brexit' from the bill on March 29, 2019" by a narrow margin of 326 against and 301 for. [39]
  • Prime Minister's Statement
On September 19, 2018, Teresa May published an article in the German media and wrote that the UK and the European Union are close to reaching an agreement on "Brexit". She hopes that the EU can show sincerity and determination like the UK, make concessions and avoid the emergence of the UK“ Brexit without agreement ”The situation. [40]
September 21, 2018, UK London , British Prime Minister Teresa May The "Brexit" statement was issued. [41]
  • Sign the Brexit Agreement
On the morning of November 25, 2018, leaders of 27 EU countries other than the UK Unanimously adopted The draft of the Brexit Agreement of the United Kingdom. Leaders of 27 member states gathered in Brussels for the summit. The topic of the summit was to vote on the draft Brexit agreement and finally adopt the agreement [6]
  • Millions of people petitioned for a second referendum
On December 3, 2018, supporters who called for the second Brexit referendum Downing Street The residence has submitted a document with more than 1 million signatures Petition Reported that these supporters include members of all major political parties in Britain. [42]
  • Brexit agreement reached
On November 20, 2018, the UK and the European Union reached a draft agreement on "Brexit", which agreed to set a transition period of 21 months after the UK officially "Brexit" until the end of 2020 [43] On December 10, Teresa May postponed the parliamentary vote on the draft Brexit Agreement, which was scheduled to be held on December 11, in order to avoid a possible catastrophic veto [44] On December 11, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted on the Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU [45] December 12, UK conservative party Announcing the launch of the Vote of no confidence [44]
  • The House of Commons of the British Parliament vetoed the "Brexit" agreement
On January 15, 2019, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted against the "Brexit" agreement reached between the British government and the EU. After five days of debate, the House of Commons of the British Parliament rejected the "Brexit" agreement with 432 votes against and 202 votes for it on the 15th. [46]
  • Debate and vote on the amendment to the "Brexit" agreement
On January 29, 2019, the British Parliament debated and voted on seven amendments to the "Brexit" agreement. according to bbc According to the report, two of the amendments were passed and the other five failed. Thereafter, British Prime Minister Theresa May will return to the EU and restart the negotiations on the "Brexit" agreement. [47]
  • The seesaw war of "leaving Europe"
On January 29, 2019, the British House of Commons reluctantly passed the Brexit Agreement Plan B, and Teresa May will take this plan to Brussels on February 7 to negotiate with the EU, and persuade EU leaders to accept the "backup arrangement" on the Irish border issue. On February 7, the second vote on the Brexit agreement scheduled for next week will be postponed to February 25 [48] On February 20, Teresa May went to the EU again for negotiations with her new proposal to try to resolve the dispute over the "backup arrangement" of the Brexit agreement [49] On February 24, on the way to Egypt Participation in the EU and arab league On the way to the summit, Teresa May told the media that the House of Commons of the British Parliament would not conduct a meaningful vote on "Brexit" before March 12, 2019. [50]
On March 12, 2019, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted on the "Brexit" agreement revised through consultation between the British government and the EU, and again rejected the "Brexit" agreement. [51] On the 13th of the same month, the House of Commons of the British Parliament will vote on whether to "leave Europe without agreement". If the vote is passed, the UK will "leave Europe without agreement" on March 29, 2019. If the "Brexit without agreement" was also rejected by the House of Commons on the 13th, the British Parliament will continue to vote on the 14th to decide whether to extend the "Brexit". On March 14, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted to support the British postponement“ Brexit ”。 But whether Britain's "Brexit" can be postponed depends on the attitude of other EU member states [52] On March 21, EU Summit A draft conclusion was reached on the deadline for Britain's "Brexit", agreeing to extend it to May 22, 2019, provided that the British Parliament approves the "Brexit" agreement this week [53] On March 25, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted to pass an amendment, seizing the parliamentary agenda of the day from the government Decision power [54] On March 27, the House of Commons of the British Parliament failed to find the "maximum common denominator" in the first round of the "indicative vote" on withdrawing from the European Union, and eight plans voted on that day were rejected [55] On March 27, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted to formally confirm the postponement of the "Brexit" scheduled for March 29. The deadline for "Brexit" has not yet been determined [56] On March 29, the British House of Commons rejected the "Brexit" agreement of British Prime Minister Theresa May for the third time with 344 votes to 286 votes [53]
On April 3, 2019, the British Parliament passed a bill to force Prime Minister Theresa May to seek an extension of Brexit so as to avoid Brexit without agreement on April 12 [57]
  • Request for postponement
On April 5, 2019, Teresa May sent a letter to the President of the European Council Donald Tusk And asked the European Union to postpone the deadline for Britain's "Brexit" to June 30, giving Britain more time to break the domestic political deadlock. [58] On April 10, after six hours of discussion, EU countries agreed to postpone the "Brexit" date to October 31 [59-60] On April 12, Faraci, the former leader of the British Independent Party, announced the establishment of Brexit Party [61]
On September 16, 2019, Johnson will tell Juncker that the UK is not prepared to postpone the deadline for Brexit on October 31. If he cannot reach an agreement with the EU at the EU summit, he will refuse any delay and lead Britain to leave the EU without an agreement as scheduled [62] On October 2, British Prime Minister Johnson Manchester At the annual meeting of the Conservative Party, he delivered a closing speech, announcing some details of the new "Brexit" plan. [63]
  • Reach a new Brexit agreement
On October 17, 2019, on the occasion of the upcoming EU Summit, European Commission President Juncker and British Prime Minister Johnson announced that the EU and the UK had reached a new agreement on Brexit. Juncker said on the social network that this is a fair and balanced agreement, and suggested that the EU Summit adopt this agreement [64] According to the new agreement, the controversial "backup arrangement" involving the border issue of Northern Ireland in the agreement between the former British Prime Minister Theresa May and the EU was deleted. Under the new agreement, Northern Ireland will be Britain Customs territory Northern Ireland will no longer stay in the EU after the "Brexit" of Britain Single market And customs union. However, in practice, Northern Ireland still needs to comply with EU regulations in terms of tariffs and quotas, and become the gateway to the EU customs area in practical sense. [2]
On October 19, 2019, the House of Commons of the British Parliament held its first Saturday meeting in 37 years. Tens of thousands of protesters Houses of Parliament Outside demonstration , waving EU Flag And called for the second "Brexit" referendum to be held to give the British people the chance to decide the fate of Britain again. The House of Commons of the Parliament approved the amendment submitted by the independent member Oliver Letwin with 322 votes in favor and 306 votes against, requiring the government to first complete the Legislative procedures Then submit the agreement itself to the parliament for voting. The new "Brexit" agreement originally scheduled to be voted by the lower house of parliament on the same day was not voted because of the adoption of the amendment. Previously, the Parliament had passed a bill proposed by Senator Hillary Ben, requiring the Prime Minister to either pass a new "Brexit" agreement in the Parliament on the 19th, or send a letter to the EU to apply for an extension of "Brexit". In essence, this will force Prime Minister Boris Johnson to write to the EU and seek to delay "Brexit" again. However, Johnson later said that he would not delay the "Brexit" negotiations with the EU even if there were legal requirements. [2]
On October 22, 2019, the UK will suspend the follow-up review three readings And other legislative procedures until the EU gives a reply to the UK's application for extension of "Brexit". [65] The House of Commons of the British Parliament voted against the legislation enacted by Prime Minister Johnson to promote the "Brexit" agreement to be passed in the British Parliament as soon as possible timetable [8]
  • "Brexit Day" Memorial Program
Thousands of supporters of quitting Europe witnessed the historical moment together in the Parliament Square in London
The UK is scheduled to officially secede from the European Union at 23:00 on January 31, 2020, that is, at 0:00 on February 1 in Brussels, where the headquarters of the European Union is located. The British government said on the 17th of this month that it would release commemorative coin Raise the national flag and count down to commemorate this special day.
The British government said that on the 31st 10 Downing Street A clock is projected on the black exterior wall of count down Cluster of British government offices White hall , the whole block will be lit as part of a light show; On the British Parliament Square, all flagpoles will be hung with meter shaped flags.
UK Treasury Will be released "Brexit" commemorative coin The words on the coin are "peace, prosperity and friendship with all countries". This coin will enter on the 31st Circulation channel The British government said that Prime Minister Boris Johnson "is expected to be one of the first people to receive the new coin that day".
In addition, the Cabinet will England A special meeting was held in a place in the north, but the venue was not disclosed. Johnson is scheduled to address the nation after the meeting that night. [66]

Brexit delay

On October 28, 2019, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, said that the European Union had agreed to extend the "Brexit" date to January 31, 2020. The UK originally planned to "leave the EU" on October 31, 2019, but Johnson was forced to send a letter to the EU seeking an extension of "leave the EU" because the Parliament had delayed voting on Prime Minister Johnson's "leave the EU" agreement. [67]
November 6, 2019, according to Reuters It is reported that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will officially announce that elections will be held on December 12, 2019, appeal to voters to support him, and promise to "complete Brexit in the next few weeks". [68]
November 12, 2019, Ireland finance minister Pascal Donohue Said that Britain's delay in leaving the European Union means that the economic growth expectation of neighboring Ireland in 2020 may be raised. [69]

Brexit result

On January 9, 2020, the British House of Commons passed the Brexit Act with 330 votes in favour and 231 votes against. [70]
On January 22, 2020, The Upper House of Parliament The passing of the relevant legislation of the "Brexit" agreement marks that the UK has completed all legal preparations before "Brexit". [71]
On January 23, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II signed and approved the relevant bills of the "Brexit" agreement previously passed by the British Parliament. [72]
On January 24, 2020, European Council President of the European Commission Sign the Brexit Agreement. [73]
On January 29, 2020, European parliament The plenary session adopted the Brexit agreement with 621 votes in favour, 49 votes in negative and 13 abstentions. [74]
On January 30, 2020, the EU officially approved the Brexit of the UK, which was before the UK left the EU on January 31 Internal procedures The last step of. [9]
On January 31, 2020, the UK officially "Brexit", ending its 47 year EU membership [75] Then the transition period lasted for 11 months. If no trade agreement is reached between Britain and Europe during the transition period, bilateral trade will return to World Trade Organization Re implement border inspection and tariff arrangements under the framework [76]

Post Brexit

On October 2, 2020, according to the news from No. 10 Downing Street, the President of the European Commission Von Delain The EU accused the UK of violating the "integrity" part of the exit agreement when they held talks with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the afternoon of October 3 (Saturday). [77]
On November 19, 2020, the EU's chief representative in charge of negotiations with the UK Michel Barnier stay Twitter It was said that a new round of Anglo European negotiations had to be interrupted because a member of the European negotiating team tested positive for COVID-19. [76]
On December 8, 2020, the EU and the UK issued a statement saying that they had reached "agreement in principle" on the implementation of the UK's "Brexit" agreement. According to this statement, the UK will withdraw《 Internal Market Act 》Dispute clause in. [78]
On January 11, 2024 local time, London Mayor Sadik Khan said that since the "Brexit", the size of the British economy has shrunk by 6%, equivalent to an annual loss of 140 billion pounds (about 1282.18 billion yuan). [98]

Future relationships

On December 24, 2020, after several rounds of intense negotiations, the EU and the UK reached an agreement on a series of cooperative relations, including trade, which cleared the way for the UK to end the transition period of "Brexit" in 2020 as originally planned. This agreement is applicable to European and British goods and service trade , British marine Fishing rights Make arrangements for distribution and cooperation between the two sides in transportation, energy, justice and other fields. [10]
This time, the EU and the UK have reached a fair and balanced agreement, which will ensure fair competition and ensure the interests of the EU. [10]

Reaction of all parties

  • Opinions differ in Britain
Cameron's comments on leaving the EU have caused dissatisfaction in the UK. The British Liberal Democratic Party, which is also part of the coalition government, has always been pro European, Deputy Prime Minister Clegg (Nick Clegg) has said that he does not agree with Brexit and believes that this will damage British economy
The opposition Labor Party also criticized him for putting investors' confidence in Britain and London's position as the world's financial center at risk.
Nigel Farage, leader of the Independent Party, once said that if there is no obvious winner in the general election as expected, the Independent Party will reach an agreement with Cameron to let him form a government. Cameron is accepting ITV Good Morning Britain TV interview poured cold water on this prospect. [15]
  • EU countries require unification
EU countries have also expressed their opinions on this.
The German Foreign Minister hopes that the UK can stay in the EU with a positive attitude, rather than choosing what is beneficial to it, and pick three and choose four from the agreements adopted by the EU. Europe needs to continue to strengthen integration, not division.
French government The spokesman also said that, President of France He hoped that Britain would stay in the EU, but he pointed out that as a member of the EU, it is necessary to fulfill its obligations as a member state. For all member states, solidarity is a must, otherwise there will be problems in the development of the EU.
On April 10, 2019, the EU held an emergency summit to discuss the extension of Brexit. After discussion, European leaders finally agreed to postpone Brexit. EU diplomacy People said that the leaders of the 27 EU countries agreed to extend Brexit until the end of October and are waiting for a reply from Britain. [79]
  • Stars send open letters to support their stay in Europe
"Volume Happiness" Benedict Cumberbatch , "Pirate Woman" Keira Knightley Jude Law And 282 British actors, writers and creative industry Celebrities in the UK on May 20, 2016《 the Daily Telegraph 》Publication open letter And appealed to the public to support the UK to stay in the EU in the Brexit referendum in June. In their letter, they said that Brexit would hit Britain's creative industries hard. [80]
  • Betrayed the "Brexit" pledge
On July 12, 2018, the British government announced a new "Brexit" plan, saying that the United Kingdom would propose to the European Union to set up after "Brexit"“ UK EU Free Trade Area for Goods ”。 British public opinion generally interprets it as "soft Brexit".
This new "Brexit" plan proposes that the UK will withdraw from the EU Customs Union and the European Common Market, and will therefore gain the flexibility to negotiate and sign trade agreements with other regions of the world. By the end of the transition period of "Brexit" in 2020, the personnel between the UK and the EU will be terminated free flow At the same time, it emphasized that "the depth of UK EU relations and the closeness of personnel exchanges will be considered" and relevant measures will be taken.
Secretary of State for Brexit Dominic Raab On the same day, he said that the new plan, entitled "The future relationship between Britain and the EU", not only respected the British people's choice in the "Brexit" referendum, but also planned a "principled and practical way of Brexit". This is a new detailed proposal aimed at establishing a principled, pragmatic and ambitious Partnerships This is based on our common history, but also for a better and promising future, to build a lasting, mutually beneficial bilateral relations
However, the "hard Brexit faction" in the UK who asked to withdraw from the EU Customs Union and the European Common Market criticized this plan as a betrayal of the "Brexit" pledge, believing that the establishment of the "UK EU Free Trade Area for Goods" and other measures will lead to the UK continuing to be restricted by the EU trade rules and unable to truly achieve "independence".
This plan was discussed in the cabinet before and was then the minister of "Brexit" affairs David Davis and foreign secretary Boris Johnson resigned because he was dissatisfied with the plan. The next plan will be delivered Parliamentary debate According to previous arrangements, the UK will formally withdraw from the EU on March 29, 2019. [81]
  • Trump's suggestion
On July 15, 2018, British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the President of the United States Donald Trump It is suggested that she sue the European Union as one of Britain's strategies to break away from this regional union. [82]
  • European Court of Justice
On December 10, 2018, European Court of Justice It ruled that the UK could unilaterally revoke its decision to withdraw from the EU without the consent of the other 27 member states of the EU. [7]

Autonomous rights protection


No more concessions

In February 2018, the British Prime Minister Teresa May's government was recently discussing Scotland Welsh and Northern Ireland regional autonomy Arrange consultation with the three governments and draft relevant proposals. The central government hinted on the 26th that China should reach an agreement on "Brexit", and the central government will not make more concessions to the three regions.
Minister of the Cabinet Office David Liddington The same day said that after "Brexit", the three autonomous governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will enjoy most of the powers that have been delegated to the EU for "return" National interests , national security domestic market entirety The British government will retain legislation control power
Liddington's statement caused dissatisfaction in Scotland and Wales. britain Scottish Government Michael Russell, EU negotiation minister, said: "No matter how much they whitewash it, the truth is that the British government is trying to use Brexit to control the delegated power."
The Welsh government said that the Welsh government and support Decentralization The Welsh people cannot accept the central government's Draft law [83]

Maintain the status quo

In February 2018, the Scottish government and the Welsh government said on the 27th that they would submit "continuity bills" to their respective parliaments to prepare for the maintenance of autonomy. Russell said to the Scottish local council on the same day that the purpose of the "continuation bill" is to ensure that Scotland maintains its existing autonomy after "Brexit", "give the government and parliament corresponding powers, and ensure that the EU Law Continuously effective ".
A spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May said on the 27th that she would continue to talk with local governments to discuss arrangements after Brexit. Mei's government needs to reach an agreement with the local governments of Scotland and Wales before the summer so that the Brexit Act can be passed by the British Parliament as scheduled.
The British Parliament delegated some legislative powers to the local councils in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; The three governments enjoy a certain degree of autonomy. Reuters said that the British Parliament must first obtain the consent of local councils when legislating in the areas of decentralization, including education, medical care, agriculture and fisheries. When Britain was a member of the European Union, the agriculture Fisheries policy Regulated by the European Union.
According to Reuters, the local councils of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have no relevant laws on "Brexit" veto power It is difficult to judge the legal effect of the "continuity proposal"; However, ignoring the local will may make the relationship between the central and local governments more tense, especially worrying about stimulating the national sentiment of Scots, which will increase the risk of the already difficult "Brexit" process.
Scotland held a referendum on "Scotland's independence from the UK" in 2014, and finally supported "staying in the UK" with 10 Percentage point Advantage wins. In the 2016 "Brexit" referendum, more than 60% of voters in Scotland, which is deeply dependent on the EU in economy, chose to "stay in Europe". [83]

Brexit Minister

Successive ministers of Brexit
full name
term of office
reference material
To July 2018
July 2018 to November 2018
November 2018 to present

Brexit impact

  • Short term benefits
Britain's withdrawal from the EU will undoubtedly benefit Britain in the short term. [87]
The UK can immediately save the 8 billion pounds that it has to pay to EU finance every year. Those who support the UK's secession from the EU said that 90% of the UK economy has nothing to do with trade with the EU, but is still constrained by EU regulations. Getting rid of the EU will exempt many UK SMEs from the EU Rules and regulations The employment opportunities may increase as a result of the restrictions.
  • Long term impact
Without EU membership, the UK cannot rely on the EU to play an important role in European and world affairs international status And influence will be greatly reduced.
In terms of trade, Britain and Europe have always been interdependent, half of them Trade volume They all come from other European countries. Leaving the EU may affect the trade relations between Britain and Europe London International Financial Center And capital haven If a large amount of investment withdraws from the UK, the economic outlook may further deteriorate. UK Domestic business leader , including Britain's richest man Virgin Group President Richard Branson has warned that Britain's attempt to renegotiate the relationship with the EU may constitute an uncertain prospect and harm the interests of the business community.
In addition, lost in Brussels Berlin With the influence of Paris, Britain will be more ignored by Washington and marginalized in many transnational affairs such as environment, security and trade. The United States and other allies want Britain to stay within the EU. Once it leaves the EU, Britain will probably become an isolated country.
The economic and trade relations between China and the United Kingdom will also be affected. [87-88]
  • China's position
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on June 23, 2016 Hua Chunying The response said that we are concerned about the upcoming referendum on British European relations in the UK and respect britain People's choice. China has always supported Europe integration process And would like to see a united, strong and stable EU play an important role in international affairs. China attaches importance to its relations with the UK and is willing to continue mutually beneficial cooperation with the UK in various fields. [89]
  • social influence
On July 18, 2017, the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission released《 Chinese Language Life Report (2017) 》, Brexit referendum Selected as one of the top ten comprehensive enterprises in 2016 Catchwords [90]

Commemoration of Brexit


Commemorative activities

On January 31, 2020, project a clock on the black exterior wall of Shouxiangfu (No. 10 Downing Street) for countdown; Whitehall, a cluster of British government offices, will be lit up throughout the block; On the British Parliament Square, all flagpoles will be hung with meter shaped flags. [95] At 23:00, Big Ben chimed in London, England, to commemorate this historic moment. [96-97]

Commemorative currency

The British Ministry of Finance has issued a commemorative coin of "Brexit", on which the words "Peace, prosperity and friendship with all countries" are printed. On January 31, 2020, the commemorative coin of Brexit officially began to circulate. [95]

Adoption of the Brexit Act

The "Central News Agency" reported that the British House of Commons passed the Brexit Act on January 9, 2020 by 330 votes in favour and 231 against, with as many as 99 votes. The bill will be sent to the House of Lords next week, completing the next legislative process, and is determined to "break up" with the EU on January 31. It is reported that the Brexit Act covers the "divorce fees" Citizenship Northern Ireland Customs Agreement, and the next 11 months of transition period.
At the end of 2019, the House of Commons passed the second reading of Prime Minister Johnson's Brexit Act by 358 votes to 234, and the third reading was easily passed on the 9th. All 330 votes in favour came from the Conservative Party. According to the report, the same as the last vote, because the Conservative Party has a great advantage, the vote is roughly "reduced to a form".
After Brexit, the UK will enter the transition period, and start negotiations on trade agreements with the EU, and the transition period will end on December 31, 2019. However, if the trade agreement is not completed before the end of the transition period and the UK does not extend the transition period, the UK may once again fall into the same situation as Brexit without an agreement. [91]

Social commentary

Supporters believe that Britain can achieve a "friendly divorce" with the EU through negotiations, but still maintain trade ties with EU countries. Many people who support Britain's secession from the European Union admire it very much Norway and Switzerland Model, namely, with the EU bilateral trade Agreement, but not become European Economic Area The two countries can enter the EU's unified market, but they are not subject to the EU's Legal constraints
European media believe that France and Germany, the major EU countries, will not tolerate Britain's "picky" attitude towards EU treaties. Germany and France have warned that Britain cannot expect to "pick its own rules" in the EU with 27 member states. It is impossible for the EU to allow Britain to leave the EU Norway and Switzerland That kind of economic and trade preference.
Some analysts believe that if the UK and the EU split up in this regard, the interests of both sides will be damaged. For the sake of interests, "Brexit" is really difficult to achieve. In terms of economy and trade, the two sides are highly interdependent. Once Britain withdraws from the EU, not only Britain will suffer, but other EU member states will also suffer transaction cost The rising huge losses. Politically, Britain is Permanent members of the Security Council First, it also plays an important role in other international organizations and institutions. The EU has much to learn from it. If the EU really has the ambition to become the world's top pole, Britain will be indispensable in international affairs. Similarly, once the EU can extricate itself from the current crisis, it will still be able to maintain its role for a considerable period of time Second in the world large Economies And the largest developed country The position of the Group is also a huge resource that can be used by the UK. [12] [92]

Literary and artistic works

Release time
Brexit: The Movie
2016-05-11 (UK) [93]
Brexit: The Uncivil War
2019-01-07 (UK)/2019-01-19 (US) [94]